Table 2 - uploaded by Ulrich Müller
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Clinical findings in 46,XY females (Swyer's Syndrome)a Streak gonads with increased risk to develop gonadoblastoma or dysgerminoma

Clinical findings in 46,XY females (Swyer's Syndrome)a Streak gonads with increased risk to develop gonadoblastoma or dysgerminoma


Im Kapitel 3 wird das im bisherigen Verlauf der Arbeit erläuterte strategische Vertriebscontrolling um eine prozeßorientierte Gestaltungskomponente erweitert. Die Prozeßorientierung im Controlling ist seit Ende der achtziger Jahre eine deutlich erkennbare Entwicklungslinie der betriebswirtschaftlichen Lehre und Praxis).1 Ziel der Prozeßorientierung ist, die funktionsorientierten und wegen der zahlreichen Schnittstellen auch sehr langsamen und überkomplexen Unternehmensstrukturen zu überwinden. Neueste Ansätze zur Unternehmensführung betonen und belegen, daß die Beherrschung von kritischen Unternehmensprozessen (z.B.Vertriebsoder F & E-Prozeß) über den Markterfolg eines Unternehmens entscheidet.2 Mit Blick auf das Vertriebscontrolling nimmt dabei die Auseinandersetzung mit der Prozeßkostenrechnung in Theorie und Praxis einen besonders hohen Stellenwert ein.3 Die Meinungen zur Prozeßkostenrechnung sind sehr unterschiedlich und reichen von uneingeschränkter Akzeptanz bis zur strikten Ablehnung.4 Nahezu alle Veröffentlichungen, die inzwischen in beachtlicher Zahl zu verzeichnen sind, nehmen daher einen nicht selten subjektiven Charakter an, wobei es an umfassenden Darstellungen aus der Praxis, die alle Aspekte der Prozeßkostenrechnung mit einer vollständigen Analyse behandeln, bisher noch mangelt.
Twinning in dairy cattle is an unavoidable outcome of reproduction and is undesirable because it reduces the overall profitability of a dairy operation through negative effects on cows calving twins as well as on calves born as twins. Cows calving twins are at greater risk for many periparturient reproductive and metabolic disorders than nontwinning herdmates, and incidences of abortion, stillbirth, neonatal calf mortality, and reduced birth weight are greater among twin compared with singleton calves. Twinning is a complex trait with multiple causative factors, and empirical evidence supports a role for both genetic and environmental risk factors in cattle. Risk factors for twinning include genetics, season, parity, ovulation rate, and milk production. The observation that twinning has increased in the dairy cattle population over time suggests a concurrent change in one or more of these causative factors during this same period. At present, dairy farmers and their consultants are ill prepared to make sound-management decisions to mitigate the negative effects of twinning on their operations because of a lack of applied scientific data on management strategies for periparturient dairy cows carrying twin fetuses. A clear understanding of the factors responsible for twinning is essential for future development of strategies to manage twinning in dairy operations.
The Sry gene is key in determining male testis formation located in the sex-determining region of the Y chromosome during gonadal differentiation. In the present study, the Sry gene, chosen as the Y-specific target sequence, was amplified in order to sex mouse preimplantation embryos rapidly using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Meanwhile, the actin gene on the autosome was also amplified and served as a control for both male and female samples. When genomic DNA of male and female origin was amplified with Sry and actin primers, a 504 bp fragment was detected in both samples, while a 227 bp product was observed in only the male DNA. Morula and blastocyst stage embryos (n=135) were typed either as male or female with the exception of 2 samples. The Sry gene fragment was detected in about half of the embryos, which showed a 1:1 male and female ratio (P > 0.05). Based on developmental rates of embryos during morula and blastocyst stages, approximately 65% of faster-developing embryos were diagnosed as male and 63% of slower-developing embryos as female. The products of PCR were confirmed by restriction mapping and indicated that the sex of a preimplantation embryo can be determined accurately by amplifying the Sry gene. Use of this method would allow animal breeders to determine the sex of other mammalian preimplantation embryos before transfer to recipient females.