Diagram of the scoping review realized.

Diagram of the scoping review realized.

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Objective To explore the typology of implemented salutogenic interventions and the health effects described by the authors. Method A scoping review of the literature published (PubMed, Embase, Web of Science and Scopus) over the last ten years (2007-2016) was conducted. Articles that included interventions with assessments of health outcomes were...

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... total of 669 articles were located in the consulted databases distributed as follows: 115 in PubMed, 175 in Web of Science, 164 in Embase, and 215 in Scopus. Complementary papers potentially eligible were included, a search through snowballing was performed, and seven studies were identified (Fig. ...

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The use of drawing in therapeutic contexts creates an empowering platform for young people to express traumatic experiences and serves as a basis for improving their psychosocial health. In the clinician’s repertoire, drawings can be used for the assessment of stressors and risks in order to determine appropriate treatment or to evaluate progress....


... For instance, a recovery program in ICU patients did not result in significant differences in SOC and quality of life [13], whereas a resistance training program for older adults [14] and a self-management program for retired individuals with chronic diseases showed significant improvement in SOC [15]. Additionally, a scoping review by Suárez Álvarez et al. [16] reported methodological limitations in most of the SOC-related interventional studies. ...
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Background The negative impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on public health have affected people socially, psychologically, and physically. Young people particularly are having to adjust many aspects of their personal lives: including transitions to work, college, and independent living. Personal resources are important in mitigating stress and improve mental well-being during pandemic. Sense of coherence—an orientation to life—could be considered as a personal resource. Currently, a number of interventions have been developed to target the reduction of stress in young people. Little emphasis has been placed on developing sense of coherence to reduce stress and promote mental well-being among young people. Young people consider music as a preferred leisure activity and an important means of stress relief in their daily lives. However, little research concerning music therapy and sense of coherence exists. Methods In the proposed randomized controlled trial, a sample of 290 young people (aged 18–30) will be recruited and allocated randomly into one of two groups: the experimental group and the control group. Participants in the experimental group will participate in a 6-week Music Breathing program that will include music listening and mindful breathing guided by a certified music therapist. Participants in the control group will receive a control condition for 6 weeks Mental Health Education Programme. The primary outcome of the study will be measured using Sense of Coherence Scale. The secondary outcomes will be measured using the Coping Self-Efficacy Scale, Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale, Mindful Attention Awareness Scale, Depression Anxiety Stress Scales, BBC Subjective Well-being scale, and salivary cortisol levels. Repeated measures analysis will be used to compare the outcomes between the two groups. Discussion The results will inform practice in coping with stress through promoting sense of coherence. Individuals will benefit from the long-term effect of this intervention to enhance their sense of coherence to cope with stressful events and promote better mental well-being. Trial registration ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT05655234. Registered on December 8, 2022.
... Салютогенний підхід дозволяє розвинути адаптивні механізми, внутрішні ресурси та краще підготувати людину до проживання стресу, кризи чи психологічної травми в майбутньому [2]. Результати салютогенного втручання для здоров'я, це не тільки зменшення соматичних захворювань, а і підвищення рівня якості життя, підвищення особистої задоволеності, більший психологічний, фізичний та соціальним добробут, ліпше психічне здоров'я [6]. В межах салютогенного підходу досліджуються такі поняття як психологічна якість життя, суб'єктивне відчуття щастя, психологічне благополуччя, що загалом є проявами психологічного здоров'я. ...
Мета статті – виявити як базова довіра впливає на психологічне здоров’я людини, та такі його прояви як психологічна якість життя, суб’єктивне відчуття щастя, психологічне благополуччя тощо. Методологія: У дослідженні взяли участь 220 респондентів, середній вік – 33 роки, за професією – студенти, та фахівці з різних спеціальностей, 180 жінок, 40 чоловік. Для вивчення установки на довіру була взята шкала довіри з Вісбаденського опитувальника з Позитивної психології (WIPPF) Н. Пезешкіана та X. Дайденбаха. Для вивчення різних аспектів психологічного здоров’я біли вибрані такі методики: Опитувальник афективного балансу Н. Бредберна; Шкала задоволеності життям Е. Дінера; Шкала психологічного благополуччя К. Ріфф; Шкала суб’єктивного щастя С. Любомирски; Опитувальник для вивчення якості життя особистості О.А. Чиханцової; Шкала когерентності (зв’язаності) А. Антоновського. Результати і висновки: Виявлено, що установка на довіру позитивно, на середньому рівні корелювала із показниками психологічного здоров’я, як воно розуміється у цілій низці шкіл, а саме: з позитивним балансом афекту, задоволеністю життям, суб’єктивним щастям, якістю життя, психологічним благополуччям. В цього можна зробити висновок, що установка на довіру, віра у доброзичливість світу, інших людей, віра у себе є фундаментом психологічного здоров’я особистості, хоч і далеко не єдиним чинником, що впливає на таке здоров’я. Довіра – це базова характеристика, яка більшою мірою формується на ранніх етапах онтогенезу, тоді як психологічне здоров’я людини, та такі його прояви як психологічна якість життя, суб’єктивне відчуття щастя, психологічне благополуччя – є комплексними, інтегральними характеристиками, на які впливають велика кількість факторів. Отриманий результат показує, що довіра впливає на результуюче відчуття людини щодо перебігу її життя; довіра підтримує суб’єктивне відчуття щастя людини і її психологічне благополуччя. Єдиним результатом, який не був узгодженим з попередніми – відсутність кореляції між довірою та показниками відчуття когерентності (зв’язаності), що потребує додаткового дослідження, яке може стати перспективою на подальші розвідки.
... En este nuevo espacio clínico, no solo es de interés conducir la relación hacia la identificación de los déficits o problemas de los pacientes, sino que también le interesa al médico de familia conocer las posibilidades con las que cuenta el paciente, sus fortalezas, sus activos para el mantenimiento o la recuperación de su salud, así como sus recursos de resistencia y la capacidad que estos tienen para influir en el sentido de coherencia de cada persona 15 . ...
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The training program for the Family and Community Medicine specialty (MFyC), which has been in effect since 2005, is currently undergoing a review and update process. This article proposes contributions to deepen the specific contents of the specialty in order to guide towards a more significant competency development. To carry out values-oriented training, it is suggested to deploy the values function and promote the creation of care spaces where the daily experience of those values is possible. It is proposed to establish a scale of values where the two essential values of the family physician are, in this order, a commitment to the individual person, and a commitment to the group of people under their care. Additionally, it is proposed to reorganize the competency map around five competency integrators or meta-competencies: patient-centered clinical method, population-based clinical governance, primary care oriented to the community, health promotion or community health based on assets, and research in the family and community field.
... Considering the above, it could be interesting to understand adoption adjustment from a salutogenic perspective (Antonovsky, 1979(Antonovsky, , 1996Suárez et al., 2021), highlighting that "adoption is not pathology" (Palacios, 2017). A variable that may be relevant in assessing the degree of psychological adjustment of adult adoptees is the differentiation of self. ...
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This study analyzes differentiation of self in adult adoptees and its relationship with family functioning and adoption communication in the adoptive family and with some sociodemographic and adoption variables. Fifty domestic and intercountry adult adoptees completed a self-report including the Differentiation of Self Scale, the Family Adaptability and Cohesion Evaluation Scale-20Esp, the Adoption Communication Scale-Spanish, and a sociodemographic questionnaire. Results revealed significant relationships between differentiation of self and family functioning, adoption communication, and adoption variables. Family functioning predicted 27% of differentiation, and mother adoption communication explained 9%. Differentiation of self appears to be an interesting concept in studying adult adoptees’ adjustment.
... The word salutogenesis translates to the "origin of health" [20] , which Antonovsky derived from the Greek word genesis and the Latin word salus [19] . The salutogenic theoretical framework aims to understand and sup-port practices that promote the e ective use of individual and collective resources to improve health and wellbeing [26] . ...
... What makes the world understandable, manageable, or meaningful is context dependent and varies between individuals, from situation to situation, varies in time and from culture to culture [31] . Life experiences shape the SOC [26] with recent research suggesting this is a continuous process throughout life [10] . SOC is not static construct; it can be strengthened or increased but also weakened. ...
... healthcare more broadly and many other non-health disciplines [26] . General Resistance Resources are the "biological, material and psychosocial factors" that enable an individual (or a group of people or broader society) to perceive their life with a sense of coherence [26] . ...
... Health promotion originates from this concept, having moved from investment in disease prevention to investment in health promotion. It is a theoretical reference that supports practices aimed at promoting the appreciation and more efficient use of individual and collective resources to improve the health and well-being of the public (Antonovsky, 1979;Antonovsky et al., 1971;Lindström & Eriksson, 2006;Álvarez et al., 2020). ...
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There are regions whose features allow them to function as catalysts for the health and well-being of those who live there and those who visit them. However, to make the most of this vocation, it is necessary to know and understand these regions in depth. This will make it possible to plan and implement a development model that enhances their characteristics in favour of health and well-being, making their residential and tourist functions compatible to their mutual benefit. The main objective is to propose a specific model for planning Blue Tourism in Blue Spaces. For this, the state of the art on blue territories, their characteristics and impacts on human health and well-being are analysed, and Blue Tourism is integrated in this approach. From a diachronic perspective, tourism planning models are broached, and an innovative proposal is made. It takes the form of a theoretical model that is based on a thorough knowledge of the tourism vocation of blue territories and aims to develop a sustainable Blue Tourism. It sets out to improve the quality of life of local residents and the quality of the tourist experience for visitors, and to promote the health and well-being of both.
... A variety of osteopathic care can be proposed to patients according to the beliefs, preferences, and expectations associated with their underlying sociocultural health assumptions. Further, patients may seek osteopathic care to promote health with or without physical symptoms [81]. Health has been described as a silent experience because patients have little awareness that they are healthy until symptoms require their attention [72]. ...
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Historical osteopathic principles and practices (OPP)—considering the patient as a dynamic interaction of the body, mind, and spirit and incorporating the body’s self-healing ability into care—are inherited from traditional/complementary and alternative (CAM) principles. Both concepts are familiar to contemporary osteopathic practitioners, but their incorporation into healthcare for evidence-informed, patient-centered care (PCC) remains unclear. Further, a polarity exists in the osteopathic profession between a ‘traditional-minded’ group following historical OPP despite evidence against those models and an ‘evidence-minded’ group following the current available evidence for common patient complaints. By shifting professional practices towards evidence-based practices for manual therapy in line with the Western dominant biomedical paradigm, the latter group is challenging the osteopathic professional identity. To alleviate this polarity, we would like to refocus on patient values and expectations, highlighting cultural diversity from an anthropological perspective. Increasing an awareness of diverse sociocultural health assumptions may foster culturally sensitive PCC, especially when including non-Western sociocultural belief systems of health into that person-centered care. Therefore, the current medical anthropological perspective on the legacy of traditional/CAM principles in historical OPP is offered to advance the osteopathic profession by promoting ethical, culturally sensitive, and evidence-informed PCC in a Western secular environment. Such inclusive approaches are likely to meet patients’ values and expectations, whether informed by Western or non-Western sociocultural beliefs, and improve their satisfaction and clinical outcomes.
... Este indicador mide la capacidad de individuos y comunidades de manejar, comprender y dar sentido a sus realidades 23 . Las intervenciones que siguen el modelo salutogénico han demostrado su impacto, especialmente cuando cuentan con un carácter colectivo e intersectorial 24 . ...
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In all cities we can find degraded areas. Most are the result of processes of urban exclusion and have an effect on residents, who have lost hope of upward social mobility and live in fear of a worsening of their living conditions. We know this malaise, that combines social and residential vulnerabilities, as Urban Vulnerability. Quatorze and Architecture Without Borders Spain collaborate to design and implement the Asertos Program, which promotes a participatory regeneration of vulnerable neighborhoods. Through a pilot project in the Barrio Cementerio, we experimented with processes to reverse urban exclusion and generate transversal inclusion systems that are sustainable in the long term. Accompanied by the University of Alicante, we incorporate concepts of salutogenesis and Asset-Based Community Development, through a synergistic model that allows us to orient the salutogenic theory into action. The Sense of Coherence could allow us to monitor the impact on the people involved and evaluate their ability to mobilize General Resistance Resources and make them available as assets for community development and for the urban regeneration process. These proposals are intended to accelerate the formation of strong and cohesive communities, which promote good living, ensure well-being and co-manage their care.
... We have assessed the different interventions according to our criteria for salutogenic interventions. To our best knowledge, only a few scholars (Álvarez et al., 2020;Polhuis et al., 2020) have tried to develop criteria, but we believe we have further elaborated existing criteria integrating the theory and findings of Antonovsky (1987), Langeland et al. (2006Langeland et al. ( , 2007, and Langeland and Vinje (2013). ...
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This chapter provides an overview of the effectiveness of programs and interventions that aim to strengthen the sense of coherence (SOC) throughout the life span. The authors report on more than 40 studies investigating the effectiveness of interventions to strengthen the SOC. They structure and summarize findings for young people, employed and unemployed adults, health professionals, people with disabilities, people with psychosomatic and mental health problems, people with physical problems, hospital patients, and older people. Even though most studies are limited to short-term pre-test and post-test study designs, a few studies have investigated the effects of intervention for longer follow-up periods of up to several months and even more than one year.
... También es crucial que se desarrollen procesos continuos como la salutogénesis y establecer como objetivo alcanzar un adecuado nivel de salud en las universidades españolas (10,11,12) . Las medidas de promoción y prevención deben enfocarse de forma transversal a los distintos determinantes de la salud, así como a los factores de riesgo y a los mecanismos sociales (13) . Es necesario que se incluyan en estas medidas a todas las personas que conforman el ámbito universitario, desde el nivel individual hasta el colectivo. ...
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Fundamentos: La discriminación durante los momentos vitales, como el periodo universitario, puede generar un alto impacto en la conducta y en el estado de salud de las personas. El estudio tuvo como objetivo analizar la posible asociación de la discriminación con la salud percibida y con distintas conductas de riesgo, así como describir las diferencias de género en estudiantes universitarios españoles. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio transversal con datos de estudiantes universitarios de primera matrícula de primer curso de 11 universidades españolas (n=9.862). Se valoró la discriminación, la salud percibida, el consumo de alcohol, el hábito tabáquico, el consumo de sustancias ilegales, el tiempo de ocio conectado a internet, la práctica de relaciones sexuales de riesgo, la función familiar, el riesgo de problemas de salud mental y el riesgo de trastornos de la conducta alimentaria. Se obtuvieron las prevalencias con sus intervalos de confianza al 95% y para las variables cuantitativas la media y desviación estándar. Se calcularon las Odds Ratio con los intervalos de confianza al 95% para conocer la relación entre la discriminación y las otras variables. Resultados: Se encontró asociación entre la discriminación y una regular o mala salud percibida (OR: 1,7; p=0,0001), el consumo de sustancias ilegales (OR: 1,3; p=0,002), el uso problemático de internet (OR: 1,3; p=0,004), la disfunción familiar (OR: 1,8; p=0,0001), el riesgo de problemas de salud mental (OR: 1,9; p=0,0001) y de trastornos de la conducta alimentaria (OR: 1,5; p=0,0001). En cuanto a las diferencias de género, se apreciaron mayores prevalencias de discriminación en hombres con estado de salud percibida como regular o peor (OR: 2,2; p=0,0001), disfunción familiar (OR: 1,8; p=0,0001), riesgo de problemas de salud mental (OR: 2,2; p=0,0001) y de trastornos de la conducta alimentaria (OR: 1,9; p=0,002). Las mujeres, además de las variables anteriores, mostraron asociación de la discriminación con el consumo de sustancias ilegales (OR: 1,3; p=0,005) y el uso problemático de internet (OR: 1,4; p=0,002). Conclusiones: Los hallazgos del estudio subrayan que existe asociación entre la discriminación y las conductas de riesgo de los estudiantes universitarios españoles. A su vez, la discriminación se asoció con una mala o regular salud percibida, siendo esta relación similar tanto en hombres como en mujeres.