Fig 6 - uploaded by Dante Roberto Salatino
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EMBRYOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE CEREBRAL CORTEX References: left = embryo-right = developed brain 

EMBRYOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE CEREBRAL CORTEX References: left = embryo-right = developed brain 

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PSYCHE represents the first scientific theory about the structure and functioning of the psychic apparatus, able to contribute from science, the foundations of psychology, psychiatry, psycholinguistics, cognitive science in general, philosophy where always' Mental 'is so gravitation; and even of psychoanalysis itself. Until the publication of this...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... 'perceptual machine', as we have said, is quite generic so it is suitable to 'perceive' any of the six universal patterns (dextrorotatory: VOS, SVO, OSV, or levorotatory: SOV, OVS, VSO), that Transcursive Logic considers as real. For this reason, we could point to this device as a universal perceptual mechanism. To check this is suffice with translate each pattern, to its binary sequence, and stick with each of them, the recently suggested steps. Figure 36 shows an overlay of a DFA on the basal ganglia, where they have basically respected the connections that hold between them and with the thalamus and cortex, as proposed in an earlier ...
Context 2
... in 1998, shows that beyond improving speed driving and fulfill modulating functions, the electrical synapses show a rectification phenomenon, that is, allow the passage of current in only one direction. This mechanism serves to explain the ability of some neurons to detect coincidences of stimulation, as evidenced by Edwards et al. in 1998, and Invoking all previous investigations, we can make a perfect parallel between electrophysiology of electrical synapses and Transcursive Logic ( Figure 26). So, neuron 01 (1) has an 'chemistry' entry (0) and a 'electric' output (1), allowing it to spontaneously oscillate at 1.8 Hz; the neuron 10 (2) has a 'electric' input (1) and a 'chemistry' output (0), allowing it to oscillate as a result of electrical stimulation received, to 7 Hz; the neuron 11 (3) has a 'electric' input (1), and a 'electric' output (1), the which oscillates at ...
Context 3
... second mode of think is that which, supported by theoretical thought lets give effective compliance or not, to a desire so that to be transformed into 'our truth' in front of others, that is, to give rise to a belief. In other words, the biological truth that means satisfaction or not of a desire imposed by the id of Freud, or the vital commitment, that man has with the libido, that is, with that deep and innate transformation that can not be put in evidence, except by its manifestations, those that determine the proceeding before the different apparent transformations that is subjected to the psychic apparatus and showing its commitment to life. That biological truth is transformed into psychic true which tells us that found sense to reality, and that gives us the ability to comprehend her, is the task undertaken by the Freudian Id to achieve the social truth, our truth in front the others, that makes us reliable relationship in our lives, but it also feeds our beliefs, so it ends up being ultimately our own truth before the demands of the Freudian Superego. This mode of thinking is called cognitive think (Figure ...
Context 4
... think supports two variants: the first has to do with a series of psychic processes, which then we describe, and which are supported in the dynamic structure we have already pointed out. These processes allow, them once elaborated, enabling a number of operative processes which function to channel what learned (apprehended) and known (experienced) through perception, and meets the requirements of a certain desire until reaching comprehension. This mode of thinking here we call to volitional think ( Figure ...
Context 5
... see how the above is reflected in the psychic apparatus. (Figure A.6). ...
Context 6
... Figure 62 you can see the logical thinking as a derivative of lesser importance of a superficial psychical process, such as to explain, which is what has to do, first, with the inference or direct application of the inviolable principles of traditional logic and on the other hand, the association or involvement based on previous experience and knowledge, in order to give a individual reading to a particular fact, and so, find some ...
Context 7
... well shown in Figure 62, the core of thinking as a phenomenon is a specie, something we already know from the structural aspect and now we will characterize in its functional ...
Context 8
... the right side of Figure 69 we can see the processes that ultimately depend on the cognitive and who are dedicated to know / interpret / comprehend the word. From the cognitive, the symbol on its inner or deep slope represents a structured function, that is, a function represented by thought that having as an argument a structure or an idea, which gives it its sense (forming a specie), and that, in relation to the internal time is supported by the structural memory, that one that does not repeat and constituting the historical experience of the ...
Context 9
... summary, the following table is provided. The table in Figure 66 gives us access to the wide panorama offered by the thought and its links; those involving a real subjective system specific, through the relevant operating unit, the type of word used in the different pragmatic thoughts and dependent processes, the superficial manifestation in each of them, and finally the underlying ...
Context 10
... a case of amnesic aphasia 44 and other similar cases submitted by colleagues, Freud discovers that occur strange situations; for example, an aphasic patient who could only read when he performed simultaneously the movement to write what was read. Based on these clinical cases, Freud developed a possible sequence in speech learning (op. cit., p. 57), that we have projected in Figure 68. 43 Is the partial deformation or complete replacement of a word, and today is divided into: phonemic paraphasia (replacement of a phoneme for another); semantic paraphasias (substitution of one word for another of the same semantic field); and verbal paraphasias (substitution of one word for another unrelated). (Author's Note) 44 Discrete degree of Wernicke's aphasia that is limited to an oblivion more or less marked of the substantives, which are supplanted by periphrasis. (Author's Note) According to the above figure, usually the first thing that is enabled is the sensory- auditory center, then, the motor, then, the visual, and finally the graph. The Freudian explanation of previous clinical case is that, while we are unable to read fluently, we try to ensure the visual images of words; and in the same way, when we learn to write usually remember the 'sound images' and 'motor images', in addition of the visual images of the ...
Context 11
... specie, according to the above, could be described as a harmonious and simultaneous differences and similarities that evolves over time with a particular pattern of repetition. Figure 63 summarizes the above, showing how, from the differences within an object that branches, will reach the similarities between two subjects are unified and that this journey is accomplished through a series of cyclic obvious and hidden transformations that build subjectivity, leaving a record of a universal language that joins through relations of opposition, complementarity and simultaneity, the constituents of subjective reality: subject and ...


... Class of the word: in this work, this expression should not be taken in its morphosyntactic meaning, but in its transcurssive connotation, that is, as a continent that is related to others to specify its profound function, an element that, in its superficial emergence, it gives a certain shape or appearance. The term "word" should not be taken in the phonological sense, neither formal or morphological, nor functional, nor semantic, but psychic (Salatino, 2014). ...
In the third and last part of this work, we will develop two aspects that seem central when explaining how it was possible for us to acquire a natural language (NL) that allows communicating the vicissitudes posed by our universal language (UL). We refer concretely to linguistic universals and lexical categories, which will be known here as lexical contextures, but not observed from the grammar, but from a way of seeing reality. Applying everything learned so far, through the transcurssive logic (TL), we will try to give a coherent answer to questions that undoubtedly represent the key to understanding the place that occupies, in our subjective reality, the NL, and its relationship with the acquisition of conventional code, without the need to resort to any of the ontogenetic theories outlined in the first part of this work. Finally, after pointing out the importance of universals, lexical contextures and social inheritance in the acquisition of language, we will outline the general conclusions of the whole work.
... Class of the word: in this work, this expression should not be taken in its morphosyntactic meaning, but in its transcurssive connotation, that is, as a continent that is related to others to specify its profound function, an element that, in its superficial emergence, it gives a certain shape or appearance. The term "word" should not be taken in the phonological sense, neither formal or morphological, nor functional, nor semantic, but psychic (Salatino, 2014). ...
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In the third and last part of this work, we will develop two aspects that seem central when explaining how it was possible for us to acquire a natural language (NL) that allows communicating the vicissitudes posed by our universal language (UL). We refer concretely to linguistic universals and lexical categories, which will be known here as lexical contextures, but not observed from the grammar, but from a way of seeing reality. Applying everything learned so far, through the transcurssive logic (TL), we will try to give a coherent answer to questions that undoubtedly represent the key to understanding the place that occupies, in our subjective reality, the NL, and its relationship with the acquisition of conventional code, without the need to resort to any of the ontogenetic theories outlined in the first part of this work. Finally, after pointing out the importance of universals, lexical contextures and social inheritance in the acquisition of language, we will outline the general conclusions of the whole work.
... Class of the word: in this work, this expression should not be taken in its morphosyntactic meaning, but in its transcurssive connotation, that is, as a continent that is related to others to specify its profound function, an element that, in its superficial emergence, it gives a certain shape or appearance. The term "word" should not be taken in the phonological sense, neither formal or morphological, nor functional, nor semantic, but psychic (Salatino, 2014). ...
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The objective of this work is to show that it is possible to describe, in approximate form, the operation of a neuron if it is defined from the electrical point of view. That is 1) Dendrites as an RC circuit that acts as a receiver (or tuner); 2) Soma as an RL circuit that by a phenomenon of self-induction justifies the generation of the "action potential"; 3) Dendrite-soma complex as an RLC circuit that acts as a resonator, generating certain frequencies; and 4) Axon-synapse complex as an RM (resistor-memristor) circuit that allows to "remember" a particular frequency. This allows us to see the neuron as an integrator of the passive electrical elements (that dissipate or store energy) of two terminals, which, according to the classical circuit theory, are three: the capacitor, the resistor, and the inductor. A fourth basic element is included: the memristor, whose operation can only be detected at the nanoscale. The four fundamental variables that define the aforementioned elements are: a) electrical voltage, b) electric current, c) electric charge and d) magnetic flux. With them, different PAUs were created that allowed, through the Transcursive Logic, to simulate the electrical functioning of a neuron. This operation was corroborated by industrial simulators of electrical circuits.
... -Clase de palabra: en este trabajo, esta expresión no debe ser tomada en su acepción morfosintáctica, sino en su connotación transcursiva, es decir, como un continente que se relaciona con otros para especificar su función profunda, elemento que, en su emergencia superficial, le da una forma o apariencia determinada. El término "palabra" no debe ser tomado en el sentido fonológico, ni formal o morfológico, ni funcional, ni semántico, sino psíquico (Salatino, 2014). ...
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La Psicolingüística, pertenezca a la ciencia que pertenezca, y si sigue por la misma senda, constituye hoy solo un buen intento. Esto no quiere decir que como tal no sea útil. La lógica clásica no explica cómo funciona la realidad sin embargo, lleva 2500 años de éxitos resonantes. La práctica ha demostrado que, aunque se sabe que lo que se está tratando de explicar está muy lejos de la realidad, hay un rédito importante en cuanto a los aportes realizados por la investigación con el fin de “corregir” de alguna forma, lo que se detecta como una alteración tanto en la compresión como en la producción del lenguaje, así caracterizadas. Tal vez, la nueva visión que aportamos en este libro, guiada por la Lógica Transcursiva (Salatino, 2009), pueda aproximar los bordes de ese abismo que hay entre nuestra actuación y nuestra cognición. El lenguaje está en el fondo de ese abismo y sería oportuno poder rescatarlo.
... Going back to the initial approach, it may now be easier to understand the link between the different ways of approaching social research.Starting from a specific object of the study, any research should conform to the norms of the scientific method and apply them according to ethical principles and criteria; that is, to observe a conduct adapted to different social and cultural spheres. As antithesis, from a comprehensive perspective of truth based on science or justified belief, knowledge with a biological support determines a behavior that allows the cognitive projection (Salatino, 2014) on what the empirical shows, for its purification, explanation and justification or rejection if it turns out to be a derivative of dogma or reflection of everyday concerns and prejudices. ...
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The objective of this work is to show that the determinants of conduct and subjective behavior that govern research in Social Sciences, especially in Economics. Both the investigative process and the economy have at their base the same relational pattern that determines subjective reality. We used the method based on the Transcurssive Logic that is apt to investigate the subjective reality, of which the economy forms part. Individualistic methodological proposals and the one based on unification are adjusted. It constitutes a methodological contribution in Economics.
... From the confluence of the aforementioned dimensions, emerges the 'real systems' (Salatino, 2009) which are nothing but the structures that define the semiotic universe that arise from the complex interplay (opposed, complementary and simultaneous)which maintain the subject (S ) and the object (O) through a change or transformation. (Figure 1) Fig. 1 SEMIOSPHERE OR SEMIOTIC UNIVERSE References: S = subject – V = apparent change – O = object - = hidden change SBE = bio-external system – SPI = psycho-internal system – SSC = socio-cultural system ♺ = dimensions (Extracted from Salatino, 2014, p. 224) The figure above, in addition to showing the four dimensions raised as determinants of the three real systems, has overlapping in 2D, 3D and 4D dimensions respective operating units; that is, the logic unit (projected from the unity of universal language = PAU (universal autonomous pattern)) for the bio-external system (SBE), the sense unit for the psycho-internal system (SPI), and semiotic unit, for the socio-cultural system (SSC). ...
... This ensures that, for example, what is perceived in the socio-cultural system as fact is apprehended (learned) and known by the bio-external system; and understood, interpreted and comprehended by the psycho-internal system; and even, if need be expressed through the bio-external system in response to the perceived, by some natural language, for example music, to the socio-cultural system. Fig. 2 REAL DIMENSIONS AND PSYCHIC APPARATUS (Extracted from Salatino, 2014, p. 225) Figure 2 shows the evolution of the S / O interrelationships designed to cover all the necessary dimensions to reflect actual events. The psyche develops and evolves in that sense; for that reason, you can 'hold' on the topological structure record what happened (the relationships between elements) and predict the answer (functionalized structure) according to the demands presented by the perceptual system. ...
... PSYCHICAL DNA References: SO = objective subject – OO = objective object – VO = objective change SS = subjective subject – OS = subjective subject – VS = subjective change C = consciousness – I = unconsciousness -PAF = fixed action pattern (Extracted from Salatino, 2014, p. 102) ...
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Music, like all natural language is a way of communicating our affections, those they say, as an unavoidable transcript of our subjectivity, about our desires and beliefs, our ideas and thoughts. As a language, then it is not possible to approach the music, but from the different systems that composing the subjective reality, because music is a possible manifestation, from her and for her. With this I want to emphasize that the musical behavior involves three domains: biological, psychical and social. In this article we will analyze from Transcursive Logic (TL), the aspects that make music a real subjective manifestation of our thinking, what is carried 'to flower of skin' every time you're listening, performing and composing a musical piece, whether instrumental or sung it.
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In the introduction of Boole’s "Mathematical Analysis of Logic" of 1847, he approaches one of the operative foundations of Transcurssive Logic. He tells us that "those who are familiar with the theory of symbolic algebra, know that the validity of their analysis does not depend on the interpretation of the symbols, but only on the laws of their combination." This statement makes very clear the preponderance that Boole gives to relationships. In response to this interest in the relational, we proposed to try to understand how it was that Boole gave an algebraic form to logic. To carry out this task, we decided to use the principles that govern Transcurssive Logic (TL). The analysis of the categorical propositions was initiated: universal affirmative, universal negative, particular affirmative, and particular negative. In analyzing the latter, we discovered that a whole universe could be described only from it. That is, not only told us that, for example, "some a is not b", but also could tell us: that there is "a which are not b", that there is "b that is not a", that there is "a which is b", and that in the rest of the universe there is "something" that "is not a nor is b". Then, from the TL it was inquired about the relationships that link these contents to try to determine how this algebraic structure could be generated. After some steps, four elements that resulted from this inquiry were given an entity; by relating them, they formed an algebraic structure called the permutation group or Galois group. The structure that constitutes the "universal language" in which the TL is written. In the analysis of the basic principles on which Boole's algebra is based, we have discovered that some aspects of reality that are revealed when we approach it from the subjective hidden between its values of truth and functions. That is, there is an 'implicit logic' underlying the Boolean binary proposal, a logic that we have called 'transcurssive' because it leaves evidence of a particular evolution over time, of what affects an observer. Among the findings, are a) the existence of a complex system based, not on its constituent elements and a specific purpose, but on the interrelations that link its components. b) a systemic complexity that enables an adaptive dynamic response in front of the demands (inputs). c) the possibility of analyzing through the discovered structure, the relational situation of several binary systems, simultaneously (heterarchical distribution of hierarchical systems). d) the functional non-dependence of the structure concerning the observer ( measurement process), as it is the case with any situation that is objectively addressed, and e) the advantage of being able to consider situations where more than two states are at stake, even if they are exclusive. From the transcurssive perspective, an interesting panorama opens up of possible applications of this way of observing reality.
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The objective of this work is to give a foundation, as an auxiliary or complementary research method, to the search for an adequate explanation of real phenomena or not, elaborated from the perspective of the observer. There are several antecedents from philosophy and from science, which justify this way of analyzing the biological, psychic and sociocultural reality of man. By using the same tool, we are approached the scientific method and explananed the structure of theory and research models. We use transcurssive logic, as we call the method we have developed, to characterize a "semantic-relational transform." That is, as the temporal evolution of a relational structure allowing the delimitation of the fundamental elements that intervene any original approach made of the real dynamics. Then, in the case of scientific problems, it can be applied to them; the rigorous process of analysis, organization of available material, ordering, and criticism of the ideas required by the current methodology so that what is obtained is valid scientific knowledge. In this way, guidelines are given to favor both creativity and discovery, by simultaneously opposing the observer to the observed, through quantitative and qualitative transformations. Numerous examples of successful application are provided in different areas of human knowledge. From all of the above arise the methodological foundations that are summarized as: a) Find the fundamental elements that characterize a phenomenon. b) Depending on a pair of conflicting attributions, assign them an operative identity; c) With the fundamental elements and the transformations that link them, form an algebraic group of permutation, which acts as a "basic dynamic pattern" while at the same time ensuring the appropriate methodological adjustment, and d) Any transformation that does not belong to the "basic pattern" can be used to transfer to a new system, representative of another phenomenon, the fundamental aspects of known systems so that once they conform to the generic pattern, we can explain the new phenomenon.
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This paper investigates the existence of a relationship between assisted reproductive technology (ART), such as intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) and the birth of autistic children. Based on abundant bibliography (Danan et al, 1999; Cummins, 2000; Riva & Giorgi, 2000; Palmen, 2004; Allen, 2005; Tavano et al, 2007; Palmieri & Persico, 2010; Bolduc et al., 2011, 2012; Stoodley et al., 2012; Konopka, 2013; Lyall et al, 2013; Sandin et al, 2013; Chen et al., 2015; Fountain et al., 2015; Siddiqui et al., 2016; Punamäki et al, 2016; Liu et al, 2017; Babinská et al, 2017; Griffiths & Levy, 2017; Liang et al., 2017) propose that the possibility of transference of paternal mitochondrial DNA through these techniques is a determining factor to be taken into account in the alteration of Ca++ homeostasis that has been detected in some autistic patients. This condition would facilitate, according to the theory of psychic functioning (Salatino, 2013, 2016), the cancellation of low frequencies (20 Hz) in the brain, which manages the sociocultural system. If we add to this the decrease in the cerebellar Purkinje cells that are usually found in patients with autism, it would explain the alterations of the psychic structure and function that produce deterioration or lack of language and social treatment shown by these patients. Taking Hempel's nomological-deductive method as a guide and complementing it with transcurssive logic, a reasonable explanation can be given to the following hypothetical case: after the use of the ICSI technique, an autistic child was born. Since this technique gives the possibility that part of the paternal mitochondrial DNA, contained in the sperm, passes to the ovule upon fertilization, and produce a case de paternal heteroplasmy. By reviewing the aforementioned etiological aspects, we were able to predict the appearance of the psychic disorders of these children, taking into account structural and functional aspects of the psychic apparatus, with firm neurobiological bases. The hypothetical case analyzed justifies paternal heteroplasmy as one of the possible causes of autism, according to some of the statistics presented by other authors.
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Psycholinguistics belongs to the science that belongs, and if it continues along the same path, today is only a good attempt. This does not mean that as such it is not useful. Classical logic does not explain how reality works; however, it has 2500 years of resounding success. The practice has shown that, although it is known that what is being explained is far from reality, there is an important return in terms of the contributions made by the research in order to "correct" in some way, which it is detected as an alteration both in the compression and in the production of the language, thus characterized. Perhaps, the new vision that we contribute in this book, guided by the Transcurssive Logic (Salatino, 2009), can approximate the edges of that abyss that exists between our performance and our cognition. The language is at the bottom of this abyss, and it would be opportune to be able to rescue it.