Fig 8 - uploaded by Rafael Mahiques
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— Cortinarius cedretorum var. suberetorum 

— Cortinarius cedretorum var. suberetorum 

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New morphological and molecular data are provided for several representatives of subg. Phlegmacium sect. Calochroi. We propose a detailed differential diagnosis for each considered species and a key to them, based on material from the Iberian Peninsula. Various algorithms of phylogenetic analysis and species delimitation were used to analyse the mo...


... Gray e rendere meno problematica la tassonomia all'interno dei Calochroi. In particolare è stato possibile chiarire le dinamiche evolutive all'interno di tale raggruppamento, evidenziare le naturali relazioni di parentela e discendenza tra le varie specie, delineare i contorni tassonomici delle stesse nonchè esplorare la ben più ampia diversità in seno ai diversi taxa calochroidi (Frøslev et al., 2007;Garrido-Benavent et al. 2015;Mahiques et al. 2018). Quest'ultimo aspetto appare messo in luce dalla descrizione di diverse nuove specie spesso accomunate da una plasticità fenotipica ed omogeneità di caratteri morfologici (Mahiques et al. 2018;Brandrud et al. 2019;Dovana et al. 2020;Fellin et al. 2021). ...
Riassunto Gli autori documentano il ritrovamento di Cortinarius prodigiosus sulla base di alcune raccolte effettuate nei boschi di latifoglie di Masi di Vigo (TN), sito micologicamente interessante ubicato in Trentino-Alto Adige, già noto nel recente passato per la segnalazione di altre specie phlegmacioidi molto rare ed inedite per la micoflora italiana. La specie viene presentata dal punto di vista morfologico, ecologico e comparata con i taxa più affini dal punto di vista filogenetico. A tale scopo viene fornito, come supporto al presente lavoro, un albero filogenetico basato sul marcatore ITS che illustra le relazioni filetiche tra Cortinarius prodigiosus e le specie geneticamente più vicine. Abstract The discovery of Cortinarius prodigiosus is documented based on some collections made in the broad-leaved woods of Masi di Vigo (TN), a mycologically-interesting wooded area located in Trentino-Alto Adige already known, in the recent past, for the reporting of other phlegmacioid species both very rare and unpublished for the Italian mycoflora. The species is considered from a morphological and ecological point of view and compared with the most similar taxa from a phylogenetic perspective. For this purpose, a phylogenetic tree based on the ITS marker is provided to illustrate the phyletic relationships between Cortinarius prodigiosus and its genetically closest species.
... Cortinarius humolens Brandrud (= Cortinarius claroflavus Rob. Henry sensu Moser): specie sicuramente similare per via delle colorazioni talvolta sovrapponibili dei basidiomi ma con una plasticità ecologica, morfologica e una variabilità genetica ben superiori, unitamente a una distribuzione geografica che vede tale taxon, seppur legato ai boschi di latifoglie ("….In silvis frondosis nemoralibus meridionalibusque…"), distribuito in Europa a partire dai boschi termofili a leccio dell'areale mediterraneo fino a quelli a dominanza di faggio dell'orizzonte montano (Brandrud et al., 1998;Dima & Albert, 2011;Garrido-Benavent et al., 2015;Trendel, 2020). Lievi differenze nel quadro microscopico, chimico, nonché morfologico, sembrerebbero comunque differenziare C. osloensis da C. humolens (Frøslev et al., 2006). ...
The author reports the macroscopic and microscopic characteristics of Cortinarius osloensis, a very rare species considered endemic to the ancient “relict” woods of Tilia cordata confined to south-eastern Norway. The discovery of this species in Trentino-Alto Adige constitutes the first report not only in Italy but also in the countries of southern and western Europe. A morphological description is provided accompanied by photos of the basidiomes and microscopic characters and a phylogenetic analysis of the ITS sequences is presented to correctly place the species within the Humolentes clade. The species similar to Cortinarius osloensis from a morphological as well as a genetic point of view are also discussed and compared.
... Furthermore, C. humolens appears to be a species with a wider geographical and ecological distribution, spreading from Mediterranean thermophilic environments to mountain forests. A certain morphological and genetic variability also corresponds to this ecological plasticity (Dima et al. 2011, Garrido-Benavent et al. 2015, Trendel 2020. Macroscopically, the collections of C. anaunianus lack yellowish colors so typical of C. humolens, while they show olive hues on lamellae, veil and pileus of young specimens (Fig. 2). ...
Cortinarius anaunianus is described as a new species within the Humolentes clade of the section Calochroi s. lato from alpine silver fir forests (Abies alba) in northeastern Italy (Val di Non, province of Trento). Phylogeny based on the combined nrDNA ITS and LSU, rpb1, rpb2 and the coded gaps of the ITS region supports the independence of C. anaunianus from the closest taxa and its sister position to C. humolens from which it differs by (i) more vivid olivaceous tinges on pileus and lamellae when young, (ii) pileus surface strongly turning ocher-brown with age and exposure (iii) growing in silver fir forests rather than in association with broadleaved trees. Photos of fresh basidiomes in field and a full description of its main macro-and micromorphological features are provided and compared to those of the morphologically most similar species.
... Additionally, C. prasinus cap colour is hazel or ferruginous to reddish tawny at the centre and greenish yellow at the margin. KOH reaction shows dark red color on the cuticle (Garrido-Benavent et al., 2015). Cortinarius cupreorufus has yellowish bulbous stipe and copper-brown pileus. ...
Cortinarius (Pers.) Gray samples were collected in the oak forests from Tokat province. Macro and micromorphological features as well as molecular phylogenetic analyses according to the DNA sequences corresponding to internal transcribed spacer region (ITS) and the large subunit (LSU) of nuclear ribosomal RNA gene regions indicated that the studied specimen is a Cortinarius rufo-olivaceus (Pers.) Fr. This study determined the first microscopic and macroscopic morphological description and molecular phylogenetic analysis of the Cortinarius rufo-olivaceus (Pers.) Fr. in Turkey.
... atrovirens and the pair C. claroflavus-C. xanthophyllus in the Northern Hemisphere (Garnica et al. 2009(Garnica et al. , 2016Garrido-Benavent et al. 2015). There are even cases where one form is agaricoid, the other sequestrate, such as in the pair C. trichocarpus and C. ohauensis in New Zealand (99.0% ...
Cortinarius: is a species-rich ectomycorrhizal genus containing taxa that exhibit agaricoid or sequestrate basidiome morphologies. In New Zealand, one of the most recognizable and common Cortinarius species is the purple sequestrate fungus, C. porphyroideus. We used genome skimming of the almost 100-y-old type specimen from C. porphyroideus to obtain the nuc rDNA internal transcribed spacer region ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 (ITS barcode) and partial nuc rDNA 28S (28S) sequences. The phylogenetic position of C. porphyroideus was established, and we found that it represents a rarely collected species. Purple sequestrate Cortinarius comprise multiple cryptic species in several lineages. We describe four new species of Cortinarius with strong morphological similarity to C. porphyroideus: Cortinarius diaphorus, C. minorisporus, C. purpureocapitatus, and C. violaceocystidiatus. Based on molecular evidence, Thaxterogaster viola is recognized as Cortinarius violaceovolvatus var. viola. These species are associated with Nothofagus (southern beech) and have very similar morphology to C. porphyroideus but are all phylogenetically distinct based on molecular data.
... Additionally, C. prasinus cap colour is hazel or ferruginous to reddish tawny at the centre and greenish yellow at the margin. KOH reaction shows dark red color on the cuticle (Garrido-Benavent et al., 2015). Cortinarius cupreorufus has yellowish bulbous stipe and copper-brown pileus. ...
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Cortinarius (Pers.) Gray samples were collected in the oak forests from Tokat province. Macro and micromorphological features as well as molecular phylogenetic analyses according to the DNA sequences corresponding to internal transcribed spacer region (ITS) and the large subunit (LSU) of nuclear ribosomal RNA gene regions indicated that the studied specimen is a Cortinarius rufo-olivaceus (Pers.) Fr. This study determined the first microscopic and macroscopic morphological description and molecular phylogenetic analysis of the Cortinarius rufo-olivaceus (Pers.) Fr. in Turkey.
... Encara que ens hem basat en els estudis morfològics de Cortinarius secc. Callochroi anteriors a l'ús de dades moleculars (Ballarà et al. 2007(Ballarà et al. , 2009(Ballarà et al. , 2011(Ballarà et al. , 2014Bidaud et al. 2001;Brandrud et al. 1990Brandrud et al. , 1992Brandrud et al. , 1994Brandrud et al. , 2014Cadiñanos Aguirre 2004;Consiglio 1996Consiglio , 2012Consiglio et al. 2003Consiglio et al. , 2004Consiglio et al. , 2005Consiglio et al. , 2006Consiglio et al. , 2007Moser 1960;Moser & Horak 1975), ha estat la metodologia filogenètica la que, darrerament, ens ha permès un diagnòstic diferencial més rigorós i objectiu entre els diferents tàxons que componen aquesta secció (Bellanger 2015;Clericuzio et al. 2017;Frøslev et al. 2006Frøslev et al. , 2007Garnica et al. 2009Garnica et al. , 2011Garrido-Benavent et al. 2015;Harrower et al. 2011;Oertel et al. 2009;Schmidt-Stohn et al. 2016;Vizzini et al. 2012). Així s'han aconseguit sedimentar més enllà d'un centenar de tàxons. ...
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The present work has aimed at improving our knowledge on these cortinarii in a very singular natural enclave located in the mountains of Alicante: the Font Roja Natural Park. Combining morphological, anatomical and molecular data, we demonstrate that some of the studied collections represent new records for the Cortinarius checklist of this Natural Park as well as for the Valencian Region. These collections are: Cortinarius haasii var. quercus-ilicicola A. Ortega, Suárez-Santiago & J. D. Reyes, C. platypus (M.M.Moser) M.M. Moser, C. sancti-felicis T.G. Frøslev & T.S. Jeppesen, C. splendidior Bidaud and C. sublilacinopes Bidaud, Moënne-Locc. & Reumaux.
... Its vegetation is mostly dominated by conifers (Pinus L. and Abies Mill.) and pastures, although there are also areas with deciduous trees (Quercus L., Fagus L., and Betula L.). Recent surveys in the Park and nearby areas revealed a large number of Cortinarius species, of which some were new to science, and others were reported for the Iberian Peninsula for the first time (Ballarà & Mahiques 2014, 2017a,b, 2018, Garrido-Benavent et al. 2015. However, collections with doubtful taxonomic assignments are being found as new localities are investigated. ...
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Cortinarius is one of the most species-rich, conspicuous and widespread genera of basidiomycete ectomycorrhizal fungi. While knowledge of the morphogenetic diversity of Cortinarius in central and northern Europe is rather extensive, less is known about the genus in other regions, such as the Iberian Peninsula. The present study assesses the taxonomical status of an unknown Cortinarius species from the Cadí-Moixeró Natural Park (north-eastern Iberian Peninsula), using morphological, phylogenetic and ecological data. As a result, C. uxorum is presented as new species in C. subg. Telamonia sect. Firmiores. It is phenotypically recognized by its medium to large-sized, stout basidiomata with persistent and copious whitish to silvery-white veil remnants on the pileus margin, and the ring-like stripe on the upper stipe. The restricted distribution of this species to a Natural Park highlights the need to consider fungi as a pivotal component of biodiversity in conservation policies.
... Frøslev et al. 2006Frøslev et al. , 2007Frøslev et al. , 2017; Garnica et al. 2009Garnica et al. , 2011Harrower et al. 2011). In the Mediterranean region, however, a reliable assessment of the species diversity of this group of ECM fungi is still lacking, despite a few studies suggesting that the area may constitute a hot spot of diversity for this lineage (Clericuzio et al. 2017;Garrido-Benavent et al. 2015;Ortega et al. 2008). ...
... The morphological, chemical and ecological characters historically used to describe these taxa have often proven to be misleading, making the taxonomy of the section extremely difficult. Fortunately, recent phylogenetic studies have built a more consistent framework for species circumscription (Frøslev et al. 2007;Garnica et al. 2009;Garrido-Benavent et al. 2015;Ortega et al. 2008). By combining traditional examinations of sporocarps with DNA barcoding methods, these studies have also contributed to increase the amount of molecular data stored in public databases and, more importantly, they improved their taxonomic reliability. ...
... In general, this study provides additional support for using this combined approach for species discovery and delimitation in this genus of ECM fungi (Bellanger 2015;Frøslev et al. 2007;Liimatainen et al. 2014Liimatainen et al. , 2017. This is particularly relevant in the context of the Iberian Peninsula where many studies during the last decade have documented a high taxonomic and genetic diversity in Cortinarius Garrido-Benavent et al. 2015, 2016Niskanen et al. 2011;Ortega et al. 2008) and confirmed the occurrence of taxa known only from high-latitude European regions in the Iberian woodlands (Ballarà et al. , 2017Ortega et al. 2008). So far, the number of Calochroi species reported in the peninsula as well as the Balearic Islands in morphologybased studies was 29 (Ballarà et al. 2014;Cadiñanos Aguirre 2004;Mahiques 2011;Salom et al. 2015). ...
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The taxonomic and genetic diversity of Cortinarius section Calochroi in one of the most biodiversity-rich regions in Europe, the Iberian Peninsula, was investigated through morphological and phylogenetic methods. This combined methodological approach allowed the identification of 15 known species and one new species, Cortinarius ortegae, which is described here. A dichotomous key is provided for field recognition of Calochroi species inhabiting different Iberian and Balearic Island woodlands. Polymorphism analyses within some studied species showed that the distribution of intraspecific lineages is dependent on geography and, in some cases, tree host. Furthermore, the dating analysis suggested that diversification within Calochroi started in the Pliocene and most of the current genetic diversity originated in the Pleistocene. This temporal scenario supports hypotheses in which climatic oscillations in the Quaternary may have been driving the evolution of this group of ectomycorrhizal fungi.
... z. B. Garnica & al., 2006, Garrido-Benavent & al., 2015. Die Verbreitung von C. splendificus erinnert an die von C. murellensis, mit einem Schwerpunkt in der westlichen Mediterraneis. ...
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Seven rare and interesting Phlegmacium-species are described and commented. The species were found during J.E.C.-congress 2015 in Urbino (Marche) on two very rich hotspot localities: Monti delle Cesane (calcareous forest with Quercus pubescens and Ostrya carpinifolia) and Monte Paganuccio (calcareous Quercus ilex forest). All samples from tab. 1 are sequenced.