Fig 5- - uploaded by Inácio Bianchi
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Dispersion of participant's thermal sensation From Figure 5 can be seen that the average thermal sensation increases as the temperature increases. The data from Table 1 was used to perform an analysis of variance (ANOVA) to confirm statistically that there are differences, at least, between two the means. In fact, ANOVA is the statistic used for the following hypotheses test.

Dispersion of participant's thermal sensation From Figure 5 can be seen that the average thermal sensation increases as the temperature increases. The data from Table 1 was used to perform an analysis of variance (ANOVA) to confirm statistically that there are differences, at least, between two the means. In fact, ANOVA is the statistic used for the following hypotheses test.

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Conference Paper
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Residential and commercial buildings represent a substantial load for electric energy systems. Being the HVAC comfort system of a building an important energy load, its optimization is fundamental for energy-efficient buildings. The literature, supported by theoretical models and simulations, has reported that ceiling fans can save energy when corr...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... 1 can be seen the thermal sensation for the participants for temperature ranging from 23.1°C to 32.7°C, followed by its mean, variance and standard deviation. The dispersion of the measurements is shown in Figure 5. Figure 5 can be seen that the average thermal sensation increases as the temperature increases. ...
Context 2
... 1 can be seen the thermal sensation for the participants for temperature ranging from 23.1°C to 32.7°C, followed by its mean, variance and standard deviation. The dispersion of the measurements is shown in Figure 5. Figure 5 can be seen that the average thermal sensation increases as the temperature increases. The data from Table 1 was used to perform an analysis of variance (ANOVA) to confirm statistically that there are differences, at least, between two the means. ...

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