Figure 1 - uploaded by Reena Dahle
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Cross-sectional view of Antenna in Package (AiP) typical implementation.

Cross-sectional view of Antenna in Package (AiP) typical implementation.

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The advancement of communications is driving the requirement for highly dense integrated packaging where the antennas and active electronics are packaged together to form an Antenna-in-Package (AiP) solution. This compact integration can create an interaction, electromagnetic interference (EMI), between the two components highly impacting component...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... the radiation patterns were simulated and measured. As seen in Figure 10, the PEC coating has little to no effect on the radiation patterns of the antenna. The gain of the antennas was measured and compared to their simulated responses as shown in Table 1. ...
Context 2
... DRA with differing shielding materials is analyzed for their shielding effectiveness by evaluating the amplifier's response. Results indicate that the non-PEC antenna performed the worst since the amplifier began to distort when the DRA was fed an input power of 15dBm, as seen in Figure 12. ...
Context 3
... an effort to provide a quick and easy shield at low cost, the copper tape slightly improves the response of the amplifier. In Figure 13, the amplifier still performed worse at a DRA input of 15dBm or higher, but there was a slight improvement in the output power, especially at a DRA input power of 15dBm and 30dBm. The inconsistency in the results can be explained by the difficulty to provide a smooth conformal layer of copper tape. ...
Context 4
... the copper onto the DRA helped improve the shield effectiveness dramatically. Figure 14 represents the measured data from the sputtered copper DRA. Input power to the DRA from 30dBm and above produced an output of -11dBm to -7.5dBm, an improvement over the copper tape and the non-PEC. ...
Context 5
... Tatsuta coated DRA exhibited the best performance. As seen in Figure 15, a DRA input power of 15dBm and less does not affect the amplifier's linearity. Moreover, at higher DRA input powers, amplifier output response is improved compared to the other designs. ...

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