Electron microscopic immunohistochemical features of the nuclear inclusions in motor neurons and scrotal skin epidermal cells of SBMA patients. Dense granular aggregation of AR-immunoreactive material without a limiting membrane was found in both motor neurons ( A to C ) and scrotal skin epidermal cells ( D to F ). Nucleoli, which are larger than the inclusions, are clearly distinguished. The same inclusions observed light microscopically ( A and D ) are demonstrated electron microscopically ( B , C , E , and F ). AR(N-20) was used as the first Ab. Magnification: A , 720 ϫ ; D , 1,000 ϫ ; B and E , 2,000 ϫ ; C , 10,000 ϫ ; F , 15,000 ϫ . 

Electron microscopic immunohistochemical features of the nuclear inclusions in motor neurons and scrotal skin epidermal cells of SBMA patients. Dense granular aggregation of AR-immunoreactive material without a limiting membrane was found in both motor neurons ( A to C ) and scrotal skin epidermal cells ( D to F ). Nucleoli, which are larger than the inclusions, are clearly distinguished. The same inclusions observed light microscopically ( A and D ) are demonstrated electron microscopically ( B , C , E , and F ). AR(N-20) was used as the first Ab. Magnification: A , 720 ϫ ; D , 1,000 ϫ ; B and E , 2,000 ϫ ; C , 10,000 ϫ ; F , 15,000 ϫ . 

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Spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy is an X-linked motor neuronopathy caused by the expansion of an unstable CAG repeat in the coding region of the androgen receptor (AR) gene. Nuclear inclusions of the mutant AR protein have been shown to occur in the spinal motor neurons of spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy (Li M, Kobayashi Y, Merry D, Tanaka F,...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... whom were processed for frozen samples and all five fixed in formalin). These patients were 54 to 82 years of age at death, and each showed a typical clinical phenotype of SBMA, with dysphagia, bulbar and extremity muscle weakness, and atrophy with fasciculation. Gynecomastia and diabetes mellitus were present in four patients. Du- ration from onset to death was 9 to 23 years, and the causes of death were empyema, bronchiectasis, and gastric cancer. The CAG repeat lengths of the AR gene determined in blood samples were 40 to 52. Tissue samples for immunohistochemical analysis were obtained at autopsy, frozen in liquid nitrogen, and stored at Ϫ 80°C or were fixed in 10% buffered formalin and processed for paraffin section. The pathological features of these cases were also typical for SBMA, 2,3 with minimal variation in extent among the patients; the spinal, bulbar and pontine motor neurons were extensively depleted, with mild glio- sis; sensory neurons were mildly affected, with occa- sional Nageotte’s nodules; the posterior column of the spinal cord was depleted in a rostrally accentuated manner; the muscles were chronically denervated, and the sural nerve myelinated fibers were moderately depleted. Testicular atrophy and fatty liver changes were also present. Other portions of the central nervous system and visceral organs were normal except for pulmonary infec- tion in all patients and gastric cancer in one patient. Control tissue samples were obtained from four male autopsied patients ages 54 to 71 years, who died of nonneurological diseases. The AR CAG repeat lengths of the controls were 19 to 24. All autopsies were performed within 6 hours post- mortem. Several polyclonal and monoclonal Abs that specifically recognize the AR protein were used in this study (Figure 1): 2F12 (mouse monoclonal Ab (immunoglobulin (Ig) G), NovoCastra, Newcastle, UK), generated against a re- combinant protein of 321 amino acids from the N terminus of the human AR; PG-21 (rabbit polyclonal Ab (IgG), Affinity BioReagents, Golden, CO) and AR(N-20)(rabbit polyclonal Ab (IgG), Santa Cruz Biotechnology, Santa Cruz, CA), which recognize 21 and 20 amino acid resi- dues of the N terminus of the AR, respectively; AR52 (rabbit polyclonal Ab (IgG), kindly provided by Dr. E. Wilson, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC), which recognizes the DNA-binding domain of the AR; and 5F4 (mouse monoclonal Ab (IgM), kindly provided by Dr. T Demura, Department of Urology, Hokkaido Univer- sity, Hokkaido, Japan) and AR(C-19) (rabbit polyclonal Ab (IgG), Santa Cruz Biotechnology), which recognizes the C terminus of the human AR. Characterization and binding specificities of all of these Abs to human AR were previously described. 33,37–39 Anti-ubiquitin Ab (rabbit polyclonal Ab (IgG), Dakopatts, Glostrup, Denmark) was also used. Cryostat sections of 8 ␮ m were prepared from the frozen tissues of SBMA patients and controls, quickly dried, and lightly fixed with Zamboni fixative for 10 minutes. Then the tissue sections were washed, blocked with normal horse serum (1:20), and incubated with Abs against AR, ubiquitin, or affinity-purified mouse IgG1 at concentrations of 0.5 to 4 ␮ g/ml. Endogenous peroxidase was blocked by preincubation of tissue sections with 0.3% H 2 O 2 in meth- anol for 30 minutes. Endogenous biotin was also blocked by incubation with an avidin-biotin blocking kit (Vector Laboratories, Burlingame, CA). Immune complexes were visualized using the avidin-biotinylated horseradish peroxidase system (Elite Vector kit from Vector Laboratories) and 3,3 Ј -diaminobenzidine (Dakopatts) substrate. Sec- tions were counterstained with methyl green. For paraffin- embedded samples, the 4- ␮ m tissue sections were deparaffinized in xylene, hydrated with alcohol, and then heated in a microwave oven for 5 minutes. The tissue sections were then processed in the same way as those for the frozen tissue sections. Immune complexes were visualized using the tyramide signal amplification system (New England Nuclear, Boston, MA) following the manu- facturer’s protocol. For electron microscopic immunohistochemistry, buffered formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue sections were immunostained with Abs against AR and then incubated with horseradish peroxidase-labeled second Ab (Amersham, Poole, UK). The tissue sections were then visualized with 3,3 Ј -diaminobenzidine (Dakopatts), fixed with 2% osmium tetroxide in 0.1 mol/L phosphate buffer, pH 7.4, and dehydrated in an alcohol gradient and embedded in epoxy resin, from which ultrathin sections were obtained and then observed under an electron micro- scope (Hitachi H-7000). CAG repeat length of the AR gene was determined on the autopsied tissue samples using methods described previously. 5,40 Nuclear inclusions were detected in the spinal motor neurons, neurons in the motor nucleus of the trigeminal nuclei in the pons, and neurons of the hypoglossal nuclei of the medulla oblongata (Figure 2 (see also Figure 4), Table 1). Nuclear inclusions were not detected in the neurons of cerebral cortex, caudate, thalamus, pallidum, cerebellar cortex, dentate nucleus nuclei other than motor nuclei in the brain stem, intermediolateral and Clarke’s nuclei of the spinal cord, or dorsal root ganglion neurons. Nuclear inclusions similar to those in the motor neurons were detected in the scrotal skin, dermal skin, kidney, heart, and testis (Figures 3 and 4, Table 1). The inclusions were not seen in the liver, spleen, or muscle. Both neural and nonneural nuclear inclusions were strongly stained by PG-21 and AR(N-20), but not by 2F12, AR52, 5F4, or AR(C-19) (Table 2). The inclusions were spherical structures of 1 to 5 ␮ m in diameter, and those in the nonneural tissues were generally smaller in size than those in the neurons. They were ubiquitinated (Figure 3, Tables 1 and 2). There were no detectable inclusions in cytoplasm of the neural or nonneural tissues. Most com- monly we saw one inclusion in the nucleus of the individ- ual cells, but two or three inclusions per cell were also observed (Figures 2 to 4) in both the neural and nonneural tissues. The frequency of the nuclear inclusions in the spinal motor neurons was 8.39 Ϯ 5.43% of total remain- ing motor neurons. The frequencies of nuclear inclusions in nonneural tissues were 0.93 Ϯ 0.50% in scrotal skin epidermal cells, 0.40% in nonscrotal skin epidermal cells, and 0.59 Ϯ 0.02% in kidney tubular cells, and nuclear inclusions were observed only occasionally in the heart and testis. Electron microscopically, these inclusions consisted of granular dense aggregates of AR-positive materials without limiting membrane (Figure 4), and the morphological appearance was quite similar among the inclusions in the spinal motor neurons, scrotal skin, and kidney. There was no evidence of filamentous structures as reported in HD 27 and MJD 30 (Figure 4). The morphological appearance of the motor neurons and nonneural cells with nuclear inclusions was indistin- guishable from those without inclusions. Neural and nonneural tissues from four control cases were also examined in the same manner as that for SBMA cases, but the inclusions were not seen in the control individuals. The present study demonstrates that nuclear inclusions of the mutant AR protein are present in the motor neurons of the spinal cord and the brain stem; moreover, similar inclusions are also detected in certain nonneural tissues of the SBMA patients, indicating that the occurrence of the nuclear inclusions is not restricted to the affected neural tissues, but is also found in certain nonneural tissues. The electron microscopic appearance of the AR-positive dense aggregates with similar granular size without limiting membrane was common to both neural and nonneural tissues. Furthermore, a characteristic selective staining pattern of the nuclear inclusions seen with only Abs recognizing N-terminal 20 and 21 amino acids of the AR protein was also common among the neural and nonneural tissues. These observations strongly suggest that same mechanism is involved in formation of AR- positive components in the nuclear inclusions in both the neural and nonneural tissues. The immunostaining pattern suggests that only a small portion of the N terminus of the AR protein is available as an epitope in the nuclear inclusions, and other portions of the AR may be masked within the inclusions of the mutant protein, or alternatively, the AR protein may be cleaved by proteolytic activity resulting in N-terminal fragments that participate in the aggregation, as was suggested in other polyglutamine diseases. 26 –36,41 In addition, these AR nuclear inclusions are ubiquitinated in the nonneural as well as neural tissues, indicating that the nuclear inclusion is a pathological structure of the mutant AR, even in the nonneural tissues, where the pathological involvement is not appar- ent. Our electron microscopic and light microscopic immunohistochemical data indicate that nuclear inclusions in both motor neurons and nonneural tissues are identical in morphological and immunochemical features. Furthermore, absence of filamentous structures in the nuclear inclusion of SBMA was different from observations in HD 27 and MJD. 30 This difference may suggest that the pathway of the nuclear aggregation is different among the different protein products or, alternatively, may rep- resent variances in sample preparation. In polyglutamine diseases that have been analyzed to date, the nuclear inclusions have been shown to occur selectively in neurons of the affected brain regions. The selective occurrence of nuclear inclusions in the affected cells of central nervous system in SBMA that we observed in this study agrees well with observations of HD, MJD, SCA1, and DRPLA, 27–32 as well as our previous observations in SBMA. However, the appearance of similar nuclear inclusions in the nonneural tissues observed in this study is novel. It is an important ...
Context 2
... Several polyclonal and monoclonal Abs that specifically recognize the AR protein were used in this study (Figure 1): 2F12 (mouse monoclonal Ab (immunoglobulin (Ig) G), NovoCastra, Newcastle, UK), generated against a re- combinant protein of 321 amino acids from the N terminus of the human AR; PG-21 (rabbit polyclonal Ab (IgG), Affinity BioReagents, Golden, CO) and AR(N-20)(rabbit polyclonal Ab (IgG), Santa Cruz Biotechnology, Santa Cruz, CA), which recognize 21 and 20 amino acid resi- dues of the N terminus of the AR, respectively; AR52 (rabbit polyclonal Ab (IgG), kindly provided by Dr. E. Wilson, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC), which recognizes the DNA-binding domain of the AR; and 5F4 (mouse monoclonal Ab (IgM), kindly provided by Dr. T Demura, Department of Urology, Hokkaido Univer- sity, Hokkaido, Japan) and AR(C-19) (rabbit polyclonal Ab (IgG), Santa Cruz Biotechnology), which recognizes the C terminus of the human AR. Characterization and binding specificities of all of these Abs to human AR were previously described. 33,37–39 Anti-ubiquitin Ab (rabbit polyclonal Ab (IgG), Dakopatts, Glostrup, Denmark) was also used. Cryostat sections of 8 ␮ m were prepared from the frozen tissues of SBMA patients and controls, quickly dried, and lightly fixed with Zamboni fixative for 10 minutes. Then the tissue sections were washed, blocked with normal horse serum (1:20), and incubated with Abs against AR, ubiquitin, or affinity-purified mouse IgG1 at concentrations of 0.5 to 4 ␮ g/ml. Endogenous peroxidase was blocked by preincubation of tissue sections with 0.3% H 2 O 2 in meth- anol for 30 minutes. Endogenous biotin was also blocked by incubation with an avidin-biotin blocking kit (Vector Laboratories, Burlingame, CA). Immune complexes were visualized using the avidin-biotinylated horseradish peroxidase system (Elite Vector kit from Vector Laboratories) and 3,3 Ј -diaminobenzidine (Dakopatts) substrate. Sec- tions were counterstained with methyl green. For paraffin- embedded samples, the 4- ␮ m tissue sections were deparaffinized in xylene, hydrated with alcohol, and then heated in a microwave oven for 5 minutes. The tissue sections were then processed in the same way as those for the frozen tissue sections. Immune complexes were visualized using the tyramide signal amplification system (New England Nuclear, Boston, MA) following the manu- facturer’s protocol. For electron microscopic immunohistochemistry, buffered formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue sections were immunostained with Abs against AR and then incubated with horseradish peroxidase-labeled second Ab (Amersham, Poole, UK). The tissue sections were then visualized with 3,3 Ј -diaminobenzidine (Dakopatts), fixed with 2% osmium tetroxide in 0.1 mol/L phosphate buffer, pH 7.4, and dehydrated in an alcohol gradient and embedded in epoxy resin, from which ultrathin sections were obtained and then observed under an electron micro- scope (Hitachi H-7000). CAG repeat length of the AR gene was determined on the autopsied tissue samples using methods described previously. 5,40 Nuclear inclusions were detected in the spinal motor neurons, neurons in the motor nucleus of the trigeminal nuclei in the pons, and neurons of the hypoglossal nuclei of the medulla oblongata (Figure 2 (see also Figure 4), Table 1). Nuclear inclusions were not detected in the neurons of cerebral cortex, caudate, thalamus, pallidum, cerebellar cortex, dentate nucleus nuclei other than motor nuclei in the brain stem, intermediolateral and Clarke’s nuclei of the spinal cord, or dorsal root ganglion neurons. Nuclear inclusions similar to those in the motor neurons were detected in the scrotal skin, dermal skin, kidney, heart, and testis (Figures 3 and 4, Table 1). The inclusions were not seen in the liver, spleen, or muscle. Both neural and nonneural nuclear inclusions were strongly stained by PG-21 and AR(N-20), but not by 2F12, AR52, 5F4, or AR(C-19) (Table 2). The inclusions were spherical structures of 1 to 5 ␮ m in diameter, and those in the nonneural tissues were generally smaller in size than those in the neurons. They were ubiquitinated (Figure 3, Tables 1 and 2). There were no detectable inclusions in cytoplasm of the neural or nonneural tissues. Most com- monly we saw one inclusion in the nucleus of the individ- ual cells, but two or three inclusions per cell were also observed (Figures 2 to 4) in both the neural and nonneural tissues. The frequency of the nuclear inclusions in the spinal motor neurons was 8.39 Ϯ 5.43% of total remain- ing motor neurons. The frequencies of nuclear inclusions in nonneural tissues were 0.93 Ϯ 0.50% in scrotal skin epidermal cells, 0.40% in nonscrotal skin epidermal cells, and 0.59 Ϯ 0.02% in kidney tubular cells, and nuclear inclusions were observed only occasionally in the heart and testis. Electron microscopically, these inclusions consisted of granular dense aggregates of AR-positive materials without limiting membrane (Figure 4), and the morphological appearance was quite similar among the inclusions in the spinal motor neurons, scrotal skin, and kidney. There was no evidence of filamentous structures as reported in HD 27 and MJD 30 (Figure 4). The morphological appearance of the motor neurons and nonneural cells with nuclear inclusions was indistin- guishable from those without inclusions. Neural and nonneural tissues from four control cases were also examined in the same manner as that for SBMA cases, but the inclusions were not seen in the control individuals. The present study demonstrates that nuclear inclusions of the mutant AR protein are present in the motor neurons of the spinal cord and the brain stem; moreover, similar inclusions are also detected in certain nonneural tissues of the SBMA patients, indicating that the occurrence of the nuclear inclusions is not restricted to the affected neural tissues, but is also found in certain nonneural tissues. The electron microscopic appearance of the AR-positive dense aggregates with similar granular size without limiting membrane was common to both neural and nonneural tissues. Furthermore, a characteristic selective staining pattern of the nuclear inclusions seen with only Abs recognizing N-terminal 20 and 21 amino acids of the AR protein was also common among the neural and nonneural tissues. These observations strongly suggest that same mechanism is involved in formation of AR- positive components in the nuclear inclusions in both the neural and nonneural tissues. The immunostaining pattern suggests that only a small portion of the N terminus of the AR protein is available as an epitope in the nuclear inclusions, and other portions of the AR may be masked within the inclusions of the mutant protein, or alternatively, the AR protein may be cleaved by proteolytic activity resulting in N-terminal fragments that participate in the aggregation, as was suggested in other polyglutamine diseases. 26 –36,41 In addition, these AR nuclear inclusions are ubiquitinated in the nonneural as well as neural tissues, indicating that the nuclear inclusion is a pathological structure of the mutant AR, even in the nonneural tissues, where the pathological involvement is not appar- ent. Our electron microscopic and light microscopic immunohistochemical data indicate that nuclear inclusions in both motor neurons and nonneural tissues are identical in morphological and immunochemical features. Furthermore, absence of filamentous structures in the nuclear inclusion of SBMA was different from observations in HD 27 and MJD. 30 This difference may suggest that the pathway of the nuclear aggregation is different among the different protein products or, alternatively, may rep- resent variances in sample preparation. In polyglutamine diseases that have been analyzed to date, the nuclear inclusions have been shown to occur selectively in neurons of the affected brain regions. The selective occurrence of nuclear inclusions in the affected cells of central nervous system in SBMA that we observed in this study agrees well with observations of HD, MJD, SCA1, and DRPLA, 27–32 as well as our previous observations in SBMA. However, the appearance of similar nuclear inclusions in the nonneural tissues observed in this study is novel. It is an important question why the neurons are selectively affected despite the presence of nuclear inclusions in both the affected neurons and nonaffected nonneural tissues. The cells of the nonneural tissues are mitotic cells in contrast to motor neurons; the epidermal cells in the scrotal and dermal skin and epithelial cells in the kidney tubules are all capable of mitosis in adulthood, and are eventually replaced by newly generated cells. Hence, those cells with toxic effects associated with the nuclear inclusions may be replaced by turnover. It may also be that neurons are particularly susceptible to whatever deleterious effects the inclusions may have. As demonstrated in the HD transgenic model, 34 a long latent period is necessary for inclusions to induce neuronal death. Neurons, as postmi- totic cells, may be specifically affected because they survive long enough for the inclusions to have effect, whereas nonneural cells with nuclear inclusions turn over before the inclusions have pathological consequences. The significantly lower frequency of nuclear inclusion in nonneural tissues than in neurons may support this view. These differences in cell turnover rates could contribute to selective neuronal degeneration and neuronal loss. Another interesting observation in this study is that the presence of nuclear inclusions is also selective among the various nonneural tissues, as it is in neural tissues. The inclusions are frequent in scrotal skin, dermal skin, and kidney; only occasionally seen in the testis and heart muscle; and not detected in spleen, liver, and muscle. The distribution of inclusions is not related to the expression level of mutant AR in these ...
Context 3
... a re- combinant protein of 321 amino acids from the N terminus of the human AR; PG-21 (rabbit polyclonal Ab (IgG), Affinity BioReagents, Golden, CO) and AR(N-20)(rabbit polyclonal Ab (IgG), Santa Cruz Biotechnology, Santa Cruz, CA), which recognize 21 and 20 amino acid resi- dues of the N terminus of the AR, respectively; AR52 (rabbit polyclonal Ab (IgG), kindly provided by Dr. E. Wilson, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC), which recognizes the DNA-binding domain of the AR; and 5F4 (mouse monoclonal Ab (IgM), kindly provided by Dr. T Demura, Department of Urology, Hokkaido Univer- sity, Hokkaido, Japan) and AR(C-19) (rabbit polyclonal Ab (IgG), Santa Cruz Biotechnology), which recognizes the C terminus of the human AR. Characterization and binding specificities of all of these Abs to human AR were previously described. 33,37–39 Anti-ubiquitin Ab (rabbit polyclonal Ab (IgG), Dakopatts, Glostrup, Denmark) was also used. Cryostat sections of 8 ␮ m were prepared from the frozen tissues of SBMA patients and controls, quickly dried, and lightly fixed with Zamboni fixative for 10 minutes. Then the tissue sections were washed, blocked with normal horse serum (1:20), and incubated with Abs against AR, ubiquitin, or affinity-purified mouse IgG1 at concentrations of 0.5 to 4 ␮ g/ml. Endogenous peroxidase was blocked by preincubation of tissue sections with 0.3% H 2 O 2 in meth- anol for 30 minutes. Endogenous biotin was also blocked by incubation with an avidin-biotin blocking kit (Vector Laboratories, Burlingame, CA). Immune complexes were visualized using the avidin-biotinylated horseradish peroxidase system (Elite Vector kit from Vector Laboratories) and 3,3 Ј -diaminobenzidine (Dakopatts) substrate. Sec- tions were counterstained with methyl green. For paraffin- embedded samples, the 4- ␮ m tissue sections were deparaffinized in xylene, hydrated with alcohol, and then heated in a microwave oven for 5 minutes. The tissue sections were then processed in the same way as those for the frozen tissue sections. Immune complexes were visualized using the tyramide signal amplification system (New England Nuclear, Boston, MA) following the manu- facturer’s protocol. For electron microscopic immunohistochemistry, buffered formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue sections were immunostained with Abs against AR and then incubated with horseradish peroxidase-labeled second Ab (Amersham, Poole, UK). The tissue sections were then visualized with 3,3 Ј -diaminobenzidine (Dakopatts), fixed with 2% osmium tetroxide in 0.1 mol/L phosphate buffer, pH 7.4, and dehydrated in an alcohol gradient and embedded in epoxy resin, from which ultrathin sections were obtained and then observed under an electron micro- scope (Hitachi H-7000). CAG repeat length of the AR gene was determined on the autopsied tissue samples using methods described previously. 5,40 Nuclear inclusions were detected in the spinal motor neurons, neurons in the motor nucleus of the trigeminal nuclei in the pons, and neurons of the hypoglossal nuclei of the medulla oblongata (Figure 2 (see also Figure 4), Table 1). Nuclear inclusions were not detected in the neurons of cerebral cortex, caudate, thalamus, pallidum, cerebellar cortex, dentate nucleus nuclei other than motor nuclei in the brain stem, intermediolateral and Clarke’s nuclei of the spinal cord, or dorsal root ganglion neurons. Nuclear inclusions similar to those in the motor neurons were detected in the scrotal skin, dermal skin, kidney, heart, and testis (Figures 3 and 4, Table 1). The inclusions were not seen in the liver, spleen, or muscle. Both neural and nonneural nuclear inclusions were strongly stained by PG-21 and AR(N-20), but not by 2F12, AR52, 5F4, or AR(C-19) (Table 2). The inclusions were spherical structures of 1 to 5 ␮ m in diameter, and those in the nonneural tissues were generally smaller in size than those in the neurons. They were ubiquitinated (Figure 3, Tables 1 and 2). There were no detectable inclusions in cytoplasm of the neural or nonneural tissues. Most com- monly we saw one inclusion in the nucleus of the individ- ual cells, but two or three inclusions per cell were also observed (Figures 2 to 4) in both the neural and nonneural tissues. The frequency of the nuclear inclusions in the spinal motor neurons was 8.39 Ϯ 5.43% of total remain- ing motor neurons. The frequencies of nuclear inclusions in nonneural tissues were 0.93 Ϯ 0.50% in scrotal skin epidermal cells, 0.40% in nonscrotal skin epidermal cells, and 0.59 Ϯ 0.02% in kidney tubular cells, and nuclear inclusions were observed only occasionally in the heart and testis. Electron microscopically, these inclusions consisted of granular dense aggregates of AR-positive materials without limiting membrane (Figure 4), and the morphological appearance was quite similar among the inclusions in the spinal motor neurons, scrotal skin, and kidney. There was no evidence of filamentous structures as reported in HD 27 and MJD 30 (Figure 4). The morphological appearance of the motor neurons and nonneural cells with nuclear inclusions was indistin- guishable from those without inclusions. Neural and nonneural tissues from four control cases were also examined in the same manner as that for SBMA cases, but the inclusions were not seen in the control individuals. The present study demonstrates that nuclear inclusions of the mutant AR protein are present in the motor neurons of the spinal cord and the brain stem; moreover, similar inclusions are also detected in certain nonneural tissues of the SBMA patients, indicating that the occurrence of the nuclear inclusions is not restricted to the affected neural tissues, but is also found in certain nonneural tissues. The electron microscopic appearance of the AR-positive dense aggregates with similar granular size without limiting membrane was common to both neural and nonneural tissues. Furthermore, a characteristic selective staining pattern of the nuclear inclusions seen with only Abs recognizing N-terminal 20 and 21 amino acids of the AR protein was also common among the neural and nonneural tissues. These observations strongly suggest that same mechanism is involved in formation of AR- positive components in the nuclear inclusions in both the neural and nonneural tissues. The immunostaining pattern suggests that only a small portion of the N terminus of the AR protein is available as an epitope in the nuclear inclusions, and other portions of the AR may be masked within the inclusions of the mutant protein, or alternatively, the AR protein may be cleaved by proteolytic activity resulting in N-terminal fragments that participate in the aggregation, as was suggested in other polyglutamine diseases. 26 –36,41 In addition, these AR nuclear inclusions are ubiquitinated in the nonneural as well as neural tissues, indicating that the nuclear inclusion is a pathological structure of the mutant AR, even in the nonneural tissues, where the pathological involvement is not appar- ent. Our electron microscopic and light microscopic immunohistochemical data indicate that nuclear inclusions in both motor neurons and nonneural tissues are identical in morphological and immunochemical features. Furthermore, absence of filamentous structures in the nuclear inclusion of SBMA was different from observations in HD 27 and MJD. 30 This difference may suggest that the pathway of the nuclear aggregation is different among the different protein products or, alternatively, may rep- resent variances in sample preparation. In polyglutamine diseases that have been analyzed to date, the nuclear inclusions have been shown to occur selectively in neurons of the affected brain regions. The selective occurrence of nuclear inclusions in the affected cells of central nervous system in SBMA that we observed in this study agrees well with observations of HD, MJD, SCA1, and DRPLA, 27–32 as well as our previous observations in SBMA. However, the appearance of similar nuclear inclusions in the nonneural tissues observed in this study is novel. It is an important question why the neurons are selectively affected despite the presence of nuclear inclusions in both the affected neurons and nonaffected nonneural tissues. The cells of the nonneural tissues are mitotic cells in contrast to motor neurons; the epidermal cells in the scrotal and dermal skin and epithelial cells in the kidney tubules are all capable of mitosis in adulthood, and are eventually replaced by newly generated cells. Hence, those cells with toxic effects associated with the nuclear inclusions may be replaced by turnover. It may also be that neurons are particularly susceptible to whatever deleterious effects the inclusions may have. As demonstrated in the HD transgenic model, 34 a long latent period is necessary for inclusions to induce neuronal death. Neurons, as postmi- totic cells, may be specifically affected because they survive long enough for the inclusions to have effect, whereas nonneural cells with nuclear inclusions turn over before the inclusions have pathological consequences. The significantly lower frequency of nuclear inclusion in nonneural tissues than in neurons may support this view. These differences in cell turnover rates could contribute to selective neuronal degeneration and neuronal loss. Another interesting observation in this study is that the presence of nuclear inclusions is also selective among the various nonneural tissues, as it is in neural tissues. The inclusions are frequent in scrotal skin, dermal skin, and kidney; only occasionally seen in the testis and heart muscle; and not detected in spleen, liver, and muscle. The distribution of inclusions is not related to the expression level of mutant AR in these tissues. 33 AR protein is highly expressed in the testis, skin, and muscle, whereas it is low in the kidney, spleen, and liver. 33 A similar lack of correlation between the AR protein expression levels and pathological ...


... The authors speculated that this localization may facilitate coupling of ribosome biogenesis with the protein aggregation status of the cell. In mammalian cells, many repeat disease-associated protein inclusions show a juxtanucleolar localization when overexpressed in vitro (Latonen et al., 2011) consistent with a similar localization of intranuclear inclusions in some human neurodegenerative diseases including amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Forsberg et al., 2011) and Kennedy's disease (Li et al., 1998). Notably, MBs are also often located adjacent to nucleoli (Leestma and Andrews, 1969). ...
... A leading hypothesis is that the well-documented accumulation and aggregation of polyQ-AR in the nucleus could be contributing to disease and motor neuron degeneration. The formation of nuclear aggregates of mutant AR is evident in both motor neurons of the spinal cord and the brain stem as well as some non-neural tissue [46]. The expansion of the polyglutamine tract in AR affects the folding of the final AR product and is associated with an increase in α-helical structures [47][48][49]. ...
Full-text available
Spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy (SBMA), also known as Kennedy’s disease, is a debilitating neuromuscular disease characterized by progressive muscular weakness and neuronal degeneration, affecting 1–2 individuals per 100,000 globally. While SBMA is relatively rare, recent studies have shown a significantly higher prevalence of the disease among the indigenous population of Western Canada compared to the general population. The disease is caused by a pathogenic expansion of polyglutamine residues in the androgen receptor protein, which acts as a key transcriptional regulator for numerous genes. SBMA has no cure, and current treatments are primarily supportive and focused on symptom management. Recently, a form of precision medicine known as antisense therapy has gained traction as a promising therapeutic option for numerous neuromuscular diseases. Antisense therapy uses small synthetic oligonucleotides to confer therapeutic benefit by acting on pathogenic mRNA molecules, serving to either degrade pathogenic mRNA transcripts or helping to modulate splicing. Recent studies have explored the suitability of antisense therapy for the treatment of SBMA, primarily focused on gene therapy and antisense-mediated mRNA knockdown approaches. Advancements in understanding the pathogenesis of SBMA and the development of targeted therapies offer hope for improved quality of life for individuals affected by this debilitating condition. Continued research is essential to optimize these genetic approaches, ensuring their safety and efficacy.
... Soon after its translation, the polyQ is masked by specific chaperones (HSPAs/HSP70s, HSP90, etc.), that are released upon AR-binding with its natural androgenic ligands. These molecules activate the AR, allowing conformational changes that unmask the polyQ, causing ARpolyQ aggregation and impairment of the autophagic process [91][92][93][94][95][96][97][98]. Despite a deep investigation, it is still not totally clear whether aggregates cause autophagic flux blockage, or if a defective autophagy results in poor protein clearance and thus excessive An increased load in misfolded substrates may result in protein aggregates formation, which, in turn, hampers the autophagic flux. ...
Full-text available
Motor neuron diseases (MNDs) include a broad group of diseases in which neurodegeneration mainly affects upper and/or lower motor neurons (MNs). Although the involvement of specific MNs, symptoms, age of onset, and progression differ in MNDs, the main pathogenic mechanism common to most MNDs is represented by proteostasis alteration and proteotoxicity. This pathomechanism may be directly related to mutations in genes encoding proteins involved in the protein quality control system, particularly the autophagy-lysosomal pathway (ALP). Alternatively, proteostasis alteration can be caused by aberrant proteins that tend to misfold and to aggregate, two related processes that, over time, cannot be properly handled by the ALP. Here, we summarize the main ALP features, focusing on different routes utilized to deliver substrates to the lysosome and how the various ALP pathways intersect with the intracellular trafficking of membranes and vesicles. Next, we provide an overview of the mutated genes that have been found associated with MNDs, how these gene products are involved in different steps of ALP and related processes. Finally, we discuss how autophagy can be considered a valid therapeutic target for MNDs treatment focusing on traditional autophagy modulators and on emerging approaches to overcome their limitations.
... Of note, vinculin plays an analogous role in cardiac muscle. Vinculin's role in SBMA cardiac phenotypes should be considered for further research, as SBMA patients have an increased prevalence of Brugada Syndrome, a cardiac syndrome that can lead to ventricular fibrillation and early death [1,32]. ...
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Spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy (SBMA) is an X-linked, neuromuscular neurodegenerative disease for which there is no cure. The disease is characterized by a selective decrease in fast-muscle power (e.g., tongue pressure, grip strength) accompanied by a selective loss of fast-twitch muscle fibers. However, the relationship between neuromuscular junction (NMJ) pathology and fast-twitch motor unit vulnerability has yet to be explored. In this study, we used a cross-model comparison of two mouse models of SBMA to evaluate neuromuscular junction pathology, glycolytic-to-oxidative fiber-type switching, and cytoskeletal alterations in pre- and postsynaptic termini of tibialis anterior (TA), gastrocnemius, and soleus hindlimb muscles. We observed significantly increased NMJ and myofiber pathology in fast-twitch, glycolytic motor units of the TA and gastrocnemius compared to slow-twitch, oxidative motor units of the soleus, as seen by decreased pre- and post-synaptic membrane area, decreased pre- and post-synaptic membrane colocalization, increased acetylcholine receptor compactness, a decrease in endplate area and complexity, and deficits in neurofilament heavy chain. Our data also show evidence for metabolic dysregulation and myofiber atrophy that correlate with severity of NMJ pathology. We propose a model in which the dynamic communicative relationship between the motor neuron and muscle, along with the developmental subtype of the muscle, promotes motor unit subtype specific vulnerability, metabolic alterations, and NMJ pathology.
... The underlying cellular basis of the disease is a loss of brainstem and spinal cord motor neurons along with the associated innervated muscles (5,6), although a primary role for muscle atrophy has also been demonstrated (7,8). Surviving motor neurons display intranuclear inclusions that contain predominantly insoluble and truncated AR (9,10). Such inclusions are also an important feature of the other polyQ diseases. ...
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Polyglutamine (polyQ) diseases are devastating, slowly progressing neurodegenerative conditions caused by expansion of polyQ-encoding CAG repeats within the coding regions of distinct, unrelated genes. In spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy (SBMA), polyQ expansion within the androgen receptor (AR) causes progressive neuromuscular toxicity, the molecular basis of which is unclear. Using quantitative proteomics, we identified changes in the AR interactome caused by polyQ expansion. We found that the deubiquitinase USP7 preferentially interacts with polyQ-expanded AR, and that lowering USP7 levels reduced mutant AR aggregation and cytotoxicity in cell models of SBMA. Moreover, USP7 knockdown suppressed disease phenotypes in SBMA and spinocerebellar ataxia type 3 (SCA3) fly models, and monoallelic knockout of Usp7 ameliorated several motor deficiencies in transgenic SBMA mice. USP7 overexpression resulted in reduced AR ubiquitination, indicating the direct action of USP7 on AR. Using quantitative proteomics, we identified the ubiquitinated lysine residues on mutant AR that are regulated by USP7. Finally, we found that USP7 also differentially interacts with mutant Huntingtin (HTT) protein in striatum and frontal cortex of a knock-in mouse model of Huntington's disease. Taken together, our findings reveal a critical role for USP7 in the pathophysiology of SBMA and suggest a similar role in SCA3 and Huntington's disease.
... Instead, SBMA is caused by the acquisition of a toxic property or properties of the mutant AR, with aberrant aggregation likely conferring some of these toxic effects. In SBMA patients, nuclear, and to a lesser extent cytoplasmic, AR aggregates are found throughout the CNS as well as in peripheral tissues [18,28,142,143]. These aggregates are morphologically granular and do not associate with membranes [143]. ...
... In SBMA patients, nuclear, and to a lesser extent cytoplasmic, AR aggregates are found throughout the CNS as well as in peripheral tissues [18,28,142,143]. These aggregates are morphologically granular and do not associate with membranes [143]. Mitochondria are found in proximity to AR aggregates, suggesting that the process of aggregation (and/or the maturation of aggregates) requires energy [144]. ...
... Additionally, slow-migrating aggregation species are detected by the 3B5H10 monoclonal antibody, which recognizes expanded polyQ tracts in low molecular weight oligomers, but not in higher molecular weight inclusion bodies [151]. Early studies of AR aggregation in SBMA patient tissue failed to detect AR aggregates with antibodies directed to the C terminus of the AR [18,143], which was determined to be due to proteolytic cleavage of the mutant AR in a subsequent analysis in an SBMA mouse model [152]. This process was further elucidated in vitro, with both biochemical and imaging assays revealing that mutant AR aggregates first as a fulllength protein, becoming proteolyzed over the course of inclusion maturation [150]. ...
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Spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy (SBMA) is a neuromuscular disease caused by a polyglutamine (polyQ) expansion in the androgen receptor (AR). Despite the fact that the monogenic cause of SBMA has been known for nearly 3 decades, there is no effective treatment for this disease, underscoring the complexity of the pathogenic mechanisms that lead to a loss of motor neurons and muscle in SBMA patients. In the current review, we provide an overview of the system-wide clinical features of SBMA, summarize the structure and function of the AR, discuss both gain-of-function and loss-of-function mechanisms of toxicity caused by polyQ-expanded AR, and describe the cell and animal models utilized in the study of SBMA. Additionally, we summarize previously conducted clinical trials which, despite being based on positive results from preclinical studies, proved to be largely ineffective in the treatment of SBMA; nonetheless, these studies provide important insights as researchers develop the next generation of therapies.
... Moreover, brainstem pathology is regarded as 'stage 1' of a recently proposed four-stage pathological staging system based on pathological TDP-43 burden patterns (Brettschneider et al., 2013). Furthermore, brainstem pathology is not unique to ALS, it is a unifying feature of most motor neuron diseases (ALS, PLS, SBMA) affecting the descending pyramidal tracts, brainstem nuclei or both, depending on the phenotype (Brettschneider et al., 2013;Querin et al., 2018a;Li et al., 1998;Finegan et al., 2019b;Geser et al., 2011). So, while brainstem degeneration is a pathognomonic feature of most MNDs, it is seldom evaluated specifically in dedicated imaging studies. ...
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Background Brainstem pathology is a hallmark feature of ALS, yet most imaging studies focus on cortical grey matter alterations and internal capsule white matter pathology. Brainstem imaging in ALS provides a unique opportunity to appraise descending motor tract degeneration and bulbar lower motor neuron involvement. Methods A prospective longitudinal imaging study has been undertaken with 100 patients with ALS, 33 patients with PLS, 30 patients with FTD and 100 healthy controls. Volumetric, vertex and morphometric analyses were conducted correcting for demographic factors to characterise disease-specific patterns of brainstem pathology. Using a Bayesian segmentation algorithm, the brainstem was segmented into the medulla, pons and mesencephalon to measure regional volume reductions, shape analyses were performed to ascertain the atrophy profile of each study group and region-of-interest morphometry was used to evaluate focal density alterations. Results ALS and PLS patients exhibit considerable brainstem atrophy compared to both disease- and healthy controls. Volume reductions in ALS and PLS are dominated by medulla oblongata pathology, but pontine atrophy can also be detected. In ALS, vertex analyses confirm the flattening of the medullary pyramids bilaterally in comparison to healthy controls and widespread pontine shape deformations in contrast to PLS. The ALS cohort exhibit bilateral density reductions in the mesencephalic crura in contrast to healthy controls, central pontine atrophy compared to disease controls, peri-aqueduct mesencephalic and posterior pontine changes in comparison to PLS patients. Conclusions Computational brainstem imaging captures the degeneration of both white and grey matter components in ALS. Our longitudinal data indicate progressive brainstem atrophy over time, underlining the biomarker potential of quantitative brainstem measures in ALS. At a time when a multitude of clinical trials are underway worldwide, there is an unprecedented need for accurate biomarkers to monitor disease progression and detect response to therapy. Brainstem imaging is a promising addition to candidate biomarkers of ALS and PLS.
... In vitro and in cells, polyQ repeats beyond 37 residues in length cause hormone-dependent AR misfolding and aggregation. In patients and animal models, this misfolding manifests through the formation of nuclear inclusions in motor neurons and skeletal muscle cells that contain ubiquitinated and misfolded polyQ AR 18,19 . Importantly, the chaperone-bound form of polyQ AR appears to be protected from aggregation, such that it only becomes insoluble after androgen-mediated release of the chaperones. ...
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Molecular chaperones such as Hsp40 and Hsp70 hold the androgen receptor (AR) in an inactive conformation. They are released in the presence of androgens, enabling transacti-vation and causing the receptor to become aggregation-prone. Here we show that these molecular chaperones recognize a region of the AR N-terminal domain (NTD), including a FQNLF motif, that interacts with the AR ligand-binding domain (LBD) upon activation. This suggests that competition between molecular chaperones and the LBD for the FQNLF motif regulates AR activation. We also show that, while the free NTD oligomerizes, binding to Hsp70 increases its solubility. Stabilizing the NTD-Hsp70 interaction with small molecules reduces AR aggregation and promotes its degradation in cellular and mouse models of the neuromuscular disorder spinal bulbar muscular atrophy. These results help resolve the mechanisms by which molecular chaperones regulate the balance between AR aggregation, activation and quality control.
... It harbors a polyQ tract whose helical propensity-that we have recently revealed by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and circular dichroism (CD) 20 -increases upon expansion 20,21 . This tract is associated with the neuromuscular disease spinobulbar muscular atrophy (SBMA) 22 , a condition that affects men with AR genetic variants coding for tracts with more than 37 residues, which form fibrillar cytotoxic aggregates 23 . The length of this tract also anti-correlates with the risk of suffering prostate cancer 24 due to its influence on AR transcriptional activity 25 . ...
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Polyglutamine (polyQ) tracts are regions of low sequence complexity frequently found in transcription factors. Tract length often correlates with transcriptional activity and expansion beyond specific thresholds in certain human proteins is the cause of polyQ disorders. To study the structural basis of the association between tract length, transcriptional activity and disease, we addressed how the conformation of the polyQ tract of the androgen receptor, associated with spinobulbar muscular atrophy (SBMA), depends on its length. Here we report that this sequence folds into a helical structure stabilized by unconventional hydrogen bonds between glutamine side chains and main chain carbonyl groups, and that its helicity directly correlates with tract length. These unusual hydrogen bonds are bifurcate with the conventional hydrogen bonds stabilizing α-helices. Our findings suggest a plausible rationale for the association between polyQ tract length and androgen receptor transcriptional activity and have implications for establishing the mechanistic basis of SBMA.
... In cell and animal models of SBMA, both the presence of hormone 13,14,16,46 and the nuclear localization 17,18,46 of mutant AR are necessary for toxicity and neuromuscular pathology, with the formation of intranuclear inclusions of aggregated AR in neuronal and non-neuronal tissues a hallmark of the disease state 47,48 . Given the requirement for nuclear localization in disease-mediated toxicity, we sought to determine if the nuclear export of polyQ-expanded AR is disrupted and whether enhancing the nuclear export of polyQ-expanded AR would be protective in cell models of SBMA. ...
... In the absence of hormone, the localization of mutant AR was unaffected by the exogenous NES (Fig. S2A). Upon treatment with hormone, PC12 cells expressing polyQ-expanded AR form intranuclear inclusions that resemble the AR inclusion bodies observed in SBMA patient tissues, in that they consist of proteolyzed N-terminal fragments of AR [47][48][49]55 . The addition of the exogenous NES reduced the frequency of cells containing intranuclear inclusions (Fig. 2B,C). ...
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Abstract Spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy (SBMA) is a neuromuscular disease caused by polyglutamine (polyQ) expansion in the androgen receptor (AR). Prior studies have highlighted the importance of AR nuclear localization in SBMA pathogenesis; therefore, in this study, we sought to determine the role of AR nuclear export in the pathological manifestations of SBMA. We demonstrate here that the nuclear export of polyQ-expanded AR is impaired, even prior to the formation of intranuclear inclusions of aggregated AR. Additionally, we find that promoting AR export with an exogenous nuclear export signal substantially reduces its aggregation and blocks hormone-induced toxicity. Moreover, we show that these protective effects are conferred by destabilization of the mutant protein due to an increase in proteasomal degradation of the cytoplasmic AR. Despite a growing body of evidence that global disruption of nucleo/cytoplasmic transport occurs in ALS and HD, our data suggest that no such global disruption occurs in models of SBMA; rather, AR-specific mechanisms, including reduced phosphorylation at Serine 650, are likely responsible for the impaired nuclear export of polyQ-expanded AR.