Figure - uploaded by Oluwafemi Oriola
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Comparison of Rating of Predictive Threat Model, CVSSv2 and Snort for DARPA 2000.

Comparison of Rating of Predictive Threat Model, CVSSv2 and Snort for DARPA 2000.

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Network threats can be classified into major network threats and minor network threats. Minor network threats are the network threats that have little or no negative impacts on information systems. Existing Information Security Management processes have ignored minor network threats because of the perception that they were non-harmful. However, rec...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... to Bhattacharya and Ghosh [26], a once successful attack exploit would be exploited by an attacker in the near future; hence only the attack sequences with full support (sequence that occur three times) were chosen to determine the interesting minor network threats. Tables 3 and 4 present samples of the rating of the predictive threat models for DARPA 2000 minor network threats and Plymouth University APTs' minor network threats. The rating range is between 0 and 12. Non-harmful minor network threats are rated in the range 0  x<5 and Harmful minor network threats are rated in the range 5  x  12. Table 5 presents the Spearman's Correlation Coefficients between our predictive models for DARPA 2000 as well as Plymouth University APTs' minor network threats respectively. ...
Context 2
... the rating of the predictive threat model for DARPA 2000 minor network threats (samples are presented in Table 3) the results show that the population of event detected is fairly proportional to the threat rating. This conforms to the general fact in computation that the memory loads affect the performance of instruction processing. ...