Diderma rufostriatum Nann.-Bremek. & Lado: a. Sporocarps EG5872, b. Details of the inner peridium and pseudocolumella EG5872, c. Sporocarps and pseudocolumella EG5865, d. Peridium under LM EG5890, e-f. Spores EG5442. Scale bars: a-c = 1 mm, d = 0.1 mm, e-f = 2 µm.

Diderma rufostriatum Nann.-Bremek. & Lado: a. Sporocarps EG5872, b. Details of the inner peridium and pseudocolumella EG5872, c. Sporocarps and pseudocolumella EG5865, d. Peridium under LM EG5890, e-f. Spores EG5442. Scale bars: a-c = 1 mm, d = 0.1 mm, e-f = 2 µm.

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The volcanic Canary Islands constitute a biodiversity hotspot. Although our knowledge of the native flora and fauna species is extensive, the myxobiota of these islands is not so well-known. For this reason, we provide herein eight new records for the checklist of Canarian myxomycetes with accurate descriptions and macro- and microphotographs. The...

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