Figure 2 - uploaded by Agus Widodo
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Density of Exposed Subpopulation (E) with Control Strategy A, B, C, and Without Control

Density of Exposed Subpopulation (E) with Control Strategy A, B, C, and Without Control

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The spread of SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) disease in a human population is one of the phenomena that can be mathematically modeled. The exposed period of SARS disease underlies the formation of the SVEIR epidemic model which is a modification of the SVIR epidemic model by adding subpopulation E (exposed). In the SVEIR model, there are...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... discussion of this paper includes numerical simulation by implementing control strategies A, B, C, and without vaccination or treatment control. The numerical simulation result in Figure 2 show the changes in behavior of exposed subpopulation (E) when applied control strategy A, B, C and the weight of costs ...
Context 2
... strategy is more effective than either vaccination control strategy only or treatment control strategy only. From the Figures 2 and 3, it can seen that the number of exposed (E) and infected (I) subpopulations reach the least value when combination control of vaccination and treatment is given. In other words, control strategy B is more effective than control strategy A and C. Level of vaccination and treatment are given every time (day), it can be seen in Figure 4. ...

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