Cryptotis venezuelensis sp. nov, detalles morfológicos (EBRG 27336): arriba, vista ventral del hocico, nótese la verruga presente en el surco nasolabial; abajo, planta de la pata mostrando la disposición de las escamas de los dedos. 

Cryptotis venezuelensis sp. nov, detalles morfológicos (EBRG 27336): arriba, vista ventral del hocico, nótese la verruga presente en el surco nasolabial; abajo, planta de la pata mostrando la disposición de las escamas de los dedos. 

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... Descripción-Una musaraña de tamaño mediano para el género Cryptotis (LCC: 72-84 mm, Peso: 9-11 g). Pelaje dorsal gris oscuro con brillo marrón oscuro. Vientre más pálido que el dorso, con pelos bicoloreados de base gris oscuro y punta marrón. Surco nasolabial con una verruga larga y delgada, que se extiende desde la base del rinario hasta la boca (Fig. 4). Orejas con pinnas más altas que an- chas y cubiertas por el pelaje, con el hélix, antihélix, antitrago y la fosa escafoidea poco desarrolladas. Vibrisas mistaciales extendidas hasta el borde an- terior de la oreja. Parte ventral de los dedos de las patas, con escamas granulares bien desarrolladas y yuxtapuestas, arregladas en tres ...
Context 2
... con pinnas más altas que an- chas y cubiertas por el pelaje, con el hélix, antihélix, antitrago y la fosa escafoidea poco desarrolladas. Vibrisas mistaciales extendidas hasta el borde an- terior de la oreja. Parte ventral de los dedos de las patas, con escamas granulares bien desarrolladas y yuxtapuestas, arregladas en tres líneas longitudinales (Fig. 4). Garras largas y poco curvas. Almohadilla tenar de las patas anteriores y posteriores, de forma semitriangular y en posición posterior respecto a la almohadilla hipotenar. Otras almohadillas de las patas claramente definidas y redondeadas. Cola mediana (42.94% de la LCC), con escamas grandes (26 escamas por cm), pelaje denso y gris, ...
Context 3
... y profundo; proceso angular recto, corto y ancho; proceso coronoides inclinado hacia delante. Diagnosis —A Cryptotis species belong to C. thomasi group and characterized by the following combi- nation of morphological characters: medium sized (head and body length: 72-84 mm, body mass: 9-11 g); dorsal pelage dark gray with dark brown luster; ventral part gray, paler than dorsum; philtrum with a long and narrow wart, extending from the base of the rhinarium to the edge of the upper lip; ventral part of the fingers whit granular, well developed and juxtaposed scales, arranged in three longitudinal lines; tail scales large (26 per cm); lacrimal foramen wide and deep; angular process straight, short and wide; coronoid process tilted forward. Descripción —Una musaraña de tamaño mediano para el género Cryptotis (LCC: 72-84 mm, Peso: 9-11 g). Pelaje dorsal gris oscuro con brillo marrón oscuro. Vientre más pálido que el dorso, con pelos bicoloreados de base gris oscuro y punta marrón. Surco nasolabial con una verruga larga y delgada, que se extiende desde la base del rinario hasta la boca ( Fig. 4 ). Orejas con pinnas más altas que an- chas y cubiertas por el pelaje, con el hélix, antihélix, antitrago y la fosa escafoidea poco desarrolladas. Vibrisas mistaciales extendidas hasta el borde an- terior de la oreja. Parte ventral de los dedos de las patas, con escamas granulares bien desarrolladas y yuxtapuestas, arregladas en tres líneas longitudinales ( Fig. 4 ). Garras largas y poco curvas. Almohadilla tenar de las patas anteriores y posteriores, de forma semitriangular y en posición posterior respecto a la almohadilla hipotenar. Otras almohadillas de las patas claramente definidas y redondeadas. Cola mediana (42.94% de la LCC), con escamas grandes (26 escamas por cm), pelaje denso y gris, contrastante entre la parte dorsal y ventral. Rostro moderadamente largo (45.84% de la LCB). Paladar moderadamente ancho (65.41% de la LP). Región interorbitaria relativamente ancha (23.70% de la LCB). Placa cigomática moderadamente ancha (10.52% de la LCB y 22.95% LP), con el borde anterior alineado con el metacrista del primer molar superior y el borde posterior alineado con el metacono del tercer molar superior. Proceso maxilar continuo con el borde posterior del paladar, extendido hasta el borde poste- rior del tercer molar superior. Con dos forámenes dorsales a lo largo de la sutura entre el frontal derecho e izquierdo (los dos paratipos exhiben esta condición y el holotipo sólo posee un foramen). Fo- ramen oval ancho. Petromastoideo largo, con el proceso anterior corto y delgado y un foramen pequeño ubicado en el borde posterior del proceso timpánico (en uno o ambos lados del cráneo). Mandíbula con la región posterior corta (65.38% de la LM) y la escotadura sigmoidea inferior somera. Proceso coronoides alto e inclinado hacia delante. Proceso angular corto, ancho en la base y con la punta redondeada. Dientes unicúspides superiores no bulbosos, con el cíngulo bajo y bien definido y las cúspides posterolin- guales completamente desarrolladas. Fila superior de dientes unicúspides moderadamente larga (11.77% de la LCB). Cuarto unicúspide superior de tamaño mediano (56.25% de la LU3), en posición lingual y poco visible en vista lateral del cráneo. Espacio entre el tercer unicúspide superior y el premolar superior muy reducido (DU3-P: 0.17 mm), por lo que parecen estar en contacto, haciendo que el cuarto unicúspide superior sea escasamente visible en vista lateral del cráneo. Premolar superior con el parastilo y el protocono poco desarrollado y sin pigmentación. Primer molar superior con el elemento anterior del ectolofo menor que el elemento posterior. Crestas del protocono y el hipocono del primer y segundo molar superior pigmentadas. Tercer molar superior complejo, con el postcentrocrista desarrollado pos- Mastozoología Neotropical, en prensa, Mendoza, 2013 teriormente y con mesostilo, metacono e hipocono presentes. Entocónidos del primer y segundo molar inferior con las cúspides redondeadas. Talónido del tercer molar inferior bien desarrollado, con un hipocónido conspicuo y un entocónido pequeño. Etimología —Derivado del nombre Venezuela (Venezuel[a] + ensis [terminación en latín que denota lugar de origen]), país de colecta de la serie tipo. Análisis morfométrico —El análisis estadístico de las muestras estudiadas determinó que 8 de 21 va- riables cráneo-mandibulares son significativamente diferentes ( P ≤ 0.05) a nivel interespecífico ( Tabla 2 ). Estas variables fueron empleadas para construir una matriz de correlación analizada con un análisis de componentes principales, cuyos tres primeros componentes explican el 68% de la varianza, siendo AMU1, AMU2, AMM2, LU4 y DU3-P las variables que mayor información aportan al sistema ( Tabla 3 ...
Context 4
... y profundo; proceso angular recto, corto y ancho; proceso coronoides inclinado hacia delante. Diagnosis —A Cryptotis species belong to C. thomasi group and characterized by the following combi- nation of morphological characters: medium sized (head and body length: 72-84 mm, body mass: 9-11 g); dorsal pelage dark gray with dark brown luster; ventral part gray, paler than dorsum; philtrum with a long and narrow wart, extending from the base of the rhinarium to the edge of the upper lip; ventral part of the fingers whit granular, well developed and juxtaposed scales, arranged in three longitudinal lines; tail scales large (26 per cm); lacrimal foramen wide and deep; angular process straight, short and wide; coronoid process tilted forward. Descripción —Una musaraña de tamaño mediano para el género Cryptotis (LCC: 72-84 mm, Peso: 9-11 g). Pelaje dorsal gris oscuro con brillo marrón oscuro. Vientre más pálido que el dorso, con pelos bicoloreados de base gris oscuro y punta marrón. Surco nasolabial con una verruga larga y delgada, que se extiende desde la base del rinario hasta la boca ( Fig. 4 ). Orejas con pinnas más altas que an- chas y cubiertas por el pelaje, con el hélix, antihélix, antitrago y la fosa escafoidea poco desarrolladas. Vibrisas mistaciales extendidas hasta el borde an- terior de la oreja. Parte ventral de los dedos de las patas, con escamas granulares bien desarrolladas y yuxtapuestas, arregladas en tres líneas longitudinales ( Fig. 4 ). Garras largas y poco curvas. Almohadilla tenar de las patas anteriores y posteriores, de forma semitriangular y en posición posterior respecto a la almohadilla hipotenar. Otras almohadillas de las patas claramente definidas y redondeadas. Cola mediana (42.94% de la LCC), con escamas grandes (26 escamas por cm), pelaje denso y gris, contrastante entre la parte dorsal y ventral. Rostro moderadamente largo (45.84% de la LCB). Paladar moderadamente ancho (65.41% de la LP). Región interorbitaria relativamente ancha (23.70% de la LCB). Placa cigomática moderadamente ancha (10.52% de la LCB y 22.95% LP), con el borde anterior alineado con el metacrista del primer molar superior y el borde posterior alineado con el metacono del tercer molar superior. Proceso maxilar continuo con el borde posterior del paladar, extendido hasta el borde poste- rior del tercer molar superior. Con dos forámenes dorsales a lo largo de la sutura entre el frontal derecho e izquierdo (los dos paratipos exhiben esta condición y el holotipo sólo posee un foramen). Fo- ramen oval ancho. Petromastoideo largo, con el proceso anterior corto y delgado y un foramen pequeño ubicado en el borde posterior del proceso timpánico (en uno o ambos lados del cráneo). Mandíbula con la región posterior corta (65.38% de la LM) y la escotadura sigmoidea inferior somera. Proceso coronoides alto e inclinado hacia delante. Proceso angular corto, ancho en la base y con la punta redondeada. Dientes unicúspides superiores no bulbosos, con el cíngulo bajo y bien definido y las cúspides posterolin- guales completamente desarrolladas. Fila superior de dientes unicúspides moderadamente larga (11.77% de la LCB). Cuarto unicúspide superior de tamaño mediano (56.25% de la LU3), en posición lingual y poco visible en vista lateral del cráneo. Espacio entre el tercer unicúspide superior y el premolar superior muy reducido (DU3-P: 0.17 mm), por lo que parecen estar en contacto, haciendo que el cuarto unicúspide superior sea escasamente visible en vista lateral del cráneo. Premolar superior con el parastilo y el protocono poco desarrollado y sin pigmentación. Primer molar superior con el elemento anterior del ectolofo menor que el elemento posterior. Crestas del protocono y el hipocono del primer y segundo molar superior pigmentadas. Tercer molar superior complejo, con el postcentrocrista desarrollado pos- Mastozoología Neotropical, en prensa, Mendoza, 2013 teriormente y con mesostilo, metacono e hipocono presentes. Entocónidos del primer y segundo molar inferior con las cúspides redondeadas. Talónido del tercer molar inferior bien desarrollado, con un hipocónido conspicuo y un entocónido pequeño. Etimología —Derivado del nombre Venezuela (Venezuel[a] + ensis [terminación en latín que denota lugar de origen]), país de colecta de la serie tipo. Análisis morfométrico —El análisis estadístico de las muestras estudiadas determinó que 8 de 21 va- riables cráneo-mandibulares son significativamente diferentes ( P ≤ 0.05) a nivel interespecífico ( Tabla 2 ). Estas variables fueron empleadas para construir una matriz de correlación analizada con un análisis de componentes principales, cuyos tres primeros componentes explican el 68% de la varianza, siendo AMU1, AMU2, AMM2, LU4 y DU3-P las variables que mayor información aportan al sistema ( Tabla 3 ...


... These characteristics could be related to the supply of food resources, and facilitation of foraging activities, finding shelter, and protection from predators. The results obtained agree with what was observed for species such as C. meridensis, C. montivagus, C. thomasi and C. venezuelensis, which show a preference for continuous, undisturbed, closed habitats with vegetation dense in grasses, trees, shrubs and epiphytes (Barnett 1992;Díaz de Pascual 1993;Díaz et al. 1997;Quiroga-Carmona 2013). Likewise, Linares (1998) found that fallen logs favour the presence of C. meridensis since these provide cool and wet shelters during the dry seasons and are ideal places for the construction of burrows during the reproductive season. ...
... Cryptotis tamensis lacks sexual dimorphism by body size and mass. This is consistent with the report by Woodman (2002) in the description of the species and with the information known for Venezuelan Cryptotis: C. aroensis, C. meridensis, C. thomasi and C. venezuelensis (Durant and Péfaur 1984;Quiroga-Carmona and Molinari 2012;Quiroga-Carmona 2013). In contrast, in C. evaristoi from the Peruvian Andes, significant differences in body mass were observed, with males being slightly heavier than females (Zeballos et al. 2018). ...
The Tamá small-eared shrew is found in the Andean cloud forests of the Cordillera Oriental of Colombia and the Tamá paramo in western Venezuela. Few aspects of its biology are known, and all information comes from its original description. In a patch of oak cloud forest, we found a relatively abundant population of the species and studied its abundance, microhabitat preference, diet composition and reproductive features, and their relationship with the rainfall seasonality of the study area. The fieldwork was carried on for two years at altitudinal intervals from 2402 to 2627 m.a.s.l. We caught 44 shrews in microhabitats with dense vegetation cover, abundant litter and fallen trees; their abundance changed significantly through time, varying along with the precipitation of the month before the capture. We found seven groups of arthropods in their diet, the composition of which did not differ significantly between sexes, reproductive stages or seasons. These shrews have a specialised diet, with ants as the most important item. Reproductive males are distinguished externally by the presence of hypertrophic subcutaneous lateral glands. We found adult reproductive males and non-reproductive males throughout the duration of the study, and their abundance did not vary significantly with precipitation. In contrast, we did not capture females in the driest months of the years, and although adult non-reproductive females were also found, we found a significant relationship between the abundance of reproductive females and precipitation. Consequently, adult reproductive males would be a permanent reproductive resource for the females, which appear to adjust their reproductive activity during the rainy seasons.
... Small-eared shrews of the genus Cryptotis have a wide distribution that extends from eastern North America through Central America to the northern Andean highlands of South America, with isolated species in the Sierra de Aroa and Serranía Litoral of northern Venezuela (Quiroga-Carmona and Molinari 2012;Quiroga-Carmona 2013). The genus attains its greatest diversity in the northern tropics of southern Mexico and northern Central America, although overlap in the local distributions of species appears to be limited ( Woodman et al. 2012). ...
Full-text available
The Cryptotis goldmani group of small-eared shrews (Eulipotyphla: Soricidae: Cryptotis Pomel, 1848) is a clade of semifossorially adapted species discontinuously distributed in moist highlands from central Mexico to western Panama. Inspection of a recent collection of small mammals resulting from field work in Guatemala provided the impetus for a re-evaluation of one member of that group, Goodwin’s small-eared shrew, Cryptotis goodwini Jackson, 1933. On the basis of the results of that study, three new species of small-eared shrews are described from (1) disturbed cloud forest on Cerro Cucurucho, Sacatepéquez Department, Guatemala; (2) highlands east of Mataquescuintla, Jalapa Department, Guatemala; and (3) Cerro Montecristo, a massif at the mutual borders of northern El Salvador, eastern Guatemala, and western Honduras. The new species are most similar morphologically to the Guatemalan endemic species C. goodwini and C. mam Woodman, 2010, from which they are distinguished by a variety of external and cranial characters. Recognition of the three new species more narrowly defines the distribution of C. goodwini (sensu stricto), which is now known only from portions of the western Sierra Madre of Guatemala.
... Here, intraspecific genetic distances were less than 2.5% and specieslevel differentiation showed values greater than 5.5%. Because the recent description of several new species within Cryptotis from South America suggests that the genus is much more diverse than currently recognized (Quiroga-Carmona and DoNascimiento 2016; Quiroga-Carmona and Woodman 2015; Moreno and Albuja 2014;Quiroga-Carmona 2013;Quiroga-Carmona and Molinari 2012;Woodman 2003;Woodman 2002), further investigations are needed to acquire a more refined phylogenetic framework among the species groups of the Cryptotis genus (Choate 1970;Woodman and Timm 1993, 1999He et al. 2015), notably concerning the C. thomasi group. ...
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The northernmost Peruvian Andes, a unique biogeographic region characterized by the confluence of multiple distinct ecosystems (i.e. Amazon basin, Pacific rainforest, the Sechura Desert, the northern and central Andes), is the southernmost geographic range limit of the South American shrews representing the genus Cryptotis. In the northernmost Peruvian Andes, two poorly known species have traditionally been reported (C. peruviensis and C. equatoris). Our study, based on molecular and morphologic traits, confirms the presence of C. peruviensis but also the occurrence of C. montivaga, based on specimens erroneously assigned to C. equatoris. Moreover, a new species of Cryptotis from the páramo and montane forests of the Tabaconas Namballe National Sanctuary near the Ecuadorian border is also described. It is a member of the thomasi group and is distinguished from other South American shrews by a unique set of morphological characters, including large body size, comparatively short tail, simple ectoloph of M3, and large PM4 post protocrista.
... This species inhabits cloud forest between 2,100 to 2,238 m of elevation (Quiroga-Carmona 2013). This species is known from only two localities and both correspond to cloud forests, with abundant tree ferns and a thick layer of moss on the soil, which in turn was gritty (Quiroga-Carmona pers. ...
... Endemic to Colombia and Venezuela, most information for the species only comes from few collected specimens (García et al., 2014), and therefore many aspects of its natural history and ecology still remains unknown. Despite its very restricted and microendemic range in the Paramo of the Tama, in bordering areas of Colombia and Venezuela in the highlands of the Tama National Natural Park (NNP) in Colombia and El Tama National Park (NP) in Venezuela (Quiroga-Carmona, 2013;García et al., 2014), the species has received little attention, and no specific studies, other than its taxonomic aspects (Woodman, 2002), have been evaluated. The species and its range is considered isolated from C. meridensis by the Táchira depression, highlighting the biogeographic importance and potential of the Tama Massif for endemicity and other phylogeographic singularities (Woodman, 2002). ...
... The specimen was deposited and catalogued in the Mammalogy Collection of the Museo de Ciencias Naturales "José Celestino Mutis" from the Universidad de Pamplona (MCNUP-M-55). Confirmation of the species identification was supported on previous accounts and taxonomic revisions of the species (Woodman, 2002;Quiroga-Carmona & Molinari, 2012;Quiroga-Carmona, 2013;García et al. 2014;Quiroga-Carmona & Woodman 2015). Our record adds one new specimen to the species collection after at least 100 years, highlighting the survival of the species on the Tama massif. ...
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The Tama Small-eared Shrew (Cryptotis tamensis), recently described and separated from C. meridensis and C. thomasi (Woodman, 2002), is one of the largest shrews in the Neotropics (Quiroga-Carmona & Woodman, 2015). Endemic to Colombia and Venezuela, most information for the species only comes from few collected specimens (García et al., 2014), and therefore many aspects of its natural history and ecology still remains unknown. Despite its very restricted and microendemic range in the Paramo of the Tama, in bordering areas of Colombia and Venezuela in the highlands of the Tama National Natural Park (NNP) in Colombia and El Tama National Park (NP) in Venezuela (Quiroga-Carmona, 2013; García et al., 2014), the species has received little attention, and no specific studies, other than its taxonomic aspects (Woodman, 2002), have been evaluated. The species and its range is considered isolated from C. meridensis by the Táchira depression, highlighting the biogeographic importance and potential of the Tama Massif for endemicity and other phylogeographic singularities (Woodman, 2002).
... Endemic to Colombia and Venezuela, most information for the species only comes from few collected specimens (García et al., 2014), and therefore many aspects of its natural history and ecology still remains unknown. Despite its very restricted and microendemic range in the Paramo of the Tama, in bordering areas of Colombia and Venezuela in the highlands of the Tama National Natural Park (NNP) in Colombia and El Tama National Park (NP) in Venezuela (Quiroga-Carmona, 2013;García et al., 2014), the species has received little attention, and no specific studies, other than its taxonomic aspects (Woodman, 2002), have been evaluated. The species and its range is considered isolated from C. meridensis by the Táchira depression, highlighting the biogeographic importance and potential of the Tama Massif for endemicity and other phylogeographic singularities (Woodman, 2002). ...
... The specimen was deposited and catalogued in the Mammalogy Collection of the Museo de Ciencias Naturales "José Celestino Mutis" from the Universidad de Pamplona (MCNUP-M-55). Confirmation of the species identification was supported on previous accounts and taxonomic revisions of the species (Woodman, 2002;Quiroga-Carmona & Molinari, 2012;Quiroga-Carmona, 2013;García et al. 2014;Quiroga-Carmona & Woodman 2015). Our record adds one new specimen to the species collection after at least 100 years, highlighting the survival of the species on the Tama massif. ...
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The Tama Small-eared Shrew (Cryptotis tamensis), recently described and separated from C. meridensis and C. thomasi (Woodman, 2002), is one of the largest shrews in the Neotropics (Quiroga-Carmona & Woodman, 2015). Endemic to Colombia and Venezuela, most information for the species only comes from few collected specimens (García et al., 2014), and therefore many aspects of its natural history and ecology still remains unknown. Despite its very restricted and microendemic range in the Paramo of the Tama, in bordering areas of Colombia and Venezuela in the highlands of the Tama National Natural Park (NNP) in Colombia and El Tama National Park (NP) in Venezuela (Quiroga-Carmona, 2013; García et al., 2014), the species has received little attention, and no specific studies, other than its taxonomic aspects (Woodman, 2002), have been evaluated. The species and its range is considered isolated from C. meridensis by the Táchira depression, highlighting the biogeographic importance and potential of the Tama Massif for endemicity and other phylogeographic singularities (Woodman, 2002).
... Endemic to Colombia and Venezuela, most information for the species only comes from few collected specimens (García et al., 2014), and therefore many aspects of its natural history and ecology still remains unknown. Despite its very restricted and microendemic range in the Paramo of the Tama, in bordering areas of Colombia and Venezuela in the highlands of the Tama National Natural Park (NNP) in Colombia and El Tama National Park (NP) in Venezuela (Quiroga-Carmona, 2013;García et al., 2014), the species has received little attention, and no specific studies, other than its taxonomic aspects (Woodman, 2002), have been evaluated. The species and its range is considered isolated from C. meridensis by the Táchira depression, highlighting the biogeographic importance and potential of the Tama Massif for endemicity and other phylogeographic singularities (Woodman, 2002). ...
... The specimen was deposited and catalogued in the Mammalogy Collection of the Museo de Ciencias Naturales "José Celestino Mutis" from the Universidad de Pamplona (MCNUP-M-55). Confirmation of the species identification was supported on previous accounts and taxonomic revisions of the species (Woodman, 2002;Quiroga-Carmona & Molinari, 2012;Quiroga-Carmona, 2013;García et al. 2014;Quiroga-Carmona & Woodman 2015). Our record adds one new specimen to the species collection after at least 100 years, highlighting the survival of the species on the Tama massif. ...
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The Tama Small-eared Shrew (Cryptotis tamensis), recently described and separated from C. meridensis and C. thomasi (Woodman, 2002), is one of the largest shrews in the Neotropics (Quiroga-Carmona & Woodman, 2015). Endemic to Colombia and Venezuela, most information for the species only comes from few collected specimens (García et al., 2014), and therefore many aspects of its natural history and ecology still remains unknown. Despite its very restricted and microendemic range in the Paramo of the Tama, in bordering areas of Colombia and Venezuela in the highlands of the Tama National Natural Park (NNP) in Colombia and El Tama National Park (NP) in Venezuela (Quiroga-Carmona, 2013; García et al., 2014), the species has received little attention, and no specific studies, other than its taxonomic aspects (Woodman, 2002), have been evaluated. The species and its range is considered isolated from C. meridensis by the Táchira depression, highlighting the biogeographic importance and potential of the Tama Massif for endemicity and other phylogeographic singularities (Woodman, 2002).
... La mayoría de estos mamíferos son conocidos como fosoriales, por sus hábitos de vida bajo tierra, Poseen ojos y orejas diminutas y los sentidos olfativo, auditivo y táctil bien desarrollados, además tienen el rostro cónico y alargado y las extremidades cortas. Habitan diferentes ecosistemas desde el nivel del mar hasta zonas de alta montaña (Quiroga, 2013). ...
El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo determinar la riqueza, abundancia y caracteres morfométricos y reproductivos de los micromamíferos no voladores en un bosque húmedo montano de Tambillo Alto, Ecuador. Se realizaron muestreos de campo durante los meses de noviembre, diciembre del 2016 y enero del 2017, con trampas Pitfall. Se registraron diez especies de tres órdenes, cuatro familias y seis géneros. De las especies registradas, tres son endémicas para el Ecuador, Thomasomys vulcani, Thomasomys silvestris y Cryptotis osgoodi. Ademas, se registraron las especies Akodon mollis, Microryzomys altissimus, Microryzomys minutus, Thomasomys sp1, Thomasomys sp2 y Mus musculus. Thomasomys vulcani y Microryzomys minutus fueron las especies más abundantes. Un total de 52 individuos fueron capturados (43 machos y 9 hembras) con indicios de actividad reproductiva. A partir de estos datos se recomienda con urgencia proteger los remanentes bajo estudio por ser reservorios de especies poco conocidas para la ciencia.
... Endemic to Colombia and Venezuela, most information for the species only comes from few collected specimens (García et al., 2014), and therefore many aspects of its natural history and ecology still remains unknown. Despite its very restricted and microendemic range in the Paramo of the Tama, in bordering areas of Colombia and Venezuela in the highlands of the Tama National Natural Park (NNP) in Colombia and El Tama National Park (NP) in Venezuela (Quiroga-Carmona, 2013;García et al., 2014), the species has received little attention, and no specific studies, other than its taxonomic aspects (Woodman, 2002), have been evaluated. The species and its range is considered isolated from C. meridensis by the Táchira depression, highlighting the biogeographic importance and potential of the Tama Massif for endemicity and other phylogeographic singularities (Woodman, 2002). ...
... The specimen was deposited and catalogued in the Mammalogy Collection of the Museo de Ciencias Naturales "José Celestino Mutis" from the Universidad de Pamplona (MCNUP-M-55). Confirmation of the species identification was supported on previous accounts and taxonomic revisions of the species (Woodman, 2002;Quiroga-Carmona & Molinari, 2012;Quiroga-Carmona, 2013;García et al. 2014;Quiroga-Carmona & Woodman 2015). Our record adds one new specimen to the species collection after at least 100 years, highlighting the survival of the species on the Tama massif. ...
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El 23 de octubre de 2015, se encontraron huellas de un felino grande (Figura 1A) durante un recorrido a lo largo de la ribera del río Sabino, Municipio de Santa María Tecomavaca, Distrito de Teotitlán (17°51’52” N y 97°01’50.6” W; 615 msnm; Figura 2). De cada huella se tomaron fotografías y medidas (largo y ancho). Se determinó que las huellas pertenecen a un jaguar por un conjunto de características cualitativas y cuantitativas: fueron más anchas que largas, casi redondas; la parte superior del cojinete plantar no es cóncavo y los dedos no fueron puntiagudos, como en el puma; los lóbulos inferiores del cojinete plantar no están marcados; los cojinetes tienden a presentar lóbulos inferiores mejor definidos y menos anchos; la proporción del primer tercio de los dedos fue mayor que su longitud
... Missing from Costa Rica are members of the more northern Cryptotis mexicanus group, which was originally thought to include the C. goldmani group (Woodman and Timm 1999), but is now restricted to Mexico (Guevara and Cervantes 2014;He et al. 2015). Also lacking from Costa Rica were members of the Cryptotis thomasi group that, with the exception of Cryptotis endersi Setzer, 1950 from the Chiriquí highlands of western Panama, was otherwise restricted to the northern Andes and similar highlands of northern South America (Woodman and Péfaur 2008;Quiroga-Carmona and Molinari 2012;Quiroga-Carmona 2013). ...
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We describe a new species of small-eared shrew, genus Cryptotis Pomel, 1848 (Eulipotyphla: Soricidae), from near the community of Monteverde in the Tilarán highlands of northwestern Costa Rica. The new species is immediately distinguished from all other Costa Rican shrews its large size and long tail. Morphologically, it belongs to the Cryptotis thomasi group of small-eared shrews, a clade that is more typically distributed in the Andes Cordillera and other highland regions of northern SouthAmerica. The new Costa Rican species and the Panamanian endemic Cryptotis endersi Setzer, 1950 are the only two members of this species group known to occur in Central America. Like most other members of the C. thomasi group for which the postcranial skeleton has been studied, the new species tends be more ambulatory (rather than semi-fossorial) when compared with other members of the genus. Our survey efforts over several decades failed to locate a population of the new species, and we discuss its conservation status in light of its limited potential distribution in the Tilarán highlands and the significant climatic change that has been documented in the Monteverde region during the past four decades.