Figure 5 - available via license: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported
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Example of signature (base64 coded).

Example of signature (base64 coded).

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This paper aimed at licensing documents verification. Licensing can be interpreted as one form of implementation of regulatory functions and controlling nature owned by the government against activities undertaken by the community. The purpose of this research is to add QR code and transport layer security (TLS) feature to the licensing document ve...

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... of ECDSA algorithm with secp256k1 is 64 bytes long, the signature is encoded with ASN.1 notation and written in DER format so it has a size of ± 71 byte (144 hexadecimal numbers) [15]. Do the preparation of the final data by combining the initial data and digital signatures using the following rule, shown in figure 4. Before merging signature with the preliminary data, the signature is encoded using base64 encoding to reduce the length of the signature shows in figure 5. Then the data is merged using ";"separator as a final data signature shows in figure 6. Session securing using TLS Licensing document verification is done through the internet, therefore, need to be a consideration in terms of the Internet security, the protocol can be used to secure communications on the Internet, the following are the results of the analysis [16]: ...

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... Kode QR dapat dengan cepat memberikan informasi baik kontak, plain text, URL ataupun data lainnya hanya dengan memindai QR menggunakan kamera smartphone [4]. Kode QR adalah barcode matriks (barcode dua dimensi), QR adalah kependekan dari quick response sesuai dengan tujuannya, digunakan untuk mengakses informasi dengan cepat dan mendapatkan respon yang cepat, kapasitas kode QR lebih besar dari barcode satu dimensi [5]. Penggunaan QR code sudah banyak diterapkan diberbagai macam industri seperti Food & Beverages, Automotive, Manufacture dan sektor lainnya [4]. ...
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... QR Code (Quick Response Code) ialah salah satu jenis kode matriks yang dikembangkan sebagai kode yang dapat menerjemahkan konten dengan kecepatan tinggi [12]. Metode QR-Code dapat menyimpan data di dalamnya yang dapat mengakses informasi data tersebut dengan respons cepat [13] dan terhubung ke basis data melalui telepon [14]. ...
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Some administrative procedures in many institutes are still carried out conventionally, which is deemed less efficient and takes much time. On the other hand, communication with other parties requires a process of exchanging information, so a system is needed to confirm the validity of the information. Therefore, a digital letter system that can prove the validity of the information gained through the digital media right from the party concerned is developing. This can be overcome using the authentication method. Adding One Time Password (OTP) as an authentication method that employs one temporary password key can be the solution. This study uses the One Time Password (OTP) method as a validation system and the SHA-512 algorithm as an OTP code generator to generate random codes. This system leverages android technology on mobile to ease access to the correspondence administration system to make it easier to visit with features that prioritize information and access speed. This application is implemented at the State Polytechnic of Sriwijaya to improve the administrative process to run more effectively. The black box testing revealed that all available menus and features were appropriate, and the application already had a system that functions according to user needs. Moreover, in the One Time Password generation test with the SHA-512 algorithm, it was determined that the average response time for generating the OTP code was 4.4 seconds in 15 trials, which can be considered fairly accurate.
... Another study combines QR codes, digital signatures, and hashing, in a smartphone application [13]. On the other hand, one study was able to integrate secured communication via transport layer security and hashing [14]. Another also developed an android application that used QR codes in the identification of objects along with hash [15]. ...
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A previous study has been conducted integrating modification on secure hash algorithm 1 (SHA-1) to document integrity verification of printed documents using quick response (QR) codes. However, encryption is warranted as data is transmitted in plaintext directly to the server to prevent hacking and ensuring not only data integrity but data security as well. A more secured document integrity verification using QR code was designed and developed by successfully incorporating a better hashing algorithm– modified SHA-1 and integrating a modern encryption algorithm–modified blowfish algorithm. By integrating both, data integrity and data confidentiality is assured as compared to previous research. The developed software was checked against user requirements to check the acceptability of the software. Error rate and accuracy were also checked to see how the software performed. Based on the testing conducted, it has been found that the document integrity verification software using QR code with the integration of modified SHA-1 hash and Modified Blowfish encryption was acceptable, accurate, and more secure.
... So that it allows all smartphones to interact with the data needed in transaction activities. Previous research has implemented QR code as a document licensing tool which contains important information and enables fast and safe access to that information [16]. In other studies also revealed that QR code has several advantages such as speed of access, storing more information, and the presence of pattern recognition that allows the orientation of the QR code to be scanned in all positions [17], [18]. ...
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One way to prevent and reduce the spread of the covid-19 pandemic is through physical distancing program. This research aims to develop a prototype contactless transaction system using digital payment mechanisms and QR code technology that will be applied in traditional markets. The method used in the development of electronic market systems is a prototype approach. The application of QR code and digital payments are used as a solution to minimize money exchange contacts that are common in traditional markets. The results showed that the system built was able to accelerate and facilitate the buying and selling transaction process in traditional market environment. Alpha testing shows that all functional systems are running well. Meanwhile, beta testing shows that the user can very well accept the system that was built. The results of the study also show acceptance of the usefulness of the system being built, as well as the optimism of its users to be able to take advantage of this system both technologically and functionally, so its can be a part of the digital transformation of the traditional market to the electronic market and has become one of the solutions in reducing the spread of the current covid-19 pandemic.
... QR-Code merupakan jenis kode matriks yang dikembangkan sebagai kode yang memungkinkan kontennya diterjemahkan dengan kecepatan tinggi [4]. QR-Code memiliki kemampuan menyimpan data di dalamnya yang dapat diakses informasinya dengan respons cepat [5]. Metode QR-Code memiliki tampilan yang lebih kecil daripada barcode dan diakses melalui perangkat seluler yang terhubung ke database yang merekam data identitas [6]. ...
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The payment process using electronic money is a non-cash payment method based on E-Wallet aimed at facilitating users in transact. The transaction process at the coffee shop XYZ is still done conventionally and takes a long time, causing long queues. The research carried out aims to speed up the transaction process at XYZ coffee shops. The method used in this research is prototype. An alternative solution to the transaction process is to utilize the E-Wallet and QR-Code through the customer's smartphone. This study utilizes Go-Pay E-Wallet access as a means of payment through the Midtrans Payment Gateway and uses the One Time Password code as a login method on the system. Qr-code scanning to place orders can be done quickly which is around 3,551 milliseconds. Quessioner results distributed to 20 customers showed the following data, around 90% agreed on the use of e-wallet as an alternative payment, around 87% agreed on the statement of the use of e-wallet was able to reduce the slow transaction process, about 79% agreed to the statement that this system facilitates the transaction process, as well as 79% level of approval of the use of an authentication code through a mobile number that makes it easy to enter the application. The results showed that the system built can speed up the transaction process.
... The system to be developed is required to have a high level of security because it deals with important documents that cannot be easily faked. This can be realized by applying a layer of security on the server side [8]. ...
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According to the Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia in 2014 at article number 81, a Higher Education Institution must include a Diploma Supplement along with a Diploma document and the Grade Transcript document. Diploma Supplement should contain data about academic achievements and qualifications of students during lectures. A mechanism is needed to collect the data. This study objective is to recognise the minimum system requirement that compliant to the current regulation and then create design an information system that can support data for creating Diploma Supplement document. This research used descriptive qualitative method. The result of this study is to create a system model for a Diploma Supplement information system based on current information system of a higher education institution.
... 2.1 Approach method There were three approaches in software engineering [5][6] ...
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This study intends to conduct reverse engineering at mark recapitulation application at the Information Systems Department, Universitas Komputer Indonesia (UNIKOM). This research is the first step of the reengineering process in the mark recapitulation application. Reengineering needed because the application of the mark recapitulation that is currently running does not meet user needs, and there is no documentation of application development. This study used the big bang approach, the reverse engineering stage follows the stages of general software reengineering model by analyzing three things, analysis of application functions, analysis of user activities with applications and database analysis. The results of this research are documentation of application function requirements, documentation of user activities with application and database documentation.
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Paper-based documents or printed documents such as recommendation letters, academic transcripts, and diplomas are prone to forgery. Several methods have been used to protect them, such as watermarking, security holograms, or using paper with specific security features. This paper presents a document authentication system that utilizes QR code and ECDSA as the digital signature algorithm to protect this kind of document from counterfeiting. A digital signature is a well-known technique in modern cryptography used for providing data integrity and authentication. The idea proposed herein is to put a QR code in the printed documents where the QR code includes a digital signature. The signature can later be authenticated using the proposed system by uploading the document for authentication or scanning the document's QR code. The proposed system is particularly developed for digital signature generation and verification of students' final project approval documents as the case study. In traditional settings, the approval form is typically signed directly by the student's advisor dan co-advisor using handwritten signatures. However, using the conventional handwritten signature, the signature on the approval form can be falsified. Therefore, a digital signature generation and verification system is implemented herein to avoid handwritten signature falsification. The advisors can use this system to sign the approval form using a digital signature instead of a handwritten one. The signature is stored in a QR code and is generated using ECDSA with SHA-256 as the hash function. The proposed system is evaluated using documents (i.e., approval forms) with genuine and forged QR codes. The evaluation results showed that the system could verify the authenticity of the approval forms, which contain genuine QR codes. The approval forms that contained forged QR codes were correctly identified.