Figure 1 - uploaded by Galina B Hale
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Equilibrium lending before and after EMU 

Equilibrium lending before and after EMU 

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... (1) and (2), we can find equilibrium π * and r as a function of R, r * , τ . It is depicted as point A on Figure 1, where "Supply" denotes equation (1) and "Demand" denotes equation (2). ...
Context 2
... terms of our model, this would be reflected as a decline in τ for banks in C, but not in R, resulting in their ability to lend to borrowers in P at a lower equilibrium rate. The new equilibrium rate and threshold π are depicted on Figure 1 as point B. In this new equilibrium, the interest rate at which funds are available for country P borrowers is lower and more projects are financed, leading to economic and lending booms in P , just as we observed in the period between 2000 and 2007. Moreover, investment in P now has a lower average probability of success. ...
Context 3
... controls we included deal amounts, number of lenders in the syndicate, and year fixed effects. 37 Figure 11 shows a plot of the estimated year fixed effects from these regressions. 38 We find that while there was not much change in the regional composition of loan syndicates in the deals extended to other regions, there was a sharp drop during the EMU period in the probability of a FIN bank participating in lending to GIIPS, whether or not a CORE bank is also in a syndicate. ...

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