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Disease emergence pathways.

Disease emergence pathways.

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Microbial infections are as old as the hosts they sicken, but interest in the emergence of pathogens and the diseases they cause has been accelerating rapidly. The term 'emerging infectious disease' was coined in the mid-1900s to describe changes in disease dynamics in the modern era. Both the term and the phenomena it is meant to characterize have...

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Context 1
... findings suggest that emergence rarely occurs as a result of only one pathway (Table 1). In fact, all of the 80 events we examined emerged via two to three pathways (38 events by two pathways, 33 events by three pathways, 9 events by four pathways). ...
Context 2
... the reclassification of these EID events, only 41% of EID events considered maintained the classification of an EID under our framework. Over half (54%) were reclassified as EPs and 5% as NPPs (Table S1). Using Pearson's chi-square test, EIDs and EPs were shown to have significantly different drivers (p = 0.03; there were too few NPPs to consider; Fig. 3). ...

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... Replacing the single-reservoir model for most zoonoses. Broadly defined, emerging infectious diseases (EIDs) are those that are caused by pathogens that have recently evolved, recently spilled over into humans, suddenly increased in incidence, or suddenly expanded in geographic range (Morse 1995;Rosenthal et al. 2015). Most of the diseases of humans that are classified as emerging are caused by zoonotic pathogens. ...
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Decades ago, a multi-factor perspective offered valuable insights into the causes of population cycles in arvicoline (= microtine) rodents. Multi-factor perspectives are also critical for understanding the ecology of infectious diseases. Here, we provide examples of how these perspectives inform our ability to predict variation in disease risk through space and time. We focus in particular on the evidence that many emerging zoonotic pathogens of humans have multiple hosts rather than just one, that most host species harbor more than one pathogen and that these pathogens interact, and that understanding variation in the abundance of species that transmit pathogens often requires deep exploration of the ecological community in which those hosts are embedded.
... Some authors also use an arbitrary 20-year timeframe since its first record (CDC, 2018), but many analyses do not adhere to this which makes any statistical interpretation complicated and frequently misleading. EID is used to describe many and varied diseases even in scientific publications without using any consensus definition (Jones et al., 2008;Rosenthal et al., 2015). This further complicates interpretation and renders statements such as "70% of EID are from wildlife" in many citations quite difficult to put in context given the lack of a unified and comparable methodology (this is discussed in more detail in the introduction of Section 2). ...
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This situation analysis presents a thorough, evidence-based examination of the relationship between wildlife and zoonosis, wildlife and emerging human pathogens and associated diseases, their origins, drivers, and risk factors. There is considerable divergence of opinion around the subject both within and outside the biodiversity conservation community and given the ontological challenges and highly different perspectives, contradictory narrative is unsurprising. Context is all-important and to clarify this in the analysis, the evidence of human diseases coming from wildlife is compared to diseases emerging from domestic animals and humans themselves, to provide context and proportions of the relative risk. The report highlights key knowledge, and provides perspective on where research, policy, interventions, and capacity building are needed to reduce risks of zoonoses and emergent animal-origin human diseases globally.
... The compilation of 335 EID events over the period 1940 to 2004 by Jones et al. [15] provides the basis for the analysis. This dataset was chosen, despite reports of more EIZDs since 2004, because it provides the most comprehensive supplementary information for each EI(Z)D event and because other authors have used it for subsequent analyses (e. g. [1,22,24]). ...
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This paper compares the relative frequency of zoonotic disease emergence associated with food animals versus emergence from other animal sources and explores differences in disease characteristics and drivers of emergence between the two sources. It draws on a published compilation of 202 Emerging Infectious Zoonotic Disease (EIZD) events for the period 1940–2004. Of the 202 zoonotic EID events in the dataset, 74 (36.6%) were associated with animals kept for food production, which acted as reservoir for the zoonotic pathogen in 64 events and as intermediate / amplifying host in 8 events. Significant differences exist both in the characteristics of the causal agents and the drivers of emergence of zoonotic diseases from food animals and non-food animals. However, the prevailing policy debate on prevention, detection and control of EIZDs largely focuses on diseases of non-food animal origin (wildlife), neglecting the role of food animals. Policies and investments that ensure appropriate veterinary public health measures along and within food animal value chains are essential to mitigate the global risk of EIZDs, particularly in developing regions where the livestock sector is experiencing rapid growth and structural transformation.
... Wildlife species constitute a large and unknown reservoir for emerging infectious diseases that can pose severe threats to global human health and biodiversity [9]. Nearly 75% of all emerging infectious diseases are zoonotic, meaning that pathogens are transmitted from animals (usually vertebrates) to humans [10,11], and the majority of zoonotic diseases (71.8%) originates from wild animals [10,12]. Zoonoses have had substantial impacts on human and environmental health, as well as agricultural production and trade over the last decades [13,14,15]. ...
... Wildlife species constitute a large and unknown reservoir for emerging infectious diseases that can pose severe threats to global human health and biodiversity [9]. Nearly 75% of all emerging infectious diseases are zoonotic, meaning that pathogens are transmitted from animals (usually vertebrates) to humans [10,11], and the majority of zoonotic diseases (71.8%) originates from wild animals [10,12]. Zoonoses have had substantial impacts on human and environmental health, as well as agricultural production and trade over the last decades [13,14,15]. ...
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Wildlife species constitute a vast and uncharted reservoir of zoonotic pathogens that can pose a severe threat to global human health. Zoonoses have become increasingly impactful over the past decades, and the expanding trade in wildlife is unarguably among the most significant risk factors for their emergence. Despite several warnings from the academic community about the spillover risks associated with wildlife trade, the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic underlines that current policies on the wildlife industry are deficient. Conservation initiatives, rather than practices that attempt to eradicate zoonotic pathogens or the wild species that harbour them, could play a vital role in preventing the emergence of life-threatening zoonoses. This review explores how wildlife conservation initiatives could effectively reduce the risk of new zoonotic diseases emerging from the wildlife trade by integrating existing literature on zoonotic diseases and risk factors associated with wildlife trade. Conservation should mainly aim at reducing human-wildlife interactions in the wildlife trade by protecting wildlife habitats and providing local communities with alternative protein sources. In addition, conservation should focus on regulating the legal wildlife trade and education about disease transfer and safer hunting and butchering methods. By uniting efforts for wildlife protection and universal concern for preventing zoonotic epidemics, conservation initiatives have the potential to safeguard both biodiversity, animal welfare, and global human health security.
... Le microbiome quant à lui, est constitué de l'ensemble des communautés microbiennes, de leurs gènes et l'environnement qui les entoure(265)(266)(267). Ainsi, la définition d'une émergence de nouveaux agents pathogènes doit répondre à un des critères suivants : un changement évolutif récent, un changement de tropisme avec une première détection chez l'homme, un changement de pathogenèse et de sa manifestation clinique ou une première identification(268).Aujourd'hui, de nombreux agents pathogènes bactériens ont été identifiés dans le secteur de la volaille commerciale tels que E. coli, AvP, ORT, MS, MG, PM, mais peu d'études décrivent le microbiome respiratoire « sain ». À ce jour, une seule étude décrit les caractéristiques des communautés microbiennes présentes dans l'arbre respiratoire inférieur des volailles commerciales(269), et des questions se posent sur les critères permettant de différencier les bactéries commensales des bactéries ayant un potentiel pathogène ...
Les élevages avicoles familiaux tels que les basses-cours rurales, les poulaillers urbains et les élevages de volailles de loisir sont un secteur important de la production avicole française. Estimés à 2,5 millions de propriétaires à ce jour, ces élevages sont suspectés de pouvoir transmettre des agents pathogènes aux élevages avicoles commerciaux. Dans cette étude, nous avons étudié le rôle des élevages avicoles familiaux dans la circulation et la transmission d'agents pathogènes aux élevages avicoles commerciaux. Afin de mieux caractériser les acteurs de la filière avicole familiale, une enquête participative nationale a été réalisée afin d'analyser les pratiques d'élevage et d'identifier différentes sous-populations. En parallèle, les prévalences de 14 agents infectieux à tropisme majoritairement respiratoire ayant un intérêt en santé publique et/ou animale ont été estimées. L'identification d'agents pathogènes comme marqueurs d'infection et de transmission a été effectuée en comparant les prévalences entre secteurs familial et commercial. Dans le secteur familial, cinq sous-populations ont été mises en évidence : les poulaillers urbains, les basses-cours traditionnelles, les poulaillers d'étudiants, les élevages familiaux "de compagnie", et les élevages de poules de race et de loisir. Des agents pathogènes comme Mycoplasma synoviae et Avibacterium paragallinarum, présentent une prévalence élevée dans les basses-cours, mais sont rarement identifiés dans les élevages commerciaux, ce qui pourrait en faire des marqueurs pertinents de transmission du secteur familial au secteur commercial. D'une manière générale, les résultats suggèrent un rôle limité des basses-cours dans la contamination des élevages commerciaux. A l'inverse, dans un contexte épizootique d'influenza aviaire, il a été montré que les liens humains entre secteur familial et secteur commercial représentaient un risque de contamination des basses-cours, conduisant ainsi à privilégier l'hypothèse inverse d'une possible contamination des élevages familiaux par les élevages commerciaux.
... Since the term 'emerging infectious disease' was coined in the mid-1900s, its definition has evolved (Rosenthal et al. 2015). Woolhouse and Dye (2001) enunciated the most comprehensive definition of an emerging infectious disease as one 'whose incidence is increasing following its first introduction into a new host population or whose incidence is increasing in an existing host population as a result of long-term changes in its underlying epidemiology'. ...
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Predicting viral emergence is difficult due to the stochastic nature of the underlying processes and the many factors that govern pathogen evolution. Environmental factors affecting the host, the pathogen and the interaction between both are key in emergence. In particular, infectious disease dynamics are affected by spatiotemporal heterogeneity in their environments. A broad knowledge of these factors will allow better estimating where and when viral emergence is more likely to occur. Here, we investigate how the population structure for susceptibility-to-infection genes of the plant Arabidopsis thaliana shapes the evolution of Turnip mosaic virus (TuMV). For doing so we have evolved TuMV lineages in two radically different host population structures: (1) a metapopulation subdivided into six demes (subpopulations); each one being composed of individuals from only one of six possible A. thaliana ecotypes and (2) a well-mixed population constituted by equal number of plants from the same six A. thaliana ecotypes. These two populations were evolved for twelve serial passages. At the end of the experimental evolution, we found faster adaptation of TuMV to each ecotype in the metapopulation than in the well-mixed heterogeneous host populations. However, viruses evolved in well-mixed populations were more pathogenic and infectious than viruses evolved in the metapopulation. Furthermore, the viruses evolved in the demes showed stronger signatures of local specialization than viruses evolved in the well-mixed populations. These results illustrate how the genetic diversity of hosts in an experimental ecosystem favors the evolution of virulence of a pathogen.
... The factors leading to the emergence of infectious diseases have been described. [13][14][15][16][17] Importantly, all these authors noted that we will continue to see new and emerging infectious diseases for the foreseeable future. Recent articles have provided recommendations for preparedness at the health care facility, local and national levels. ...
... Since the term "emerging infectious disease" was coined in the mid-1900s, its definition 34 has evolved (Rosenthal et al. 2015). Woolhouse and Dye (2001) enunciated the most 35 comprehensive definition of an emerging infectious disease as one "whose incidence is 36 increasing following its first introduction into a new host population or whose incidence 37 is increasing in an existing host population as a result of long-term changes in its 38 The emergence and re-emergence of viruses cause serious threatening to public 45 health (Morens and Fauci 2013) and are responsible for large yield losses in crops that 46 compromise food security (Vurro et al. 2010). ...
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Predicting viral emergence is difficult due to the stochastic nature of the underlying processes and the many factors that govern pathogen evolution. Environmental factors affecting the host, the pathogen and the interaction between both are key in emergence. In particular, infectious disease dynamics are affected by spatiotemporal heterogeneity in their environments. A broad knowledge of these factors will allow better estimating where and when viral emergence is more likely to occur. Here we investigate how the population structure for susceptibility-to-infection genes of the plant Arabidopsis thaliana shapes the evolution of Turnip mosaic virus (TuMV). For doing so we have evolved TuMV lineages in two radically different host population structures: (i) multiple genetically homogeneous A. thaliana subpopulations and (ii) a single maximally genetically heterogeneous population. We found faster adaptation of TuMV to homogeneous than to heterogeneous host populations. However, viruses evolved in heterogeneous host populations were more pathogenic and infectious than viruses evolved in the homogeneous population. Furthermore, the viruses evolved in homogeneous populations showed stronger signatures of local specialization than viruses evolved in heterogeneous populations. These results illustrate how the genetic diversity of hosts in an experimental ecosystem favors the evolution of virulence of a pathogen.
... Our study reveals relationships among livestock and human diseases and is consistent with a One Health perspective 4 . As shown in our study, a consistent way to quantify and determine the drivers of emerging infectious diseases has implications for the development of disease mitigation and prevention strategies 69 . For example, reducing deer density is possible, and targeting deer might also remove reservoir hosts of A. phagocytophilum. ...
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The factors that drive the emergence of vector-borne diseases are difficult to identify due to the complexity of the pathogen-vector-host triad. We used a novel comparative approach to analyse four long-term datasets (1995–2015) on the incidence of tick-borne diseases in humans and livestock (Lyme disease, anaplasmosis and babesiosis) over a geographic area that covered the whole of Norway. This approach allowed us to separate general (shared vector) and specific (pathogen reservoir host) limiting factors of tick-borne diseases, as well as the role of exposure (shared and non-shared pathogens in different hosts). We found broadly similar patterns of emergence across the four tick-borne diseases. Following initial increases during the first decade of the time series, the numbers of cases peaked at slightly different years and then stabilized or declined in the most recent years. Contrasting spatial patterns of disease incidence were consistent with exposure to ticks being an important factor influencing disease incidence in livestock. Uncertainty regarding the reservoir host(s) of the pathogens causing anaplasmosis and babesiosis prevented a firm conclusion regarding the role of the reservoir host-pathogen distribution. Our study shows that the emergence of tick-borne diseases at northern latitudes is linked to the shared tick vector and that variation in host-pathogen distribution and exposure causes considerable variation in emergence.
... Current climate models consistently predict increasingly suitable climatic conditions for endemic malaria transmission in Central Europe and North America (Caminade et al., 2014), and even in Northern Europe, pathogenic bacteria such as Vibrio cholerae (Baker-Austin, Trinanes, Gonzalez-Escalona, & Martinez-Urtaza, 2017) are becoming increasingly prevalent. In the Southern Hemisphere and in sub-Saharan Africa in particular, there is a direct correlation between increasing rainfall, warmer temperatures and the prevalence of infectious and also vector-borne diseases, including malaria, trypanosomiasis, schistosomiasis, chikungunya and plague (Rosenthal, Ostfeld, McGarvey, Luriea, & Smith, 2015;Stensgaard, Booth, Nikulin, & McCreesh, 2015). This realization corroborates the significance of information derived from palaeopathogenic research on sub-Saharan African archaeological contexts. ...
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The recent discovery that malignant neoplastic lesions date back nearly 2 million years ago not only highlights the antiquity of cancer in the human lineage, it also provides remarkable insight into ancestral hominin disease pathology. Using these Early Pleistocene examples as a point of departure, we emphasise the prominent role of viral and bacterial pathogens in oncogenesis and evaluate the impact of pathogens on human evolutionary processes in Africa. In the Shakespearean vernacular ‘what's past is prologue’, we highlight the significance of novel information derived from ancient pathogenic DNA. In particular, and given the temporal depth of human occupation in sub-Saharan Africa, it is emphasised that the region is ideally positioned to play a strategic role in the discovery of ancient pathogenic drivers of not only human mortality, but also human evolution. Ancient African pathogen genome data can provide novel revelations concerning human -pathogen co-evolutionary processes, and such knowledge is essential for forecasting the ways in which emerging zoonotic and increasingly transmissible diseases might influence human demography and longevity in the future.