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Details of voucher specimens of Astragalus species used.

Details of voucher specimens of Astragalus species used.

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The fatty acid compositions of root and shoot samples of some Astragalus L. (Fabaceae) taxa [A. gossypinus Fisch., A. amblolepis Fisch., A. edmondi (Kuntze) Sheld., A. tigridis Boiss., A. aleppicus Boiss., A. suberosus Banks & Sol. subsp. suberosus Banks & Sol., A. gummifer Labill., A. diphtherites Fenzl var. diphtherites Fenzl, and A. gymnalopecia...

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Context 1
... (Table 1). Voucher specimens were deposited at the Dicle University Herbarium, Department of Biology, Faculty of Science and Art, Diyarbakır, Turkey (Table 1). ...
Context 2
... (Table 1). Voucher specimens were deposited at the Dicle University Herbarium, Department of Biology, Faculty of Science and Art, Diyarbakır, Turkey (Table 1). Taxonomic identification of plant materials was confirmed by Dr A. Selçuk Ertekin from the same institution. ...

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... En outre, L'acide oléique (C18 : 1 ω9) était le principal acide gras monoinsaturé chez les feuilles les deux cultivars. De même, l'acide oléique était l'acide principal dans la composition en acides gras saturés de plusieurs espèces végétales telles que Vitis labrusca et V. vinifera (Santos et al., 2011), Achillea millefolium (Dias et al., 2013) et certaines espèces de Fabaceae (Keskin et al., 2013). Les feuilles des arbres fruitiers sont plus riches en acide gras polyinsaturé. ...
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This work falls within the framework of quantitatively evaluating the primary metabolites and qualitatively the secondary metabolites of the three inedible organs (bark, leaves and flowers) of the two pomegranate cultivars (Nabli and Gabsi) in order to better enhance this natural resource. . The main objective is to carry out a global study which focuses on both the study of the biochemical composition and the organoleptic study of inedible organs. The results show that protein, sugar and fatty acid composition accumulate differently depending on the cultivar. These by-products can be considered as a potential crop that could be useful in designating pomegranate by-products as an ingredient in food processing, which could provide potential health benefits. In addition, the infusions of bark, flowers and leaves have organoleptic characteristics adapted to the requirements of the panellists. We can conclude that these extracts can be used in human food.
... In addition, Astragalus species possess tonic, hepatoprotective, diuretic, antihyperglycemic features (Fu et al., 2014). The strong pharmacological effect and potential immunomodulatory effect of these species appear due to biologically active compounds such as saponins, flavonoids, polysaccharides, phenolic acids, tannins, etc. Astragalus contains 20 trace elements, 20 types of amino acids, and fatty acids (Keskin, & Kacar, 2013;Zhang, 2013;Fu et al., 2014;Sarraj-Laabidi et al., 2018;Babich et al., 2019;Guo et al., 2019;Li et al., 2019b). ...
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Five Astragalus species (A. cicer, A. falcatus, A. galegiformis, A. glycyphyllos, and A. ponticus) grown at the M.M. Gryshko National Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine were investigated. Plant raw material was collected at different ontogenetic stages, including budding, flowering, and fruiting. After that, the content of ash, calcium, phosphorus, nitrogen, and photosynthetic pigments was analyzed and statistically processed. The content of ash varied from 3.12 to 5.22 %, calcium – from 0.31 to 0.91 %, phosphorus – from 0.07 to 0.14 %, and nitrogen – from 1.93 to 2.48 % depending on the stage of growth. The content of chlorophyll a varied from 0.901 to 2.475 mg/g FW (fresh weight), chlorophyll b – from 0.190 to 0.676 mg/g FW, and carotenoids – from 0.496 to 1.129 mg/g FW. Thus, the accumulation of ash and its components in the raw material of the investigated species depended on the period of growth and certain species. Content of photosynthetic pigments correlated with the content of phosphorus (r = 0.887–0.999) and with plant increment (r = 0.756–0.998) for all investigated species. Obtained data can be applied to analyze productivity and during the cultivation of these plants.
... Among them are Fabaceae and Asteraceae. To the Fabaceae belong, i.e., Arachis hypogaea L. [30], Astragalus L. [31], Pisum sativum L. [32], and to Asteraceae: Anthemis altissima L. [33], A. arvensis L. [34], A. talyschensis L. [35], Chamaemelum nobile L. [36], Tagetes patula L. [37]. Other families also have their representatives in the experiments on lipids, e.g., Lauraceae with Cinnamomum camphora and Umbellularia californica [31], Vitaceae with Cissus populnea Guill. ...
... To the Fabaceae belong, i.e., Arachis hypogaea L. [30], Astragalus L. [31], Pisum sativum L. [32], and to Asteraceae: Anthemis altissima L. [33], A. arvensis L. [34], A. talyschensis L. [35], Chamaemelum nobile L. [36], Tagetes patula L. [37]. Other families also have their representatives in the experiments on lipids, e.g., Lauraceae with Cinnamomum camphora and Umbellularia californica [31], Vitaceae with Cissus populnea Guill. and Perr. ...
... and Perr. [31], Polygonaceae with Fagopyrum esculentum and Brassicaceae with Arabidopsis thaliana. Species listed above are used in pharmacy and medicine, e.g., Astragalus (recommended in immune disorders) [31] and A. altissima (possess sedative, digestive and antimicrobial activity) [38][39][40]; nutrition, e.g., A. hypogaea, F. esculentum (applied in human diet); industry, e.g., C. camphora and U. californica Exemplary formula of fatty acids. ...
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The paper focuses on the selected plant lipid issues. Classification, nomenclature, and abundance of fatty acids was discussed. Then, classification, composition, role, and organization of lipids were displayed. The involvement of lipids in xantophyll cycle and glycerolipids synthesis (as the most abundant of all lipid classes) were also discussed. Moreover, in order to better understand the biomembranes remodeling, the model (artificial) membranes, mimicking the naturally occurring membranes are employed and the survey on their composition and application in different kind of research was performed. High level of lipids remodeling in the plant membranes under different environmental conditions, e.g., nutrient deficiency, temperature stress, salinity or drought was proved. The key advantage of lipid research was the conclusion that lipids could serve as the markers of plant physiological condition and the detailed knowledge on lipids chemistry will allow to modify their composition for industrial needs.
... Astragalus gossypinus is a large genus of herb and shurb, belonging to family Fabaceae. The analgesic effects of Astragalus gossypinus gum, on stomach pains and headache have been reported in Persian medicine (39,40). ...
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Background: Low back pain (LBP) is one of the most common and costly chronic diseases in the world today. The use of herbal medicines based on Colchicum autumnal is one of the solutions recommended by Persian medicine for treatment of LBP. One of these products is Rhazes tablet. This study aimed to determine effect of the Rhazes tablet on LBP pain relief and symptoms. Methods: Fifty patients with chronic LBP, aged 19-59 years old, who had LBP for more than 12 weeks, were enrolled in the study. Patients were randomly divided in to intervention group (n=26) and control group (n=24). The patients in the intervention and control groups were treated with Rhazes tablet + Ibuprofen pearl (400mg) PRN and placebo tablet + Ibuprofen pearl (400mg) PRN, respectively. All patients received one tablet in the first week, 2 tablets in week 2-4 and 3 tablets in week 5-8. Pain severity was measured and recorded using VAS and Roland-Morris Disability Questionnaire for all patients at weeks 0, 4 and 8. Results: The results indicated that Rhazes tablet as a traditional Persian medicine caused a significant reduction in LBP in the intervention group compared to control group (P<0.039). Using the Rhazes tablet for 8 weeks reduced pain severity in the group suffering from severe pain from 50% in the first visit to 15.4% in the third visit; while the pain severity was increased from 20% to 25% in the control group. In the intervention group, a woman in the fifth week of study got severe diarrhea, and the severity was decreased by reducing the number of Rhazes tablet. In the intervention group, a man experienced increased libido in the fourth week of study. Conclusion: Rhazes tablet can be used as a pharmacological intervention to reduce pain in patients with LBP. Results showed promising effects of Rhazes tablet on pain relief and LBP symptoms.
... Astragalus L. is one the of biggest members of Leguminosae which comprises about three thousand species in the world [1][2][3]. Species of Astragalus is distributed generally around in the temperature and arid areas of the world including Northern and Southern America, Asia and Europe [4][5][6]. Many members of genus are herbaceous, annual, non-climbing plants [7]. ...
The aim of this study is to contribute the biochemical studies of five Astragalus (Astragalus anthlloides, Astragalus hirsutus, Astragalus campylorhynchus, Astragalus cephalotes var. cephalotes, Astragalus odaratus) species by determining the lipide-soluble vitamin contents based on HPLC analyse. Current study showed that A. anthlloides (208,95±4,09 µg/g) and A. hirsutus (200,9±2,8 µg/g) have high ϒ-tocopherol content. Also, D3 vitamin content of studied Astragalus species were found between 2,94±0,18 µg/g (Astragalus odaratus) and 12,53±,495 µg/g (Astragalus anthlloides). On the other hand, α-tocopherol content of Astragalus species have detected between 3,99±0,14 µg/g (Astragalus campylorhynchus) and 11,9±0,66 µg/g (Astragalus cephalotes var. cephalotes). However, it was found that A. hirsutus only have beta caroten content (3,55±0,43 µg/g) among studied species. On the other hand, it was found that r-tocopherol, a-tocopherol acetate, D2, K1, retinol and retinol acetate contents were lowest amounts or absent.
... The genus Astragalus L. (Fabaceae) is represented by approximately 3000 taxa all over the world. The genus is spread more in arid/semiarid and cold regions of the Old World with approximately 2400 taxa, North America with approximately 450 taxa, and South America with approximately 100 taxa (Keskin and Kaçar, 2013;Karaman Erkul et al., 2016;Adesso et al., 2018). ...
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The karyotype analyses and chromosomal data of 25 taxa belonging to the sections Macrophyllium, Hymenostegis, Hymenocoleus, and Anthylloidei of the genus Astragalus naturally distributed in Turkey are described. The cytogenetic data obtained were evaluated systematically. The following somatic chromosome numbers were found: 2n = 16 for A. oleaefolius, A. dipodurus, A. cephalotes, and A. yukselii; 2n = 32 for A. longifolius; and 2n = 48 for A. isauricus in the sect. Macrophyllium; 2n = 16 for A. zohrabi, A. sosnowskyi, A. velenovskyi, A. trifoliastrum, and A. uraniolimneus; 2n = 18 for A. hymenocystis; 2n = 48 for A. lagopoides, A. gueruenensis, and A. ciloensis; and 2n = 64 for A. hirticalyx in the sect. Hymenostegis; 2n = 48 for A. vaginans in the sect. Hymenocoleus; and 2n = 16 for A. szowitsii, A. ermineus, A. zederbaueri, A. anthylloides, A. halicacabus, A. chardinii, and A. wagneri; and 2n = 48 for A. surugensis in the sect. Anthylloidei. In all taxa, the karyotype results were obtained for the first time. A. szowitsii is the most symmetrical karyotype in both index values. While A. zohrabi is the most asymmetrical karyotype in intrachromosomal asymmetry, A. wagneri is the most asymmetrical karyotype in interchromosomal asymmetry.
... FAMEs were analysed by capillary gas chromatography (GC, Model 6890; Hewlett Packard Inc, Wilmington, DE, USA) with a flame ionization detector (FID), and Hewlett Packard ChemStation software [20]. A BPX70 capillary column [70% cyanopropyl 30% dimethyl polysilphenylene-siloxane bonded phase, 30 m × 0.32 mm (i.d.) × 0.250 μm film thickness] was used. ...
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Objective The aim of the study was to investigate quantitative and qualitative fatty acid profiles of the gonad and liver tissue of female Methods Total lipids were extracted with 5 mL of chloroform-methanol (2:1 v/v). Samples containing gonad and liver lipid were transesterified with acidified methanol. The fatty acid methyl esters were extracted with hexane. Fatty acids were detected by gas chromatography (GC). Results The major saturated fatty acids (SFAs) were myristic acid (C14:0), palmitic acid (C16:0) and stearic acid (C18:0) in both gonad and liver tissue. Oleic acid (C18:1 ω-9) and palmitoleic acid (C16:1 ω-7) were the prominent monounsaturated fatty acid (MUFA). The dominant polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) were linoleic acid (LA, C18:2 ω-6), arachidonic acid (AA, C20:4 ω-6), docosapentaenoic acid (C22:5 ω-3) and docoesahexaenoic acid (DHA, C22:6 ω-3). The ratio of ω-3/ω-6 ranged from 1.55 to 3.44 and 1.18 to 2.71 in the gonad and liver tissue, respectively. Conclusion The findings of this study will be useful for understanding the seasonal distribution of fatty acid composition in the liver and gonad of spiny eel.
... The Hewlett Packard 3365 ChemStation software operated the sampling, analysis and integration of the chromatographic sample. The chemical structures of the FAs were identified as their methyl esters by comparison of their relative retention times of authentic standards (Sigma-Aldrich Chemicals), and the relative amount of each FA was quantified by integrating the peak at baseline and dividing the results by the total area for all FAs [21]. The integrations of observed peak areas were performed by the same laboratory worker. ...
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Nine different FAs were identified in TL, TG and PL fractions. The major FAs of TL, TG, PL in all Hyoscyamus species were C16:0 (palmitic acid, PA), C18:1 n−9 (oleic acid, OLA), C18:2 n−6 (linoleic acid, LA) and C18:3 n−3 (linolenic acid, ALA). Fatty acids composition range was as follows: saturated fatty acids (SFAs) 12.45–33.91%, 31.51–41.67%, 10.32–39.03% monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs) 7.66–16.57%, 6.24–14.67%, 11.40–26.78% and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) 58.42–70.97%, 51.04–55.53%, 49.55–72.90% in TL, PL and TG fractions, respectively. In all Hyoscyamus species, total PUFA amounts were found to be higher than total MUFA and total SFA in TL, TG and PL fractions. The present study is a guide for biochemical and nutritional values of the Hyoscyamus species and can be useful for further investigation on industrial applications.
... Astragalus türleri anti-bakteriyel, anti-kanser ve antioksidan özellikteki flavonoidler, fenolik asitler, steroitler, amino asitler ve inorganik bileşikler içerir [2,3]. Bu yüzden çeşitli Astragalus türleri kanser, diyabet ve viral hastalıkların tedavisinde kullanılmaktadır [4,5]. ...
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Astragalus (Fabaceae) species are characterised by around 3000 taxa in the world whereas they are represented by 463 taxa, 210 of them are endemic in Turkey. Eastern Anatolia has a rich flora; plurality of the folks living in country regions usually takes advantages of plants for nourishment and medical purposes. Astragalus species have significant phytochemicals such as flavonoids, phenolic acids, steroids, amino acids and inorganic compounds. These phytochemical compounds are responsible for the several biologic effects such as anti-carcinogenic, antiinflammatory, anti-bacterial and anti-oxidant. The ethanol extract of A. gummifer was investigated for cell cytotoxicity and antimicrobial effects. The aim of this study was to investigate comparative effects of A. gummifer flower extract on oxidative damage and apoptosis in normal and cancer cells. In the present study, the ethanol extract of A. gummifer flower demonstrated anti-microbial and anti-oxidant activities. Our results also showed that the ethanol extract of A. gummifer flower led to decrease Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) creation and Lipid Peroxidation (LPO) levels in Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) induced Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells (HUVECs). However, this extract activity led to increase ROS generation and LPO levels in Prostate Cancer cells (PC-3). Additioanally, the ethanol extract of A. gummifer flower caused DNA fragmentation as known a hallmark of apoptosis in PC-3 cells. As a result, A. gummifer showed anti-oxidant activity in normal cells, whereas its pro-oxidant activity led to apoptosis in cancer cells.
... Compounds Organ Species References Alkaloids Caffeine Seeds B. discolor [22] Purine Seeds B. discolor [22] Sterculinine I Seeds S. lychnophora [18] Sterculinine II Seeds S. lychnophora [18] Non-alkaloid nitrogenous bases Adenosine Seeds S. lychnophora [18] Choline Leaves F. platanifolia [37] Betaine Leaves F. platanifolia [37] Uracil Seeds S. lychnophora [18] Alcohols n-Octacosanol Leaves S. foetida [28] Hexacosanol Heart-wood S. foetida [28] Docosanol Leaves S. guttata [38] Carboxylic acids Ascorbic acid Seeds S. foetida [39] Leaves S. urens [39] Succinic acid Seeds S. lychnophora [18] Amides Soya-cerebroside II Seeds S. lychnophora [18] Triglycerides Triolein Seeds B. luridum [40] 2-oleodipalmitin 2-oleo-3stearopalmitin Sugars Arabinose Leaves B. diversifolium [41] Stem bark F. platanifolia [42] Leaves F. platanifolia [42] Leaves B. australis [21] Xylose Leaves B. diversifolium [41] Leaves B. australis [21] Tree S. urens [43] Rhamnose Leaves B. diversifolium [41] Seeds S. lychnophora [44] Leaves B. australis [21] Tree S. urens [43] Tree S. striata [43] Galactose Leaves B. diversifolium [41] Stem bark F. platanifolia [42] Leaves F. platanifolia [44] Leaves B. australis [21] Tree S. striata [43] Tree S. urens [43] Glucuronic acid Stem bark F. platanifolia [42] Leaves S. foetida [6] Tree S. striata [43] Tree S. urens [43] Galacturonic acid Leaves B. australis [21] Tree S. striata [43] Tree S. urens [43] Sucrose Leaves F. platanifolia [45] Seeds S. lychnophora [18] n-butyl-α-Dmannopyranoside Seeds S. lychnophora [18] Fatty acids Oleic, linoleic, malvalic and sterculic Seeds B. acuminatus, B. gregorii, B. luridum, Brachychiton cv.'Hybridum', B. populneus, S. foetida, B. diversifolius, B. rupestris, B. acerifolius, B. discolor and B. australis [38,39] Palmitic Seeds B. australis [21] Seeds B. luridum [46] Seeds S. striata [47] Stem bark, leaves B. diversifolius [37] Dihydromalvalic and dihydrosterculic Seeds P. perrieri, B. gregorii and S. tavia [37][38][39] Myristic Stem bark, leaves B. diversifolius [37] Cyclopropenoid fatty acids Fruits S. striata [48] S Table 5 The biological activities screened for the genus Sterculia and related genera. Biological activity/mode of action Organ Species References Antimicrobial activity Cytomegalovirus and encephalomyocaditis viral infections Leaves S. urens [53] Mild antiprotozoal effect B. populneus [54] Active against larvae of ...
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The genus Sterculia is represented by 200 species which are widespread mainly in tropical and subtropical regions. Some of the Sterculia species are classified under different genera based on special morphological features. These are Pterygota Schott & Endl., Firmiana Marsili, Brachychiton Schott & Endl., Hildegardia Schott & Endl., Pterocymbium R.Br. and Scaphium Schott & Endl. The genus Sterculia and the related genera contain mainly flavonoids, whereas terpenoids, phenolic acids, phenylpropanoids, alkaloids, and other types of compounds including sugars, fatty acids, lignans and lignins are of less distribution. The biological activities such as antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and cytotoxic activities have been reported for several species of the genus. On the other hand, there is confusion on the systematic position and classification of the genus Sterculia. However, the wide range of the reported flavonoids in the present review is quite significant and can act as a guide for further studies from the chemosystematic point of view. Also the value of the genus Sterculia and its related genera in the traditional medicine and their effective biological activities led to the possibilities of finding new sources of drugs for prospect applications.