Figure - uploaded by Christian Sauer
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Correlation between higher AGV fleet connectedness and hiher AGV fleet transport performance. Also the advantage of ad-hoc networks compared to infrastructure networks.

Correlation between higher AGV fleet connectedness and hiher AGV fleet transport performance. Also the advantage of ad-hoc networks compared to infrastructure networks.

Source publication
Conference Paper
In industrial applications continuous wireless connectivity of mo- bile clients can rarely by guaranteed. Lack of communication nega- tively impacts the performance of industrial automation systems, e.g. Automated Guided Vehicle (AGV) fleets. Utilizing industrial Mobile Ad-hoc NETworks (MANETs) and adaptive positioning sys- tems can reduce the numb...


... This work provides a more in depth look at the ideas, methods and results presented in [5]. It presents a scheme, which aims to improve the connectivity of Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs). ...
... This work is based on a previous conference publication [5]. The major differences to the previous pucblication are: 1. ...
... This is an improvement of 7.7 % compared to the ad-hoc network and above the statistical significance of the simulation. Figure 12: Results of dynamic scenario presented in [5] In general it can be said, that the performance of an AGV fleet can be improved by employing an adaptive ad-hoc network, if the AGVs operate in an environment with non-complete coverage by APs. ...
In industrial applications continuous wireless connectivity of mobile clients can rarely by guaranteed. Lack of communication negatively impacts the performance of industrial automation systems, e.g. Automated Guided Vehicle (AGV) fleets. Utilizing industrial Mobile Ad-hoc NETworks (MANETs) and an adaptive positioning scheme can reduce the number of disconnections in AGV fleets. Therefore, the performance of the mobile system (e.g. AGV fleet) is improved and factory efficiency increased. In this work procedural simulation is used to examine wireless communication in industrial applications. This method enables the observation of the interaction of mobility control system, network status and robotic system performance independently from a specific environment or scenario. Novel insights on the effectiveness of ad-hoc communication in industrial applications and the correlation of AGV fleet connectedness and AGV fleet transport performance are presented. Additionally, a control method is proposed, which improves the network coverage of an industrial MANET and efficiency of AGV fleets.