Estimated Marginal Means for the Main Effect of Readers' Perspective Taking on Social Distance and Motivation for Unprejudiced Behaviour

Estimated Marginal Means for the Main Effect of Readers' Perspective Taking on Social Distance and Motivation for Unprejudiced Behaviour

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Self-disclosure of a health problem or a disability in online environments can be helpful to reduce stigmatisation and to empower marginalised individuals. Although stigmatisation leads to adverse health outcomes, it is still unclear which factors reduce readers' stigmatising attitudes. This 2 × 2 × 3 × 2 online-experiment with 715 female participa...


... Two articles in the present special issue are dedicated to this topic and examine factors of public stigmatisation in different contexts. The article by Röhm, Möhring, Grengel, and Hastall (2021) addresses the topic of self-disclosure of physical disability in online postings via a study examining how this affects stigmatisation on the part of the reader. The online experiment revealed that factors on the sides of both the blogging disabled person and the reader were crucial regarding stigmatisation. ...
... In their online experiment, they found complex interaction effects between the characteristics of both mentally ill people and readers on stigma-related attitudes. Together, the studies of Röhm et al. (2021) and Möhring et al. (2021) potential of the public thematisation of a disability or illness-physical or mental-in mitigating stigmatisation. In light of the widespread use of social media platforms, as well as their accessibility and importance for people with disabilities or illness, these studies indicate the significant potential for efforts that counter stigma with targeted online communication. ...
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Health and health-related behaviours are embedded in social contexts in various ways which comprise both risks and opportunities for health communication. We propose a research agenda on social aspects of health communication and introduce the articles of the present special issue. Owing to the complexity of individuals’ social contexts, the research agenda addresses questions lying at the individual, interpersonal, and societal levels. The issue’s articles cover different and highly relevant questions of this research agenda, ranging from stigmatisation to impression management to collective action and from experimental designs to qualitative interviews and netnography. In sum, the articles demonstrate not only the diversity but also the relevance of academic research on social aspects of health communication. We expect that this topic will continue gaining importance, given the ongoing digitalisation of the media environment and the increasing interconnectedness of producers and users, doctors and patients, and experts and laypersons.
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Theorien und Konzepte von Stigma und Stigmatisierung werden mittlerweile, dank bald 60 Jahren Forschung, in unterschiedlichen Disziplinen von Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie über Sozialpsychiatrie und Pädagogik bis hin zu Kommunikations- und Rehabilitationswissenschaften berücksichtigt, wobei sich alle auf dasselbe soziale Phänomen beziehen. Im vorliegenden Beitrag wird daher zunächst ein konzeptionelles Verständnis von Stigma und Stigmatisierung dargelegt sowie die Bedeutung insbesondere massenmedialer Kommunikation für die Entstehung und Überwindung von Stigmatisierung beschrieben. Anschließend werden aktuelle Befunde zum Einsatz von Fallbeispielen in der Anti-Stigma-Kommunikation, insbesondere im Kontext schulischer Inklusion, dargestellt und Implikationen für eine professionelle Stigma-sensible Kommunikation abgeleitet.