Figure 2 - uploaded by Sean Freeland
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Estimated marginal means for answers to "what have you learned in your HSTA Club meetings" at three time periods. Note: Grand Mean = 3.948, p = .002; SE = .043, 95% CI [3.86, 4.03]; Year 2019: SE = .060, 95% CI [3.86, 4.09]; Year 2020: SE = .059, 95% CI [3.71, 3.94]; Year 2021: SE = .055, 95% CI [3.94, 4.15]. * Indicates significant difference between these years.

Estimated marginal means for answers to "what have you learned in your HSTA Club meetings" at three time periods. Note: Grand Mean = 3.948, p = .002; SE = .043, 95% CI [3.86, 4.03]; Year 2019: SE = .060, 95% CI [3.86, 4.09]; Year 2020: SE = .059, 95% CI [3.71, 3.94]; Year 2021: SE = .055, 95% CI [3.94, 4.15]. * Indicates significant difference between these years.

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Out-of-school time academic/STEM programs provide educational enrichment to a myriad of student populations with some designed to assist those underrepresented and at-risk who desire to purse post-secondary studies. One such program in West Virginia (WV) is the Health Sciences and Technology Academy (HSTA), which provides hands-on, in person and en...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... other words, there is a difference in the learning from working on projects over time-pre-, suspended-and full virtual programming-at the separate time intervals during COVID-19, which was not the case for learning from club meetings. Figures 1 and 2 provide estimated marginal means and the grand means for each year. Now that we know there is significant differences between learning from working on projects over time, we determined where these differences were by examining the pairwise comparisons as shown in Table 3. ...
Context 2
... other words, there is a difference in the learning from working on projects over time-pre-, suspended-and full virtual programming-at the separate time intervals during COVID-19, which was not the case for learning from club meetings. Figures 1 and 2 provide estimated marginal means and the grand means for each year. Now that we know there is significant differences between learning from working on projects over time, we determined where these differences were by examining the pairwise comparisons as shown in Table 3. ...


... Therefore, HSTA students have not experienced in-person meetings since March of 2020. We detail the process of restructuring the program from in-person to virtual delivery in a forthcoming manuscript (McKendall et al., 2021). low income, and 68% are potential first-generation college attendees. ...
Full-text available
This paper examines the perspectives of Health Sciences and Technology Academy (HSTA) participants as they navigate through their West Virginia (WV) high school learning environments (i.e., in-person, blended/hybrid, complete virtual) during the novel coronavirus, SARS-CoV-19 (COVID-19) pandemic. In March of 2020, the participants in this out-of-school-time (OST) academic enrichment program for exceptionally driven, yet underprivileged, at-risk students, with over 70% living in rural areas, started receiving remote learning instruction through learning management systems or via paper packets. In August of 2020, school systems provided parents and caregivers alternative learning environments for their student(s). In order to understand the learning experiences of HSTA students during these unprecedented times, HSTA released the 2020 Learning Outcomes Survey to participants in December of 2020. We performed chi-square test of independence to test the relationship between participants' learning environments, their satisfaction with the education they were receiving, their ability to keep up with their school-work, teacher availability to help when needed and teacher feedback supporting them in their learning environment. The results show significant differences between the learning environments and keeping up with school-work as well as teacher feedback supporting them in their learning; however, Phi and Cramer's V tests for effect size show weak correlations. This study provides a small glimpse into HSTA students' learning experiences as they attempted to continue to learn in their regular school environment during the COVID-19 pandemic while in HSTA.