Table 2 - uploaded by Ramadiani Ramadiani
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Criteria for Rabbit Disease Symptoms

Criteria for Rabbit Disease Symptoms

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Rabbit is one of the many pets maintained by the general public in Indonesia. Like other pet, rabbits are also susceptible to various diseases. Society in general does not understand correctly the type of rabbit disease and the way of treatment. To help care for sick rabbits it is necessary a decision support system recommendation diagnosis of rabb...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... diseases diagnosed in the system can be seen in Table 1. We can see the determine of disease symptoms in rabbits as in Table 2. Skin scaly / ulcer C7 Gas formation in the abdomen C8 ...
Context 2
... diseases diagnosed in the system can be seen in Table 1. We can see the determine of disease symptoms in rabbits as in Table 2. Skin scaly / ulcer C7 Gas formation in the abdomen C8 ...


... Penelitian ini membuat sistem pemilihan tanaman hias untuk di dalam ruangan dikarenakan sering terjadinya kelalaian dalam pemilihan tanaman hias yang membuat ruangan tampak tidak bagus di pandang. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) yang merupakan suatu penjumlahan terbobot untuk setiap kriteria dan dilanjutkan dengan proses penyeleksian pada setiap alternatif terbaik dari semua alternatif yang ditawarkan (Ramadiani et al., 2018). Konsep dari metode Metode SAW yaitu mencari penjumlahan terbobot dari rating kinerja pada suatu alternatif dari semua atribut . ...
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Tanaman hias merupakan tanaman yang sangat diminati belakangan ini karena nilai keindahan dan daya tariknya. Tanaman hias merupakan aspek yang penting karena mampu menjaga kesehatan lingkungan, semakin banyak tanaman hias semakin bagus juga untuk memperindah lingkungan. Tanaman yang terdapat di dalam ruangan dapat meningkatkan kualitas udara dan kenyaman udara, sering sekali terjadi kesalahan dalam pemilihan tanaman hias sehingga dapat menyebabkan ruangan terlihat kumuh di penuhi hewan seperti nyamuk. Oleh karena itu dalam melakukan pemilihan tanaman hias yang terbaik untuk di dalam ruangan harus memperhatikan kriteria berdasarkan faktor kualitas tanaman hias. Perlunya sistem pendukung keputusan untuk mempermudah dalam pemilihan tanaman hias secara cepat dan tepat sesuai dengan kriteria yang ada. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu metode Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) untuk melakukan perangkingan alternatif. Kriteria yang digunakan sebanyak 6 yaitu ukuran tanaman, daya tahan, pencahayaan, harga, media tanam, warna dan perawatan, sedangkan alternatif yang digunakan sebanyak 20 jenis tanaman hias yang ada di Toko Bunga Taman Puri Indah Kota Samarinda sebagai tempat penelitian. Implementasi dengan metode SAW menghasilkan rekomendasi tanaman hias yaitu Sansevieria Cylindrica dengan nilai preferensi 0,83 merupakan nilai tertinggi dibandingkan dengan alternatif lainnya.
... The concept of an expert system is based on the assumption that an expert's knowledge can be stored and applied to the computer, then applied by others when needed. Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) is one of the methods available in the expert system to perform calculations from existing data to determine the conclusions of a problem 1,2,3,4,5 . ...
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Rubber plant disease is one of the factors affecting the decline of plantation area and rubber plantation productivity in East Kalimantan, Indonesia. Limitations of time an expert becomes an obstacle in identifying rubber plantations. To overcome these problems, we need a system that can identify the diseases of the rubber plant like an expert. Expert systems can store and apply expert knowledge that is then applied by other users when needed. Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) is one of the methods available in the expert system to perform calculations of existing data to determine the conclusions of a problem.
... This method has been used in several previous studies on Bidikmisi scholarships. While the method of Multi-Attribute Utility Theory (MAUT), each existing criteria has several alternatives that can provide solutions by multiplication of the priority scale that has been determined [6][7][8] [9]. ...
... The end result is a ranking sequence of alternative evaluations that describe the choices of decision makers. The overall evaluation value can be defined by equation 7 [6][7][8] [9]. ...
... In summary, the steps in the MAUT method are as follows [8] [9]. ...
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The process of determining loan provision at Teacher Cooperative of SMAN 1 Jasinga is still using a manual system. Treasurer of Cooperative conduct the determining lending based on feasibility assessment of Cooperative members to receive loans without calculate the percentage of the borrower's eligibility value. This study aims to produce a Decision Support System (DSS) in assessing and ranking loan applications using the Multi-Attributive Border Approximation Area Comparison (MABAC) method in the Teacher Cooperative of SMAN 1 Jasinga. The MABAC method has 6 process steps, namely ordering the initial decision matrix, normalizing the initial matrix elements, calculating the weighted matrix elements, determining the area estimate matrix, calculating the alternative distance matrix elements from the border area and alternative ranking. The results of this study is a decision support system based on four predetermined criteria namely the purpose of loan, the amount of loan, the amount of saving and the amount of salary. This Decision Support System can accelerate the calculation process in determining loan provision by the Treasurer of Teacher Cooperative so that it becomes more efficient and right on target. Testing is done using 40 loan applications data. Based on the accuracy results of the comparison between the real data with DSS calculation data is obtained value 87.5%.
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Majalaya carp is a freshwater fish that has important economic value and is widespread in Indonesia. Goldfish is the most cultivated fish because it has many advantages both physiologically and genetically. Several factors of assessment in the selection of superior brood stock that can be considered in the cultivation of goldfish cultivators are; ideal body weight, fish movement, physical deformities, scales, and the base of the tail. All of these factors can help in the decision-making process for superior goldfish. This study uses two methods, namely the simple additive weighting (SAW) method and the weighted product (WP) method. Based on the results of research that has been carried out on 20 superior broodfish of Majalaya goldfish, the level of accuracy is obtained by comparing with existing data. The WP method gets an accuracy value of 90% while the SAW method gets an accuracy value of 80%.
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Gurame Soang Latin name Osphronomus Labirynthici gouramy including fish, that as the fish have gills and breathing apparatus in the form of additional gills (Labyrinth). One important factor in fish farming Soang Gurame is holding elections. Superior brood has characteristics identical, to distinguish it needs to experience since it is quite difficult. Some of the assessment factors in selecting a superior brood that could be considered in the cultivation of the fish farmers Gurame Soang as ideal weight, physical disability, movement of fish, the shape of the head, and the body color. All of these factors combined to get an assessment that could help the decision making process fish Gurame Soang superior sires. This study used two methods that have selected the calculation accuracy of the decision-making process. The method used is the Weighted Product and Simple Additive weighting. The results of the research that has been done, it can be concluded the total number of alternative Gurame Soang superior sires data as many as 10 fish, and obtained the results of testing the level of accuracy by using the results of data from a breeder Gurame Soang superior sires, Method of Weighted Product got an accuracy of 80% and methods Simple Additive weighting got an accuracy of 60%.
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Abstrak Pemilihan Pramuka Pandega berprestasi adalah agenda tahunan yang diselenggarakan oleh Pengurus Daerah Gerakan Pramuka Provinsi Kalimantan Timur. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk memilih wakil Pandega yang akan dikirim ke Jakarta. Pemilihan Pramuka Pandega yang terbaik didasarkan pada kriteria usia, Indeks Prestasi Kumulatif, jumlah perkemahan wirakarya yang pernah diikuti, kepribadian dan penampilan, peluang kerja yang dimiliki dan pretasi lain serta karya tulis. Namun dengan cara penghitungan yang belum otomatisasi, hal ini dinilai cukup sulit, belum profesional, tidak objektif dan lambat bagi tim penilai. SPK disediakan untuk membantu tim penilai menyelesaikan pekerjaannya secara profesional dalam memutuskan siapa yang layak dipilih sebagai Pandega berprestasi secara mudah, objektif, professional dan transparan. Pemilihan Pandega berprestasi menggunakan metode MOORA, studi literatur dan wawancara pada tim penilai, serta metode waterfall untuk tahapan pengembangan sistemnya. Berdasarkan hasil dari beberapa penelitian, direkomendasikan metode MOORA sebab metode ini memungkinkan adanya penilaian cost dan benefit dalam keputusan akhirnya. Laporan akhir penelitian ini menghasilkan keputusan Pandega berprestasi berdasarkan nilai akurasi 100%. Kata kunci: Sistem Pendukung Keputusan, MOORA, Pramuka Pandega. Abstract Selection of Scouts Pandega achievers are an annual agenda organized by the Regional Board of the Scout Movement of East Kalimantan Province. This activity aims to elect Pandega representatives to be sent to Jakarta. The best selection of Pandega Scouts is based on the criteria of age, Grade Point Average, number of workshops that have been attended, personality and appearance, work opportunities that are owned and other achievements and writing. However, with calculations that have not been automated, this is considered quite difficult, not professional, not objective and slow for the assessment team. DSS is provided to help the assessment team complete their work professionally in deciding who is eligible to be chosen as Pandega to achieve easily, objectively, professionally and transparently. The selection of Pandega achieves using the MOORA method, literature study and interviews with the assessment team, and the waterfall method for the development stages of the system. Based on the results of several studies, the MOORA method is recommended because this method allows an assessment of the costs and benefits in the final decision. The final report of this study resulted in Pandega's achievement achievement based on 100% accuracy value.
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p class="Judul2">Abstrak Pemilihan Pramuka Pandega berprestasi, merupakan kegiatan rutin setiap tahun yang dilakukan oleh Pengurus Daerah Gerakan Pramuka Provinsi Kalimantan Timur. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk memilih wakil Pandega yang akan dikirim ke Jakarta. Pemilihan Pramuka Pandega yang terbaik didasarkan pada kriteria usia, Indeks Prestasi Kumulatif, jumlah perkemahan wirakarya yang pernah diikuti, kepribadian dan penampilan, peluang kerja yang dimiliki dan pretasi lain serta karya tulis. Namun dengan cara penilaian yang masih manual, hal ini dianggap cukup sulit, kurang produktif, subjektif dan lambat bagi tim penilai. Sistem Pendukung Keputusan diperlukan untuk memudahkan pekerjaan tim penilai dalam memutuskan siapa yang layak dipilih sebagai Pandega berprestasi secara mudah, objektif, professional dan transparan. Pemilihan Pandega berprestasi menggunakan metode Multi Objective Optimization on the Basis of Ratio Analysis, studi literatur dan wawancara pada tim penilai, serta metode waterfall untuk tahapan pengembangan sistemnya. Berdasarkan hasil dari beberapa penelitian, metode MOORA dipilih karena memiliki nilai cost dan benefit dalam menentukan keputusan. Penelitian ini telah menghasilkan rekomendasi untuk pemilihan Pandega berprestasi dengan hasil akurasi sebesar 100%. Abstract Selection of Scouts Pandega achievers are an annual agenda organized by the Regional Board of the Scout Movement of East Kalimantan Province. This activity aims to elect Pandega representatives to be sent to Jakarta. The best selection of Pandega Scouts is based on the criteria of age, Grade Point Average, number of workshops that have been attended, personality and appearance, work opportunities that are owned and other achievements and writing. However, with calculations that have not been automated, this is considered quite difficult, not professional, not objective and slow for the assessment team. DSS is provided to help the assessment team complete their work professionally in deciding who is eligible to be chosen as Pandega to achieve easily, objectively, professionally and transparently. The selection of Pandega achieves using the MOORA method, literature study and interviews with the assessment team, and the waterfall method for the development stages of the system. Based on the results of several studies, the MOORA method is recommended because this method allows an assessment of the costs and benefits in the final decision. The final report of this study resulted in Pandega's achievement achievement based on 100% accuracy value </p