Figure 9 - uploaded by Orlando Castejón
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Congenital hydrocephalus and lumbar meningomyelocele. Right parietal cortex. Swollen clear perivascular astrocytic end-foot (CAF) showing a degenerated mitochondrion (M) with a high electron dense matrix and few swollen clear cristae (arrowheads). The capillary lumen (C), the endothelial cell (EC) and the basement membrane (BM) are also distinguished. X 60.000.

Congenital hydrocephalus and lumbar meningomyelocele. Right parietal cortex. Swollen clear perivascular astrocytic end-foot (CAF) showing a degenerated mitochondrion (M) with a high electron dense matrix and few swollen clear cristae (arrowheads). The capillary lumen (C), the endothelial cell (EC) and the basement membrane (BM) are also distinguished. X 60.000.

Source publication
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The present review describes the pathology of mitochondria in numerous central nervous diseases. Three injured mitochondrial morphological patterns are found in the human edematous cerebral cortex of patients with complicated brain trauma associated with subdural hematomas or hygroma, brain tumors, vascular anomalies, and congenital hydrocephalus....

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... astrocytic end-feet display also SCM, SDM, and DDM. In severe edema associated to brain trauma and tumors, isolated astrocytic processes surrounded by proteinaceous edema fluid are observed showing SCM, SDM, and DDM [57]. Dense degenerated mitochondria are observed in congenital hydrocephalus at the level of perivascular astrocytic end-feet ( Fig. 9). Al the level of open or collapsed capillaries, SCM and SDM are seen with intact cristae and continuous inner and outer mitochondrial membrane (Fig 11), mainly localized at the organelle zone of endothelial cells. DDM are also found in collapsed capillaries with signs of increased transendothelial transport. Hyperglicemia during ...
Context 2
... astrocytic end-feet display also SCM, SDM, and DDM. In severe edema associated to brain trauma and tumors, isolated astrocytic processes surrounded by proteinaceous edema fluid are observed showing SCM, SDM, and DDM [57]. Dense degenerated mitochondria are observed in congenital hydrocephalus at the level of perivascular astrocytic end-feet ( Fig. 9). Al the level of open or collapsed capillaries, SCM and SDM are seen with intact cristae and continuous inner and outer mitochondrial membrane (Fig 11), mainly localized at the organelle zone of endothelial cells. DDM are also found in collapsed capillaries with signs of increased transendothelial transport. Hyperglicemia during ...

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The present review describes the pathology of mitochondria in numerous central nervous diseases. Three injured mitochondrial morphological patterns are found in the human edematous cerebral cortex of patients with complicated brain trauma associated with subdural hematomas or hygroma, brain tumors, vascular anomalies, and congenital hydrocephalus. Swollen clear (SCM), swollen dense (SDM), and dark degenerated (DDM) mitochondria are described. SCM were predominantly found in traumatic brain edema. SDM and DDM were frequently observed in sustained permanent ischemia induced by brain tumors, vascular anomaly and congenital hydrocephalus. SCM exhibit low electron dense mitochondrial matrix, enlarged intracristal space and continuity of outer and inner mitochondrial membranes. SDM show high electron dense matrix and swollen intact or fragmented cristae. DDM display overall high electron density of matrix and mitochondrial membranes. The role of anoxic-ischemic conditions of brain parenchyma, calcium overload, lipid peroxidation and reactive oxygen species, glutamate excitotoxicity, cytochrome C release, and nitric oxide and its derivatives are discussed in relation with mitochondrial dysfunction and nerve cell death. The injured mitochondrial patterns are considered markers of lethal nerve cell injury.