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Economic vulnerabilities in selected Middle Eastern countries before Covid-19

Economic vulnerabilities in selected Middle Eastern countries before Covid-19

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An examination of weak states without money, strong states without money and strong states with money in the Middle East can help to identify the different impacts of Covid-19 across the region. Weak states without money will see a surge in activity on the part of (armed) substate actors and increased foreign interference in the conflicts that plag...

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... states in the Middle East were already struggling with severe domestic economic challenges before Covid-19. The pandemic will only aggravate these by throwing existing structural weaknesses into starker relief (see Table 2 below). At the most extreme end, Syria has lost about 65% of its GDP compared with pre-war levels. ...


... This resulted in a dramatic increase in vectors of contagion, particularly in Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and the UAE. 10 The UAE was the first Middle Eastern country to report a coronavirus-positive case, but the most significant numbers of infections and fatalities have been in Turkey, followed by Iran and Saudi Arabia. 11 Turkey has the tenth-highest number of reported COVID-19 cases in the world after the US, Spain, Russia, Britain, Italy, Brazil, France, Germany, and India, and the highest number in the Middle East (163,103 cases of infection, 31,604 active cases, and 4,515 deaths as of May 31). ...
... | e-Publisher: EKT | Downloaded at 24/11/2020 15:03:13 | vol. 1 | no. 1 | June 2020 164 ίδιο τρόπο και στις τρεις πλευρές και έτσι τα Ηνωμένα Έθνη επιχείρησαν να προσφέρουν στη ΒΔ Συρία μεταφέροντας τρόφιμα μέσω Τουρκίας (WorldFoodProgram, 2020). Η πανδημία φαίνεται ότι δε θα παύσει τις συγκρούσεις• ενδεχομένως μάλιστα να τις αυξήσει προσθέτοντας στην αρχική τους νοηματοδότηση έναν ακόμη παράγοντα (Yüksel, 2020). ...
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Για πολλές χώρες η υγειονομική κρίση του κορωνοϊού αποτέλεσε τη μεγαλύτερη πρόκληση των τελευταίων δεκαετιών. Για τη Συρία όμως ήρθε να προστεθεί σε μία ήδη μακριά λίστα προκλήσεων. Πώς διαχειρίστηκε η Συρία το πρώτο κύμα της πανδημίας και ποια ήταν τα αποτελέσματα; Είναι πλέον έμπειρη και έτοιμη να αντιμετωπίσει ένα πιθανό δεύτερο κύμα κορωνοϊού; Πώς θα μπορούσε να είχε λειτουργήσει αποτελεσματικότερα τους τρεις τελευταίους μήνες και πώς θα αξιοποιήσει την εμπειρία της αυτή για να εφοδιαστεί για το άμεσο μέλλον και ό,τι φέρνει αυτό μαζί του; Και κυρίως, ποια η ανάμειξη και με ποια αποτελέσματα τρίτων δυνάμεων; Σε αυτή τη μελέτη θα γίνει προσπάθεια να απαντηθούν αυτά και άλλα ερωτήματα για τη Συρία, μία χώρα η οποία εδώ και 9 χρόνια βρίσκεται στο προσκήνιο των πολιτικών εξελίξεων.
... • (Yüksel, 2020). ...
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The “HAPSc Policy Briefs Series” is published by the Hellenic Association of Political Scientists (HAPSc), in collaboration with the Laboratory of Health Economics and Management (LabHEM), University of Piraeus, the Public Policy and Administration Research Laboratory (LABDIPOL), University of Crete, the Jean Monnet Chair EduTRIP, University of Piraeus, the Laboratory of Education Policy, Research, Development and Interuniversity Cooperation (ERDIC), University of Piraeus and the Center for Political Research and Documentation (KEPET). The journal is included in those actions using the emblem of the United Nations Academic Impact (UNAI). The printed edition has taken place in Athens, Greece. Indexed in: Google Scholar, OAIster (Open Archives Initiative research databases), Rice bibliography, Public Knowledge Project Open Archives Harvester, AgEcon Search: Research in agricultural Economics, The Digital Library of the Commons (DLC), PESTIS document database, Common Names for Plant Diseases, Vegetable MD online, VITIS-VEA, World Agricultural Information Centre (WAICENT), FAO document repository. Disclaimer: The editors and publishers will have no legal responsibility for any errors or omissions that may be in this publication. The publisher makes no warrants implied, with respect to the material contained here. Each policy brief expresses its author(s) opinions. Both the editors and the publishers do not necessarily adopt the opinions which are expressed in the policy brief. This journal is hosted by the Greek National Documentation Centre in its e-Publishing service (e- Publisher:EKT). For access to the e-journal visit the following link:
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COVID-19, küresel ölçekte yaşanan insani bir krizdir. COVID-19 salgınının küresel ekonomide eşi görülmemiş bir zararı olmuştur. Dünya genelinde üretim ve tüketim daralmıştır. COVID-19'un hem iktisadi yapıyı hem de uluslararası ticaret modellerini etkilemesi kimseyi şaşırtmayacaktır. Politika önerilerinden önce sorunu ve hasarı tespit etmek ise önemlidir. Bu bağlamda bu çalışmada COVID-19 pandemisinin yarattığı ticaret sorunları gösterilmek amaçlanmıştır. İstatisksel bir yöntemle dış ticaret üzerindeki etki açıklanmaya çalışılmıştır. Yapılan değerlendirmelerde Türkiye gibi ithalata bağımlı ülkelerin, pandemi sürecinden olumsuz etkileneceği ve daha sıkı politika kümeleri uygulaması gerektiği sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.
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The “HAPSc Policy Briefs Series” is published by the Hellenic Association of Political Scientists (HAPSc), in collaboration with the Laboratory of Health Economics and Management (LabHEM), University of Piraeus, the Public Policy and Administration Research Laboratory (LABDIPOL), University of Crete, the Jean Monnet Chair EduTRIP, University of Piraeus, the Laboratory of Education Policy, Research, Development and Interuniversity Cooperation (ERDIC), University of Piraeus and the Center for Political Research and Documentation (KEPET). The journal is included in those actions using the emblem of the United Nations Academic Impact (UNAI). The printed edition has taken place in Athens, Greece. Indexed in: Google Scholar, OAIster (Open Archives Initiative research databases), Rice bibliography, Public Knowledge Project Open Archives Harvester, AgEcon Search: Research in agricultural Economics, The Digital Library of the Commons (DLC), PESTIS document database, Common Names for Plant Diseases, Vegetable MD online, VITIS-VEA, World Agricultural Information Centre (WAICENT), FAO document repository. Disclaimer: The editors and publishers will have no legal responsibility for any errors or omissions that may be in this publication. The publisher makes no warrants implied, with respect to the material contained here. Each policy brief expresses its author(s) opinions. Both the editors and the publishers do not necessarily adopt the opinions which are expressed in the policy brief. This journal is hosted by the Greek National Documentation Centre in its e-Publishing service (e- Publisher:EKT). For access to the e-journal visit the following link: