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Eyelid squamous papilloma (HE stain, ob. 10×). 

Eyelid squamous papilloma (HE stain, ob. 10×). 

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The work assessment is to analyze eyelid tumors diagnosed in the last years in our hospital. We found 471 tumoral and pseudotumoral cases, in which malignant tumors predominated, with 255 cases. The most affected age range was the sixth decade and the majority of tumors were located to lower eyelid. The histopathological study allowed us to establi...

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Sebaceous gland carcinomas are rare malignancies of the eyelid which offer significant challenge for the diagnosis and treatment. They are frequently misdiagnosed in view of their rarity as well as resemblance to common benign pathologies like chalazion. Surgical resection remains the mainstay of treatment. These are highly aggressive histologies w...


... SCC is the next most common (7-16.3%), and SGC is less common (0-3%) (10,(13)(14)(15)(16)(17)(18)(19). Although there are no clear statistics on incidence rates of eyelid cancer in Japan, a review of studies from multiple centers from 1976 to 2004 (n = 774) reported 39.5% for BCC, 27.0% for SGC and 21.8% for SCC (20). ...
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Eyelid squamous cell carcinoma is a major type of rare eyelid cancer, together with basal cell carcinoma and sebaceous gland carcinoma. It is a painless disease that progresses slowly and is often detected by the appearance of nodules or plaques. Risk factors include exposure to ultraviolet light, fair skin, radiation and human papillomavirus infection. The standard treatment is surgical removal, and in cases of orbital invasion, orbital content removal is required. If sentinel node biopsy reveals a high risk of lymph node metastasis, adjuvant radiotherapy may be considered. Local chemotherapy, such as imiquimod and 5-fluorouracil, may be used for eyelid squamous cell carcinoma in situ. When surgery or radiotherapy is not recommended for distant metastases or locally advanced disease, drug therapy is often according to head and neck squamous cell carcinoma in Japan. The treatment often requires a multidisciplinary team to ensure the preservation of function and cosmetic appearance.
... Primary malignant tumors of the eyelids (PMTE) account for approximately 5% to 10% of all malignant skin tumors, 15% of face's malignancies and 20% of all palpebral tumors [1]. Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) is the most common eyelid malignancy followed by sebaceous gland carcinoma (SGC), squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), and malignant melanoma (MM) [2]. In a clinical review by Wang CJ [3], BCC and SGC comprised 46.7% and 29.3% of eyelid malignancies, respectively. ...
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Purpose: We report our experience in surgical management of primary malignant tumors of the eyelids. We have specified the various surgical techniques used, as well as functional and anatomical results. Patients and methods: A review of patients admitted for malignant tumor of the eyelids in the oculoplastic department of the Hedi Raies Institute of Ophthalmology from January 2012 to December 2021. Results: One hundred and twenty-three patients with malignant eyelid tumors were hospitalized. Surgical treatment involved 114 tumor lesions, which represents 95% of the cases. One hundred and eleven lesions (97.4%) had been operated by simple tumor resection. Safety margins were, respectively, 4 mm in 63.2% and from 5 to 6 mm in 34.2%. Extemporaneous histological examination was performed in three cases (2.6%). Reconstruction involved the anterior lamella (AL) in 92 cases (80.7%), the posterior lamella (PL) in 66 cases (57.9%), the medial canthus in 18 cases (15, 8%), and lateral canthus in 4 cases (3.5%). The excision was oncological in 85 cases (74.6%) and incomplete in 19 cases (16.7%). Tumor recurrence occurred in seven cases (6.1%), after an average delay of 36 months. Conclusion: The anatomical and functional features of the eyelids require a good reconstruction of the transfixion eyelid defect. Many reconstruction methods are available, allowing extensive and complex palpebral repairs. Oncologic prognosis is conditioned by the surgical quality.
... Aynı zamanda klinik görünümleri açısından vücudun diğer bölgelerindeki tümörlerden farklılık gösterebilir ve histolojik tanı almaları da zor olabilmektedir (4). Göz hastalıkları polikliniklerinde en sık karşılaşılan kitle lezyonları göz kapağı tümörleridir (5,6). Çeşitli çalışmalarda göz kapağı malign tümörlerinin tüm kapak tümörlerinin %16,5-58' ini oluşturduğu gösterilmiştir (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7). ...
... Göz hastalıkları polikliniklerinde en sık karşılaşılan kitle lezyonları göz kapağı tümörleridir (5,6). Çeşitli çalışmalarda göz kapağı malign tümörlerinin tüm kapak tümörlerinin %16,5-58' ini oluşturduğu gösterilmiştir (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7). Çalışmamızda malign göz kapağı tümörlerinin klinik ve histopatolojik özelliklerini bölgemiz açısından değerlendirmeyi hedefledik. ...
Amaç:Kötü huylu göz kapağı tümörlerinin klinik ve histopatolojik özelliklerini bölgemiz açısından değerlendirmek. Materyal ve metod: Ocak 2018- Eylül 2021 tarihleri arasında kliniğimizde kötü huylu kapak tümörü tanısı konulan ve takibe alınan 120 olgunun dosyaları retrospektif olarak değerlendirildi. Hastaların dosyalarından demografik ve klinik özellikleri, klinik ve histopatolojik tanıları, cerrahi yapılan olgularda yöntem ve takip sonuçları kaydedildi. Cerrahi yapılan tüm hastalara eksizyonel biyopsi uygulandı. Bulgular: Çalışmaya 120 olgu dahil edildi.Hastaların 54’ü(%45) erkek, 66’sı (%55) kadın cinsiyetteydi.Hastaların yaş ortalamaları 62,5 (35-80) yıl idi.Ortalama takip süresi tüm olgular için 20,4 ay (3-36 ay) olarak saptandı. Göz kapağı kötü huylu kitlelerinin %80’inde (n=96) klinik ön tanı ile histopatolojik inceleme sonuçları uyumlu bulundu.24 olguda (%20) ameliyat öncesi klinik ön tanı ile postoperatif histopatolojik tanı farklılık gösterdi. Tüm olgularımız içinde nüks oranı %3 olarak bulundu.Nüks oranları BHK grubunda %2 ve YHK grubunda ise %5 olarak tespit edildi.Tümörlerin yerleşimine bakıldığında 80 hastada sol,40 hastada sağ göz kapağı tutulumu vardı. Sonuç: Göz kapaklarının malign tümörlerinde cerrahi eksizyon ile birlikte histopatolojik inceleme yapılması aynı anda hem tanı koydurması hem de tedavi sağlaması nedeniyle en güvenilir seçenektir Kötü huylu kapak tümöründen şüphelenildiğinde, hastalar oküler onkoloji tecrübesi olan bir oküloplastik cerraha yönlendirilmelidir.
... Em se tratando apenas de tumores benignos, o papiloma escamoso é o tumor mais comum na população estudada, com 54 casos (19%), corroborando a literatura. (14,15) Em segundo lugar, o hidrocistoma apócrino apresenta 38 casos (13,4%), sendo mais frequente que o demonstrado na literatura. (5,14,15) Após, o nevus melanocítico apresenta 37 casos (13%), sendo 29 intradérmicos e oito compostos, sendo menos comum que apontado pela literatura. ...
... (14,15) Em segundo lugar, o hidrocistoma apócrino apresenta 38 casos (13,4%), sendo mais frequente que o demonstrado na literatura. (5,14,15) Após, o nevus melanocítico apresenta 37 casos (13%), sendo 29 intradérmicos e oito compostos, sendo menos comum que apontado pela literatura. (5,15) O quarto tumor mais comum foi o calázio, com 32 casos (11,3%), similar aos números já reportados. ...
... (5,15) O quarto tumor mais comum foi o calázio, com 32 casos (11,3%), similar aos números já reportados. (4,12) A ceratose seborreica, lesão frequentemente encontrada em outros trabalhos, (3,5,14) foi menos frequente nessa população, sendo diagnosticada em 18 casos (6,3%). ...
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RESUMO Objetivo: Traçar um perfil epidemiológico dos pacientes acometidos por tumores palpebrais, além de comparar o índice de acerto do diagnóstico clínico de tumores palpebrais ao exame histopatológico padrão-ouro. Métodos: Estudo retrospectivo com análise de prontuários de pacientes, no período entre 2015 e 2019, submetidos à biópsia excisional das lesões como forma de tratamento definitivo, com consequente classificação histopatológica da peça cirúrgica. Foram analisados idade e sexo dos pacientes, além de localização, diagnóstico clínico e classificação histopatológica dos tumores. Resultados: Foram verificados 273 prontuários, totalizando 331 tumores palpebrais. O índice de acerto do diagnóstico clínico, comparado ao laudo anatomopatológico, foi de 88,2%. Dos tumores encontrados, 284 (85,8%) eram benignos; dentre os malignos, o mais prevalente foi o carcinoma basocelular (80,6%), seguido pelo espinocelular (8,5%) e o sebáceo (6,4%); dentre os benignos, o mais prevalente foi o papiloma (19,7%), seguido pelo nevus (13,7%) e pelo hidrocistoma (13,4%). A idade média dos pacientes foi de 49,5±20,1 anos, com prevalência feminina de 56,4% (n=155). Dos pacientes, 42 (15,3%) apresentaram tumores com malignidade, sendo 23 (54,8%) mulheres. Os tumores acometeram 178 pálpebras inferiores e 125 superiores, 22 cantos mediais e seis laterais. O lado mais acometido foi o direito, com 169 tumores; 162 foram no lado esquerdo, e 19 pacientes tiveram acometimento bilateral. Conclusão: O exame histopatológico é uma ferramenta essencial no diagnóstico definitivo e no acompanhamento do paciente com tumor palpebral, o qual, em geral, mostra predomínio benigno, assim como preferência por idade próxima e/ou superior a 50 anos, sexo feminino, lado direito e pálpebra inferior. Esses fatos devem ser levados em consideração durante a consulta oftalmológica, devido à probabilidade de malignidade de tumores palpebrais. O melhor tratamento continua sendo a excisão cirúrgica total com margens livres da lesão.
... [6,9,12,14,25] Studies from other parts of the world have reported BCC as the most common malignant eyelid lesion. [7,10,13,15] Our study reinforced the established fact of female preponderance in SGC. [22] Eyelid malignancy in the pediatric age group is rare. ...
... [8] However, few studies have shown upper lid preponderance for benign lesions, while the lower lid was the more common site for malignant neoplastic lesions except SGC. [6,9,10] Benign eyelid lesion was commonly observed in the middle-aged population (~40 years), and it corroborated with the results of other published studies. According to the present study, chalazion was the most common benign lesion in all the age groups. ...
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Purpose: : To study the epidemiological pattern and diagnostic accuracy of histopathologically proven eyelid lesions over a period of two decades. Methods: : A retrospective study of all histopathologically proven eyelid lesions from April 1996 to March 2016 was conducted. The lesions were broadly categorized as benign or malignant. Inflammatory and infectious lesions were included under the benign category. The percentage and diagnostic accuracy of each lesion was calculated. Results: : There were a total of 994 (M = 551, F = 443) cases. The mean age of the patients was 43.5 ± 19.9 years. There were 809 (81.4%) benign and 185 (18.6%) malignant lesions. Benign lesions were commonly seen in the fourth decade, while the malignant ones in the late fifth decade. The upper lid was the most common site in both groups (n = 481, 48.4%). The commonest benign lesion was chalazion (n = 484, 59.8%). Dermal nevus (n = 94, 11.6%) was the most common benign neoplasm, while Molluscum contagiosum (n = 25, 3.09%) was the most common infectious lesion. Sebaceous gland carcinoma (SGC) (n = 103, 55.7%) was the leading malignant lesion followed by basal cell carcinoma (n = 39, 21.1%). Eleven malignant cases were misdiagnosed as benign (5.9%). Chalazion (99.1%) and SGC (65%) had the highest diagnostic accuracy, while Molluscum (40%) and squamous cell carcinoma (40%) were the most misdiagnosed lesions in the respective groups. Conclusion: : Benign eyelid lesions are far more common than malignant ones. Atypical and rare presentations may lead to misdiagnosis. Knowledge of epidemiological patterns and clinical features can help in achieving higher diagnostic accuracy.
... In our study, this ratio was found to be 77.9%, which is relatively lower compared to other studies that had larger sample sizes (4,8). Alongside the differences in genetic and environmental factors, the difference in results could be attributed to cases that were pre-diagnosed with a malignant lesion who were then referred to a tertiary health care facility. ...
... According to the literature, eyelid tumors are prone to be located on the lower eyelid followed by the upper eyelid, medial, and lateral epicanthus (8). Furthermore, it was indicated that the benign lesions are located more on the upper eyelid whereas malignant lesions are located more on the lower eyelid (4,7,8). ...
... According to the literature, eyelid tumors are prone to be located on the lower eyelid followed by the upper eyelid, medial, and lateral epicanthus (8). Furthermore, it was indicated that the benign lesions are located more on the upper eyelid whereas malignant lesions are located more on the lower eyelid (4,7,8). Our results were in line with the current literature. ...
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Aims: To clinically and histopathologically examine eyelid lesions and evaluate the consistency of clinical examination by comparing the provisional diagnoses of patients with their postoperative histopathology results. Methods: In this study, the records of 408 patients who applied to Trakya University, Department of Ophthalmology with an eyelid mass and underwent surgery between January 2000 to November 2019 were retrospectively analyzed. Patients’ data comprised age, gender, location of the mass, lesion distribution according to age and gender, provisional clinical diagnosis of the patients, and histopathological reports. Results: Out of 408 patients, 220 (54%) were female, and 188 (46%) were male. The mean age of the patients was 46.9 ± 20.17 years (range; 5-90 years). In the histopathological examination of the lesions, 318 (77.9%) of them were benign, and 90 (22.1%) of them were malignant. The most common benign lesion was chalazion [112 (35.2%)], while the most common malignant lesion was basal cell carcinoma [71 (78.9%)]. The clinical pre-diagnosis and histopathological di-agnosis were found to be compatible in 81 (90%) patients with a malignant lesion. There was a statistically significant difference in age between malignant and benign lesions, where malignant lesions were found more in older patients. The histopathological examination ended up being malignant in 2.2% of the lesions with a benign provisional diagnosis. Conclusion: In conclusion, even though most common eyelid lesions in our study were found to be benign, some lesions diagnosed as benign in clinic were found to be malignant after histopathological examination. Hence all excisions should be evaluated histopathologically to achieve a better clinical outcome in all patients with an eyelid lesion. Keywords: Eyelid, lesion, basal cell carcinoma, chalazion
... 8,29,32 The most preferential location of the benign lesion was the upper eyelid in our study, consistent with other studies. 19,21,27 Whereas, Kerstan et al 6 have reported a fairly even distribution between upper and lower eyelid lesion. ...
... It occurred predominantly above >60 years of age in concordance with previous studies. 6,8,22,27,32 The comparison of the frequency of common malignant lesions reported in various countries is presented in Table 7. BCC was the most common malignant lesion (50%) and it accounted for 8.3% of all eyelid lesions with an increased frequency above 60 years showing a mean age of 66.1 years in the present study. Cook and Bartley 18 have reported the higher incidence of BCC in individuals older than 70 years which he explained to be associated with cumulative solar exposure that increases with age. ...
... In contrast, Western countries have a higher incidence constituting 70 to 90% of malignant tumours. 6,7,11,27 The higher incidence in the Western and American populations has been attributed to the geographic altitude and difference in the skin type. Lin et al 33 suggested that increased incidence of BCC in fair-skinned Caucasian is due to their skin type I and II according to Fitzpatrick's classification and comparatively low in Asian population which belong to skin type III and IV. ...
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Background: Eyelid pathologies are the most common surgical specimens encountered among all of the ophthalmic lesions and constitute a wide range of diseases by their unique histologic features. This study aims to find out the histopathological spectrum of eyelid lesions, their demographic distribution, and preferential location prevalent in our community.Materials and Methods: This is an observational study in which we retrospectively evaluated the data of 692 patients retrieved from the histopathology department of National Reference Laboratory, Kathmandu, from May 2016 to April 2019.Results: A total of 701 histologic diagnoses comprised of benign, precursor, and malignant lesions and accounted for 86.6%, 2.6%, and 10.8% respectively with preponderance in females. The common benign lesions included melanocytic nevus (17.7%), epidermal cyst (11%), hemangioma (8.9%), dermoid cyst (8.2%), chalazion (6.7%), and squamous papilloma (6.4%). Tumour of epidermal origin was the most common neoplastic lesion accounting for 31.2%. Basal cell carcinoma (50%) followed by sebaceous carcinoma (27.6%) and squamous cell carcinoma (14.5%) constituted the majority of malignant lesions prevalent above the age of 60 years with the preferential site of the upper eyelid for basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma; and lower eyelid for sebaceous carcinoma.Conclusions: Benign eyelid lesions are more prevalent than malignant ones with overall female preponderance. Epidermal tumours are common among neoplasms. A malignant tumour, a disease of an elderly individual, is predominated by basal cell carcinoma followed by sebaceous carcinoma, an aggressive tumour with a high recurrence rate in our population.
... Melanocytic nevus was the most common benign lesion, similar to few other studies (5,6,9). However, Coroi MC et al. (10) and Gupta P et al. (11) observed squamous papilloma and sebaceous cyst to be more common respectively ( Table 2). Epidermal inclusion cysts and sebaceous cysts were common cystic lesions with male predominance observed in our study as well as by Bagheri A et al. (5). ...
... All cases of SGC were females, mean age at presentation being 57.8 years, similar to Kaliki S et al. (7) The results of two hospital based studies in Nagpur (19,20) showed BCC to be most common eyelid malignancy. Many studies in America and Europe have found BCC to be very common (10,15,22,23). ...
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Eyelids are complex structures that protect the anterior surface of the globe. Eyelid lesions range from benign, self limiting conditions to malignant, possibly metastatic tumors. Aim To assess the histomorphology of various eyelid lesions, determine their frequency, age and sex distribution in our study population and compare them with the other studies. Materials and Methods This is a retrospective study involving 122 patients of either sex presenting with lesions involving the eyelid, reporting to a tertiary care hospital in Karnataka. Results We came across 67.72% neoplastic, 28.34% inflammatory/ infectious, and 3.94% miscellaneous lesions. There was a slight female predominance with a male to female ratio of 1:1.18. The mean age at presentation was 43.7 years, range being 1-90 years. Majority were in their 3rd and 4th decades. Among the neoplastic lesions, 90.7% were benign. The most common benign, malignant and inflammatory lesions were nevus, sebaceous carcinoma and chalazion respectively. Uncommon stromal lesions, such a s fibrous histiocytoma and a rare variant of basal cell carcinoma with sebaceous differentiation were encountered. Conclusion The frequency of eyelid lesions depends upon age group, source institution, racial and geographic factors. Histopathology remains the mainstay for diagnosis. In addition to determining the malignant potential of a lesion, it reveals its exact nature and structure, thereby influencing management and prognosis.
... Squamous papilloma is most common of such lesions, followed by seborrheic keratosis, other forms of keratoses, acanthomas, and pseudoepitheliomatous hyperplasia. [6,25] Regardless of the cytotechnique applied, all these lesions yield a variable amount of keratinized and mature squames in general. Therefore, cytopathologists frequently fail to impose their definite diagnosis. ...
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Context: Eyelids by virtue of its unique histomorphology give rise to multitudes of different pathological conditions. Appropriate preoperative cytological diagnoses of these cases are necessary to determine their optimal therapy. Aims: The aims of this study were to evaluate the utility of various cytological techniques in diagnosing the definite pathology for palpebral lesions and thereby to highlight the drawbacks associated with cytology in this context. Materials and methods: Fine-needle cytology with or without applying the aspiration was the preferable method. Ulcerated lesions were sampled through scrapings. Results: Totally 62 cases were examined. Cytologically, 22 lesions were diagnosed as nonneoplastic, 38 lesions were neoplastic, and nondiagnostic material was obtained twice. Malignant tumors predominated among the neoplastic cases. Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) was the most common malignancy observed. On histopathological corroboration, benign skin adnexal tumor was found to be the most frequently misinterpreted entity. Two (out of four cases) of those tumors were confirmed as melanocytic nevus and BCC. A single case of squamous cell carcinoma was also cytodiagnostically erred into sebaceous carcinoma. Conclusions: Cytologically palpebral pathologies, including the neoplastic ones, are at times vulnerable to misinterpretation. To avert such dilemma, it is better to readily excise any recurrent lesion, basaloid neoplasm, or any necrohemorrhagic lesion presumptive of overshadowing the neoplastic pathology underneath.
... Our study showed that 73.3% (668 out of 911) of the eyelid lesions were seen in patients aged >40 years old. The majority of eyelid tumors were benign, similar to previous studies showing that benign tumors constitute 73-86% of all eyelid tumors [6][7][8][9][10] . Only one study reported that 54.2% of all eyelid tumors were malignant [7] . ...
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Aim: To evaluate the demographic features, location, and histopathologic results in primary eyelid tumors. Methods: We retrospectively reviewed the records of patients with primary eyelid tumor diagnosed and treated between November 1997 and June 2016 on our service. Results: Nine hundred and eleven lesions from 874 patients were included in this study. Four hundred and forty-six (51.0%) of the patients were females and 428 (49.0%) were males. The mean age was 51.0y (range: 3mo-94y). The lesions were located in the upper eyelid (418 cases, 45.9%), lower eyelid (378 cases, 41.5%), medial canthus (89 cases, 9.8%), and lateral canthus (26 cases, 2.8%). Four hundred and seventy (51.6%) lesions were located on the right side and 441 (48.4%) on the left. Of the eyelid lesions, 666 (73.1%) were benign, 230 (25.2%) malignant, and 15 (1.6%) premalignant. When the eyelid tumors were classified according to their tissue or cell of origin, 527 (57.8%) of the lesions were found to be epidermal, 171 (18.8%) adnexal, 131 (14.4%) inflammatory and infectious, and 65 (7.1%) stromal. The most common benign lesions were squamous cell papilloma (139 lesions, 15.2%), intradermal nevus (97 lesions, 10.6%), epidermoid inclusion cysts (78 lesions, 8.6%), seborrheic keratosis (60 lesions, 6.6%), and inflammatory masses (59 lesions, 6.5%). Basal cell carcinoma was the most common malignant tumor (191 lesions, 21.0%) followed by squamous cell carcinoma (16 lesions, 1.8%), sebaceous carcinoma (14 lesions, 1.5%), and malignant melanoma (5 lesions, 0.5%). Conclusion: In this study, 73.1% of eyelid lesions are benign and the remaining 26.9% are premalignant and malignant. Basal cell carcinoma is the most common tumor among all histopathological diagnosis followed by squamous papilloma.