Conversion result of 5 seconds sound data

Conversion result of 5 seconds sound data

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According to statistics, the number of hearing-impaired persons among the disabled in Korea accounts for 27% of all persons with disabilities. However, there is insufficient support for the deaf and hard of hearing's protective devices and life aids compared to the large number. In particular, the hearing impaired misses much information obtained t...


... Perception of the human auditory system means the frequency of sound signals cannot be measured on a linear scale but in logarithmic terms. Humans can distinguish lower-frequency sounds better than higher-frequency sounds [20], [21]. We can convert between Hertz (f) and Mel (m) using equations (5). ...
Conference Paper
Hearing is a very important sensory function for humans. Deaf people who fail to recognize signals indicating dangerous situations around them can endanger their lives, such as building fire alarm signals, gas leak alarms, tsunami alarms, and other dangerous alarms. This research proposes a tool system that can recognize and classify alarm sounds automatically. The two deep learning models we propose for the alarm sound classification task are CNN (Convolutional Neural Network) and LSTM (Long Short Term Memory). The models are trained by using the Mel-Spectrogram extracted from the alarm audio dataset. Based on this experiment, CNN gets better accuracy, reaching 98.83% while the accuracy of the LSTM model is 96.66%. Then the best model will be deployed to the Raspberry Pi, which uses a low-cost microphone for real-time applications.