Figure 3 - uploaded by Marco Cavalli
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Definition of the upslope and downslope component of the index of connectivity (from Crema et al., 2015; modified after Borselli et al., 2008). A: contributing area to the reference element; W i : weighting factor of the ith pixel; W : average weighting factor of the contributing area; S i : slope of the ith pixel; S: average slope of the contributing area.  

Definition of the upslope and downslope component of the index of connectivity (from Crema et al., 2015; modified after Borselli et al., 2008). A: contributing area to the reference element; W i : weighting factor of the ith pixel; W : average weighting factor of the contributing area; S i : slope of the ith pixel; S: average slope of the contributing area.  

Source publication
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Surface texture analysis applied to High Resolution Digital Terrain Models (HRDTMs) is a promising approach for extracting useful fine-scale morphological information. Surface roughness, considered here as a synonym of surface texture, can have a discriminant role in the detection of different geomorphic processes and factors. Very often, the local...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... (2008), is a distributed GIS-based index mainly focused on the influence of topogra- phy on sediment connectivity. The connectivity aims to rep- resent the linkage between different parts of the catchment (i.e., hillslopes and features of interest such as catchment out- lets, main channel networks or a given cross section along the channel). IC ( Fig. 3) is defined by the logarithm of the ratio between an upslope (D up , units in m) and a downslope (D dn , units in m) component expressing, respectively, the potential for downward routing of the sediment-produced upslope and the sediment flux path length to the nearest target or sink. A weighting factor (W ) appears in both components ...
Context 2
... is encountered in areas associated with agricul- ture (Fig. 13); these areas are characterized as extended zones with lower R flow than R iso , with very small absolute differ- ences (less than 0.01 m) and considerable relative differences (more than 30 %). Considering the accuracy of the DTM, these small differences could be considered non-significant; however, comparing the shaded relief and the ...
Context 3
... between R flow and R iso . Terraces scarps and the road network are the main contributor of features (purple) with a higher R flow than R iso . Areas with erosional processes located along the flanks of the main valleys are particularly highlighted by features (light green) with lower R flow than R iso . For the highlighted area in (b) see Fig. 13. an index itself that can act as a new feature to be used in machine-learning approaches for automatic mapping (Bue and Stepinski, 2006;Cracknell and Reading, 2014;Macmillan et al., 2003) or for other predictive models, such as land- slide susceptibility models ( Booth et al., 2009;Jaboyedoff et al., ...
Context 4
... evaluate the impact of R flow on the connectivity index, we performed two runs of SedInConnect ( Crema et al., 2015), a stand-alone tool de- veloped to calculate the sediment connectivity index, using two different weighting factors (W flow and W iso ), one derived from R flow and one from R iso according to Eq. (5). Subse- quently, we derived two measures of the DC that we respec- tively name DC flow , the degree of connectivity derived using the weighting from R flow , and DC iso , the degree of connectiv- Figure 13. Detailed view of differences and relative differences between R flow and R iso in a highly anthropized environment. ...

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Surface texture analysis applied to high-resolution digital terrain models (HRDTMs) is a promising approach for extracting useful fine-scale morphological information. Surface roughness, considered here as a synonym of surface texture, can have a discriminant role in the detection of different geomorphic processes and factors. Very often, the local...


... The TWI combines the contribution to runoff from a local area drained and the pending of it, and it is commonly used to quantify topographic control on hydrological processes and is defined as [6][7][8][9][10][18][19][20] (Equation (12): ...
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