Fig 1 - uploaded by Manuel B. Garcia
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Comparison with Similar Game Titles

Comparison with Similar Game Titles

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Conference Paper
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This research project presents the development of a video game entitled "Chyilax"-an innovative three-dimensional video game about a person's struggle against mental breakdown while trying to alleviate its symptoms. The game was developed to be a medium that would raise awareness about the risks and conditions of mental health breakdown. The player...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... Biome (Figure 12) -This place is filled with molten lava, steaming geysers, and reddish hue walls. White Space Biome ( Figure 13) -The entire place will be like a white canvas, mostly empty but has lots of secret places when you look closely while progressing through this biome. ...
Context 2
... Biome (Figure 12) -This place is filled with molten lava, steaming geysers, and reddish hue walls. White Space Biome ( Figure 13) -The entire place will be like a white canvas, mostly empty but has lots of secret places when you look closely while progressing through this biome. Underground Biome (Figure 14) -The place is filled with glowing mushrooms. ...
Context 3
... Space Biome ( Figure 13) -The entire place will be like a white canvas, mostly empty but has lots of secret places when you look closely while progressing through this biome. Underground Biome (Figure 14) -The place is filled with glowing mushrooms. Walls on this biome have cracks and the atmosphere in this area is dreary, ceilings will have stalagmites and random puddles will be seen here and there on the floor. ...
Context 4
... on this biome have cracks and the atmosphere in this area is dreary, ceilings will have stalagmites and random puddles will be seen here and there on the floor. House Biome (Figure 16) -The House Biome will resemble the protagonist's real-life environment. there will be few alterations to it as it is in a dream. ...


Body awareness is a relevant concept for healthy aging related to movement harmony, and consists of different connections between different body functions. Balance regulation depends on the integrity of proprioception and strength in different parts of the body. New approaches to promote body awareness literacy are vital and game-based active techniques represent one of the important solutions. This chapter results from a narrative literature review, and it intends to a) explore body awareness determinants and their relevance for health literacy in the aging process; and b) discuss new approaches for developing programs in body awareness literacy, exploring game-based active techniques. The user-centered approaches, like serious games, can facilitate health education, and improve health literacy and body awareness, maximizing health outcomes in older people. This chapter seeks to offer innovative health education strategies, equipping older adults with tools to improve body awareness and well-being through interactive game-based methods.
Healthcare systems generate an immense volume of data, which presents a unique opportunity to make a significant impact. This chapter examines the role of information retrieval systems in healthcare, specifically focusing on how text analysis can be utilized to enhance the understanding of medical data. By employing advanced text mining tools, this chapter demonstrates how we can extract valuable insights from these complex documents. It also presents text analytics as a solution-oriented approach, particularly beneficial in managing crises within healthcare systems and in making informed decisions based on accurate data analysis. The technical foundation of the study is rooted in the fields of natural language processing and artificial intelligence, with a focus on methodologies related to the semantics of words and text (e.g., text corpus, dictionaries, and text embeddings). Through this exploration, the chapter aims to highlight the transformative potential of text analysis and information retrieval systems in revolutionizing healthcare data understanding.
Recent years have witnessed a significant convergence of artificial intelligence (AI) within the healthcare sector. This chapter explores the transformative potential and challenges posed by these intelligent technologies in healthcare. It explores various domains such as predictive analytics, telemedicine, personalized medicine, and the enhancement of healthcare operational efficiencies. The findings underscore the potential of AI and smart technologies in revolutionizing healthcare delivery. This chapter carries extensive implications for the healthcare sector. Healthcare practitioners and administrators can leverage these insights to strategically incorporate AI solutions, aiming to improve patient outcomes and enhance organizational efficiency. Additionally, the findings provide valuable guidance for policymakers and stakeholders, informing the creation of guidelines and standards that foster innovation, ensure patient safety, and protect data security. Therefore, this chapter is an essential guide for effectively embracing the role of AI in advancing healthcare practices.
This scoping review explores the role of mobile applications in advancing health literacy, a critical aspect of modern healthcare. Health literacy, encompassing the ability to access, understand, and apply health-related information, significantly influences individual well-being and healthcare effectiveness. The review delves into various research findings, highlighting how mobile applications, with their widespread accessibility, have revolutionized the availability and usability of health information. By examining numerous studies, the review assesses how mobile applications not only enhance patient understanding and management of health conditions but also bolster healthcare professionals' proficiency. Through this exploration, the review underlines the necessity of integrating digital resources into healthcare strategies, thereby reinforcing the potential of mobile applications to significantly contribute to the advancement of health literacy.
Radiation therapy (or radiation oncology) plays a crucial role in the treatment of cancer, requiring advanced medical practices and strong health literacy on the part of healthcare professionals. This chapter aims to explore with a literature review how emerging technologies can be integrated into radiation therapy to improve patient health literacy and the effectiveness of medical practice. The application of technologies such as virtual reality, artificial intelligence, and digital communication in radiotherapy highlights their implications for professional education attitude, patient education and treatment, and the development of optimization of radiotherapy treatment protocols. Nowadays, knowledge has become a crucial tool to meet the challenges of an increasingly digitized society. Staying up-to-date and understanding emerging technologies can be key to navigating this landscape. The ability to learn and adapt quickly has also become a valuable skill during constant change in a global society.
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This chapter explores the ever-changing environment of wearable health technology and its critical role in transforming modern healthcare. It goes into the historical history of these devices, tracking their path from basic fitness trackers to sophisticated health-monitoring systems, focusing on proactive and preventative health management. The present scene emphasizes the range and breadth of accessible wearable technology in healthcare. It discusses sensor improvements, biometric monitoring, and wireless communications. These advancements have significantly improved the precision and effectiveness of monitoring of numerous health markers. This chapter also thoroughly reviews the use of wearable devices in remote patient monitoring, emphasizing their revolutionary influence on chronic illness management and senior care through real-world case studies. Furthermore, investigates the integration of wearable device data into healthcare systems for real-time monitoring, covering technological and infrastructure issues.
The rapidly evolving field of telemedicine is transforming the accessibility and delivery of healthcare. This chapter delves into how telemedicine enhances healthcare access, brings treatment into patients' homes, and addresses care deficits in underdeveloped areas. It covers key facets of telemedicine, including store-and-forward methods, remote patient monitoring, and teleconsultation across various medical conditions. Significantly, telemedicine emerged as a crucial approach to adhere to social distancing norms while providing healthcare during the COVID-19 pandemic. The chapter evaluates the benefits and applications of telemedicine compared to traditional in-person consultations, focusing on cost-effectiveness, time efficiency, and its importance in areas lacking local healthcare providers. Additionally, it examines factors crucial to the successful implementation of telemedicine, such as digital readiness, the digital competency of patients and healthcare professionals, and the regulatory frameworks governing the exchange and use of medical data.
Using artificial intelligence (AI) to its transformative advantage, the smart vision initiative represents a paradigm shift in the diagnostics and treatment of diabetic retinopathy. The primary aim of this initiative is to address all forms of diabetic retinopathy using cutting-edge AI techniques, including deep neural networks and machine learning. These advanced algorithms are designed for rapid and precise diagnosis, enabling swift interventions to prevent visual impairment by identifying intricate patterns that are invisible to the human eye. Through the identification of complex patterns that are invisible to the human eye, these algorithms guarantee quick and accurate diagnosis. This early detection is crucial as it allows for immediate care, significantly reducing the risk of irreversible vision loss. The smart vision initiative sets the stage for a future where diabetic retinopathy no longer leads to blindness, offering a brighter, clearer, and safer optical future for those affected by the condition.
This chapter explores the growing applications of deep learning (DL) in the field of ophthalmology. Specifically, it examines the integration and efficacy of DL systems in enhancing patient outcomes, particularly in the diagnosis and management of conditions such as diabetic retinopathy, age-related macular degeneration, and retinopathy of prematurity. It also outlines how DL algorithms are employed to analyze complex datasets and retinal images, enabling early detection, precise diagnosis, and effective treatment strategies. This chapter also addresses the challenges inherent in integrating AI into clinical practice, including issues related to data bias, algorithmic reliability, ethical concerns, and the need for diverse, representative datasets. It proposes a roadmap for the responsible implementation of DL in ophthalmology, emphasizing the importance of continuous research, development, and ethical considerations. Overall, this chapter presents a vision where these technologies not only enhance clinical practice but also promote improved health outcomes in the field of eye care.
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Assessing the preparedness of Ghana's health sector is a crucial task that requires a comprehensive and multi-faceted approach. Ghana's health sector faces many challenges, including limited resources, inadequate infrastructure, and workforce shortages, which can impede the delivery of quality healthcare services to the population. Thus, building a strong health resilience system is essential to cope with catastrophic events, and the capacity to prepare and effectively respond to pandemics. The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the critical role of digital technologies in managing public health emergencies. In the context of long-term pandemic management, digital transformation can provide numerous benefits, such as improving the speed and efficiency of response, enhancing communication and collaboration, and enabling remote access to essential services. Empirically, our study found that individual and systemic resilience are significant predictors of long-term pandemic management. Conversely, community resilience in times of crisis is not a significant predictor.