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"Etanol Completão" film frames []

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Conference Paper
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This paper develops a set of propositions that should orient the development of argument and the execution of a communication campaign aiming to foster sustainable behaviors. First, an integrative model for sustainable behavior is adapted from existing literature, describing a psychosocial model embracing values, cognition, social and moral norms,...


... Tourist sustainable behavior can be understood as a set of actions performed by tourists to contribute to the social, natural, or built tourism destination and reduce aggressive behavior towards the destination (Pilli et al., 2015). When visiting tourism destinations, tourist with sustainable behavior will tend to be aware about the importance of the destination, commit to give positive contributions for the destinations, and show actions that aims to protect the destinations for both present and future visitors of the destination (Alazaizeh et al., 2019). ...
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Purpose – In gaining competitive advantage in the tourism context, Bandung City needs a good marketing strategy. This study aims to determine the influence of destination attractiveness on destination attachment and its impact on tourist sustainable behavior in Bandung, West Java. Design/methodology/approach – This study used a descriptive verification approach. The number of samples is 151 tourists who were randomly selected using incidental techniques. The data analysis is carried out using SEM with Amos 22 software. The data were collected through questionnaire, notes and publication, and literature study. Findings – The results of this study indicate that the attraction given by a destination directly influences tourists to make return visits. Destination attractiveness has an influence on destination attachment. This study also found that the mediating effect of the tourist destination attachment on the relationship between destination attractiveness and sustainable behavior is very small. Research limitations/implications – Future research is suggested to consider other variables that are able to mediate the influence of tourist attraction on return visits or sustainable behavior. Practical implications – As destination attractiveness positively affects sustainable behavior of tourist, this study provides insight for the government of Bandung city to make a good marketing strategy in order to create a competitive advantage in their destination. Originality/value – This study answers to the suggestion from previous studies to identify and examine the mediators relevant to the attitude-behavior relationship in the context of tourism research.
... Guided interpretation by skilled tour guides is regarded as an effective and powerful technique for minimizing negative visitors' impacts on heritage resources by increasing the visitors' sustainable behavior (Littlefair, Buckley, & Buckley, 2008;Rutherford et al., 2015;Weiler & Black, 2015). Sustainable behavior is a set of voluntary actions that aims to contribute and benefit the social and natural or built environment and reduce aggressive behavior toward them (Bonnes & Bonaiuto, 2002;Pilli, Gonsales, & Mazzon, 2015). In the scholarly work, the role of tour guides is highlighted and viewed as experience providers (Weiler & Ham, 2002), culture mediator (Black, Ham, & Weiler, 2001), sustainability promoters (Raboti c, 2010;Imon, Dioko, & Ong, 2007), heritage protectors (C¸etinkaya, & Oter, 2015;Imon, Dioko, & Ong, 2007), behavior modifiers (Huang, Hsu, & Chan, 2010;Randall & Rollins, 2009), gatekeepers (Howard et al., 2001), and site interpreters (Weiler & Ham, 2001). ...
... Sustainable behavior is a set of voluntary actions that aims to contribute and benefit the social and natural or built environment and reduce aggressive behavior toward them (Bonnes & Bonaiuto, 2002;Pilli, Gonsales, & Mazzon, 2015). The term is often used interchangeably with pro-environmental behavior, environmentally responsible behavior, environmentally friendly behavior, eco-friendly behavior, and conservation behavior (Mobley, Vagias, & DeWard, 2010;Park & Ha, 2012). ...
Using structural equation modeling, this study investigates how tour guide performance influences visitors’ sustainable behavior at cultural heritage sites by examining the mediating effects of visitor experience and satisfaction. The structural model was tested on a sample of 390 visitors at Petra Archaeological Park in Jordan. Tour guide performance was found to have a significant direct and indirect effects in enhancing visitor sustainable behavior. Moreover, the findings showed that visitor experience and satisfaction significantly mediates the relationship between tour guide performance and visitor sustainable behavior. This research contributes to our understanding of the tour guide role in maximizing visitors’ appreciation and enjoyment, and minimizing their negative impacts on heritage sites. Managerial implications are discussed in light of the empirical findings.
Electronic waste (e-waste) is a growing problem, causing concerns for many countries. Consumer electronics often feature substantial e-waste, yet little is known about the materials used or physical designs applied that might ensure the appropriate management of e-waste. This paper examines user-driven innovation in ‘green’ electronics, based on a 2015 survey of Taiwanese residents. The conjoint analysis, conducted with digital cameras, reveals consumers’ perceptions of innovative designs for seven component materials: battery, shell, monitor, filters, modeling, flash, and sensor. The results suggest that users can be encouraged to participate in the design of energy-related products that satisfy their needs. Rethinking the design of certain attributes in electronics can help reduce the need for toxic materials, improve energy consumption, reduce landfill space, and mitigate ecological pollution.