Fig 3 - uploaded by Tomoko Koda
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Examples of six combined facial expressions created from images in Fig. 2. From top left: happy eyes and neutral mouth (HN), happy eyes and sad mouth (HS), neutral eyes and happy mouth (NH); from bottom left: neutral eyes and sad mouth (NS), sad eyes and happy mouth (SH), sad eyes and neutral mouth (SN). 

Examples of six combined facial expressions created from images in Fig. 2. From top left: happy eyes and neutral mouth (HN), happy eyes and sad mouth (HS), neutral eyes and happy mouth (NH); from bottom left: neutral eyes and sad mouth (NS), sad eyes and happy mouth (SH), sad eyes and neutral mouth (SN). 

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Conference Paper
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This paper reports the preliminary results of a cross-cultural study on facial regions as cues to recognize the facial expressions of virtual agents. The experiment was conducted between Japan and Hungary using 18 facial expressions of cartoonish faces designed by Japanese. The results suggest the following: 1) cultural differences exist when using...

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Context 1
... agents are frequently used in virtual worlds, online applications and (serious) games. In the current state of development of the virtual agent technology, virtual agents can express emotions in their bodily behavior, first of all, by displaying facial expressions. The culture of the virtual agent is relevant in relation to the culture of the real human interlocutor. Moreover, there are training and simulation applications emerging where the cultural identity and particularly, the bodily behavior is the major learning component of the training application [1]. Such agents have been designed under the assumption that their expressions are interpreted universally among all cultures. The basis for this assumption is the early finding about the universality of the 6 basic expressions – joy, surprise, fear, sadness and disgust - by Ekman [2]. Later works by Ekman and colleagues indicated cultural differences in perceived intensity of emotions [3, 4]. However, recent research indicates cultural differences in recognizing human facial expressions. Elfenbein et. al. [5] have coined the term cultural dialects of facial expressions: the cultural dialect, unlike a personal idiosyncratic variant, is a well identifiable specific usage of some facial signal. Such cultural dialect can be seen as an in-group advantage in human facial expression recognition, whereby human facial expression recognition is generally more accurate for perceivers from the same cultural group as expressers. These works all have been using photographs, where the cultural identity of the face was clear. Ruttkay [6] discusses further empirical findings and provides a detailed scheme of the possible factors of cultural differences in interpreting facial emotions of virtual agents. When designing virtual agents, it is a challenging and not very much exploited possibility to use non-realistic faces. There are two motivations for going for cartoon- like faces. On the one hand, it has been shown that the more realistic the design is, the more critical the human perceivers are. As the realism increases, the “uncanny valley” effect occurs [7, 8]. However, in most application contexts it is the “suspension of disbelief” which is to be achieved, not the full realism. Further on, when using non- realistic faces there are additional means of expressivity (exaggeration, usage of non- realistic features or additional signals). Hence it is interesting to study possible cultural variations in perception of cartoon-like faces. Do findings from psychology on interpreting realistic facial expressions carry over to cartoon-like faces? How do the drawing style and familiarity with non-realistic facial expressions (e.g. in the tradition of comics) influence the interpretations of cartoon-like facial expressions? Koda’s cross-cultural study [9] on the recognition of cartoon-like agent facial expressions drawn by Asian and Western designers suggests that the recognition accuracy of facial expressions is higher for virtual agents designed by the same cultural group as the subjects. E.g. Japanese cartoon-like facial expressions are recognized most accurately by Japanese, and Western cartoon-like facial expressions are recognized most accurately by western countries. The results suggest an in-group advantage is also applicable to cartoon-like facial expressions of virtual agents. Recent psychological study also investigates the cultural differences of facial expressions by focusing on the facial regions. Research on human eye movements to interpret photo realistic human facial expressions showed East Asian participants mostly focused on the eyes, and Western participants scanned the whole face [10]. Yuki et al. used pictograms and photorealistic human facial images and suggest that Americans tend to interpret emotions based on the mouth, while Japanese tend to focus on the eyes [11]. Yuki et al. state this cultural difference arises from cultural norms: that people in cultures where emotional subduction is the norm (such as Japan) would focus on the eyes, and those in cultures where overt emotional expression is the norm (such as U.S.) would focus on the mouth shape. This study applies the findings of [10, 11] to animated cartoon-like virtual agent faces to improve the culturally effective facial expression design of virtual agents. Such findings can be used not only to derive design guidelines when aiming at users of a single culture, but as adaptation strategies in applications with multicultural users. E.g. in an ATM machine or on-line shop, if the user’s cultural identity is established; the virtual agent’s facial expressions may be fine-tuned for optimal recognition for the given culture. Animating virtual agents’ facial expression is rather easily done, but much more difficult in case of physical robots. Recent social robots have cartoonish faces with limited facial expressions, e.g., Kismet [12], Nexi MDS Robot [13], iCat [14] when their research focus is not on increasing realism of a humanoid robot such as geminoids [8]. We believe providing research results on the perception of cartoonish virtual agents’ facial expressions is also meaningful in order to minimize the effort to develop social robot’s facial expressions. We investigated cultural differences in using the eye and mouth regions as cues to recognize the facial expressions of cartoonish agent faces between Hungary and Japan. We conducted a web-based survey to confirm the following hypothesis. In cartoonish faces, Japanese weigh facial cues in the eye regions more heavily than Hungarians, who weigh facial cues in the mouth region more heavily than Japanese. Section 2 describes the facial expression design and experiment design, section 3 describes the results, section 4 discusses the results, and section 5 concludes the research. Two Japanese designers designed the three agent faces shown in Fig. 1. Each face design has neutral, happy, and sad expressions. The examples of the three original facial expressions are shown in Fig. 2. The face and facial expressions were created using CharToon [15], a design and animation tool for 2D cartoon faces. The facial expressions were designed by taking the emotional expressions displayed in Ekman’s FACS (Facial Action Coding System) training material. The facial features were discussed in case of happy and sad expression [16]. Pre-evaluation of the original expressions was conducted by ten Japanese and eight Hungarians to validate that each expression conveyed the intended emotions of the designer. The static images of happy and sad expressions of the three face designs were shown randomly to the evaluators after showing the neutral expression in each session. They were asked to select the perceived emotion of the each expression (happy or sad expression) from the following four adjectives: happy, sad, surprised, fear. They wrote an adjective if they don’t find appropriate adjectives from the four provided. As a result of the pre-evaluation, all the original face designs had higher than 90% recognition accuracy among Japanese, higher than 85% among Hungarians, although we used cartoon faces and facial expressions designed by Japanese. Thus, we can assume the happy and sad expressions correctly convey the intended emotions in both countries. We also asked the perceived age of each agent face (discussed in section 4). We then created six static expressions per agent design by combining the eyes and mouths. The six combinations are: happy eyes and neutral mouth (HN), happy eyes and sad mouth (HS), neutral eyes and happy mouth (NH), neutral eyes and sad mouth (NS), sad eyes and happy mouth (SH), and sad eyes and neutral mouth (SN). The total number of combined facial expressions is 18 (six expressions x three agents). Fig. 3 shows the six combined expressions created from the original expressions in Fig. ...

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This paper reports the results of a cross-cultural study on facial regions as cues to recognize facial expressions of virtual agents. The experiment was conducted between Japan and Hungary using 30 facial expressions of cartoonish faces designed by Hungarians. The results suggest the following: (1) cultural differences exist when using facial regions as cues to recognize cartoonish facial expressions between Hungary and Japan. Japanese weighed facial cues more heavily in the eye region than Hungarians, who weighed facial cues more heavily in the mouth region than Japanese. (2) The mouth region is more effective for conveying the emotions of facial expressions than the eye region, regardless of country. Our findings can be used not only to derive design guidelines for virtual agent facial expressions when aiming at users of a single culture, but as adaptation strategies in applications with users from various cultures.
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... Koda and colleagues (2008) investigate the perception of virtual characters' appearance by studying the facial expressions of avatars. In a follow-up study (Koda, Ruttkay, Nakagawa & Tabuchi 2010), they focused on different regions of the face (eyes and mouth) and conducted a cross-cultural study in Hungary and Japan. In their results, the authors report that Japanese participants found facial cues in the eye region more important than Hungarian participants, who concentrated more on facial cues in the mouth region. ...
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