Distribution of the rivers of Argentina. In grey, the Transitional Zone; to the north and east of it, the Brazilic subregion with the Del Plata basin; to the south and west of it, the Chilean – Patagonian subregion (adapted from Bonetto, 1994). Localities indicated as follows: 1 – Parque Nacional Iguazú; 2 – Salto Encantado; 3 – Yacyretá – Posadas; 4 – San Javier; 5 – Resistencia; 6 – Salto Grande; 7 – Mar Chiquita pond; 8 – Martín García Island; 9 – Mendoza city; 10 – Bahía Blanca; 11 – Neuquén-Cipolletti; 12 – Valcheta; 13 – San Carlos de Bariloche and Gutiérrez Lake; 14 – Yehuín Lake. BA: Buenos Aires; CA: Catamarca; CB: Córdoba; CH: Chubut; CO: Chaco; CR: Corrientes; ER: Entre Ríos; FO: Formosa; JU: Jujuy; LP: La Pampa; LR: La Rioja; MS: Misiones; MZ: Mendoza; NQ: Neuquén; RN: Río Negro; SA: Salta; SC: Santa Cruz; SE: Santiago del Estero; SF: Santa Fe; SJ: San Juan; SL: San Luis; TC: Tucumán; and TF: Tierra del Fuego.  

Distribution of the rivers of Argentina. In grey, the Transitional Zone; to the north and east of it, the Brazilic subregion with the Del Plata basin; to the south and west of it, the Chilean – Patagonian subregion (adapted from Bonetto, 1994). Localities indicated as follows: 1 – Parque Nacional Iguazú; 2 – Salto Encantado; 3 – Yacyretá – Posadas; 4 – San Javier; 5 – Resistencia; 6 – Salto Grande; 7 – Mar Chiquita pond; 8 – Martín García Island; 9 – Mendoza city; 10 – Bahía Blanca; 11 – Neuquén-Cipolletti; 12 – Valcheta; 13 – San Carlos de Bariloche and Gutiérrez Lake; 14 – Yehuín Lake. BA: Buenos Aires; CA: Catamarca; CB: Córdoba; CH: Chubut; CO: Chaco; CR: Corrientes; ER: Entre Ríos; FO: Formosa; JU: Jujuy; LP: La Pampa; LR: La Rioja; MS: Misiones; MZ: Mendoza; NQ: Neuquén; RN: Río Negro; SA: Salta; SC: Santa Cruz; SE: Santiago del Estero; SF: Santa Fe; SJ: San Juan; SL: San Luis; TC: Tucumán; and TF: Tierra del Fuego.  

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Few studies have dealt with the geographic distribution of freshwater snails in Argentina. The objectives of this study were to: (1) determine species and family richness and diversity patterns; (2) verify if species richness behaves according to Rapoport’s rule; (3) identify and classify species according to their distributions; and (4) identify e...

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... The eleven gastropod species were previously recorded from Quaternary sediments of the middle and lower Salado River Basin (Pisano & Fucks 2016;Pisano et al. 2022) and other areas of the Pampean region (e.g. Rumi et al. 2006;2008;Nuñez et al. 2010;Tietze et al. 2011). ...
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Lugano Lake is located in an Ecological Reserve of Buenos Aires City. Biomonitoring of its water quality is essential due to its importance as a place for recreation and protection of native species. Biomphalaria straminea is a native hermaphrodite aquatic gastropod that inhabits different freshwater bodies of Argentina and was recently selected as a potential bioindicator. We propose this study as a first approach to assessing specific organisms’ use in biomonitoring of urban wild reserves, and the usefulness of reproduction assays. B. straminea survival, behavior, reproduction success and offspring survival after the exposure to water samples from Lugano Lake (L1, L2, and L3) were evaluated. Temperature, pH, conductivity and dissolved oxygen were registered in situ. Samples were transported to the laboratory and chemical analysis and bioassays were performed using 20 snails per site. A control group with tap water was added. Egg masses were separated, exposed individually and observed daily using a stereoscopic microscope. After hatching, juveniles were placed in tap water and offspring survival was registered at the first, second, third and fourth months after the beginning of the assay. High levels of conductivity, turbidity and nutrients were obtained. Ammonium and nitrite were higher than the guideline level for the protection of aquatic life. During the bioassay 20% of the snails (L2 and L3) showed abnormally protruding of the head-food region. The number of eggs and embryonated eggs per mass did not differ between treatments. Egg masses exposed to water samples from the lake presented overlapping and abnormal eggs and arrested embryos. Besides, low % of hatching (L1: 33%, L2: 42%, and L3: 16%) and juvenile survival after the first (L1:14%; L2:78%) and second month (L1: 60%) were noted. In the control group, 85% of hatching and 100%–90% of survival were observed. Our results suggests the presence of pollutant in the lake. B. straminea seems to be a sensitive local species. Biomphalaria spp. reproduction assays can provide a valuable endpoint for toxicity and risk assessments and a usefulness tool for biomonitoring water quality.
... Some other countries like Argentina have unofficial Red Lists (not edited by a governmental ministry or similar), and species listed in these lack legal protection. Rumi et al. (2006) listed 45 endangered freshwater gastropods in Argentina based on the IUCN criteria, and recently, a list of terrestrial gastropods was generated according to their distribution in ecoregions and sub-ecoregions of the country , as a preliminary step towards evaluation of their conservation status. Even in countries with official Red Lists, the number of species evaluated compared to the total number of species is very low. ...
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... Some reports indicate that Heleobia piscium, the most abundant species observed in our study, is distributed in the Coastal Plain of Rio Grande do Sul and in the region of La Plata River estuary (Darrigran et al. 1998, Pfeifer & Pitoni 2003, Coimbra et al. 2013, Martin & Díaz 2016. Drepanotrema species are mostly endemic to the Neotropical region, occurring in Southern Brazil, Uruguay and Argentina (Rumi et al. 2006, Núñez et al. 2010, Martin et al. 2013, Palasio et al. 2019. Shells of Heleobia piscium were found in faeces of coscoroba swan and white-faced whistling-duck, and Drepanotrema sp. in coscoroba swan. ...
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... The La Plata Basin is also a gastropod biodiversity hotspot (Strong et al. 2007), in large part due to the endemic genus Potamolithus (López Armengol 1985), the dominant food source of the molluscivorous Crenicichla in both species flocks (Lucena andKullander 1992, Casciotta et al. 2013;Piálek et al. 2015;Říčan et al. 2017). Potamolithus is almost entirely endemic to the La Plata Basin (Rumi et al. 2006) and is the largest genus of freshwater snails in Argentina (Rumi et al. 2008) and Uruguay (Scarabino 2004). A subset of the Potamolithus geographic distribution overlaps with a distribution of volcanic rocks (flood basalts of the Paraná formation; Brea and Zucol 2011;Piálek et al. 2019Piálek et al. , 2015. ...
Explosive bouts of diversification are one of the most conspicuous features of the tree of life. When such bursts are repeated in similar environments it suggests some degree of predictability in the evolutionary process. We assess parallel adaptive radiation of South American pike cichlids (Crenicichla) using phylogenomics and phylogenetic comparative methods. We find that species flocks in the Uruguay and Iguazú River basins rapidly diversified into the same set of ecomorphs that reflect feeding ecology. Both adaptive radiations involve expansion of functional morphology, resulting in unique jaw phenotypes. Yet, form and function were decoupled such that most ecomorphs share similar mechanical properties of the jaws (i.e., jaw motion during a feeding strike). Prey mobility explained six to nine-fold differences in the rate of morphological evolution, but had no effect on the rate of mechanical evolution. We find no evidence of gene flow between species flocks or with surrounding coastal lineages that may explain their rapid diversification. When compared to cichlids of the East African Great Lakes and other prominent adaptive radiations, pike cichlids share many themes, including rapid expansion of phenotypic diversity, specialization along the benthic-to-pelagic habitat and soft-to-hard prey axes, and the evolution of conspicuous functional innovations. Yet, decoupled evolution of form and function and the absence of hybridization as a catalyzing force are departures from patterns observed in other adaptive radiations. Many-to-one mapping of morphology to mechanical properties is a mechanism by which pike cichlids exhibit a diversity of feeding ecologies while avoiding exacerbating underlying mechanical trade-offs.
... The present finding extends the distribution range of R. decollata about 800 km northeastward from the sites where it was first detected in Buenos Aires Province (Miquel 1988), and more than 900 km in the same direction from the recently published record for the species in Córdoba city, Córdoba Province (Reyna and Gordillo 2018). Although the species may have been present in this region for some time and had gone unnoticed, it seems highly unlikely since the Misiones Province has been the aim of several malacological surveys carried out in recent decades (e.g., Rumi et al. 2006;Núñez et al. 2010;Gutiérrez Gregoric et al. 2013;Beltramino et al. 2018;Serniotti et al. 2019). ...
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The decollate land snail Rumina decollata (Linnaeus, 1758), native to the Mediterranean region, has been introduced across several countries worldwide. We report here three new records for R. decollata in Argentina, two from Córdoba Province and the first one from Misiones Province, which also constitutes the northernmost record for the country, extending its northeastern distribution range. Species-specific identification was achieved based on anatomical, conchological, and molecular information. DNA data showed that different haplotypes are present in Argentina, which originated from distinct source areas along the native range.
... The superfamily and family of the digeneans found were determined following Gibson et al. (2002), Jones et al. (2005), Bray et al. (2008) and the World Register of Marine Species (2021). The species of molluscan hosts were updated according to Rumi et al. (2006Rumi et al. ( , 2008 and Mollusca Base eds. (2021). ...
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A checklist of larval digeneans parasitising molluscs from inland waters of Argentina is presented here. Based on the bibliographical survey of 113 scientific articles and nine theses published between 1930 and 2021, 213 digeneans were found, which were distributed within 13 superfamilies and 35 families. The parasites were identified in 102 locations, encompassing eight of the sixteen biogeographical provinces in Argentina. Digeneans were found in 34 mollusc species (31 gastropods and three bivalves) belonging to 17 genera. The available data are presented for each digenean species, and included host information, localities, prevalence values, type of habitat, life cycle information (natural or experimental host), and information on material and genetic sequences deposited in repositories. Only 21.1% of individuals were identified to species level, and 8.5% to genus level. In addition, the genetic sequences of only 10 species (4.7%) were available at GenBank. This survey constitutes the first checklist of parasitic helminths in molluscs from inland waters of Argentina.
... According to the proposal of Albrecht et al. (2007), the family Planorbidae is divided into two subfamilies, Ancylinae and Planorbinae, and in the Planorbinae sensu lato there are about 40 genera and an estimated 200 (Meier-Brook 2002;Albrecht et al. 2007) to 350 (Hubendick 1955) species. In Argentina, Planorbinae are represented by 15 species in four genera (Rumi et al. 2006(Rumi et al. , 2008: Acrorbis, Antillorbis Harry & Hubendick, 1964, Biomphalaria, and Drepanotrema. Current knowledge in Argentina of the systematics, morphology, and distribution of the subfamily is concentrated in the La Plata Basin, but in other regions, such as northern Argentina, it is scarce. ...
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The family Planorbidae comprises freshwater gastropods with planispiral, spiral and limpet-shaped shells. Subfamily Planorbinae sensu stricto, has a richness of almost 300 species, with some of the main genera being Biomphalaria Preston, 1910 and Drepanotrema Fischer & Crosse, 1880. Some Biomphalaria species are of concern to human health as they are intermediate hosts of blood flukes in Latin America. In Argentina, the family Planorbidae is represented by 15 species in four genera. In Northern Argentina (NOA region), records of the family are scarce, and most of them are a result of occasional collecting. We provide an updated checklist of Planorbinae in NOA resulting from fieldwork, material in malacological collections, and data in the literature. Nine species occur in the area: four species of Biomphalaria and five of Drepanotrema. Among Biomphalaria species, we recorded Biomphalaria straminea (Dunker, 1848), which is considered a natural host of the blood fluke Schistostoma mansoni Sambon, 1907, for first time in Salta province; the known geographic distribution of B. straminea is extended in the country.
... Several species of Potamolithus from Argentina, Uruguay and Brazil have been proclaimed with some degree of threat, mainly due to their restricted range, habitat loss, water pollution, tourism and overcollection 37,49,50,92,93 , although only seven appear classified in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species as Data Deficient or Least Concern (e.g. Pastorino & Darrigran 94,95 ). ...
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The species of the genus Potamolithus inhabiting the southwestern basin of the Andes are difficult to distinguish due to small size and similar shell morphology. Only Potamolithus australis and Potamolithus santiagensis have been traditionally recognized in this region, but the occurrence of several morphologically similar undescribed populations could increase the regional richness. Here we delimit described and potentially undescribed cryptic species of the genus using partial sequences of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) gene. Network analysis and diversity indices inferred six highly differentiated haplogroups, many of them sympatric and widespread in the study area. Phylogeographic analyses suggest a scenario of recent diversification and the occurrence of multiple refuges during the successive Pleistocene glaciations. Phylogenetic analysis also recovered six major clades that showed no relationship with physiography. Species delimitation analyses consistently recognized three or four candidate species apart from P. australis and P. santiagensis. Divergence times indicate that speciation of Chilean Potamolithus began at the end of the Pliocene, probably driven by climatic rather than geographic events. Considering the high inter-and intra-basin genetic diversity, conservation efforts should be focused on protecting sympatric taxa in the basins with the highest species richness.
... Más del 52% de sus especies arbóreas, el 74% de las especies de bromelias, el 80% de las especies de primates y el 92% de sus anfibios son endémicos (Valladares-Padua et al., 2002). Entre los endemismos animales se destacan Acrorbis (Planorbidae); Felipponea (Ampullariidae; Rumi et al., 2006); Chilina megastoma y C. iguazuensis (Chilinidae); Sineancylus rosanae (Planorbidae); Guaranobunus guaraniticus, Holmbergiana tibialis y Pectenobunus ruricola (Sclerosomatidae, Acosta, 2002), Actinopus ramirezi (Actinopodidae); Stenoterommata iguazu y Rachias timbo (Nemesiidae); Uraarachne panthera y U. ceratophrys (Thomisidae, Grismado & Achitte-Schmutzler, 2020); Gomphochernes savignyi (Chernetidae); Schendylops demartini, S. paulistus y S. sublaevis (Schendylidae); Neobisnius brasilianus (Staphylinidae); Melanolestes lugens (Reduviidae); Rhynchosciara hollaenderi (Sciaridae); Bryconamericus sylvicola, Psalidodon ojiara (Characidae); Australoheros kaaygua, A. scitulus y A. tembe (Cichlidae); Liotyphlops beui (Anomalepididae), Erythrolamprus frenatus, E. miliaris orinus y Spilotes pullatus anomalepis (Colubridae), Bothrops jararaca (Viperidae); Streptoprocne biscutata biscutata (Apodidae); Antrostomus sericocaudatus sericocaudatus y Macropsalis forcipate (Caprimulgidae); Amaurospiza moesta, Saltator fuliginosus y Saltator maxillosus (Cardinalidae); Claravis geoffroyi (Columbidae); Procnias nudicollis (Cotingidae); Pipile jacutinga (Cracidae); Euphonia chalybea y E. pectoralis (Fringillidae); Heliobletus conta- Estudios realizados con heterópteros (Morrone & Coscarón, 1998) mostraron que la provincia Paranaense está relacionada con la provincia Atlántica. Por otra parte, análisis panbiogeográficos de licofitas y helechos muestran una relación más estrecha entre la Selva Paranaense y las Yungas . ...
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Evolutionary biogeography identifies areas of endemism and establishes their relationships with other areas, providing the information required to develop a hierarchical system of natural regionalization. The closely related geological and biological evolution of the planet is manifested in the existence of endemic biotas, as result of geographical and ecological barriers. The current challenge of evolutionary biogeography is to document the existence of biotas representing the evolutionary structure of ecosystems and their functionality, that could contribute to the establishment of conservation priorities. In this contribution, the fundamental characteristics of the biogeographic units of Argentina are described, and the respective maps are provided, as a general reference system for ecological, evolutionary and biogeographic studies, and in education and decision-making regarding conservation and sustainable use. For each biogeographic unit, we present its valid name and synonyms, its geographic location, distinctive characteristics, dominant landscape and vegetation types and its endemic species. Also, the typical landscapes and some endemic or characteristic species of each biogeographical unit are illustrated. Their biotic relationships, geobiotic evolution and regionalization to the district category are also discussed. In the scheme presented herein 16 provinces are recognized in the country, which in turn are grouped in the Neotropical region (Yungas, Parana, Araucaria Forest, Esteros del Iberá, Chaco and Pampean provinces), South American Transition Zone (Puna, Cuyan High Andean, Monte and Comechingones provinces) and Andean region (Patagonian, Maule, Valdivian Forest, Magellanic Forest, Falkland (Malvinas) Islands and Magellanic Moorland provinces). The Yungas province has three districts: Transition Forests, Montane Jungles, and Montane Forests. The Parana province includes the Campos and Mixed Forests districts. The Esteros del Iberá province stat. nov. includes three districts: Delta of Paraná stat. rev., Uruguay River stat. nov. and Paraná Flooded Savannas stat. nov. The Chaco province includes the Eastern Chacoan, Montane Chacoan stat. rev. and Western Chacoan districts. In the Pampean province five districts are recognized: Austral Pampean, Eastern Pampean, Espinal, Western Pampean and Uruguayan. In the Argentinean part of the Puna province the Jujuyan district is recognized. In the Cuyan High Andean province three districts are identified: Diaguita nom. nov., Cuyan ubic. nov. and Huarpe nom. nov. The Monte province includes four districts: Prepuna, Northern, Eremean and Southern. In the Patagonian province we recognize five subprovinces: Central Patagonian (Chubut and Santa Cruz districts), Fuegian, Payunia (Northern and Southern Payunia districts), Subandean (Meridional Subandean Patagonia, Austral High Andean, and Septentrional Subandean Patagonia districts) and Western Patagonian. In the Argentinean sector of the Maule province is present the Pehuén district. The Valdivian Forest province is represented by the Valdivian district. The Falkland (Malvinas) Islands province has two districts: Falkland Islands and South Georgia Islands.