FIG 1 - uploaded by Pedro Lage Viana
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Distribution of Myriocladus in Brazil. M. caburaiensis (square), Myriocladus grandifolius (asterisk), M. neblinaensis (circle), M. paludicola (diamond) and M. virgatus (triangle).

Distribution of Myriocladus in Brazil. M. caburaiensis (square), Myriocladus grandifolius (asterisk), M. neblinaensis (circle), M. paludicola (diamond) and M. virgatus (triangle).

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A taxonomic treatment, based on herbarium study and field observations, is presented for the Brazilian species of Myriocladus (Poaceae, tribe Bambuseae, subtribe Arthrostylidiinae), a genus of woody bamboos restricted to geographically isolated uplands of the Pantepui region of Brazil, Venezuela, and Guyana. Of the 12 accepted species of Myriocladu...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... species of Myriocladus occur discontinuously in the mountains of the Brazilian Pantepui (Fig. 1). In Amazonas state, M. grandifolius Swallen and M. virgatus are restricted to the Serra do Aracá, while M. neblinaensis Swallen and M. paludicola Swallen are restricted to Pico da Neblina. All four of these species also occur in Venezuela. In Roraima state, a new species described herein is known from a single collection from Monte ...
Context 2
... and habitat.-Myriocladus caburaiensis is known from a single collection made near the summit of Monte Caburaí, Roraima between 1000 and 1200 m, near the frontier between Brazil and Guyana (Fig. 1). The specimen was gathered from scattered subpopulations of the species growing in open tepui vegetation in transition to cloud forest. The coordinates on the label of the type specimen appear to be ...
Context 3
... Bot. Gard. 9: 240, Fig. 1 (Fig. ...


... Greco et al. (2015) recorded 164 native woody bamboo taxa for Brazil, among them varieties, subspecies, uncertain species, and synonyms, and Filgueiras & Viana (2017) cited 18 genera and 165 species, several of them endemics and endangered with extinction. Here we record 17 genera and 168 species, 16 of them newly described since the compilation by Greco et al. (2015) (Parma et al. 2016, Mota et al. 2017, Vidal et al. 2018, Jesus-Costa et al. 2018b, Pianissola et al. 2018, Afonso et al. 2019, Andrade et al. 2019, 2020. ...
... Despite the presence of bamboo in drier habitats, species richness tends to concentrate in moister habitats. Mesic sites like the grass-dominated campos de altitude in Brazil are habitat for Cambajuva, Chusquea, and Glaziophyton Franch., while the tepuis and Gran Sabana of the Guayana highlands in southern Venezuela, Colombia, Brazil, Guyana and Surinam are host to species of Aulonemia Goudot, Merostachys and Rhipidocladum McClure, as well as the regional endemic Myriocladus Swallen (Judziewicz 1998, Afonso et al. 2019. The monotypic genus Apoclada Mc-Clure grows in moist Araucaria angustifolia (Bertol.) ...
... Arthrostylidiinae is the most diverse subtribe of NWB with 196 described species in 16 genera. Since 1999, four new genera (Aulonemiella, Cambajuva, Didymogonyx and Filgueirasia), 39 new species, and six new combinations have been described in the subtribe (Supplementary material 1; Sendulsky 2001, Londoño & Clark 2002b, Guala 2003, Judziewicz & Riina 2006, Judziewicz & Tyrrell 2007, Judziewicz & Davidse 2008, Judziewicz et al. 2010, Judziewicz & Clark 2011, Lizarazu et al. 2011, Santos-Gonçalves et al. 2011, Viana et al. 2011, Tyrrell et al. 2012, Judziewicz et al. 2013a, b, Tyrrell & Clark 2013, Viana et al. 2013a, b, Viana & Filgueiras 2014, Parma et al. 2016, Jesus-Costa et al. 2018a, b, 2019, Ruiz-Sanchez et al. 2018, Afonso et al. 2019, Ruiz-Sanchez et al. 2019, Andrade et al. 2020. Tyrrell et al. (2012) found four major clades within the Arthrostylidiinae. ...
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Background: The Neotropical woody bamboos (NWB) comprise a clade native to the Western Hemisphere. Taxonomically the NWB are classified into three subtribes: Arthrostylidiinae, Chusqueinae, and Guaduinae. These woody bamboos are distributed from northern Mexico and the West Indies to south-central Chile and Argentina and from sea level to over 4,000 m in elevation. The most recent comprehensive treatment of the diversity and classification of NWB was published just over 20 years ago, and knowledge of the NWB has greatly increased in the interim. Questions and / or Hypotheses: How much has our knowledge of Neotropical woody bamboo diversity, distribution and classification changed in the last 20 years? Results: The present work reviews the current state of Neotropical woody bamboo taxonomy and provides 1) new morphological keys (in English and Spanish) to and synoptic descriptions of the NWB genera; 2) an updated comprehensive species list; and 3) a biodiversity analysis by country and habitat type. Neotropical woody bamboo diversity presently totals 446 species in 23 genera. In the 21st century, 103 new species and five genera of NWB have been described. Conclusions: The new species and genera described since 2000 have produced an increase in species richness of 29.5 % and a net increase in generic richness of 26.3 %. This new review will be useful for systematists, ecologists, conservation biologists and others working with woody bamboos in the Neotropics.
... Its unequal culm-nodes pattern and branching architecture (Figs 4; 1D) is very unusual for a Paleotropical bamboo, and though unrelated to, reminds of some Neotropical Arthrostylidiinae possessing a first elongated internode followed by reduced ones (Arthrostylidium schomburgkii Munro or Glaziophyton) as documented in Tyrrell et al. (2012). The genus Myriocladus Swallen, also in this Neotropical Bambuseae group, expresses a pattern of internodes heterogeneity similar in some ways to Laobambos, but the two differ otherwise in terms of their respective architectures (Afonso et al. 2019). ...
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Lush jungle flagship species, woody bamboos (Poaceae–Bambusoideae) are famed for their synchronous flowering as well as the extensive “bamboo forests” some species can form in tropical or temperate environments. In portions of their natural distribution, Bambusoideae members developed various adaptations to seasonality in environmental parameters, such as frost or seasonal drought. A new taxon, Laobambos calcareus , described here, is extremely novel in showing the first documented case of succulence in bamboos, with its ability to seasonally vary the volume of its stem depending on the quantity of water stored. Anatomical studies presented in this paper document this specificity at the cellular level. Though no flowers or fruits are known yet, unique morphological characteristics along with an investigation of its phylogenetic affinities using molecular data show that this new taxon should belong to a new genus herein described.
... Besides the high number of described species, its number still fastly growing. Between the years 2018 and 2019, only for Brazil more than a dozen of new species were described (Jesus-Costa et al. 2018a,b, Moura et al. 2018., Ruiz-Sanchez et al. 2018, Santos-Gonçalves et al. 2018, Vidal et al. 2018, Afonso et al. 2019, Andrade et al. 2019, Oliveira et al. 2019a,b, Pianissola et al. 2018, Rodrigues & Filgueiras 2019, Zanin et al. 2019. ...
During field works in Santa Catarina state, we found a new species of Chascolytrum that presents a bulb-like rhizome. This species is similar to Chascolytrum bulbosum, from Pampa biome, differing by glabrous leaf blades, inflorescences larger and laxer, longer spikelets and paleas glabrous between the keels. We additionally provide field and studio photographs and assess its conservation status according to IUCN criteria.