F-test results Model Summary (interest learning)

F-test results Model Summary (interest learning)

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The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the Card Sort type as the active learning strategy on the interests and responses of class IV students at an elementary school in Wonoayu, Sidoarjo. It was analyzed on the social studies subject matter which aimed to find out how the influence of the Card Sort type active learning strategy on...


... Kekurangan dari penggunaan PhET untuk metode card sort adalah belum dapat membentuk gambaran bayangan jika benda berada di ruang pusat lensa dan titik fokus lensa. Selanjutnya, Novitasari & Rezania (2022) berpendapat Card Sort type as an active learning strategy affects student interest and responses to social studies learning. Penggunaan card sort dalam proses pembelajaran memiliki beberapa keunggulan diantaranya guru mudah menguasai kelas, mudah dilaksanakan, mudah mengorganisir kelas, dapat diikuti oleh siswa yang jumlahnya banyak, mudah menyiapkannya dan guru mudah menerangkannya dengan baik. ...
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This research aims to determine the effect of using card sort type active learning on Biology learning outcomes for class X SMA N 1 Palembayan students. This type of research uses a quassy experiment. The population in this study was 60 students. Sampling was carried out using a purposive sampling technique so that class X.1 was obtained as the experimental class and X.2 as the control class. The research instrument is an objective test consisting of 35 questions. The research results show that the data processing of the final test results is calculated using the t-test with the test criteria of accepting Ho if tcount ttable. From data analysis, it is obtained that tcount= 2.07 and ttable for the 1-α probability is 1.68, because tcount > ttable. In conclusion, there is a significant positive influence from the use of card sort type active learning on Biology learning outcomes for class X SMA N 1 Palembayan students. Keywords: Biology Learning Results, Use of Card Sort Type Active Learning