Figure - uploaded by Abbas Beh-Pajooh
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Comparison of the adverse events form COVID-19 jabs and all other 94 types of vaccine according to VAERS.

Comparison of the adverse events form COVID-19 jabs and all other 94 types of vaccine according to VAERS.

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The world has been on a lockdown since 2020, caused by the release of recombinant coronaviruses from Wuhan, China. This respiratory disease nicknamed COVID-19, along with the improper medical interventions and malpractices, have inflicted more casualties than an atomic bomb. Yet, individuals involved in the gain of function research and funding of...

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... plausible answer is the long term safety of these vaccines in large populations were never studied, and some were not reported at all. That is why the dutiful, uncorrupted, praised FDA table 4, while table 5 shows total estimates if only a maximum 13% of all events were reported. For the purpose of ease of search of the associated adverse events of COVID-19 jabs, a website ...