FISH report: signal for 7q11 is labeled in green and 7q22 region is labeled in red. Fluorescent in situ hybridization was performed using cytocell Williams-Beuren region probe. The Williams-Beuren region probe is optimized to detect copy numbers of the ELN gene region at 7q11.2. The 7q22 region-specific DNA probe at 7q22 is included as control probe, where the signal for 7q11 is labeled in green and 7q22 region is labeled in red. The patient was found to have two chromosomes 7, one of which showed no signals corresponding to the test probes diagnostic Williams syndrome. Conclusion: 46.XX, ish del (7q11.2) (ELN X1) (7q22 X2) ELN deletion compatible with Williams' syndrome.

FISH report: signal for 7q11 is labeled in green and 7q22 region is labeled in red. Fluorescent in situ hybridization was performed using cytocell Williams-Beuren region probe. The Williams-Beuren region probe is optimized to detect copy numbers of the ELN gene region at 7q11.2. The 7q22 region-specific DNA probe at 7q22 is included as control probe, where the signal for 7q11 is labeled in green and 7q22 region is labeled in red. The patient was found to have two chromosomes 7, one of which showed no signals corresponding to the test probes diagnostic Williams syndrome. Conclusion: 46.XX, ish del (7q11.2) (ELN X1) (7q22 X2) ELN deletion compatible with Williams' syndrome.

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Williams-Beuren syndrome is a rare familial multisystem disorder occurring in 1 per 20,000 live births. It is characterized by congenital heart defects (CHD), skeletal and renal anomalies, cognitive disorder, social personality disorder and dysmorphic facies. We present a case of Williams syndrome that presented to us with heart murmur and cognitiv...

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... Studies have reported that the IQ of these patients' range between 40 and 90 [5]. The vast majority of WS cases diagnosed on clinical basis have demonstrated deletion of chromosomes 7q11.23 that has been detected by FISH (fluorescent in situ hybridization) [6]. Gene mapping has been capable of detecting various elastin mutations that have been attributed to cardiovascular manifestations of WS as isolated supravalvular aortic stenosis [7]. ...
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Background Williams syndrome (WS) (also known Williams-Beuren Syndrome) is a neurodevelopmental disorder caused by deletion of chromosomes 7q11.23. WS phenotype is very variable but usually it is associated with a distinctive pattern of cognitive abilities. Case presentation 9-year-old female patient known case of developmental delay and precocious puberty presented to the emergency department with altered level of consciousness, elevated blood pressure of 230/160 with a provisional diagnosis of hypertensive encephalopathy. Conclusions In our patient, the strongest indications for establishing the diagnosis included the classic elfin face and multisystemic involvement. Later on genetic analysis confirmed our diagnosis.
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... Zaburzenia w liczbie oraz strukturze chromosomów stanowią jedną z przyczyn występowania zaburzeń rozwojowych, takich jak opóźniony rozwój intelektualny i psychomotoryczny, dysmorfia, wady rozwojowe. Do najczęściej wymienianych objawów ZW zalicza się specyficzny wygląd, niepełnosprawność intelektualną oraz problemy zdrowotne: a) kardiologiczne (zmiany w układzie sercowo-naczyniowym), b) neurologiczne, c) gastroenterologiczne, d) otolaryngologiczne, e) endokrynologiczne, f) urologiczne, g) stomatologiczne (Kowalska 2013;Brock 2007;Zamani 2012). Wśród cech wyglądu wymienia się charakterystyczne rysy twarzy oraz budowę ciała. ...
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Zespół Williamsa (ZW) jest genetycznie uwarunkowanym zaburzeniem rozwojowym pojawiającym się raz na 20 000–75 000 żywych urodzeń. Do najczęściej wymienianych objawów ZW zalicza się specyficzny wygląd, niepełnosprawność intelektualną oraz problemy zdrowotne. U pacjentów z ZW rozwój mowy jest opóźniony o średnio dwa lata. U znacznej większości dzieci stwierdza się również występowanie niepełnosprawności intelektualnej. Celem pracy jest przedstawienie studium przypadku dziecka 3-letniego z zespołem Williamsa. Opisano przebieg badania logopedycznego oraz przykładowy plan terapii zaburzeń mowy. Prawidłowo prowadzona terapia pozwala na przygotowanie pacjentów do dorosłego, samodzielnego życia (z NI w stopniu lekkim).
... Williams-Beuren Syndrome (WBS) is a rare familial multisystem disorder that occurs in 1/20,000 live births. [1] It is described officially in 1961 by Williams, Barrot-Boyes and Lowe. It affects male and female equally and can occur in all ethnic groups. ...
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Williams-Beuren Syndrome (WBS) is a rare, most often sporadic, genetic disease caused by a chromosomal microdeletion at locus 7q11.23 involving 28 genes. It is characterized by congenital heart defects, neonatal hypercalcemia, skeletal and renal abnormalities, cognitive disorder, social personality disorder, and dysmorphic facies. A number of clinical findings has been reported, but none of the studies evaluated this syndrome considering oral cavity. We here report a fissured and geographic tongue in association with WBS.