Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... future due to its increased fragility, as opposed to that of older (print) media forms. As Roy Rosenzweig (2011,(8)(9)) so graphically pointed out, there is no slow degradation of digital content. While a scorched book may still be (painstakingly) readable, it is a either/or situation for digital content: either it is readable, or it is not (e.g. Fig. 1). Moreover, one tends to forget digital-born material, when one thinks about digital archiving (Underhill and Underhill 2016, 2). Often, only digitized material is considered in these instances. In this essay I sketch the problems our future Poggio Bracciolinis may encounter in their quest for the recovery of media content. I highlight ...
Context 2
... the pre-digital times had their bookworms which deteriorated the archived material, but it would not render a book illegible as fast as we are currently experiencing. The ferocious bookworms we are facing nowadays are obsolescence, instability and challenges to the digital object's integrity (Harvey 2012, 55). ...

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