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New installed capacity under different grid absorptive capacities.

New installed capacity under different grid absorptive capacities.

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As an important form of clean energy generation that provides continuous and stable power generation and is grid-friendly, concentrated solar power (CSP) has been developing rapidly in recent years. It is expected that CSP, together with wind and solar photovoltaic, will constitute a stable, high percentage of renewable energy generation system tha...

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... In recent decades, the integration of inverter-based renewable energy sources (RESs) such as solar, wind, and energy storage systems [1] has progressively been escalating within distributed power systems [2]. Different from the traditionally synchronous generators, the RESs will not provide much inertial support [3]. ...
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The complexity of power quality (PQ) concerns is intensifying in tandem with the proliferation of inverter‐based renewable energy systems. The integration of power electronic devices within the distribution network exacerbates the complexity and introduces greater temporal variability to signal components. This paper introduces an advanced, online optimization technique for the decomposition and identification of PQ disturbances (PQDs). Initially, an improved variational mode decomposition (IVMD) method is presented, leveraging an energy ratio criterion for precise decomposition of concurrent PQDs. Subsequently, utilizing the characteristic attributes derived from IVMD, an optimized support vector machine (OSVM) algorithm is developed through the synthesis of diverse kernel functions. The OSVM strategically employs distinct kernel functions to augment the discriminability of the feature set. The synergy of IVMD and OSVM enables the detection of multiple PQDs, remarkably even with a minimal amount of training data. A series of experiments have been conducted to validate the effectiveness of the proposed methodology. The results corroborate that the formulated framework exhibits robust learning capabilities and a high degree of resistance to noise interference. Moreover, the hardware platform experiments prove that the proposed method has a satisfactory real‐time performance for its practicability.
... In some areas, by strengthening CSP in the production of solar energy, it is possible to concentrate the sun's radiation at a point [5]. This helps to strengthen the csp network at night or cloudy times by taking advantage of concentrated thermal energy in environments containing molten salts [6]. In general, it is expected that the combined use of CSP and photovoltaics will bring more sustainable energy to us than before, which will reduce the price and costs of large-scale production [7]. ...
... The return on investment in this matter is estimated to be five years, which governments can implement in the form of a plan [8]. The implementation of this plan helps to release a lot of energy for the development of a country's industry or the sale of energy to neighbors [6]. ...
The quest for sustainable and renewable energy sources has gained prominence in response to the dire consequences of greenhouse gas emissions and the finite nature of non-renewable energy. Climate change and global warming, resulting from the burning of fossil fuels and the use of non-renewable energy, necessitate a fundamental shift in our energy paradigm. Renewable energies, characterized by their ability to naturally replenish, have emerged as a beacon of hope in mitigating these environmental challenges. Solar energy’s potential lies in its ubiquity and environmental friendliness. The earth receives varying amounts of solar radiation due to atmospheric conditions and geographical factors, which can be harnessed to meet energy demands. Yet, the efficacy of solar panels relies on energy storage solutions, especially in adverse conditions. Urban electricity generation has witnessed a transformative shift with the widespread installation of photovoltaic panels on rooftops.
... The efficacy of the ERA-5 dataset in mirroring observational data has been previously validated in various regions, particularly in its ability to accurately represent the spatiotemporal distribution of SSR [41][42][43][44]. The integration of SSR, SSRC, and TCC data from ERA-5 in this research enables a thorough examination of the SSR and meteorological parameter trends, and their impact on solar dimming across the study regions over India. ...
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Surface solar radiation (SSR) is a fundamental energy source for an equitable and sustainable future. Meteorology-induced variability increases uncertainty in SSR, thereby limiting its reliability due to its intermittent nature. This variability depends on several meteorological factors, including clouds, atmospheric gases, and aerosol concentrations. This research investigates the detailed impact of different levels of clouds and aerosols on SSR across India. Utilizing satellite data with reanalysis retrievals, the research covers a span of three decades (30 years), from 1993 to 2022. Aerosols contributed to an average attenuation of~13.33% on SSR, while high, mid, and low cloud conditions showed much stronger impacts, with an attenuation of~30.80%,~40.10%, and~44.30%, respectively. This study reveals an alarming pattern of increasing cloud impact (C impact) on SSR in the recent decade, with a significant increasing rate of~0.22% year −1 for high cloud (HC impact) and 0.13% year −1 for mid cloud (MC impact) impact, while low cloud impact (LC impact) showed minimal change. The trend of aerosol impact (A impact) also showed an average increase of~0.14% year −1 across all regions. The findings underscore the imperative of considering climatic variables while studying the growing solar dimming. Our findings also will assist policymakers and planners in better evaluating the solar energy resources across India.
... The efficacy of the ERA-5 dataset in mirroring observational data has been previously validated in various regions, particularly in its ability to accurately represent the spatiotemporal distribution of SSR [41][42][43][44]. The integration of SSR, SSRC, and TCC data from ERA-5 in this research enables a thorough examination of the SSR and meteorological parameter trends, and their impact on solar dimming across the study regions over India. ...
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Surface solar radiation (SSR) is a fundamental energy source for an equitable and sustainable future. Meteorology-induced variability increases uncertainty in SSR, thereby limiting its reliability due to its intermittent nature. This variability depends on several meteorological factors, including clouds, atmospheric gases, and aerosol concentrations. This research investigates the detailed impact of different levels of clouds and aerosols on SSR across India. Utilizing satellite data with reanalysis retrievals, the research covers a span of three decades (30 years), from 1993 to 2022. Aerosols contributed to an average attenuation of~13.33% on SSR, while high, mid, and low cloud conditions showed much stronger impacts, with an attenuation of~30.80%,~40.10%, and~44.30%, respectively. This study reveals an alarming pattern of increasing cloud impact (C impact) on SSR in the recent decade, with a significant increasing rate of~0.22% year −1 for high cloud (HC impact) and 0.13% year −1 for mid cloud (MC impact) impact, while low cloud impact (LC impact) showed minimal change. The trend of aerosol impact (A impact) also showed an average increase of~0.14% year −1 across all regions. The findings underscore the imperative of considering climatic variables while studying the growing solar dimming. Our findings also will assist policymakers and planners in better evaluating the solar energy resources across India.
... The efficacy of the ERA-5 dataset in mirroring observational data has been previously validated in various regions, particularly in its ability to accurately represent the spatiotemporal distribution of SSR [41][42][43][44]. The integration of SSR, SSRC, and TCC data from ERA-5 in this research enables a thorough examination of the SSR and meteorological parameter trends, and their impact on solar dimming across the study regions over India. ...
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Surface solar radiation (SSR) is a fundamental energy source for an equitable and sustainable future. Meteorology-induced variability increases uncertainty in SSR, thereby limiting its reliability due to its intermittent nature. This variability depends on several meteorological factors, including clouds, atmospheric gases, and aerosol concentrations. This research investigates the detailed impact of different levels of clouds and aerosols on SSR across India. Utilizing satellite data with reanalysis retrievals, the research covers a span of three decades (30 years), from 1993 to 2022. Aerosols contributed to an average attenuation of~13.33% on SSR, while high, mid, and low cloud conditions showed much stronger impacts, with an attenuation of~30.80%,~40.10%, and~44.30%, respectively. This study reveals an alarming pattern of increasing cloud impact (C impact) on SSR in the recent decade, with a significant increasing rate of~0.22% year −1 for high cloud (HC impact) and 0.13% year −1 for mid cloud (MC impact) impact, while low cloud impact (LC impact) showed minimal change. The trend of aerosol impact (A impact) also showed an average increase of~0.14% year −1 across all regions. The findings underscore the imperative of considering climatic variables while studying the growing solar dimming. Our findings also will assist policymakers and planners in better evaluating the solar energy resources across India.
... In the period before 2011, the cost simulation results yielded from TFLC-C most closely fit the real PV cost data. According to the study conducted by Zhang et al. [56], the cumulative installed capacity of PV systems in China before 2011 was still small, and PV development was still in the early stage. This means that during the nascent phase of China's PV deployment, a learning curve model that integrates both the scaling of installed capacity and local R&D investment most effectively captures the trajectory of PV cost development. ...
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Technological learning curve models have been continuously used to estimate the cost development of solar photovoltaics (PV) for climate mitigation targets over time. They can integrate several technical sources that influence the learning process. Yet, the accurate and realistic learning curve that reflects the cost estimations of PV development is still challenging to determine. To address this question, we develop four hypothetical-alternative learning curve models by proposing different combinations of technological learning sources, including both local and global techno-logical experience and knowledge stock. We specifically adopt the system dynamics approach to focus on the non-linear relationship and dynamic interaction between the cost development and technological learning source. By applying this approach to Chinese PV systems, the results reveal that the suitability and accuracy of learning curve models for cost estimation are dependent on the development stages of PV systems. At each stage, different models exhibit different levels of closure in cost estimation. Furthermore, our analysis underscores the critical role of incorporating global technical sources into learning curve models.
... We choose timber but not energy crops because our study region is a mountainous area with abundant woods, and the expansion of energy crops in China may have negative impacts on food security according to Weng et al. [69]. We choose solar PV because the technology is mature and the cumulative installed capacity in China is the highest around the world [70]. However, the renewable energy technologies to be compared may be changed according to the study area. ...
Small hydropower has attracted extensive interest as a clean technology. This study first identified possible sites of small hydropower plants with estimated capacity, and then utilized resources time footprint as a novel way to evaluate the impact of small hydropower plants on the aspects of materials, CO2, labor, and land. Resources time footprint is a sustainability indicator that uses a uniform time unit (years). It assesses whether the usage of resources exceeds the amount allocated to different people and generations. The smaller the value of resources time footprint, the more environmentally friendly is the process. Preferential locations for small hydropower in Dan River were specified, with a potential capacity ranging from 273 to 1175 kW. Resources time footprint of copper is 8.9–47.3 times as large as that of steel. Resources time footprint of CO2 emissions is much smaller than that of other aspects, revealing that small hydropower has a great potential to mitigate the greenhouse effect. The overall resources time footprint decreases with an increase in the installed capacity. The methodology proposed in this study can be used to identify the ideal locations for setting up small hydropower plants in other regions as well.
... As the heat-based form of solar energy, CSP is well positioned to play a key role in CO 2 removal, to begin to rebalance the earth's atmospheric chemistry. It is expected that CSP, together with wind and solar photovoltaic, will constitute a stable, high percentage of renewable energy generation system that will be pricecompetitive with conventional energy sources (Agency, 2021;IRENA, 2014;Zhang et al., 2021). ...
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A global transition towards more sustainable production and consumption systems is underway. This transition process is particularly visible in energy systems, where modern renewables, majorly solar PV and wind power, accounted for around 10 % of global power production in 2020. It is widely believed that the transition to a low carbon economy would inevitably increase energy storage requirement to a significant extent in the near future. In this context, concentrated solar power (CSP) technologies are seen to be one of the most promising ways to generate electric power in coming decades. To reduce the cost of power generation from CSP technologies, over 1000 articles have been published in the last five years, and it is necessary to observe the overall research and technological advancements in this sector which is missing in the current literature. To bridge this gap, this work presents a comprehensive review on the actual state of all major components of cutting-edge CSP technologies and condenses all the available information and categorizes them considering the main functional parts and remarking the current research progress in each part as well as the future challenging issues. It intends to understand and explain the foundations of the innovative concepts, future research directions and strategies developed over the past 10 years to tune the engineering and thermal sciences of concentrated solar power. It is evident that the cost has come down, however to make the cost of CSP technology at par with other renewable power sources, there are multiple challenges especially in water consumption, materials design, and receiver subsystems. Each of these challenges is discussed in detail and suggestions are presented for addressing the challenges. The information and insights presented in this detailed review study is expected to serve as a good resource for practicing engineers and researchers intending to undertake their research on this subject.
... Further assessment is needed for these materials in higher temperature applications (>800 °C), with more attention on advanced high-temperature materials such as nickel alloys and ceramics. CSP technology towards higher system efficiencies, sustainability, safety, and lower operation and maintenance costs [2,13,[80][81][82][83][84][85][86][87][88][89][90][91][92][93][94]. ...
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The use of liquid sodium as a heat transfer fluid has shown great promise and application in nuclear power generation and it is now being utilized in concentrated solar thermal power (CSP) applications, owing to its favorable thermodynamic properties. Its implementation, however, comes with a unique array of technical issues in CSP applications, primarily the incompatibility of structural materials with liquid sodium in these operational environments. In this review, major damage mechanisms will be discussed, with a focus on their relevance to advanced CSP plants. Such mechanisms include corrosion, liquid metal embrittlement, carburization/de-carburization, erosion, creep, and thermal fatigue. The degradation factors such as impurities in the sodium (e.g. oxygen) and the dissolution of the structural material's alloying elements (Cr, Mn, Ni and Si, etc.) are also discussed. This review presents a holistic overview of these inter-connected mechanisms, and most importantly explores potential solutions to mitigate these issues, including better structural material candidates, robust plant operational parameters/design, better service life predictions, and improved purification and monitoring methods for stringent control of impurities. The future directions of research are also discussed to ensure the successful use of liquid sodium in the next generation of CSP technology.
... Wind power (Zhang and Qi, 2011) and PV power (Zhang et al., 2021) generation has the advantages of good environmental benefits, and clean and renewable energy. At the same time, wind power and PV power generation is volatile, random (Abadi and El-Saadany, 2010), and intermittent (Ren et al., 2017). ...
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Wind and photovoltaic (PV) power generation and other distributed energy sources are developing rapidly. But due to the influence of the environment and climate, the output is very unstable, which affects the power quality and power system stability. Pumped hydroelectric energy storage (PHES) systems are suitable as peaking power sources for wind and photovoltaic (Wind–PV) complementary systems because of their fast start–stop and long life. The mathematical models and operational characteristics of the three subsystems in the wind–PV–PHES complementary system are analyzed to improve the generation efficiency and access capacity of wind and PV power. The peaking characteristics of the PHES system are used to balance the maximum benefit and minimum output fluctuation of the wind–PV complementary system. The stable operation of the pump turbine is an important guarantee for the smooth output of the wind–PV complementary system. Three operating points are selected from the net load curve and converted to the pump turbine model parameters. The internal flow characteristics and laws of the pump turbine under different guide vane opening conditions are summarized through the analysis of the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) numerical simulation post-processing results. The study shows that the output of wind and PV power generation varies with the changes in wind speed and solar radiation, respectively. The output of the wind–PV complementary system still has large fluctuations, and the PHES system can effectively suppress the power fluctuation of the wind–PV complementary system and reduce the abandoned wind and light rate. CFD technology can accurately and efficiently characterize the internal flow characteristics of the pump turbine, which provides a basis for the design, optimization, and transformation of the pump turbine.