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Energy Levels Generated by p-n Connection semiconductors

Energy Levels Generated by p-n Connection semiconductors

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With the aim of optimizing the electrical power output of the solar panels, the solar panels are installed facing perpendicular to the sunlight, then solar panels that can be moved automatically to follow the direction of the sun position. A solar tracker is made PT. Pertamina Plaju RU-3, using 3 units of Solar Power Plant (PLTS) equipped with Sola...

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... from the conduction band can skip to the valence band when the connection is subjected to photons with a specific energy. The resulting energy level are shown in Figure 3 ...

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... The ceilometers are used to measure atmospheric cloud height. The measured cloud height is indicative of cloud occlusion capability [12][13][14]. A high cloud height results in maximum cloud occlusion (MaCO). ...
... It is located at 6008' N to 11015' LS and 94045' BT to 141005' BT, which is on the equator with a relatively high solar radiation intensity averaging around 4.8 kWh / m² per day throughout Indonesia. Based on solar intensity data in Indonesia is a potential that should be utilized to produce electrical energy optimally (Syahputra & Soesanti, 2020) (Syahputra & Soesanti, 2021) (Suyono et al., 2018) (Zulkarnain & Zambak, 2021) (Fitriaty & Shen, 2018) (Susan & Wardhani, 2020) (Revy et al., 2022) (Edward & Dewi, 2019). ...
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Renewable energy is growing, one of which is by controlling solar energy. A solar power plant (PLTS) is a power generation system that utilizes solar energy to become electrical energy through photovoltaic modules, which are included in environmentally friendly energy so that it becomes a renewable, effective, more efficient, and reliable plant. The research designing the modeling of PLTS on a grid was carried out on the roof of a gas power plant (PLTG) which generated 164.47 MWh / year. Analyzing modeling in the addition of the Rooftop Solar System that enters the network can reduce exhaust emissions from the use of other equipment for four years with an average of PLN by 99.29%, PLTG #1 by 99.06 and PLTG #2 by 99.11%. The impact of the addition of the PLTS Rooftop on the quality of power entering the 3.3 kV network system is seen that the feeder 2-panel bus has improved to 97.82% of the voltage drop of 72.67% in line with the PLN 3 panel, the improvement is made by providing capacitors of 3x4Mvar. Feeder 3 improved to 97.61% of the voltage drop of 78.87%, in line with the PLN 4 panel. The improvement was carried out by providing a capacitor of 2x4Mvar. Panel feeder four was seen to have improved to 99.21% from an excess voltage of 109.23% in line with the generating equipment, and the improvement was made by reducing capacitors by 0.
... Even during the rainy season, Indonesia receives sunlight. The abundance of sunlight offers the possibility of using sunlight as an alternative energy source to replace fuel, which is becoming increasingly popular [1], [2]. ...
... As a result of this modification, the solar panel receives more sunlight, resulting in a higher output voltage value than the static mode solar panel used for comparison. Other research has found that utilizing solar trackers can improve the effectiveness of absorbing thermal energy from the sun [1,14,15]. ...
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This research aims to develop and build a solar tracking system or solar tracker utilizing the Arduino Nano microcontroller. The primary purpose of this technology is to improve solar panel efficiency by automatically moving them to follow the sun's movement throughout the day. Solar energy is a renewable energy source that is becoming increasingly popular to address the difficulties of the energy crisis and climate change. However, the effectiveness of solar panels is directly proportional to the amount of sunlight they get. Therefore, designing an Arduino Nano-based solar tracker is an innovative solution to increase solar energy efficiency. This article discusses the design and implementation of an Arduino Nano-based solar tracker to optimize solar energy production by moving solar panels automatically to follow the sun's movement throughout the day. Is known that the use of a solar tracker can increase the output voltage of solar cells up to 17.14% compared to static and the lowest optimization value was obtained at 17.00, namely at a value of 8.82%, as an implication of the geographical position of the research area, which experiences sunset more quickly.
... It is located at 6008' N to 11015' LS and 94045' BT to 141005' BT, which is on the equator with a relatively high solar radiation intensity averaging around 4.8 kWh / m² per day throughout Indonesia. Based on solar intensity data in Indonesia is a potential that should be utilized to produce electrical energy optimally (Syahputra & Soesanti, 2020) (Syahputra & Soesanti, 2021) (Suyono et al., 2018) (Zulkarnain & Zambak, 2021) (Fitriaty & Shen, 2018) (Susan & Wardhani, 2020) (Revy et al., 2022) (Edward & Dewi, 2019). ...
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Renewable energy is growing, one of which is by controlling solar energy. A solar power plant (PLTS) is a power generation system that utilizes solar energy to become electrical energy through photovoltaic modules, which are included in environmentally friendly energy so that it becomes a renewable, effective, more efficient, and reliable plant. The research designing the modeling of PLTS on a grid was carried out on the roof of a gas power plant (PLTG) which generated 164.47 MWh / year. Analyzing modeling in the addition of the Rooftop Solar System that enters the network can reduce exhaust emissions from the use of other equipment for four years with an average of PLN by 99.29%, PLTG #1 by 99.06 and PLTG #2 by 99.11%. The impact of the addition of the PLTS Rooftop on the quality of power entering the 3.3 kV network system is seen that the feeder 2-panel bus has improved to 97.82% of the voltage drop of 72.67% in line with the PLN 3 panel, the improvement is made by providing capacitors of 3x4Mvar. Feeder 3 improved to 97.61% of the voltage drop of 78.87%, in line with the PLN 4 panel. The improvement was carried out by providing a capacitor of 2x4Mvar. Panel feeder four was seen to have improved to 99.21% from an excess voltage of 109.23% in line with the generating equipment, and the improvement was made by reducing capacitors by 0.1 Mvar from the used 5x0.1 Mvar.
... As a country located on the equator, Indonesia has great potential in managing solar energy to become the main energy source for the future with unlimited sources and is also environmentally friendly [1] [2]. Solar Power Plant, abbreviated as PLTS, is a power plant that converts solar energy into electricity by using several solar cells arranged in series and parallel connected directly through an inverter or via electricity storage to the load [3][4] [5]]. Solar energy can be used as backup or alternative energy if the electricity from PLN is off, but its implementation is not simple [ Fig.1]. ...
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Jakabaring PLTS on-grid with a capacity of 2 MW operates from 6:00 am to 5:00 pm. At 5:00 pm the PLTS connection to the load will be disconnected and replaced with PLN. If the PLN is off due to damage or during maintenance, a generator that is operated manually will be used. Problems in the process of combining energy sources from Solar Panels to PLN require a power target of up to 10 Kva where if the power is fulfilled then the energy source from Photovoltaic (PV) will be connected to PLN and vice versa. Errors and speed in operation can be minimized by means of automation of the system operating the power supply to the load by using a PLC (Programmable Logic Controller). Optimization as a step to optimize the electricity supply in the PLTS area makes it the first source of power generation that is connected to the load, the second order is PLN if the PLTS has no power output or there is a problem and the third order is generators if PLN and PLTS have no power output. For this reason, a tool is needed that functions to move the power source alternately using a PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) as an ATS (Automatic Transfer Switch) process controller, where the tool will work automatically changing the power source if there is a disturbance that causes it to be unable to supply electricity to the user's load and also as a priority regulator of solar power sources as the main source of electricity to the load. When transferring loads from one source to another with 3 different power sources, it is faster and more effective to use an ATS (Automatic Transfer Switch) with a PLC controller compared to Manual or COS (Change Over Switch).
... Unfortunately, Photovoltaic (PV) systems are prone to overheating of the panels, which causes a decrease in energy yield [8]- [9] and reducing the efficiency of the solar panel, in addition to creating a permanent structure for the solar panel due to the constant heat damage stress exposure affecting panels [10]- [12]. In addition, the no-load voltage of PV modules decreases as the module temperature increases [13]- [14]. Even with a slight increase in current, the voltage drop is noticeable and performance degrades. ...
... According to Presidential Regulation No 22 of 2017, concerning the General National Energy Plan, solar power development for electricity is projected at 6. 5 [22] Hence, participation from all levels of society is required to ensure the government's objective is met. Educational and medical institutions can play an active role in developing and implementing PV systems as alternative energy sources and pilot projects to develop the technology and improve the output yields and efficiency [23]- [28]. ...
... Renewable energy refers to renewable and limitless energy sources such as solar energy, wind energy, biomass, geothermal energy, and hydro energy [1]- [5]. Unfortunately, renewable energy implementation is currently limited to state-owned enterprises [6]- [8] and research institutions [9]- [15]. Given Indonesia's abundant renewable energy resources, this situation is appalling. ...
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Energy is an important aspect of life as a whole. The fossil-based energy sources have dwindled over time, in line with population growth and economic growth. One approach to meeting the energy demand is to use renewable energy. According to Presidential Regulation Number 22 of 2017 on National Energy General Plan (RUEN) targets, the share of New and Renewable Energy in total national energy in 2025 will be 25%. The construction of a Hydro Power Plant is expected to reach 3.000 MW by 2025. According to NREEC statistical data from 2016, the potential for constructing a Hydro Power Plant in South Sumatera is approximately 448 MW. This paper investigates the possibility and potential of building Hydro Power Plant from the reservoir of the irrigation water system generated by a Solar Power Plant in Tanjung Raja Village, Muara Enim District, South Sumatra. The water discharge magnitude is measured, and the potential of electricity generated from the discharge is presented. The experimental data shows that water discharge from the reservoir can generate maximum electricity of 806,6488 watts with a discharge rate of 0.0653 m3/s, and power is 36,7245 watts, with a discharge of 0,0030 m3/s. The average electricity potential is approximately 375.6782 watts, with a discharge average of 0.0304 m3/s. Therefore, the experimental data shows the possibility of hybridizing the Solar Power Plant with Hydro Power Plant, which will be beneficial for the residential area in Tanjung Raja Village, Muara Enim.
... Renewable energy refers to renewable and limitless energy sources such as solar energy, wind energy, biomass, geothermal energy, and hydro energy [1]- [5]. Unfortunately, renewable energy implementation is currently limited to state-owned enterprises [6]- [8] and research institutions [9]- [15]. Given Indonesia's abundant renewable energy resources, this situation is appalling. ...
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Energy is an important aspect of life as a whole. The fossil-based energy sources have dwindled over time, in line with population growth and economic growth. One approach to meeting the energy demand is to use renewable energy. According to Presidential Regulation Number 22 of 2017 on National Energy General Plan (RUEN) targets, the share of New and Renewable Energy in total national energy in 2025 will be 25%. The construction of a Hydro Power Plant is expected to reach 3.000 MW by 2025. According to NREEC statistical data from 2016, the potential for constructing a Hydro Power Plant in South Sumatera is approximately 448 MW. This paper investigates the possibility and potential of building Hydro Power Plant from the reservoir of the irrigation water system generated by a Solar Power Plant in Tanjung Raja Village, Muara Enim District, South Sumatra. The water discharge magnitude is measured, and the potential of electricity generated from the discharge is presented. The experimental data shows that water discharge from the reservoir can generate maximum electricity of 806,6488 watts with a discharge rate of 0.0653 m3/s, and power is 36,7245 watts, with a discharge of 0,0030 m3/s. The average electricity potential is approximately 375.6782 watts, with a discharge average of 0.0304 m3/s. Therefore, the experimental data shows the possibility of hybridizing the Solar Power Plant with Hydro Power Plant, which will be beneficial for the residential area in Tanjung Raja Village, Muara Enim.
... Another factor that maximizes the performance of solar panels is the application of high-efficiency multi-junction cells (Silva-Rodriguez, 2008), (Philipps et al., 2015) which take advantage of the direct light spectrum by capturing diffuse light on cloudy days (Wilkins et al., 2017). Most researchers focus on solar tracking (Edward and Dewi, 2019), as the performance of a mobile panel over a fixed panel in the same area creates 30-45 % higher efficiency (Rizk and Chaiko, 2008). Investigations of multijunction cells for solar panels present an efficiency between 40 and 45%. ...
Bibliometrics has proven to be an efficient method for quantitative research on the statistical behavior of academic production, which allows analyzing existing data and documents to resolve trends in specific research fields. Considering the database downloaded from Web of Science, with the help of Hitscite and VOSviewer data analysis tool and Microsoft Excel table, 7,259 publications related to solar energy research from 2010 to 2020 were obtained. The purpose of this research work is to apply bibliometric analysis methods to the development of scientific research on solar energy, as an important part of renewable energies, to evaluate its progress in the last decades and to describe these trends. The results showed that since 2015, research on solar energy has increased, especially in countries such as the United States and China, due to the Paris treaties where the goal is that the average temperature of the earth by the year 2100 does not exceed 1.5 °C. Since greenhouse gases are the cause of the greatest impact of the increase in global temperature, it is expected that researchers will focus on harnessing green energy and take a step further to reduce fossil fuels.