Table 1 - uploaded by Akeem Ayofe Akinwale
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Demographic Profiles of the Respondents 

Demographic Profiles of the Respondents 

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Unemployment remains high in Nigeria due to disintegration between the formal and informal sectors, among other factors. While the unemployed largely focus on the formal sector in search of jobs, there is inadequate interest in the informal sector. Yet, this sector provides livelihoods for the majority of the population. This paper examines the inf...

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... implications of the findings are also presented accordingly. Table 1 shows the demographic profiles of 480 trainees in furniture and tailoring workshops in Lagos State, Nigeria. There was a significant gender difference amongst the trainees, as 69.4 percent of them were males. ...

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... Nigeria is the third largest in Africa that owes informal sector that accounts for about 70 percent of urban employment (Akeem, 2012;Awopegba, 2004) [3,4] . Several empirical studies carried out in Nigeria have shown that the informal sector has contributed significantly to employment and income generation. ...
... Nigeria is the third largest in Africa that owes informal sector that accounts for about 70 percent of urban employment (Akeem, 2012;Awopegba, 2004) [3,4] . Several empirical studies carried out in Nigeria have shown that the informal sector has contributed significantly to employment and income generation. ...
The study examined the relationship between naira redesign, and it effect on small-scale enterprises growth in Isoko North and Ethiope East, Local government areas of Delta State, Nigeria. The study was designed as a cross-sectional survey with an infinite population, and a sample size of 340 drawn from both small-scale businesses and informal traders randomly. The instrument for data collection was questionnaire, which were administered to the respondents and total of 338 were retrieved and used for analysis. The ANOVA statistical tool running on SPSS 24 were adopted in testing the hypotheses. The result from the analysis revealed that scarcity of new currency caused by the redesign of naira has moderate positive relationship on small-scale performance and scarcity of new naira has a high positive relationship on informal traders. Hence, it was concluded that redesign of naira, gave rise to scarcity of naira, which lead to informal traders buying naira from Point of Sales (POS) machines operators, and these led to folding up of many small-scale and informal traders’ enterprises. The study recommended among others that government in taking sensitive decisions such as naira redesign should involve relevant stakeholders.
... Attention has been paid to effects of the informal economy on economic growth, employment growth, and poverty reduction (Huang et al., 2011;Shen and Li, 2011;Akinwale, 2012). However, little is known of the relationship between the informal economy and urbanization. ...
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This paper examines the rise of informal economies in China, a hidden driving force overlooked in studies on China’s urbanization. Estimating the size of informal economies using the multiple indicators multiple causes model, the paper employs mathematical models to examine the driving effect of informal economies on urbanization and to reveal the paths by which such effect works. The results were as follows. (1) In 2018, the size of the informal economy in China accounted for 23.5% of GDP with an output value of 21.16 trillion yuan. (2) The informal economy had a driving effect on China’s urbanization, and every 1-percentagepoint increase in its share of the GDP led to an increase of 0.291 percentage points in the urbanization rate. (3) The informal economy’s effect on urbanization showed regional differences, decreasing in size from the eastern to the central to the western regions. (4) The informal economy drives urbanization through four paths - by promoting foreign direct investment (FDI), fixed asset investment (FAI), social consumption (SC), and secondary sector employment (SSE). Their effect sizes are ranked in descending order as follows: FDI > FAI >SC > SSE. This paper contributes to theories on urbanization dynamics and process in China by highlighting the role of the informal economy as a hidden economic power lurking in the city
... Together with climate change, resource depletion, rapid urbanization, and poverty, employment informality is listed by the United Nations Human Settlement Programme (UN-Habitat) as one of the major challenges to global sustainable development in the 21st century [3]. On one hand, the informal economy contributes to sustainable development because of its role in alleviating unemployment and poverty and promoting local economies [4][5][6][7]; on the other hand, it is also seen as a sign of underdevelopment and unsustainability given the nature of poor working conditions and precarity in informal employment [8][9][10]. Hence, the development and regulation of informal economies has become a key policy issue for national governments and supra-national agencies worldwide. ...
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: Rapid urbanization has seen a concurrent growth of informal economies, which play an important role in alleviating urban unemployment and poverty. Following international efforts to integrate divergent theories on informality, this paper examines the causes of urban informal economies in China by deploying a panel data regression model that considers multiple explanatory factors informed by these theories. Our estimation based on the latest China Population Census shows that the size of urban informal employment in China reached 215 million and 22% of gross domestic product (GDP) output share was from urban informal economies. Our model reveals that the causes of urban informal economies in China are mainly associated with the stages of economic development, tertiarization of industries, unemployment, rural-to-urban migration, and globalization of urban economies. This paper adds evidence from the Chinese context to the emerging argument that informal economies cannot be fully explained by each mainstream informality theory, suggesting that these theories should be seen as complementary rather than opposing alternatives. The paper concludes with policy implications for urbanization in China.
... Hussmans (2004) enformel sektörün kamu otoritelerinin tanımadığı (recognise), korumadığı (protect) ve düzenlemediği (regulate) tüm faaliyetleri kapsadığını belirtmektedir. 1970'lerden bu yana bilim insanlarının dikkatini yönelttiği enformel sektör, tüm ülkelerde gözlenmektedir ve enformel faaliyet birey veya grup tarafından ortaya konulabilmektedir (Akinwale, 2012). Enformellik, vergi ödemeksizin serbest meslek icra etmekten, kayıtdışı bir şekilde işçi çalıştırmaya kadar çeşitli biçimlerde ortaya konulmaktadır (Jütting, Parlevliet ve Xenogiani, 2008). ...
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Bu yazıda, göçün etkileri bir kent ölçeğinde ele alınmıştır. Bunun için göçle imtihanı tarihsel olduğu kadar güncel de olan Mardin seçilmiştir. Mardin’in Suriye’deki kentleri çağrıştırması, şive farklılıklarına rağmen sığınmacıların anadilinin kentte konuşulan temel diller arasında olması, Suriyeli sığınmacıların kendilerini burada evlerinde hissetmelerine hizmet edebilecek özelliklerdir. Kendini evinde hissetmek, bir sığınmacının da tıpkı bir yerli gibi yaşadığı kenti kendinin kılmasıyla (ortaklaşmasıyla) mümkün olabilir. Kenti kendinin kılma, kent merkezini ve mekânlarını kullanma sıklığı açısından ele alındığında, sığınmacıların yerlilere kıyasla mahallelerde daha fazla zaman geçirdiği görülür. Bunun yanında, sığınmacılar arasında geleneksel cinsiyetler arası işbölümünün göçten sonra daha da güçlendiği gözlenir. Sığınmacı kadınlar çoğunlukla ev içi alanla sınırlı bir yaşama sahipken, sığınmacı erkekler kısa süreli işlerde ve güvencesiz koşullarda çalışır. Sığınmacılar, “hayatta kalma stratejisiyle” hane halkı giderlerini en aza indirmeye, gelirlerini ise artırmaya çalışır. Sığınmacılar, yerlilerle aynı etnik grubun mensubu olsalar bile, kültürel olarak farklı algılanırlar. Bunun bir nedeninin sınır olduğu iddia edilebilir. Etnik grupları hatta aileleri bölen sınırla birlikte, ulus-devletlerin birbirinden farklı vatandaş profillerini yaratmada “başarılı” olduğu söylenebilir. Dolayısıyla, karşıdan gelenler Kürt sığınmacılar bile olsa Mardin’de yaşayan Kürtler tarafından Suriye vatandaşı olarak görülürler. Sığınmacıları geri gören ve onlarla karşılaştırma yaptığında kendilerine Türk diyen yerli Kürtlerin söylemleri bu anlamda çarpıcıdır. Sığınmacılarla ilgili rekabet ve tehdit algısında, toplumsal cinsiyetin ve sınıfsal bağlamın önemli bir role sahip olduğu da gözlenir: Sığınmacı kadınlar, yerli kadınların “erkeklerini ellerinden aldığı” için, sığınmacı erkekler ise “düşük ücretlere çalıştığı” için yerli işçiler ve aileleri tarafından istenmez. Buna karşın, işverenler genellikle sığınmacıların varlığından memnundur. Kısaca, göç yerlileri hangi konuda etkiliyorsa, rekabet ve tehdit algısı ona göre içerik kazanır. Sığınmacıların belirli mahallelere “itilmesi” yoluyla kent hakkını kullanmalarının sınırlandırılmasının, yerlilerin algıladığı tehdidin şiddetini belirli ölçüde hafiflettiği ileri sürülebilir.
... In another descriptive study on how informal vocational apprentice cater for their training in Lagos State, where data were collected from 480 apprentices, 40 masters, 20 journeymen, and 120 members of various communities through a structured questionnaire. Furthermore, the findings ofAkinwale (2012)showed that 64.8 percent of the respondents reported parental sponsorship of vocations in the informal sectors, 14.2 percent of the respondents were self-sponsored, and the remainders (18.5 percent and 2.5 percent) were reportedly sponsored by their relatives and masters. Awareness of opportunities for self employment in the informal sectors was demonstrated by 71 percent of the respondents. ...
... 1%,GDP 会下降 4.5%~5.7% [19] 。但 对中国的研究显示,非正规就业有显著的经济增长效应 [20] ,其每增长 1%可带动 GDP 增长 0.053% [21] 。二是就业增长效应,非正规部门具有比正规部门更强的就业创造能力 [22] ,就 业弹性系数大于正规部门 0.12 个百分点 [23] ,是中国城市农民工就业的主要方式 [24,25] 。三是 减贫效应,非正规就业对减少城市贫困具有重要作用,特别对低收入家庭而言,作用更 加显著 [26] 。 然而,关于非正规就业对城市化的推动效应却未得到关注。尽管非正规就业的经济 和就业效应为这个问题提供了间接的经验基础,但非正规就业与城市化发展是否存在稳 定的相关关系以及在多大程度上推动了城市化仍不清楚。地理学研究揭示了乡镇、民 营、外资等自下而上的经济力量对中国城市化的重要作用,奠定了中国城市化动力理论 的基础。但近期研究发现,这些构成中国城市化之主要推力的经济系统实际上包含着庞 大的非正规部门力量 [27] ,与正规部门、乡镇企业和农业部门已经构成当前中国经济的四 元结构 [28] 。这个发现对进一步理解中国城市化的特征具有重要意义,但尚未得到地理学 应有的关注。近年来,国际学界已开始关注非正规经济与城市化的关系问题。例如,Yuki 认为在人力资本积累、人口分布和部门收入等存在非均等机会稳定状态的发展中经济 体中,非正规部门的扩张成为城市化的主要推力 [29] 。Elign 等研究发现非正规经济与城市 化发展呈现倒 U 形的关系,即在城市化发展初期,非正规经济规模较小,随着城市化的 发展,非正规经济在整体经济的比重经历了先增加、后减少的过程 [30] 。这个研究表明了 非正规就业对城市化的起步和发展具有重要作用,但没有对这个作用进行测度。本文开 展非正规就业对城市化作用的论证和测度,以期从新的视角丰富对中国城市化性质的认 识。与以往一些研究缺乏考虑正规经济的影响不同 [20,23] [8] 。黄宗智认为私营就业全部 (即 100%) 是非正 规就业 [27] ,但这把私营企业中签订了劳动合同的正规就业也计算进去,导致非正规就业 规模被估大。另一些研究则认为私营就业不是非正规就业 [20,23] ...
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In the process of urbanization, a large number of rural labor forces do not enter urban formal sectors, but get employed in informal sectors. This fact leads to a neglect of the effect of urban informal employment on urbanization when examining the relationship between urban employment and urbanization on the basis of normal statistical data. By using the Co-integration Test and Error Correction Model, this paper explores the effects of urban informal employment on the urbanization measured by the proportion of urban population in total population. It develops an estimation method to measure urban informal employment in China based on the International Labor Organization’s definition of informal employment. It is found that from 1990 to 2010 urban informal employment in China has grown to be a primary source of the growth of urban employment. In 2010, urban informal employment accounted for 50.7% of total urban employment. In particular, the unregistered employment as part of informal employment accounted for 32.8% of urban employment. Moreover, most of urban informal employment geographically concentrates in provinces of eastern China. The models show that the relationship between informal employment, formal employment and urbanization is characterized with a stable equilibrium in long term due to the existence of a regulatory mechanism within the urbanization system although this relationship is fluctuant in short term. It is testified that the growth of urban informal employment contributes to the development of urbanization. That urban informal employment grows by 1% will contribute to an increase of urbanization rate by 0.1%. Informal employment should be considered as a condition of China’s rapid urbanization in the post-reform era. It has been widely noted that a basic contradiction of China’s urbanization is the gap between the unlimited supply of rural labor forces and the limited ability of cities to absorb them. This paper suggests that informal employment can serve as a solution to this contradiction. It is argued that the challenge to China’s urbanization is not only about the problem of unemployment, but also about how to tackle urban informal employment outside the social welfare system. Dealing with the problem of the latter is also an important task of the global program called “decent work” which has been promoted by the International Labor Organization in past decades. 在城市化过程中, 大部分农村剩余劳动力并未进入城市正规部门, 而进入非正规部门,但关于非正规就业对城市化的作用却不清楚。基于国际劳工组织提出的中国城市非正规就业估算方案, 采用协整和误差修正模型测度与解释非正规就业对城市化的作用。自1990年以来,非正规就业已发展成为中国城市就业的主要方式和就业增长的主要来源, 其空间分布总体上呈现自东部、 中部到西部依次减少的特征, 其在城市就业的比重与城市化水平的关系符合倒U形的规律。模型显示: 尽管短期内非正规就业、 正规就业和城市化之间存在波动关系, 但长期看非正规就业对城市化具有显著的推动作用, 非正规就业每增长 1%, 推动城市化水平提高0.1%。这种作用主要体现在非正规就业推动农村人口向城市地区的转移过程与劳动力在正规就业与非正规就业之间的流动过程。结论强调, 中国城市化面临的挑战不仅是失业问题, 而更多是如何应对处于社会保障系统以外的非正规就业问题。
... The organisational dimension highlights vital demographic patterns including the entrepreneur/promoter's age, gender, number of people engaged per enterprise, and educational level (Akinwale, 2012;Alooma, 2010;Kayode et al., 2008;Global Entrepreneurship Research Association, 2013;Onugu, 2005). This dimension is expected to indicate, in the Nigerian context for example, the changes in the rate at which Universitytrained graduates are found within the band of informal entrepreneurs. ...
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In the new global economy, understanding informal sector dynamics has become a key issue for achieving safe and sound financial system through inclusive growth. While macroeconomic and urban planning dimensions of the informal sector appear to have been considerably stressed in the literature, dearth of clarity remains with regards to its actual operational structures, leading to a thinking that without a detailed knowledge of the informal sector from a more microscopic perspective, the desired integration of this vital economic segment into the formal financial market may continue to be a conundrum, especially in Nigeria, a fast-growing emerging economy. This paper summarizes findings from a formative research designed to explore the distinctive features of hexagonal structural articulation approach that can be used to gain better understanding of the operations of informal enterprises towards achieving inclusive, sustainable financial system. Using data generated through content analysis, the research findings revalidated the multi-dimensional nature of informal entrepreneurship in terms of organisation, production, cash flow, capital, technology, and financing, thus lending credence to the efficacy of the proposed approach in providing a robust insight into how affordable financial services can be enhanced at the grassroots. The significance of the study lies in the new avenues for research and positive implications for banking and other financial institutions towards developing efficient and effective financial inclusion strategies, particularly in Nigeria, were highlighted. ___________________________________________________________________________
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The study examined the public perception of the environmental conditions of restaurants in Port Harcourt Metropolis, Rivers State, Nigeria. Eight hundred and seventy copies of questionnaire were used to elicit information from the workers and customers of the restaurants. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyse the data. Findings showed among the workers, 55.9% were males and 44.1% were females while among the customers 45.7% were males and 54.3% were females. More than 50% of respondents among the workers and customers had income per month of more than 50000 naira. Results also showed that all the environmental conditions varied significantly at p<0.05 among the restaurants. Moreso, the analysis showed that the noise level inside the restaurant is higher than that outside the restaurants. The study concluded that the general environmental quality condition of the restaurant is bearable except the noise. Based on the findings, the study recommended that restaurants workers should be encouraged more with respect to a hygienic and clean environment to promote more patronage to the restaurants.
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This research seeks to examine the role of the government in entrepreneurship development among youths in Abia state using planned behaviour, social contract theory and a descriptive survey research design. Entrepreneurship development has been a critical focus of government with various initiatives, programmes, and strategies to promote entrepreneurship among youths. However, some studies flagged these initiatives as ineffective seeing the failure of government entrepreneurship programmes to focus on what is required to support entrepreneurship among youths. Therefore, this study examines the youths’ perception of the role of government in entrepreneurship development in Abia state and how this perception affects their entrepreneurial intention and perceived business capability. Data were collected from 400 youths in the Umuahia division of Abia state using a structured questionnaire. The youths’ perception of the role of government in entrepreneurship development in Abia state was found to have no significant relationship with the youths’ entrepreneurial intention (r= -0.103, p<.05). Also, youths’ perception of the role of government in entrepreneurship development in Abia state was found to have no significant relationship with the youths’ perceived business capability (r= -0.104, p< 0.05). This indicates that youths favour entrepreneurship and are even willing to start businesses independent of government support. However, it does not factor out the responsibility of the government of government in entrepreneurship development but indicates that the government needs to fully take on this responsibility and create a viable environment for entrepreneurship to thrive.