Enterprise apps across the product life cycle

Enterprise apps across the product life cycle

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Conference Paper
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Apps on mobile devices like smartphones have become the core of the digital life of consumers. Apps are used, e. g., for shopping or communicating in social networks. Recently, apps are gaining more and more attention in enterprises as enabler for agile process optimization. In this article, we discuss the potentials and challenges of exploiting th...

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... LCDPs address this growing demand for company-specific software applications for processing information and digitizing processes. Furthermore, they support the trend towards the use of apps on mobile devices by creating essential prerequisites for programming "enterprise apps" (Gröger et al., 2013). ...
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... In order to help the engineers to use ISO GPS 2.0, some training courses were developed in the West, e.g. [7][8][9][10][11]. ...
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Engineers worldwide use the ISO GPS (Geometrical Production Specification and Verification) as a common language to express and exchange the geometrical information of a product and its digital twin. This paper presents a survey of engineering education of the Geometrical Production Specification and Verification (ISO GPS) in China. The research was conducted in 2021, and the purpose is to better understand the current situation in the delivery and usage of ISO GPS. It consists of a literature review of 66 published textbooks, an online questionnaire from 325 educators/students/engineers, who are from five universities and a standardisation committee. The results of this survey are presented and discussed graphically. The results show that:1) there is a significant gap between the textbook teaching and the latest ISO GPS standards; 2) the frequency of the latest ISO GPS usage is relatively low; 3) the current delivery methods cannot address the requirements of end-users soundly. A discussion of the possible solution is presented as well.
... • Payment security [8,39]. It refers to use information technology for protecting identifiable users' financial data from unwarranted access or disclosure. ...
... To derive the subjective weights according to BWM, we firstly calculate the each expert's preferences of the best factor over other factorsà k B and their preference of other criteria over the worst criterionà k W according to the (7) and (8). Next, by calculating the model (9), the subjective weights of main criteria as well as sub-criteria at each expert are derived and shown in Table 2. ...
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... The increasing use of digital learning apps is part of a larger societal trend in which apps running on cellphones and tablets are serving multiple purposes in daily life ranging from mediating adolescents' social interactions to facilitating manufacturing (Gröger et al., 2013;Harari et al., 2019). With this wide range of uses, apps are being downloaded in high numbers (e.g., 205.4 billion mobile apps downloaded in 2018). ...
The present paper documents the design and development of a mobile mathematics appli- cation targeted to improve magnitude representation skills. Educational experts worked together with an app developer with the goal of creating an educational app as a math learning tool for children 5–8 years old. The description of the app design processes includes five core elements that we believe are central to the creation of a theory driven educational app. Creating a theory driven educational app is a difficult task; it involves a set of complex decisions as illustrated in this article.
... • Efficacy was defined as the ability to produce a desired or intended result [50]. • Technology apps were defined as applications for novel mobile consumer devices with a touchscreen, especially smartphones and tablet PCs [51]. In this review, the terms "app" is sued in the stricter sense with more on self-monitoring apps. ...
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A healthy diet is essential for good health and nutrition, though literature showed that there are various factors affecting the intention to purchase and consume healthy food. Technology integration is known to be useful in various aspects, but findings from studies on the efficacy of technology integration to improve healthy food consumption and purchase have largely been inconsistent. Therefore, we aimed to examine the efficacy of interventions that use technology apps to improve healthy food purchasing and consumption in adults. Relevant studies were identified through PubMed, Scopus, CINAHL, SportDiscuss and ACM Digital Library. Twenty studies were included in the systematic review. The majority of studies (n = 18) used a smartphone in the intervention, and only two studies used a personal digital assistant. The results showed that technology integration-based intervention favoured healthy changes in household food purchases, and increased consumption of healthy food and healthy eating outcomes – albeit to different extents. Overall, technology apps are convenient and user-friendly tools to encourage a change in healthy food purchase and consumption among people.
... De acuerdo a la definición de Gröger et al. (2013) las apps son aplicaciones utilizadas en cualquier dispositivo informático, normalmente dispositivos de pantalla táctil como tabletas; mientras que VMs son representaciones interactivas visuales de un objeto dinámico (Moyer et al., 2002), que presenta oportunidades para construir conocimiento matemático, podemos decir que distintas apps contienen dichos VMs. ...
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El uso de aplicaciones móviles educativas en las aulas se proyecta como una herramienta para mejorar el rendimiento en matemáticas. El objetivo del presente trabajo es realizar una revisión sistemática centrada en los beneficios que su uso puede aportar en la adquisición de la competencia matemática temprana. Se ha realizado una revisión sistemática de la literatura publicada en bases de datos nacionales e internacionales, desde enero 2015. Los datos se han clasificado dando lugar a una descripción de estas aplicaciones móviles. Los resultados iniciales facilitaron 1329 referencias, identificando únicamente 25 de estos estudios dentro de los criterios de inclusión prefijados. La mayoría de las evidencias informan de un impacto positivo tras el uso de las aplicaciones móviles educativas en el aula, tanto en el rendimiento y la motivación como en las actitudes de aprendizaje de los estudiantes en el área de matemáticas.
... Mobile applications in organizations (Lunani, 2011;Gröger et Al., 2013;Clevenger, 2011) show that applications have great potential to improve business processes. Thus it can provide benefits on the efficiency of time, effort and cost. ...
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Abstract. Dry fish processing is the main commodity in Oesapa, Kupang. However, it still uses traditional methods of natural drying using sun exposure and placing marine products on nets without regard to dust, dirt and animal. They are can be a cause of non-hygiene (non-quality) production results. One way to improve the quality of dried fish products is by developing fish dryer “Dry Cylinder”. The Dry cylinder is made using a drum that is suitable for use and then painted in black, the heating process is aided by a concave mirror made of a pan with a diameter of 28 inches and coated with scotlite, inside the drum is made a rack / iron hanger for storing fish to be dried. The type of fish that is dried is mackerel with a weight of about 50 grams / head. The fish dried would be tested for microbiology, chemical and protein levels. For the process of drying fish used 3 methods, namely namely (1) naturally, (2) using a Dry Cylinder + mirror and (3) using a Dry Cylinder + furnace. The results of the dried fish that have been tested by the lab. The results of the organoleptic test showed that the best results were found in the dried fish with the Dry Cylinder + mirror even though all the results could be in accordance with the SNI standards. For the Protein test were found a value of sample (1) is 61.89; (2) is 60,18; and (3) is 53.85. Bacteriology test found that there were e-Coli bacteria around 0 to 5 in the naturally dried fish and Coliform bacteria around 8-27. While using Dry Cylinder gives negative results for the presence of both types of bacteria. These results indicate that the fish produced by drying using a dry cylinder is better sensory, health and higher quality.
... The term App was originally used in the context of mobile platforms such as iOS and Android. However, there is yet no established common definition [7]. An App is essentially a software application or web application with a limited range of functions. ...
Software is playing an ever-increasing role in providing the flexibility and efficiency required for handling complex processes. However, the IT capabilities of manufacturers are mostly limited to legacy systems or expensive, slow and inflexible development of new software. Therefore, new paradigms are needed for managing and scaling modern manufacturing processes with the help of software systems. This paper presents the organizational concepts of a software eco-system for the shop floor based on independent software modules called Apps. Additionally, we present the methodology used in the creation of industrial Apps. These concepts were successfully implemented in real world manufacturing scenarios. We focus on describing the specific challenges and requirements for industrial Apps, the technical architecture of the ScaleIT platform and a step by step process model to identify App ideas. An evaluation in the form of a questionnaire describes the assessment of the App-based approach by an industrial consortium.
... 47 Vgl. Caus et al. (2010), S. 243, Gröger et al. (2013), Giessmann et al. (2012), Fitzek und Reichert (2007). 48 Vgl. ...
Mobile Applikationen gewinnen in Unternehmen zunehmend an Bedeutung. Der betriebliche Trend zur Einführung von Mobile Business Apps folgt der Entwicklung, die im privaten Nutzungskontext seit Jahren anhält. Betrieblich genutzte Mobile Business Apps der ersten Generation unterstützen in der Regel fragmentierte Querschnittsaufgaben, wie Kommunikation oder Filesharing. Seit ein paar Jahren entwickelt sich der Trend in Unternehmen weiter zu spezialisierten Mobile Business Apps aus der Cloud. Hierzu zählen unternehmensindividuell angepasste Mobile Business Apps, die zur Unterstützung von mobil arbeitenden Mitarbeitern bei spezifischen Transaktionen dienen. Bei der Beschaffung von Mobile Business Apps stehen Entscheider der IT-Abteilungen vor einer Herausforderung, die sich in Komplexität und Umfang nach der Art der zu beschaffenden Mobile Business App richtet. So sind etwa nutzungsoffene Mobile Business Apps out-of-the-box für Querschnittsaufgaben recht einfach, zu vergleichsweise niedrigen Kosten, implementierbar. Die Beschaffung und Einführung nutzungsspezifischer Mobile Business Apps der zweiten Generation, stellen hingegen eher komplexe Unterfangen dar. Phasenmodellen des betrieblichen Software-Beschaffungsablaufs folgend, werden von den Entscheidungsbeteiligten Informationen zu Software und Hersteller konsumiert, wobei keine Aussage über die Quelle der Informationen getroffen wird. Die vorliegende Arbeit widmet sich nun der Frage, ob im betrieblichen Kontext Kundenrezensionen genutzt werden, da diese in öffentlich zugängigen App Shops verfügbar sind. Dem Trend des Konsumgütermarketings folgend, ist die Wahrnehmung von Kundenrezensionsinformation Gegenstand zahlreicher wissenschaftlicher Arbeiten, häufig unter Nutzung der Modelle der persuasiven Informationsverarbeitung. Grundlegend wird die Frage gestellt, nach welchen Merkmalen die zahlreichen und verschiedenen Typen von Mobile Business Apps, im Hinblick auf die Beschaffungsaufgabe, eingeordnet werden können. Die Analyse der Kundenrezensionsinformation in App Shops dient zur Darstellung, welche Typen von Informationsfragmenten in Kundenrezensionen zur Verfügung stehen. Unter Berücksichtigung der verschiedenen Typen von Mobile Business Apps, wird die Frage beantwortet, welche Typen von Informationen aus Kundenrezensionen von Entscheidern als nützlich beurteilt werden. Somit wird ein Forschungsbeitrag zu Einflussfaktoren auf die wahrgenommene Nützlichkeit der Informationen geleistet. Teil des Forschungsbeitrags ist zudem die Untersuchung subjektiver Zuschreibungen und Heuristiken der Nachfrager, die eine Aussage über die wahrgenommene Vertrauenswürdigkeit von Kundenrezensionen zulassen. Unter Diversifizierung dreier verschiedener Beschaffungs-Konstellationen, den betrieblichen Einzelkaufentscheidungen, den Buying Centern mit IT-Experten bei der Beschaffung von nutzungsoffenen Business Apps und, als Drittes, den nutzungsspezifischen Mobile Business Apps, werden Experten zu Ihrer Wahrnehmung und Praxis befragt. Diese Arbeit schließt mit Handlungsempfehlungen für Business-App-Hersteller und App-Shop-Betreiber und identifiziert weiteren Forschungsbedarf.
... With the popularity of smart-phones and similar tablet devices, the practicality of implementing a standardized modular application-driven environment in industrial settings is gaining support. Gröger et al. [47] discusses the idea of a "App"-based manufacturing tool-set. With a unified platform for application development users could develop specific tools that aid in every level of production manufacturing. ...
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Machine learning (ML) (a subset of artificial intelligence that focuses on autonomous computer knowledge gain) is actively being used across many domains, such as entertainment, commerce, and increasingly in industrial settings. The wide applicability and low barriers for development of these algorithms are allowing for innovations, once thought unattainable, to be realized in an ever more digital world. As these innovations continue across industries, the manufacturing industry has also begun to gain benefits. With the current push for Smart Manufacturing and Industrie 4.0, ML for manufacturing is experiencing unprecedented levels of interest; but how much is industry actually using these highly-publicized techniques? This paper sorts through a decade of manufacturing publications to quantify the amount of effort being put towards advancing ML in manufacturing. This work identifies both prominent areas of ML use, and popular algorithms. This also allows us to highlight any gaps, or areas where ML could play a vital role. To maximize the search space utilization of this investigation, ML based Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques were employed to rapidly sort through a vast corpus of engineering documents to identify key areas of research and application, as well as uncover documents most pertinent to this survey. The salient outcome of this research is the presentation of current focus areas and gaps in ML applications to the manufacturing industry, with particular emphasis on cross domain knowledge utilization. A full detailing of methods and findings is presented.