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Differences in a activation (presence/absence) and b degree-days (DD, base = 5 °C) after 20 February to date of activation in spring by larch casebearer larvae that experienced ambient vs. warmer temperatures in the previous year’s autumn. Marginal means, estimated via the emmeans package in R (Lenth 2018), are presented along with error bars indicating ± SE. Data were analyzed using either a generalized linear mixed-effects model with a binomial error structure and logit link function (a) or a linear mixed-effects model (b). In equations, setting x equal to one enables calculation of mean values (y) for warm autumn larvae, whereas setting x equal to zero indicates mean values for ambient autumn larvae. Test statistics on graph pertain to inferential tests of slope coefficients for x in equations and “*” indicates a significant difference between groups

Differences in a activation (presence/absence) and b degree-days (DD, base = 5 °C) after 20 February to date of activation in spring by larch casebearer larvae that experienced ambient vs. warmer temperatures in the previous year’s autumn. Marginal means, estimated via the emmeans package in R (Lenth 2018), are presented along with error bars indicating ± SE. Data were analyzed using either a generalized linear mixed-effects model with a binomial error structure and logit link function (a) or a linear mixed-effects model (b). In equations, setting x equal to one enables calculation of mean values (y) for warm autumn larvae, whereas setting x equal to zero indicates mean values for ambient autumn larvae. Test statistics on graph pertain to inferential tests of slope coefficients for x in equations and “*” indicates a significant difference between groups

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Increasing temperatures can drive changes in the distribution and abundance of insects. The time of year when warming occurs (e.g., spring vs. autumn) may disparately influence the phenology of herbivorous insects and their host plants. We investigated the role of changing phenology in recent outbreaks of larch casebearer, an invasive defoliator of...


... To explore whether the emergence of male/female cicadas is dynamically coupled with each other, we performed CCM analysis in the direction from male to female and in the opposite direction, with varying prediction times tp from À40 to 0 days because they emerge cumulatively (Bale et al., 2002;Forrest, 2016;Uelmen Jr et al., 2016;Ward et al., 2019). Thus, to reflect the cumulative effect, we generated a moving average of the meteorological time-series with a moving window (window size, WS) from 1 to 30. ...
• Understanding the mechanisms determining the emergence timing of herbivorous insects is ecologically important. However, little is known about the effect of climatic factors and the presence of conspecific individuals on their emergence in the field. In particular, it is challenging to investigate the seasonal emergence of cicadas because these insects have a long life-cycle and subterranean larval stages. • We assembled a time-series dataset that consists of daily counts of emerging cicadas together with meteorological factors, using long-term collection of cicada exuviae by elementary and junior-high-school students. We then performed a non-linear time-series analysis, empirical dynamic modelling, to identify factors behind the timing of cicada emergence. • Our findings are three-fold: (1) emergence of individuals of the opposite sex constitute a major driver of the number of individuals emerging per day, and this effect is stronger in males than in females, (2) as in other insect species, air temperature consistently affects cicada emergence, but its effects are relatively weak and (3) precipitation and humidity were causally related to emergence. • These results are consistent with the theory of sexual selection as well as the fact that it is hard for the subterranean cicada larvae to use information about air temperature. Significantly, the findings are based on long-term field data collected by non-expert citizens.
... Larval instar and size, determined by both late summer/early fall and early spring (March-April) average maximum temperatures directly influence their survival at this critical point in their life cycle (Fig. 4). Ward et al. (2019) found that fall temperatures impacted the number of larch casebearers (Coleophora laricella Hübner) reaching the third instar stage of development for overwintering before needle drop in their host tree. Although these warmer autumnal temperatures also resulted in delayed and reduced spring activation of casebearer larval post diapause, their data suggests that increases in annual degree-day accumulation have helped facilitate recent outbreaks of this invasive species. ...
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The browntail moth (Euproctis chrysorrhoea (L.)) is a forest pest that was accidentally introduced in the late 1800’s and spread throughout New England in the early part of the 20th Century. At its peak range expansion in 1915 it encompassed an area of 150,000 km2 after which populations declined. By the 1960s, its distribution had receded to relic populations on outer Cape Cod, MA, and islands in Casco Bay, ME. In 1989 browntail moth resurged in Maine, with periodic, moderate outbreaks before a dramatic increase of the population occurred in 2016. We examined the pattern of annual defoliation by browntail moth since its resurgence in the 1990s as well as variation in populations throughout infested areas in Maine during three years of the recent outbreak, 2016–2018, relative to differences in weather, parasitism and habitat characteristics. Levels of defoliation over 24 yr were predicted by the preceding spring precipitation (−, negative effect) and the year’s previous late summer and early fall temperatures (+, positive effect) when first to third instar larvae feed and then construct winter hibernacula. Late summer temperatures predicted the abundance of hibernacula across outbreak areas (+). Early spring temperatures (+) and early and late spring precipitation (−) predicted early summer larval and pupal nest abundance. Warmer fall temperatures result in more mature populations coming out of winter hibernacula in the spring, whereas spring precipitation drives epizootic outbreaks of Entomophaga aulicae (Reichardt in Bail) Humber (Entomophthorales: Entomophthoraceae). with parasitoids playing a lesser role. Climate trends indicate continued increases in fall temperatures since browntail moth resurgence.
To cope with abiotic and biotic stressors, plants have developed mutualistic associations with beneficial soil microbes, but little is known about how extreme abiotic conditions impact on microbe‐induce resistance to insect herbivores. Extreme temperatures are often accompanied by extremes in plant water availability, which together reduce plant growth and change plant physiology. There are potential consequences for increasing plant susceptibility to biotic stresses, and this poses a real challenge for plant productivity. We evaluated how the effects of beneficial soil bacteria ( Acidovorax radicis N35e) on barley plant growth and resultant resistance against aphid infestation ( Sitobion avenae ) were impacted by a single heatwave event across a plant water availability gradient. We also tested if timing of bacterial inoculation (before or after the temperature treatment) affected bacteria‐plant interactions on aphids. We found that heatwaves affected plant biomass allocation from above‐ground to below‐ground tissues. Inoculation with A. radicis led to reduction of aphid numbers, but depended on timing of inoculation, and led to stronger resistance when inoculations occurred closer to aphid infestation. Remarkably, microbe‐induced resistance against aphids was consistent across heatwave and water availability treatments. This study provides evidence that beneficial plant‐bacteria interactions may represent a potential solution for sustainable agricultural practices to enhance plant growth and response to insect pests under climate change. Future field trials should investigate the consistency of beneficial effects reported here for a better understanding of multispecies interactions in the context of global change. Read the free Plain Language Summary for this article on the Journal blog.
To cope with abiotic and biotic stressors, plants have developed mutualistic associations with beneficial soil microbes, but little is known about how (extreme) abiotic conditions impact on microbe-induce resistance to insect herbivores. Extreme temperatures are often accompanied by extremes in plant water availability, which together reduce plant growth and change plant physiology. There are potential consequences for increasing plant susceptibility to biotic stresses, and this poses a real challenge for plant productivity. We evaluated how the effects of beneficial soil bacteria ( Acidovorax radicis ) on barley plant growth and resultant resistance against aphid infestation ( Sitobion avenae ) were impacted by a single heatwave event across a plant water availability gradient. We also tested if timing of bacterial inoculation (before or after the heatwave) affected bacteria-plant interactions on aphids. We found that heatwaves affected plant biomass allocation from aboveground to belowground tissues. Inoculation with A. radicis led to reduction of aphid numbers, but depended on timing of inoculation, and led to stronger resistance when inoculations occurred closer to aphid infestation. Remarkably, microbe-induced resistance against aphids was consistent across heatwave and water availability treatments. This study provides evidence that beneficial plant-bacteria interactions may represent a potential solution for sustainable agricultural practices to enhance plant growth and response to insect pests under climate change. Future field trials should investigate the consistency of beneficial effects reported here for a better understanding of multispecies interactions in the context of global change.
Spring phenological synchrony can be important for tree‐insect interactions. Depending on the magnitude and direction of phenological shifts, overwintering insects could be affected in many ways, for example, facing starvation or having to contend with increased chemical or physical defences of host trees. If temperature has different influences on the phenology of trees and insects, climate change can alter spring phenological synchrony. In this experiment, we exposed tamarack seedlings and larch case bearer larvae from Minnesota, USA, to a variety of chilling and forcing temperatures and measured spring phenology (twig bud break and larval activation). We additionally measured case bearer performance on seedlings that were exposed to different forcing × chilling levels, tracking larval survivorship to adulthood. Warmer forcing enhanced larval activation and bud break, but larval development slowed down past 21°C. Higher chilling temperatures accelerated bud break, but the effect was inconclusive for larvae. There was no chilling × forcing interaction for either species. Spring activity accelerated more quickly with increases in temperature for larvae than for seedlings, resulting in increased phenological synchrony at warmer temperatures. Activation rates for overwintering larvae were highest at 27°C, while survivorship to adulthood following spring activation was highest at 21°C. At temperatures at or beyond 27°C, no larvae reached adulthood. Warmer winters and springs will likely initially increase spring synchrony between tamarack and larch case bearer, exposing larvae to younger, potentially more nutritious foliage, but extremely warm spring temperatures may decrease survivorship of larvae to adulthood.
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Both theory and prior studies predict that climate warming should increase attack rates by herbivores and pathogens on plants. However, past work has often assumed that variation in abiotic conditions other than temperature (e.g. precipitation) do not alter warming responses of plant damage by natural enemies. Studies over short time periods span low variation in weather, and studies over long time‐scales often neglect to account for fine‐scale weather conditions. Here, we used a 20+ year warming experiment to investigate if warming affects on herbivory and pathogen disease are dependent on variation in ambient weather observed over 3 years. We studied three common grass species in a subalpine meadow in the Colorado Rocky Mountains, USA. We visually estimated herbivory and disease every 2 weeks during the growing season and evaluated weather conditions during the previous 2‐ or 4‐week time interval (2‐week average air temperature, 2‐ and 4‐week cumulative precipitation) as predictors of the probability and amount of damage. Herbivore attack was 13% more likely and damage amount was 29% greater in warmed plots than controls across the focal species but warming treatment had little affect on plant disease. Herbivory presence and damage increased the most with experimental warming when preceded by wetter, rather than drier, fine‐scale weather, but preceding ambient temperature did not strongly interact with elevated warming to influence herbivory. Disease presence and amount increased, on average, with warmer weather and more precipitation regardless of warming. Synthesis. The effect of warming over reference climate on herbivore damage is dependent on and amplified by fine‐scale weather variation, suggesting more boom‐and‐bust damage dynamics with increasing climate variability. However, the mean effect of regional climate change is likely reduced monsoon rainfall, for which we predict a reduction in insect herbivore damage. Plant disease was generally unresponsive to warming, which may be a consequence of our coarse disease estimates that did not track specific pathogen species or guilds. The results point towards temperature as an important but not sufficient determinant and regulator of species interactions, where precipitation and other constraints may determine the affect of warming.
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Changes in thermal regimes that disparately affect hosts and parasitoids could release hosts from biological control. When multiple natural enemy species share a host, shifts in host–parasitoid dynamics could depend on whether natural enemies interact antagonistically vs. synergistically. We investigated how biotic and abiotic factors influence the population ecology of larch casebearer (Coleophora laricella), a nonnative pest, and two imported parasitoids, Agathis pumila and Chrysocharis laricinellae, by analyzing (1) temporal dynamics in defoliation from 1962 to 2018, and (2) historical, branch‐level data on densities of larch casebearer and parasitism rates by the two imported natural enemies from 1972 to 1995. Analyses of defoliation indicated that, prior to the widespread establishment of parasitoids (1962 to ~1980), larch casebearer outbreaks occurred in 2–6 yr cycles. This pattern was followed by a >15‐yr period during which populations were at low, apparently stable densities undetectable via aerial surveys, presumably under control from parasitoids. However, since the late 1990s and despite the persistence of both parasitoids, outbreaks exhibiting unstable dynamics have occurred. Analyses of branch‐level data indicated that growth of casebearer populations, A. pumila populations, and within‐casebearer densities of C. laricinellae—a generalist whose population dynamics are likely also influenced by use of alternative hosts—were inhibited by density dependence, with high intraspecific densities in one year slowing growth into the next. Casebearer population growth was also inhibited by parasitism from A. pumila, but not C. laricinellae, and increased with warmer autumnal temperatures. Growth of A. pumila populations and within‐casebearer densities of C. laricinellae increased with casebearer densities but decreased with warmer annual maximum temperatures. Moreover, parasitism by A. pumila was associated with increased growth of within‐casebearer densities of C. laricinellae without adverse effects on its own demographics, indicating a synergistic interaction between these parasitoids. Our results indicate that warming can be associated with opposing effects between trophic levels, with deleterious effects of warming on one natural enemy species potentially being exacerbated by similar impacts on another. Coupling of such parasitoid responses with positive responses of hosts to warming might have contributed to the return of casebearer outbreaks to North America.
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Phenological synchrony between herbivorous insects and host plants is an important determinant of insect distribution and abundance. Non-native insects often experience novel climates, photoperiods, and host plants. How critical time periods of insect life cycles coincide with-or diverge from-phenological windows of host plant suitability could affect invasion success and the dynamics of outbreaks. Larch casebearer is an invasive defoliator that has recently undergone anomalous outbreaks on eastern larch in North America. We conducted growth chamber, greenhouse, and field studies to quantify the spring phenological window for larch casebearer on eastern larch and importance of phenological synchrony for casebearer development and survival. We constructed degree-day models of spring activity for both species and investigated responses of casebearers to early and delayed activation relative to bud break. Both species had lower developmental thresholds of ~ 5 °C, but mean activation of casebearers occurred 245 degree-days after bud break by eastern larch. In addition to forcing temperatures, phenologies of eastern larch and casebearer larvae were significantly influenced by chilling and photoperiod, respectively. Larvae were robust to both starvation and delayed activation; days between larval activation and bud break (range: 0-58 days) had no influence on larval development and survival to adulthood. Disparate plant-insect responses to environmental cues and robustness of casebearers to changes in phenology result in a wide phenological window that likely has contributed to the insect's broad distribution in eastern North America. Changes in phenological synchrony, however, do not appear to have facilitated recent outbreaks of larch casebearer on eastern larch.
1. Traits of non‐native insect herbivores may vary spatially due to local genetic differences, rapid post‐introduction evolution, and/or novel host plant associations. 2. Populations of larch casebearer, Coleophora laricella Hübner, originally from Europe have likely been isolated for > 60 years in North America on eastern larch, Larix laricina (Du Roi) K. Koch, and western larch, Larix occidentalis Nutt. 3. This study investigated cold tolerance and phenology of larvae collected from eastern larch in Minnesota, and western larch in Oregon, Idaho, and Montana, U.S.A. 4. Mean supercooling points of larvae from Minnesota were up to 10 °C lower than supercooling points of larvae from Oregon, Idaho, and Montana. 5. At ambient environmental conditions in spring, overwintering larvae from Minnesota required a mean (± SE) of 172 ± 19 degree‐days above 5 °C to break winter quiescence and actively wander, significantly more than required by larvae from Oregon (66 ± 4), Idaho (64 ± 1), and Montana (60 ± 2). 6. Across all assays and despite substantial latitudinal and elevational variation among western larch sites, no significant differences in any traits were detected among larvae collected from western larch. 7. Spatial variation in cold tolerance and phenological traits of larch casebearer may be attributable to insect genetic differences and/or host plant effects, but exact mechanisms remain unknown. Differences in thermal biology between regions may result in disparate effects of climate change on insect populations and should be accounted for when forecasting insect dynamics across large spatial scales.