Distribution of items according to domain

Distribution of items according to domain

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The use of Augmented Reality in the Teachers’ Technological, Pedagogical, and Content Knowledge (TPACK) framework is one of the systematic approaches to enriching students' experience in a science classroom. A study was conducted to explore teachers’ TPACK in Augmented Reality abilities. This article aims to identify science teachers’ level of TPAC...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... instrument of science teachers' TPACK on AR consisted of seven components with 41 items; technological knowledge (6 items), content knowledge (6 items), pedagogical knowledge (5 items), technological content knowledge (6 items), technological pedagogical knowledge (6 items), pedagogical and content knowledge (5 items), and Technological and Pedagogical and Content Knowledge (7 items). The distribution of items is shown in Table 3. ...
Context 2
... on the result in Table 3, the male secondary Sciences Teachers in TPACK on AR with measure value is 1.77 logits, higher than females (-0.55 logits) indicating the higher ability of males in using AR. Secondary Sciences Teachers aged around 36 to 40 years old have a higher ability on TPACK in AR compared to other age categories. ...