Table 1 - uploaded by Yi-Jian Yao
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Current status of taxa referred to Sowerbyella.

Current status of taxa referred to Sowerbyella.

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Yao, Y.-J. and Spooner, B.M. (2006). Species of Sowerbyella in the British Isles, with validation of Pseudombrophila sect. Nannfeldtiella (Pezizales). Fungal Diversity 22: 267-279. Notes on the nomenclature and taxonomy of British taxa of Sowerbyella are presented, together with the description of a new variety, S. radiculata var. kewensis, and a n...

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Baccharis malmei Jochen Müll. sp. nova is described from southeastern Brazil. Its morphological delimitation, especially against the similar B. singularis, is discussed and the history of misapplication of B. cassinifolia and B. daphnoides, which are synonyms of B. singularis, is depicted. Two synonyms of B. singularis are lectotypified.
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Six new species: Bulbophyllum caniceps, B. cochinealloides, B. fierenanaense, B. geminiflorum, B. oenanthum and B. rudolphus are described for the first time. The identity and nomenclature of Bulbophyllum cylindrocarpum is discussed and its var. andringitrense is recognised at species rank as B. jeanbosseri . Bulbophyllum aubrevillei and B. kieneri...
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The authors present the very rare Peziza pudicella Korf and reveal some nomenclatural informations about this species


... In this second analysis we can also note two interesting results: 1) the widespread S. rhenana (Fuckel) J. Moravec might represent a species complex and lacks sequences coming from Europe; 2) S. parvispora (Trigaux) J. Moravec might be different from S. radiculata (Sowerby) Nannf. contrary the opinion of YAO & SPOONER (2006), but the taxonomy of this group, also comprising S. crassisculpturata J. Moravec and S. polaripustulata J. Moravec (MORAVEC, 1985), is far from clear and need a revision of all the corresponding types. ...
... This key is an updated version of the one published by YAO & SPOONER (2006). It applies to a group of Pyronemataceae, characterized by cupuliform apothecia, yellow, greenish-yellow or orange-coloured, without true hairs, but often with a furfuraceous external surface, and with a distinct stipe (sometimes buried in the substrate). ...
A new species of the genus Sowerbyella, called S. montana, discovered in spring in the French Alps, is described and illustrated. Its morphological characters, as well as its phylogenetic position, are discussed in detail, and an updated key to the genus Sowerbyella is also proposed.
... Klofac et Voglmayr (2003) nebo Benkert (2005) respektují odlišení obou druhů vymezené Moravcem; Van Vooren (2012b) uvádí navíc rozdíl v barvě hymenia -plodnice S. crassisculpturata mají mít oranžový až béžový nádech. Na proti tomu Yao et Spooner (2006) považují rozdíly, včetně šířky askospor a jejich ornamentiky, pro definování samostatného druhu S. crassisculpturata za nedosta tečně průkazné. Pokusímeli se konfrontovat náš sběr s holotypovou položkou S. crassisculpturata (BRNM 312328, in Moravec 1985), lze pouze konstatovat, že jemné nuance v ornamentice askospor nejsme s to námi užívaným optickým mikros kopem přesvědčivě zachytit; rozměry výtrusů našeho sběru jsou pak na dolní hranici rozměrů spor u uvedeného holotypu S. crassisculpturata či těsně pod ní, resp. ...
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Článek je druhou částí sdělení o nálezech a prvonálezech některých vzácnějších, méně známých či dosud pravděpodobně přehlížených askomycetů v národním parku Podyjí z let 2017 až 2021 a je zaměřen na druhy z třídy Pezizomycetes. Údaje uváděné v literárních a herbářových zdrojích, které se týkají ekologických nároků prezentovaných taxonů, jsou srovnávány s vlastními poznatky z terénu, komentována je také taxonomická problematika. U druhů s ojedinělým výskytem na území ČR – Elaiopezia polaripapulata, Geoscypha ampelina, Leucoscypha leucotricha, Malvipezia howsei a Peziza saccardoana – je pak prezentován přehled exsikátů uložených ve sbírkách veřejných i soukromých herbářů v ČR. (This paper is the second part of a report on the collections and first finds of some rare, less known, or hitherto probably overlooked ascomycetes in the Podyjí National Park from 2017 to 2021, dealing with species of the class Pezizomycetes. Data from literary and herbarium sources related to the ecological requirements of the presented taxa are compared with knowledge gained during the field research, and taxonomic issues are also commented on. For species with an exceptional occurrence in the Czech Republic, i.e. Elaiopezia polaripapulata, Geoscypha ampelina, Leucoscypha leucotricha, Malvipezia howsei, and Peziza saccardoana, an overview of exsiccates deposited in the collections of Czech public and private herbaria is presented.)
... Picea, Pinus, Cupressus, Fagus, Quercus, Fraxinus and Eucalyptus). Many of them have ascospores ornamented by a well-formed reticulum, such as Sowerbyella densireticulata J. Moravec, S. radiculata (Sowerby) Nannf., S. bauerana (cooke) Harmaja, a synonym of S. radiculata in the sense of YAo & SpooNer (2006), S. crassisculpturata J. Moravec, S. parvispora (Trigaux) J. Moravec, S. reguisii (Quél.) J. Moravec or S. rhenana (Fuckel) J. Moravec. ...
... The /sowerbyella lineage comprises the genus Sowerbyella that consists of 14 species (Yao and Spooner 2006). Members of the genus are typically found on the forest floor with EcM hosts. ...
This review updates the previous information about ectomycorrhizal (EcM) fungal lineages. Based on morphological and phylogenetic evidence, we recognize four novel lineages, viz., /leotia, /phaeocollybia, /porpoloma, and /endogone3, that raise the total number of EcM lineages to 82–86. The /leotia, /phaeocollybia, and /porpoloma lineages comprise the entire genera of Leotia, Phaeocollybia, and Porpoloma. The /endogone3 lineage is created to accommodate morphologically, and molecularly well-characterized root tip isolates from Japan that represent a small proportion of the genus Endogone. The /agaricales1 lineage is revised and renamed /guyanagarika because of accommodation of respective specimens in a recently described genus Guyanagarika. Similarly, the /helotiales2 lineage is renamed as /phaeohelotium based description of the genus Phaeohelotium. In light of broader taxon sampling for fungal DNA barcoding, the /agaricomycetes1 lineage is renamed as /tremellodendropsis, with a notion that not all members of the Tremellodendropsidales are EcM. We also reviewed recent literature about the genera within described EcM lineages and documented that ca. 279–284 distinct EcM fungal genera based on current knowledge.
... Notes -This name is placed in Sowerbyella, as S. radiculata (Sowerby) Nannf. Yao & Spooner (2006) examined the type at K and confirmed its placement. Velen., České Houby 4 -5: 872. ...
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The easily recognised genus Otidea is subjected to numerous problems in species identification. A number of old names have undergone various interpretations, materials from different continents have not been compared and misidentifications occur commonly. In this context, Otidea is monographed, based on our multiple gene phylogenies assessing species boundaries and comparative morphological characters (see Hansen & Olariaga 2015). All names combined in or synonymised with Otidea are dealt with. Thirty-three species are treated, with full descriptions and colour illustrations provided for 25 of these. Five new species are described, viz. O. borealis, O. brunneo­parva, O. oregonensis, O. pseudoleporina and O. subformicarum. Otidea cantharella var. minor and O. onotica var. brevispora are elevated to species rank. Otideopsis kaushalii is combined in the genus Otidea. A key to the species of Otidea is given. An LSU dataset containing 167 sequences (with 44 newly generated in this study) is analysed to place collections and determine whether the named Otidea sequences in GenBank were identified correctly. Fourty-nine new ITS sequences were generated in this study. The ITS region is too variable to align across Otidea, but had low intraspecific variation and it aided in species identifications. Thirty type collections were studied, and ITS and LSU sequences are provided for 12 of these. A neotype is designated for O. cantharella and epitypes for O. concinna, O. leporina and O. onotica, along with several lectotypifications. The apothecial colour and shape, and spore characters are important for species identification. We conclude that to distinguish closely related or morphologically similar species, a combination of additional features are needed, i.e. the shape of the paraphyses, ectal excipulum structure, types of ectal excipulum resinous exudates and their reactions in Melzer’s reagent and KOH, tomentum and basal mycelium colours and exudates. The KOH reaction of excipular resinous exudates and basal mycelium are introduced as novel taxonomic characters.
... The genus Nannfeldtiella was later considered as a section in Pseudombrophila Boud. (BRUMMELEN, 1995; YAO & SPOONER, 2006). More recently PFISTER et al. (2008) transferred the latter four genera to the new family Chorioactidaceae Pfister. ...
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New phylogenetic studies focused on the family Sarcosomataceae support the independence of the genera Plectania, Pseudoplectania, Donadinia, Sarcosoma, Galiella and Urnula. Galiella is restricted to the temperate species, while the tropical taxa seem to be more related to the family Chorioactidaceae, and are here accomodated in the prioritary genus Trichaleurina. The lineage including the type species of Urnula is here shown to include also several morphologically deviant species. The genus Pseudosarcosoma is here proposed to accommodate Sarcosoma latahensis/Plectania latahense in the family Chorioactidaceae, since this lineage is not related to the type species of the genus Sarcosoma, S. globosum.
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Wielkopolski National Park is a protected area located in central Wielkopolska, near Poznań City, and is an important refuge to numerous valuable species of plants, fungi, and animals. Through 2019, the project to recognize and catalog the macromycetes of this Park was continued. The current paper presents the results of these studies in the form of an annotated list of the recorded species. One hundred and eighty-nine taxa new for Wielkopolski National Park have been identified. Among these, nine are new to Poland ( Acanthophysellum lividocoeruleum , Agaricus moellerianus , Callistosporium luteo-olivaceum , Entoloma terreum , Flammulina populicola , Leucoagaricus sublittoralis , Marasmius anomalus var. microsporus , Phaeohelotium rufescens , and Tulasnella danica ). The current number of fungal taxa found in this park is 1,122.
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Sowerbyella radiculata, una vistosa especie de color citrino poco frecuente en la literatura micológica Iberopeninsular Augusto Calzada Domínguez C/ Libertad nº 14-4 B 49008-Zamora (España) RESUMEN. Se describe una especie de ascomiceto perteneciente a la familia Pyronemataceae, de coloración crema a amarillento-citrino (Sowerbyella radiculata), poco frecuente en nuestro entorno y con escasas referencias bibliográfi cas en la micología española. Palabras clave: Familia Pyrometataceae ,Sowerbyella, Sowerbyella radiculata. SUMMARY. A species of ascomycete belonging to the Pyronemataceae family, of yellowish-citrine to cream color (Sowerbyella radiculata), which is rare in our environment and with few bibliographic references in Spanish mycology is described. INTRODUCCIÓN El género Sowerbyella fue creado por el micólogo sueco Nannfeldt en 1938 dentro del grupo de ascomicetes encuadrados en la familia Pyronemataceae, una de las muchas agrupaciones que encuadra el orden de los Pezizales. Dentro del mismo coloco solamente dos especies, Sowerbyella radiculata (Sowerby) Nannf. (= Peziza radiculata Sowerby, que fue tomada como especie tipo del mismo) y Sowerbyella unicolor (Gillet) Nannf. (= Aleuria unicolor Gillet). Más de 30 años después, Korf (1971) postuló a este último como un sinónimo de Sowerbyella imperialis (Peck) Korf (= Peziza imperialis Peck), siendo esta especie la más representativa y conocida del género por su relativa mayor frecuencia de aparición que el resto de taxones del mismo género. Desde entonces se han publicado otras especies de Sowerbyella (S. fagicola Moravec, 1973, S. brevispora Harmaja, 1984; S. densireticulata Moravec, 1985; S. reguisii Moravec,1995), etc. y en la actualidad hay alrededor de 15 especies reconocidas dentro del mismo, así como algunas variedades de alguna de ellas, principalmente de S. radiculata. Algunas especies existe controversia sobre el género más apropiado donde colocarlas, tal es el caso de Sowerbyella rhenana (= Aleuria rhenana) y Sowerbyella unicisa (= Otidea unicisa) debido a que podrían encuadrarse por sus características en uno u otro género. Siendo los valores entre paréntesis los más aceptados en la actualidad. Y en algunos de los casos parece haber varias sinonimias en torno a la especie tipo aquí estudiada, es el caso de Sowerbyella crassiscalpturata,
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A hundred and thirty-three collections of cup fungi from the Qilian Mountains in Gansu Province, China were examined. Forty-five species were identified, which belong to the families Ascobolaceae, Ascodesmidaceae, Cudoniaceae, Gelatinodiscaceae, Helotiaceae, Helvellaceae, Lachnaceae, Mollisiaceae, Pyronemataceae, Rhytismataceae and Thelebolaceae. Of which, Cheilymenia qilianshanica, Coprotus qilianshanicus, Neobulgaria qilianshanica and Trichophaea sinobullata are described and illustrated as new species, and Hymenoscyphus chloophilus, H. sulphuratus and Sowerbyella brevispora are newly reported in China. The distinctive characteristics of the new species and their allies were compared in detail.