Dida – a) Dark cherty clasts in the Dolomia Superiore; b) Hummocky-swaley lamination deposit characteristics of the high-energy environment (Zorzino Limestone). This sedimentary structure testifies a gradual decrease bathymetric depositional environment (upper portion of the Zorzino Limestone succession, San Martino section); c) thickening-upward cycle of the Zu Limestone (footpath between C. Caset and Malga Giù); d) body channeled filled oolitic-bioclastic sands within the basinaldeposits of the Tofino Formation lower member  (ex-Group Medolo lower member)(Ledro Valley road).

Dida – a) Dark cherty clasts in the Dolomia Superiore; b) Hummocky-swaley lamination deposit characteristics of the high-energy environment (Zorzino Limestone). This sedimentary structure testifies a gradual decrease bathymetric depositional environment (upper portion of the Zorzino Limestone succession, San Martino section); c) thickening-upward cycle of the Zu Limestone (footpath between C. Caset and Malga Giù); d) body channeled filled oolitic-bioclastic sands within the basinaldeposits of the Tofino Formation lower member (ex-Group Medolo lower member)(Ledro Valley road).

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Abstract: The Norian paleogeography of the Lombardian Alps is controlled by extensional tectonics closely linked to the early rifting phase preceding the opening of the Jurassic Tethyan ocean. These movements led to the early dissection of the widespread scenario of the lower Dolomia Principale carbonate platform and were responsible for the format...

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[Lower Liassic pelagic sediments in Hallstatt facies (Dürrnberg Formation) from the Hallein - Berchtesgaden Hallstatt Zone and the Lammer Basin (Hettangian – Sinemurian)] The Liassic sedimentation of the Hallstatt facis area in the Northern Calcareous Alps is not well known, due to a lack of litho- and biostratigraphic data. The sediments are simi...


... -Berra Fabrizio (Orcid ID: 0000-0002-4354-1806) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________ 5 succession, that increase from a few hundreds of metres in low-subsiding domains (for example, Dolomites) to more than 2 km in fault-controlled intraplatform troughs. Basinal areas are documented in the Central Southern Alps (Lombardy Basin; Jadoul, 1985;Jadoul et al., 1992;Berra and Jadoul, 1996;Berra, 1995;Trombetta and Claps, 1995;Berra and Jadoul, 1999;Berra et al., 2010;Fig. 1), in the Eastern Southern Alps (Carnia; Cozzi, 2002), in the Central Austroalpine (Ortles and Quattervals Nappes; Berra, 1995;Berra and Jadoul, 1999), in the Northern Calcareous Alps (Seefeld Basin; Fruth and Scherreiks, 1984), in the Apennines Zamparelli et al., 1999) and in Sicily (Basilone, 2022, and references therein). ...
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Identification of the processes producing soft‐sediment deformation structures, common in siliciclastic deposits and less abundant in carbonate successions, is complex, because different processes may produce similar structures. Thus, interpreting the origin of these structures may be challenging: it requires both a detailed sedimentological study and the knowledge of the depositional environment and stratigraphic evolution, in order to provide hints to identify the processes affecting sediments after deposition. Among the potential causes of the formation of soft‐sediment deformation structures, seismic shock is one of the possibilities, but their origin could be also related to other triggering mechanisms, such as volcanic activity, sediment loading, salt tectonics, fluid expulsion, meteorite impacts and mass movements. Although it is a plausible option, the interpretation of these structures as ‘seismites’ is not obvious: it must be supported by different lines of evidence, considering that the correct interpretation of soft‐sediment deformation structures as a consequence of seismic shocks acquires important implications in palaeoseismology studies. The occurrence of diverse soft‐sediment deformation structures in a fault‐controlled basin (i.e. in a geological setting characterized by syndepositional tectonics) preserved in different subenvironments of a Norian carbonate system in the Southern Alps of Italy provides the chance to characterize different types of soft‐sediment deformation structures along a platform‐to‐basin depositional profile. Presence of pseudonodules in basinal resedimented limestone, sedimentary dykes and clinostratified breccias with unlithified clasts in slope settings and liquefaction of inner platform facies at the platform top testify to an origin compatible with multiple seismic shocks, repetitively affecting the same stratigraphic intervals. The diverse types of soft‐sediment deformation structures in the studied carbonate system provide a rich catalogue of structures related to seismic shocks, representing a possible reference for other similar settings.
... Il margine di piattaforma del M. Ceresola è costituito da corpi di brecce e megabrecce che si "sfrangiano" e si interdigitano, verso sud, nella successione bacinale rappresentata dalle Dolomie Zonate affioranti lungo il versante meridionale della Val Vertova; l'intera successione bacinale, che presenta uno spessore di oltre 600 m, continua con la sovrastante Argillite di Riva di Solto, il Calcare di Zu e, finalmente, si "chiude" con la Formazione dell'Albenza che rappresenta il ripristino di condizioni ambientali di mare basso nell'intero Bacino Lombardo (Fig. 12). Evoluzione verticale di questo tipo, certamente più comune per questo tipo di bacini, è già stata documentata in vasti settori del Bacino Lombardo (Stefani & Golfieri, 1988;Masetti et al., 1989;Jadoul et al., 1994;Trombetta & Claps, 1995). ...
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ABSTRACT The Bergamasc Prealps closed between the Serina, Seriana and Borlezza Valleys as far as the north-western side of the Iseo Lake have been object of a new 1:50.000 geological mapping (CARG Project – Lombardy Region). This paper focus on this upper structural units formed mainly by the Dolomia Principale and by the coeval basinal/slope deposits (Araralta Group), later covered by the Riva di Solto Shale, Zu Limestone and the Albenza Formation. The geological survey led to the definition to a new Norian palaeogeographic picture of the Bergamasc Prealps where the wide carbonate platform of the Dolomia Principale (inner platform deposits) was dissected by several intra-platform basins, characterized by anoxic deposits (Dolomie Zonate, Zorzino Limestone and, later, Riva di Solto Shale). The facies analysis and the depositional architecture of the sedimentary units document that the smaller basin, as the M. Alben, M. Brassamonti and M. Fogarolo are characterized by a shallowing-upward trend culminating with the progradation of the slope (before) and inner platform facies (later) of the Dolomia Principale platform, whereas in the wider basinal areas (Clusone, Pizzo Formico, Seriana Valley and Serina Valley basins) the carbonate platform conditions restored later (Hettangian) restoration with the deposition of the Albenza Formation. Key words: Bergamasc Prealps, Upper Triassic, Lombardy basin, palaeogeography, intra-platform basins RIASSUNTO Il settore delle Prealpi Bergamasche compreso fra le Valli Serina, Seriana, Borlezza fino al versante nord-occidentale del Lago d’Iseo è stato oggetto di un recente lavoro di rilevamento, nell’ambito del Progetto Carg – Regione Lombardia (Fogli geologici 1:50.000), che ha consentito di caratterizzare meglio la distribuzione dei vari depositi coevi alla Dolomia Principale tipica, qui certamente la formazione presente con gli affioramenti più continui ed estesi. In pratica, l’applicazione delle più recenti conoscenze sulla stratigrafia della successione Norico-Retico del Bacino Lombardo permette di proporre un quadro relativo alla paleogeografia del Triassico superiore di questo settore del Sudalpino con sostanziali novità rispetto a quanto conosciuto in letteratura. Tale assetto paleogeografico è caratterizzato da una vasta area di piattaforma carbonatica (Dolomia Principale) che durante le ultime fasi evolutive presenta una più articolata differenziazione documentata dallo sviluppo di numerosi, bacini intrapiattaforma a circolazione ristretta (Dolomie Zonate, Calcare di Zorzino e, successivamente alla crisi della Dolomia Principale, Argillite di Riva di Solto). I bacini principali, più estesi e subsidenti, persistono e differenziano anche la soprastante successione retica (Argillite di Riva di Solto e Calcare di Zu), quelli meno estesi e alcune zone marginali dei maggiori (settore del M. Alben, Brassamonti, Pizzo Formico) diventano inattivi precocemente a seguito della progradazione di facies di piattaforma interna della Dolomia Principale sommitale. Parole chiave: Prealpi Bergamasche, Triassico superiore, Bacino Lombardo, paleogeografia, bacini intra-piattaforma
... 5,6), scarsa circolazione delle acque, sedimentazione di fanghi carbonatici bacinali ricchi in sostanza organica. I margini delle piattaforme della Dolomia Principale vedono lo sviluppo di abbondanti depositi ad alghe verdi (Dasicladacee, Gryphoporella curvata) in buona parte dell'area Lombarda (CIRILLI & TANNOIA, 1988;JADOUL, 1986;TROMBETTA & CLAPS, 1995;BARATTOLO et al., 2008), oltre alla diffusione di build-up a Serpulidi e facies microbiali, ricchi in cementi marini. Tale associazione conferma la presenza di organismi più adattabili a condizioni climatiche più difficili legate ad una minor circolazione delle acque ed a condizioni mesoaline delle stesse che rendono difficile lo sviluppo delle classiche barriere coralline (CIRILLI et al., 1999;Zamparelli et al., 1999). ...
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Abstract A detailed analysis of two Upper Triassic carbonate platforms, belonging to two different domains of the Southern Alps (located one into the Western Dolomites and the other within the Eastern sector of the Lombardy Basin) represents a suggestive starting point to begin an analytical comparison of the two systems in terms of depositional facies, platform architecture and stratigraphic evolution. These two platform systems developed in different geological times (Carnian and Norian) and were colonized by well differentiated bioconstructors. The Carnian carbonate platforms of the Dolomite were characterized by carbonate buildups with bioconstructed margins dominated by Corals and Sponges. These carbonate edifices were surrounded by relatively deep open-sea environments inhabited by Ammonoids. The Norian age of the Lombardy basin was characterized by a large shallow water carbonate platform (Dolomia Principale), dissected in many intra-platform basins which range from only a few to over hundred km2. Their depositional environments was dominated by poor oxygenated and mesoaline waters with restricted circulation. These ecological conditions inhibited the Coral and Sponge reefs development, but allowed these settings in turn to be colonized by more resistant forms, in particular encrusting organisms (Porostromata, Serpulids, Microbial Algae, Tubyphites). Green Algae flourished in the inner platform areas, together with a variety of encrusting forms. Corals tended to be more common in other coeval Tethyan sectors, with more open-sea conditions. Aim of the paper is to show that, despite the underlying palaeogeographic and ecological diversities characterizing the development of these carbonate platforms, they share a great variety of common features, which exceed the intrinsic differences.
... In the Upper Triassic of Lombardy, abundant dasycladalean deposits (Gryphoporella curvata) within the Dolomia Principale margin facies have been also reported by Cirilli and Tannoia (1988), Jadoul (1986) and Trombetta and Claps (1995). Gryphoporella curvata is also reported from the Northern Calcareous Alps within the highest water-energy facies of a reef complex (Senowbari-Daryan and Schäfer 1979). ...
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In the Eastern Southern Alps of northern Italy (Carnic Prealps, Friuli region), the shallow-water carbonate platform deposits of the Dolomia Principale Fm. (Norian–Rhaetian, Upper Triassic) show best-preserved platform to basin facies transition. The palaeontological study of an algal-rich level recovered from the platform margin facies (Mt. Pramaggiore) has displayed a very interesting association of Dasycladales. Two new genera (Bystrickyella and Elliottporella) and four new species (Bystrickyella ottii, Elliottporella morelloae, Palaeodasycladus lorigae and Holosporella conradii) have been described. These new data suggest that the Norian represents a period of turnover in the evolutionary history of the green algae community. This stage, placed between two extinctions, end-Ladinian and end-Norian, is here interpreted as a re-organization period of the evolutionary schemes of Dasycladales. The new lineages originated in the Norian developed further and characterized the Early Jurassic scenery.
... La scelta di privilegiare una distinzione basata su facies con significato paleoambientale avrebbe anche il vantaggio di evitare il proliferare di termini litostratigrafici locali, quali quelli recentemente introdotti nel settore di confine tra Lombardia e Trentino Alto Adige ricadenti nel Foglio 080 Riva del Garda [10]. Si propone pertanto di evitare l'uso dei membri introdotti in questo settore [36]: il "membro del Monte Zenone", DPR3, è rappresentato da facies biocostruite a serpulidi e microbialiti riferibili alle facies di margine, mentre il "membro della Val di Bondo", DPR2, corrisponde alle facies di pendio prevalentemente costituite da brecce. Nella porzione inferiore della formazione è ben distinguibile, quasi ovunque nel settore lombardo ed in quello carnico, una litofacies di età tuvalico-laciana di colore generalmente scuro costituita da cicli prevalentemente subtidali e interstrati pelitici scuri e intercalazione di brecce intraformazionali. ...
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... Esse sono interpretabili come accumuli sabbiosi al margine della piattaforma della Dolomia Principale, che possono fare transizione a corpi massicci di brecce e megabrecce che si sfrangiano nelle aree bacinali adiacenti (CLAPS et alii, 1994;TROMBETTA & CLAPS, 1995). Età: Norico. ...
... Questa unità si presenta come un corpo a geometria piano-convessa dello spessore di circa 500 -600 m, per uno sviluppo areale di circa 8 km 2 . Il Monte Zenone viene interpretato come una bioerma con rapporti di eteropia con la formazione bacinale del Calcare di Zorzino (CLAPS et alii, 1994;TROMBETTA & CLAPS, 1995). Tale biocostruzione è in realtà costituita da buildups sovrapposti e coalescenti a spessori variabili da metrici a decametrici formati da Serpulidi e Tubiphytes che formano l'impalcatura (bafflestone, bindstone) ricca di cavità riempite da successive generazioni di cementi carbonatici e silicei, con subordinata matrice carbonatica. ...
... La sutura avviene ad opera della successione dal terzo ciclo della Formazione di Val d'Oro (CASOLARI & PICOTTI, 1997). La faglia di Pieve di Ledro (PL) (bordo O del Lago) costituisce una struttura N-S immergente ad Ovest la cui stratigrafia affiorante permette di attribuire una età norico-retica alla faglia (TROMBETTA & CLAPS, 1995) analogamente alla faglia NO-SE di Casét (C di fig. 18). ...
... Legenda: Co = Formazione della corna; CTR = C. di Zu/membro di Tremalzo; DP = Dolomia Principale la Piattaforma Friulana (AUBOUIN, 1964;BO-SELLINI, 1973;GAETANI (CASTELLARIN, 1972) (Fig. 4). In realtà i primi movimenti distensivi si verificarono durante il Norico e portarono alla individuazione di numerosi bacini intra-piattaforma sia nel settore lombardo CASATI & GAETANI, 1979;CI-RILLI & TANNOIA, 1985;LUALDI & TANNOIA, 1985;JADOUL, 1986;PICOTTI & PINI, 1988a;BERTOTTI, 1991;TROMBETTA, 1992;CASSINIS et al., 1994;JADOUL et al., 1992;TROMBETTA & CLAPS, 1995;CLAPS et al., 1996;CALABRÒ et al., 1997;CALABRÒ & QUASSOLI, 2000) e sia in quello friulano-bellunese (FERASIN et al., 1969;MATTAVELLI & RIZZINI, 1974;CARULLI et al., 1994;PONTON & PODDA, 1995;CARULLI et al., 1997;PODDA & PONTON, 1997;CARULLI et al., 1998;COZZI & PODDA, 1998). Il settore più orientale del Bacino Lombardo, compreso fra il Lago di Garda ed il Lago d'Idro, è costituito da unità del Triassico superiore sovrascorse, durante le fasi neoalpine sulle successioni giurassico-cretacico-terziarie in facies lombarda, con vergenze orientali e sud-orientali (PICOTTI & PINI, 1988b). ...
... Questi lavori hanno consentito un notevole progresso sullo stato delle conoscenze di questo intervallo geologico rispetto ai modelli precedenti, nei quali con il termine Dolomia Principale si intendeva un ambiente di piattaforma carbonatica peritidale valido per tutta l'area di affioramento dell'unità medesima (BOSELLINI, 1965b(BOSELLINI, , 1967BOSEL-LINI & HARDIE, 1988); viceversa, tali contributi hanno consentito di tratteggiare un quadro paleogeografico ben più articolato, dove accanto ad aree di piattaforma carbonatica peritidale "classica" vengono descritte zone di margine di piattaforma -spesso biocostruite -zone di scarpata ("slope" carbonatici) e zone bacinali (JADOUL, 1984;JADOUL, 1986;JADOUL et al., 1992a, BERRA & JA-DOUL, 1996PICOTTI e PINI, 1988a;CALABRÒ et al., 1997;TROMBETTA e BOTTONI, 1993;TROMBETTA & CLAPS, 1995;CLAPS et al., 1996;TROMBETTA et al., 2000). Ulteriori informazioni relative alla stratigrafia ed all'evoluzione paleogeografica regionale, oltre alle opere sopracitate, sono contenute in: JA-DOUL et al., 1992b, JADOUL et al., 1994, GAR-ZANTI e JADOUL, 1985, GARZANTI et al., 1995, GNACCOLINI, 1965a, GNACCOLINI, 1986, CA-SATI, 1964. ...
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A widespread, apparently uniform dolomitic rock sequence outcrops between Idro Lake and Garda Lake, largely defining the morphologic backbone of this area. This thick dolomitic body represents the deposition of shallow water carbonate sediments during Late Triassic and is structurally comprised, from West to East, between the Southern Giudicarie Line and the Tremosine-Tignale-Costa overthrust. Over the recent years several studies focusing onto the Late Triassic “Lombardian Facies” deposits have improved the understanding of their depositional environments, stratigraphy and palaeoecology, supporting the development of innovative palaeogeographic reconstrutions. This paper will contribute to the in-progress knowledges of the palaeogeography of this easternmost sector of the Lombardy Basin. By means of stratigraphical and facies analysis, several intra-platform basins enclosed within the Dolomia Principale platform domain were recognized in the study area. These intra-platform basins appear only slightly affected by the Alpine deformation and still display well preserved platform-slope-basin relationships. Moreover, the Dolomia Principale Formation of this area, considered for several decades as a monotonous shallow carbonate platform, is here internally subdivided in several important sedimentary bodies, in accordance to the new palaeogeographic scenario presented and analogously to what was recognized in other Southern Alps sectors.
... Although reinforced by microbial encrustations and by precipitation of early marine cements, they were prone to erosion by bioeroders (gastropods, echinoids) and by currents and storm-waves. Similar mounds at a DP platform edge have been reported from the margin facies in Lombardy (Jadoul, 1986;Cirilli and Tannoia, 1988;Jadoul et al., 1992Jadoul et al., , 1994Trombetta and Claps, 1995;Claps et al., 1996;Berra and Jadoul, 1996) and in the Southern Apennines (Cirilli, 1993;Iannace and Zamparelli, 1996;Climaco et al., 1997). They m'e also present in the Upper Triassic Alpujfirride Complex of southern Spain (Fltigel et al., 1984;Braga, 1987: Braga andLopez-Lopez, 1989). ...
... The occurrence of relatively large and heavily calcified dasycladacean algae within the bioclastic-lithoclastic packstones-grainstones, associated with subtidal hardgrounds, indicates an environment where large masses of marine supersaturated water passed through the upper centimeters of the bottom sediment gradually cementing the grains. Abundant dasycladacean deposits within the DP margin facies in Lombardy have been reported by Cirilli and Tannoia (1988), Jadoul (1986) and Trombetta and Claps (1995). Ta-Tb Bouma sequence in the dolo packstone-grainstone lithofacies; note the basal sharp erosive surface (arrows), the graded interval (Ta) and the sharp transition to the laminated interval (Tb); magnifier is 1 cm across. ...
... DP margin facies similar to the ones at Mt. Pramaggiore have been reported from other parts of the Southern Alps (Jadoul, 1986;Cirilli and Tannoia, 1988;Jadoul et al., 1992Jadoul et al., , 1994Trombetta and Claps, 1995;Claps et al., 1996;Berra and Jadoul, 1996) and Southern Apennines (Cirilli, 1993;Iannace and Zamparelli;1996, Climaco et al., 1997 (see Zamparelli et al., 1999 for a complete review). Bosence (1973Bosence ( , 1979), ten Hove (1979) and ten Hove and van der Hurk (1993) stressed the fact that serpulids are opportunistic animals that can survive in a wide range of habitats. ...
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Summary Upper Triassic (Middle-Upper Norian) shallow-water carbonates of the Dolomia Principale and its deep-water counterparts (Forni Dolomite) have been studied in the Carnian Prealps (northeastern Italy). The Dolomia Principale was a storm-dominated carbonate platform; in the Mt. Pramaggiore area, along a well-preserved 3.5 km-long platform-to-basin transition, the inner platform facies of the Dolomia Principale, characterized by m-scale shallowing upward cycles, give way seaward to open marine storm-dominated shallow subtidal lagoon deposits with frequent hardgrounds and evidence of microbial stabilization of the bottom sediment. The margin of the Dolomia Principale platform was colonized by meter-scale stromatolites and serpulid-microbial mounds that thrived due to the local highly stressed environment, characterized by drastic salinity fluctuations and turbid waters, that excluded the Upper Triassic coral-sponge communities. The Forni Dolomite slope-basin complex was characterized by an upper slope facies with debris flows, megabreccias, turbidites and serpulid-microbial mounds. The lower slope and basinal facies show thinning and fining trends. After restoring the original geometry of the slope, the depositional angles of the clinoforms range between 11 and 36 degrees, reflecting closely the coarse-grained character of the Forni Dolomite slope complex, which can be interpreted as a slope apron that, as a model, can be extended to steeply inclined carbonate slopes. The onset of synsedimentary extensional tectonics at the Middle-Late Norian boundary affected the platform-slope depositional system via: 1) localized inner platform collapses and the formation of an intraplatform anoxic depression at Mt. Valmenone, 2) a switch from platform lateral progradation during the Middle Norian to vertical aggradation in the Late Norian, reflected in an increase in platform relief, steeper foreslope angles and coarser-grained slope facies, and 3) controlling the spatial orientation of the margin of the Dolomia Principale.
... Sia i depositi di piattaforma triassici (Dolomia Principale), che quelli bacinali eteropici (Dolomie Zonate) sono stati in passato oggetto di numerose ricerche (DESIO & VENZO, 1954;ASSERETO & CASATI, 1965;BOSELLINI, 1967;CASATI, 1968;JADOUL, 1986;BOSELLINI & HARDIE, 1988;JADOUL et alii, 1994;TROMBETTA & CLAPS, 1995;TROMBETTA et alii, 1998). In particolare, in uno studio condotto nelle Prealpi Bergamasche, JADOUL et alii (1992a) hanno proposto di suddividere la Dolomia Principale in tre unità: un membro inferiore, uno intermedio ed uno superiore. ...
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The stratigraphic sequence of the Norian Lumezzane basin shows features of the Lower Norian-to-Upper Rhaetian period, referable both to carbonate and basinal environments. The Norian Dolomia Principale is divided in three units: the Lower, the Middle and the Upper member of the Dolomia Principale. The Lower member consists of grey dolomites and dolomitic limestones with thin doloarenites, locally laminated olosiltites and green shale. This unit represents the substratum of the Lumezzane basin. The Middle Dolomia Principale is represented grey and light brown dolomites and limestone dolomites organized in thick layers. The genesis of these units was contemporaneous to the opening of the Lumezzane basin. The Upper member of the Dolomia Principale consists of greyish, whitish and light brown dolomites in thick layers, with saccharoidal or microcrystalline texture. This unit is located near the Northern margin of the Lumezzane basin, delimited southward by M. Ladino fault. The basinal sediments of the Lumezzane basin can be subdivided into three informal units: Black Micrites, «Dolomie Zonate» and Slope Deposits. The Black Micrites testify a low hydrodynamicenergy environment. The «Dolomie Zonate» are characterized by resedimented clastic deposits, while the Slope Deposits with wedge geometry come from the surrounding highs. The overlying sequence of Riva di Solto Shale (Upper Norian), Zu Limestone and Corna seem to be compatible with the presence of a basin, as testified by their low thickness and lenticular geometries. The paleogeographic-structural evolution of the Lumezzane basin can be subdivided in three phases. The initial deposition of the Black Micrites was followed by that of the Dolomie Zonate» at a later stage. The area examined tilted westward and northward. At that time the depocenter of the Lumezzane basin started to migrate N-NW. Finally M. Ladino and Lumezzane faults developed, both E-W-oriented. Left transtensive movements produced an E-W lengthening of the Lumezzane basin and the migration of the depocenter from east to west.
The Norian succession of the Southern Alps of Italy stores thick successions of resedimented basinal carbonates (Zorzino Limestone) that were deposited in fault-controlled, anoxic, intraplatform basins developed within a vast inner platform domain (Dolomia Principale). To characterise the basinal facies, to define their distribution within these basins and to identify depositional processes, four stratigraphic logs covering about 2000 m of total stratigraphic thickness from proximal to distal basinal settings were described bed by bed. Eight different lithofacies organised in 11 bed types were identified according to sedimentary structures, texture, and composition: each bed (about 4500 beds in total) was measured individually at cm scale and classified in one of the 11 bed types. Distribution of bed types in terms of events (i.e. number of beds) and cumulative thickness (i.e. volume of sediments produced by the different depositional processes) in the four selected logs change from the proximal to the distal parts of the basin, reflecting the existence of diverse dominant depositional processes at different places within the intraplatform basins. Bed by bed analyses of thick stratigraphic logs provides important hints about the distribution of different types of depositional processes, from proximal to distal basin. Frequent slump folds and mass flow deposits, with clasts mostly deriving from the slope facies itself, indicate instability of the slope. Sediment composition and facies types document a major role played by the reworking of primary deposits formed along the slope: basinal facies mostly consist of resedimented slope deposits, produced by sliding of sediments, rich in lime mud, accumulated along the slope and low-angle proximal basin, whose instability (likely enhanced by seismic activity related to the Norian extensional tectonics) produced most of the recognised facies types. The two-step depositional processes as well as the facies associations and bed types clearly indicate a different behaviour (in terms of prevailing depositional processes and facies associations) of the studied resedimented limestone with respect to siliciclastic deposits. The distribution of facies and the detailed analyses of bed types, recording the distribution of depositional processes at basinal scale, provide a tool for the interpretation of basin morphology, from the study of stratigraphic logs, that can be applied both to outcrop and to subsurface successions.