Table 1 - uploaded by Tron Eid
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Expected accuracy, biases and costs according to diff erent products and methods.

Expected accuracy, biases and costs according to diff erent products and methods.

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... 2003 andEid et al. 2004). The fi gures on expected accuracy (random errors for volume at the stand level) and biases (systematic errors for volume at the property level) in Table 1 are based in these investigations. In addition the table shows es- timates for the costs related to different products/plans. ...
Context 2
... fi gures presented in Table 1 are involving all costs of the planning companies related to fi eld work, data management and fi nalizing plans. The price for the forest owner is reduced considera- bly due to subsidies provided by the public authorities. ...


... However, FMP differ greatly in purpose, scope and level of details (Bettinger et al. 2017;Solli 2013). In this paper, we focus on the FMP as decision-support tools for non-industrial private forest owners (NIPF) typically consisting of inventory results, maps and management proposals (Eid 2006;Nuutinen 2006;Størdal et al. 2006). ...
... The final FMP products to the owners typically consist of a forest map with delineated stands, timber inventories of the stands and a description of treatments (Eid 2006). The description of treatments is usually a standardized projection of harvest and silviculture investments, based on an underlying growth and yield simulator that provide harvest prognoses. ...
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Forest management plans (FMP) are key decision-support tools for forest managers and a central policy instrument in many countries. Despite its pivotal importance in forest management, there is a lack of studies that analyze the acquisition, familiarity and implementation of the FMP. These steps collectively contribute to making FMP a successful decision-support tool and forest policy instrument. We surveyed a sample representative of the population of Norwegian non-industrial private forest (NIPF) owners to quantify the importance of a broad set of factors, including ownership objectives, socio-demographic, property and information sources variables on the FMP pathway, i.e. acquisition of FMP, awareness of its content and implementation of the plans’ proposals. Applying principal component analysis on twelve ownership objectives, we found that most forest owners are multiobjective. We combined conditional classification trees and logistic regression analyses on the FMP pathway to unveil familiarity and use of FMP in forest owner subgroups as well as individual drivers. The results indicate that 37% of Norwegian NIPF owners have a FMP. Among the owners having FMP, 66% have good knowledge of its content and 40% implement its proposals. The strongest variables to predict FMP familiarity and use were previous harvests, productive area, advice about forestry from the public management, knowledge of public support schemes for forestry and perceived relevance of the FMP. We conclude that FMP suppliers, consultants, forestry bureaucracy and policy-makers should emphasize information dissemination and relevance of the FMP to increase its success as a decision-support tool and forest policy instrument.
... Os propietarios teñen a posibilidade de solicitar, a un custo de entre 7 e 10 -/ha, a particularización da devandita información para as súas propiedades nun plan de xestión individual. Nun contexto moi parecido, no caso de Noruega (Eid 2006), a crítica por parte dos propietarios forestais sobre a utilidade dos plans e o seu custo fixo que boa parte dos «inventarios» se levasen a cabo sen traballo de campo tradicional. ...
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Nos últimos tempos estase a constatar que os incendios forestais afectan cada vez con máis virulencia a edificacións e persoas. Esa interface urbano-forestal, que até hai pouco só illadamente era pasto das lapas, agora vese decote ameazada polos lumes, de tal xeito que a súa protección se converte no obxectivo prioritario das operacións de extinción. Así mesmo, semella que a extensión e a intensidade dos incendios se van incrementando como consecuencia de situacións meteorolóxicas especialmente adversas, que se suman ao amoreamento execesivo de combustibles. Para moitos, o cambio climático pode estar detrás destas novas condicións. Todo o anterior leva a diversos analistas a indicar que estamos diante dun cambio cualitativo na incidencia e características dos incendios forestais que non fará máis que incrementarse nos próximos anos. Fálase dunha nova xeración de lumes. Para tratar destes temas, nuns territorios tan castigados polos incendios como son Galicia e Porturgal, o Consello da Cultura Galega organizou un coloquiono mes de xaneiro de 2018 no que se presentaron os relatorios que se recollen nesta publicación. TEXTO COMPLETO EN :
... Os propietarios teñen a posibilidade de solicitar, a un custo de entre 7 e 10 -/ha, a particularización da devandita información para as súas propiedades nun plan de xestión individual. Nun contexto moi parecido, no caso de Noruega (Eid 2006), a crítica por parte dos propietarios forestais sobre a utilidade dos plans e o seu custo fixo que boa parte dos «inventarios» se levasen a cabo sen traballo de campo tradicional. ...
Nos últimos tempos estase a constatar que os incendios forestais afectan cada vez con máis virulencia a edificacións e persoas. Esa interface urbano-forestal, que até hai pouco só illadamente era pasto das lapas, agora vese decote ameazada polos lumes, de tal xeito que a súa protección se converte no obxectivo prioritario das operacións de extinción. Así mesmo, semella que a extensión e a intensidade dos incendios se van incrementando como consecuencia de situacións meteorolóxicas especialmente adversas, que se suman ao amoreamento execesivo de combustibles. Para moitos, o cambio climático pode estar detrás destas novas condicións. Todo o anterior leva a diversos analistas a indicar que estamos diante dun cambio cualitativo na incidencia e características dos incendios forestais que non fará máis que incrementarse nos próximos anos. Fálase dunha nova xeración de lumes. Para tratar destes temas, nuns territorios tan castigados polos incendios como son Galicia e Porturgal, o Consello da Cultura Galega organizou un coloquiono mes de xaneiro de 2018 no que se presentaron os relatorios que se recollen nesta publicación.
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Fully publicly funded forest planning systems with no individual forest property planning are facing budget cuts and are of limited effectiveness in private forests. A cost-sharing planning instrument that might improve private forest management while providing public budget relief is the forest property plan (FPP). We explored the market for the FPP among private forest owners in Slovenia and estimated the financial implications of adapting the current planning system. We conducted 548 face-to-face interviews with randomly-selected private forest owners about their attitudes towards and their willingness to pay (WTP) for the FPP. Of the respondents, 55% considered the FPP to be a usable instrument, and 34% would pay for it. The suggested amounts per decade ranged from 5 € to 1500 € with a mean of 135.99 € or 28.31 €/ha. Heckit regression revealed that the primary supporters of the FPP are younger, better educated non-farmers with larger properties and good contacts with the district forester. Aggregating the stated WTP amount to forest owner population, we estimated that on average 17% to 57% of the current public budget expenditures for private forest planning-related tasks could be saved annually, depending on the tasks included and the aggregation approach.