Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... dendrogram resulting from UPGMA based on 16 variables is represented in Fig. 4. The figure shows that all investigated taxa fall into 2 clusters at 98.5% dissimilarity levels. The first cluster, labeled as "a", consists of O. discedens and O. roussaei linked at 36.5% dissimilarity level. The second cluster labeled as "b", divided into two subclusters including all the remaining four taxa, linked at 65% ...
Context 2
... & Chalk (1979) pointed out that the number and size of the cystolith-like bodies varies at different times of the year and according to the amount of calcareous material in the soil for the members of Boraginaceae. According to the UPGMA cluster analyses, the studied Onosma species are divided into two major groups at 98.5% dissimilarity levels (Fig. 4). The first, labeled "a", comprises of O. discedens and O. roussaei, the second, labeled "b", contains all remaining taxa. Riedl (1978) indicated that O. discedens and O. tenuiflora were closely related taxa in terms of indumentum type of leaves, but anatomical results presented in this study do not support this view. As seen in Fig. 4, ...
Context 3
... levels (Fig. 4). The first, labeled "a", comprises of O. discedens and O. roussaei, the second, labeled "b", contains all remaining taxa. Riedl (1978) indicated that O. discedens and O. tenuiflora were closely related taxa in terms of indumentum type of leaves, but anatomical results presented in this study do not support this view. As seen in Fig. 4, these 2 taxa differ from each other mainly by the average row number of collenchyma, the rate between phloem and xylem on stem, mesophyll structure and stoma index. This means that anatomical traits can be useful to distinguish these two ...
Context 4
... subgroup labeled "c" consists of only O. tenuiflora, the second subgroup labeled "d" includes the rest of the examined taxa. Türkmen (2006) reported that O. tenuiflora was separated from the other species in group "b" in terms of morphological and palynological properties. This view is correlated with our results obtained from UPGMA. As seen in Fig. 4, O. aucheriana, O. roussaei and O. rigida, which are phenetically related taxa (Riedl 1978), take place in the different group based on the anatomical traits. These three taxa are easily separated by means of the rate of cortex/stem and spongy tissue/mesophyll, stoma index and average row number of the palisade parenchyma beneath the ...

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