Figure 1 - uploaded by Kamis Gaballah
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Clinical appearance for buccal Fordyce granules 

Clinical appearance for buccal Fordyce granules 

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Background: Hyperlipidemia is a well-documented risk factor for coronary heart disease and a great wealth of clinical trials have shown that early detection of hyperlipidemia and prescribing drugs that lower elevated lipid levels reduce serious cardiovascular events, such as myocardial infarction, heart failure and stroke. Fordyce granules (FGs) ar...

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... the same visit, each participant's mouth was examined by one of the two investigators for the presence and scoring of the FGs [ Figure 1]. The later were classifi ed into six groups according to their location: [5] G1-no spots, G2-vermillion border of the lips, G3-buccal unilateral, G4-buccal bilateral, G5-buccal bilateral and vermillion border of the lips, G6-buccal unilateral and vermillion border of the ...


... Some may be enlarged and nodular. 19 FGs are said to be present in $80%-90% of the population and are most often noticeable after puberty. 20 Persons with high densities of FGs may have higher lipid profiles. ...
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Background: The ABO and Rh systems are the most commonly used blood-group systems used to classify blood group globally. A number of studies have shown that ABO blood groups may be associated with an increased serum cholesterol levels which in turn may be related to the presence of oral Fordyce spots or granules. Oral Fordyce's granules are ectopic sebaceous glands within the oral cavity and are visible through epithelium. The aim of this study was to assess the relationship between ABO and Rhesus blood groups and the presence of oral Fordyce's granules and serum cholesterols level by gender. Methods: Following ethical approval and informed consent, 124 subjects were recruited into this cross-sectional study. Clinical oral examination assessed the number of Fordyce's granules and blood samples were collected to determine the serum cholesterol and ABO/Rh blood-group systems of individual subjects. Results: Blood group AB+ showed the highest mean of oral Fordyce's granules number and serum cholesterol level but this was not statistically significant compared to other blood groups. Female subjects in this study who were AB+ were had significantly higher serum cholesterol levels than males. Conclusion: This study indicates an association between ABO blood group, serum cholesterol level and mean number of oral Fordyce's granules. A larger sample size in a future study is required to ascertain whether number of Fordyce's granules is an important measure of serum cholesterol, but the study does show that for AB+ individuals, females may have higher serum cholesterol than males.
... Nevertheless, FSs have also been reported in neonates (1%) due to maternal hormone activity [27][28][29]. Although the majority of cases are harmless and do not require any treatment (unless for purely cosmetic reasons), reports on possible neuro-sebaceous associations, cardiovascular risk, and sebaceous glands system activation in hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer syndrome (i.e., Lynch syndrome Muir-Torre variant, although with preserved mismatch repair protein expression in FS) can be found in the literature [13,[30][31][32][33]. Possible modalities for the treatment of FS include carbon dioxide laser or high-power diode laser ablation [20], electrocautery and curettage [34], micro-punching [35], peelings [36], photodynamic therapy with 5-aminolevulinic acid [37,38], intense pulse light or blue light with 5-aminolevulinic acid [39], single insulated microneedle radiofrequency device [40,41], isotretinoin treatment [42,43], or combined therapies [44]. ...
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Fordyce spots (FS) are heterotopic sebaceous glands affecting mostly oral and genital mucosa, commonly misdiagnosed with sexually transmitted infections. In a single-center retrospective study, we aimed to assess the ultraviolet-induced fluorescencedermatoscopy (UVFD) clues of Fordyce spots and their common clinical simulants: molluscum contagiosum, penile pearly papules, human papillomavirus warts, genital lichen planus, and genital porokeratosis. Analyzed documentation included patients’ medical records (1 September–30 October 2022) and photodocumentation, which included clinical images as well as polarized, non-polarized, and UVFD images. Twelve FS patients were included in the study group and fourteen patients in the control group. A novel and seemingly specific UVFD pattern of FS was described: regularly distributed bright dots over yellowish-greenish clods. Even though, in the majority of instances, the diagnosis of FS does not require more than naked eye examination, UVFD is a fast, easy-to-apply, and low-cost modality that can further increase the diagnostic confidence and rule out selected infectious and non-infectious differential diagnoses if added to conventional dermatoscopic diagnosis.
... Os g râ nu los de Fordyce são formações anatômicas encontradas na cavidade oral oriundas de glândulas sebáceas ectópicas, apresentando-se como pápulas assintomáticas, esbranquiçadas ou amareladas, com tamanhos variáveis de 1-3 mm [1]. Apesar de Fordyce acreditar que a presença desses grânulos estivesse ligada a uma doença adjunta, a maioria dos clínicos atualmente os considera variações normais da mucosa e que tais em pessoas com alto de risco de doenças cardiovasculares podem funcionar como um marcador de hiperlipidemia, pois cerca de 50% desse tipo de grânulo é composto de triglicerídeos [5]. ...
... Segundo Gaballah e Rahimi [5], apesar de a maioria dos clínicos ter esses grânulos como uma variação normal de aglomeração de glândulas sebáceas cobertas por mucosa intacta, a distribuição de grânulos de Fordyce pode funcionar como um potente indicador de hiperlipidemia. ...
Lesões hiperplásicas intraorais são de comum diagnóstico no dia a dia do cirurgião-dentista. Mesmo que pareçam inofensivas, podem apresentar potencial de malignidade, tornando necessários uma minuciosa anamnese e um bom exame clínico. Neste o profissional deve chegar à correta intervenção, na qual muitas vezes se faz preciso uma biópsia. Objetivo: Demonstrar a conduta clínica e o tratamento de duas lesões bucais em paciente diabética. Relato de caso: A paciente MNV, 59 anos, sexo feminino, diabética, procurou tratamento para doença periodontal. Durante o exame clínico, observaram-se duas lesões em mucosa jugal presentes havia mais de duas semanas. Foram solicitados os exames de sangue da paciente, os quais apresentaram valor de glicemia de 139 mg/dL.F e de hemoglobina glicada de 6,5%. Como essas lesões estavam presentes na cavidade bucal da paciente havia mais de duas semanas e por causa da sua dimensão, foram avaliados os riscos e benefícios do procedimento. Com isso, o tratamento proposto foram a biópsia excisional de ambas as lesões e o envio para análise histopatológica. Resultados: O resultado da análise da lesão da mucosa jugal do lado esquerdo, com 7 mm em seu maior diâmetro, foi fibroma oral com ausência de alterações citopáticas virais e/ou malignidade. Conforme análise da lesão da mucosa jugal do lado direito, com 2,5 mm em seu maior diâmetro, foi provável ectopia/grânulo de Fordyce com ausência de alterações citopáticas virais e/ou malignidade. Conclusão: A excisão das lesões, conforme a literatura, é indicada quando há indício de malignidade e/ou queixa do paciente que procura o cirurgião-dentista com a dúvida da lesão persistente. No caso descrito, não ocorreram recidivas no acompanhamento de 180 dias.
... 8 In one study, individuals with elevated lipid profiles tend to have higher numbers of oral Fordyce spots. 15 Further studies are necessary to confirm or refute this finding. ...
... With a prevalence approaching detection in 80% of the adult population, [3] FG are considered a variant of normal. Hyperlipidemia has been directly associated with individuals presenting with a higher density of FG and the increased risk factor for cardiovascular disease warrants examination [4]. Since FG is not a true pathologic entity [5] they are infrequently biopsied. ...
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When faced with an uncertain clinical pathosis in the oral cavity, identifying the color of the mucosal lesion helps to narrow down a differential diagnosis. Although less common than red and white lesions, yellow lesions encompass a small group of distinct mucosal pathologic entities. Adipose tissue, lymphoid tissue, and sebaceous glands are naturally occurring yellow constituents of the oral cavity and become apparent with associated developmental or neoplastic lesions. Reactive and inflammatory lesions can create a yellow hue due to purulence, necrosis, and calcification. Some systemic diseases are known to deposit yellow bi-products such as amyloid or bilirubin into the oral mucosa of an affected person, and while not always yellow, unusual entities like verruciform xanthoma and granular cell tumor fall under the umbrella of yellow lesions given their occasional propensity to demonstration the color. This chapter aims to explore the unique group that is yellow lesions presenting in the oral mucosa. © 2019, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature.
... Por esa razón, lleva ese nombre. 24 Estas glándulas sebáceas afectan a ambos sexos y suelen aparecer después de la pubertad, quizá debido a los cambios hormonales. 25 El torus mandibular y palatino son exostosis óseas 26 que se encuentran en la tabla lingual de la mandíbula y en la línea media del paladar, respectivamente. ...
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Oral pathology it’s the branch of medicine that focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of oral diseases. A cross-sectional study was carried out in which patients older than 18 years was included, that were attended in the primary care clinic at the stomatology department of the Autonomous University of Ciudad Juárez, in Mexico, and regardless of the reason for consultation the clinical history and intraoral examination was done We examined 650 patients (424 women and 226 men) with an age range of 18 to 89 years (mean=42.27). The most frequent oral lesion was the frictional keratosis (30.46 %), fibrous hyperplasia (6.92 %), physiological melanosis (42.92 %), and fordyce granules (36.46 %). In the oral mucosal lesions identified was present a chronic traumatic factor, it is important that the dental staff knows about the most frequent injuries, their etiology, clinical characteristics and treatment of each one.
... Estos gránulos fueron descritos por primera vez en 1896 por Fordyce, quien pensaba que se trataba de una enfermedad, en la que ocurría una degeneración del citoplasma de las células epiteliales del estrato espinoso; posteriormente se constató que realmente eran glándulas sebáceas ectópicas [6,7,8]. ...
... Aunque raramente, se pueden presentar en el paladar o en mucosa alveolar [12,14,15]. Esta condición es bastante común, pues en un estudio 113 pacientes entre 20 y 72 años, se observaron gránulos de fordyce en el 89.7% [7] y en otro estudio en el 94,9% de 2462 pacientes [8]. Los gránulos de Fordyce se consideran dentro de los límites normales, pues son glándulas sebáceas La mucosa bucal normal es lisa y brillante, excepto en la zona de pliegues y en la encía adherida, la rosado pálido y punteada, semejante a Al realizar el examen clínico, además de la observación se debe palpar las estructuras; para ello se requiere un conocimiento de la anatomía de ese sitio; con el objetivo de evaluar la consistencia, textura, temperatura de la superficie y en el caso de encontrar patologías, también, nos permite determinar el tamaño, movilidad, fluctuación y la A continuación se hará una descripción de algunas es como lo son, los gránulos de Fordyce, línea alba, tejido linfoide ectópico, varices linguales, pigmentación fisiológica, indentaciones Estos gránulos fueron descritos por primera vez en rdyce, quien pensaba que se trataba de una enfermedad, en la que ocurría una degeneración del citoplasma de las células epiteliales del estrato espinoso; posteriormente se constató que realmente eran glándulas sebáceas e les conoce como gránulos de Fordyce, y se observan como gránulos o pequeñas pápulas de aproximadamente 1 a 2 mm, de color amarillento y pueden aglomerarse e inclusive pueden observarse como una placa [1, 2, 6, 8, 9, 10, teralmente; por lo general en la mucosa yugal, labial y en el bermellón del labio [1,6,8,9,10,11,12,13,14]. ...
... Aunque raramente, se pueden presentar en el paladar o en mucosa alveolar [12,14,15]. Esta condición es bastante común, pues en un estudio realizado a 113 pacientes entre 20 y 72 años, se observaron gránulos de fordyce en el 89.7% [7] y en otro estudio en el 94,9% de 2462 pacientes [8]. Los gránulos de Fordyce se consideran dentro de los límites normales, pues son glándulas sebáceas ectópicas y por lo tanto, no se requiere de ningún tipo de tratamiento [6,9,11,12,13,16]. ...
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Resumen: El examen clínico intraoral hacer del odontólogo general como en el del médico general. Puesto que un gran número de patologías presentan manifestaciones orales, incluso en etapas tempranas de la enfermedad, y que el diagnóstico, se torna de gran importancia el lograr reconocer las condiciones normales de la cavidad oral. Dentro de estas condiciones normales se presentan una variedad de manifestaciones clínicas, que a pesar de no estar presentes en todos los seres humanos, pero por observarse en una gran cantidad de pacientes y no estar asociadas a ninguna patología deben considerarse como normales. Este es un referente de algunos de estos hallazgos intraorales normales y la forma de reconocerlos
... [42][43][44][45] Her ne kadar Fordyce granüllerinin hiperlipidemi gibi sistemik hastalıklarla ilişkisini destekler nitelikte bir çalışma mevcut olsa da, günümüzde kabul gören asıl görüş Fordyce granüllerinin embriyonik dönemde ektodermin oral kaviteye heterotopik inklüzyonu neticesinde ortaya çıkan gelişimsel bir anomali olduğu doğrultusundadır. [43][44][45][46] Kanımızca normal bir varyasyon olan Fordyce granüllerinin gerek genel prevalansı, gerekse yaş grupları ve cinsiyetler arasındaki dağılımda tespit edilen farklı sonuçlar, milimetrik ölçülerde olan bu lezyonların tespitinde oral mukoza muayenesinin titizlikle yapılmamış olması ya da özellikle genç popülasyonun kozmetik nedenlerden ötürü bu lezyonları başvuru şikayeti olarak daha sık belirtmesinden kaynaklanmaktadır. 42,43 Çalışmamızda OML üzerine etkisini araştırdığımız diğer faktörler alkol, dolgu, kaplama ve protez idi. ...
... Usually, they are of no clinical significance and are not associated with systemic disease. A recent study showed that individuals with elevated lipid profile tend to have higher numbers of oral Fordyce spots [11]. Further studies are necessary to confirm or refute this finding. ...
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Fordyce spots, also known as Fordyce glands, are enlarged sebaceous glands. They lack an association with hair follicles and have ducts opening directly onto the cutaneous surface. Although these sebaceous glands are present at birth, they are not obvious until puberty when they enlarge in response to the gonadal and adrenal androgenic hormones. The prevalence in adults is 70 to 80%. The male to female ratio is approximately 2:1. Clinically, Fordyce spots appear as asymptomatic, isolated or scattered, minute, creamy yellow, discrete papules. They occur most commonly and most conspicuously on the vermilion lips and oral mucosa and, less commonly, on the penis, scrotum, and labia. The lesions are usually bilateral and symmetrical. Treatment is usually not necessary apart from reassurance about the benign nature of the condition. Various destructive modalities have been employed by dermatologists with some success.
A BSTRACT Background Fordyce granules, sometimes referred to as Fordyce dots, are aberrant sebaceous glands that present as diminutive, non-painful, elevated lesions exhibiting a yellowish or whitish hue, measuring 1 to 3 mm in diameter, and manifesting inside the oral cavity. Likewise, these particles may also be seen in the vaginal region and inside the oral cavity. Aim The primary objective of the current study is to evaluate the potential association between Fordyce granules and the skin type of individuals who seek dental care at the Dental Clinics of Qassim University. Materials and Methods The current cross-sectional research was undertaken at the Dental Clinics of Qassim University, with a sample of 87 patients diagnosed with Fordyce’s granules. The research consisted of a heterogeneous sample of participants, including individuals of all genders, ranging in age from 18 to 85 years. The study included a comprehensive evaluation of several anatomical regions to identify the existence of Fordyce’s granules. This examination was conducted by a single examiner who had undergone calibration. Additionally, the participants’ skin types were established using the Baumann Skin Typing System questionnaire. The data that was gathered was afterward analyzed utilizing statistical methods via the use of SPSS software. A pre-set significance level was established at P < 0.05. Results The distribution of skin types among the study participants with Fordyce’s granules were found to be oily skin (51.3%), dry skin (47.9%), sensitive skin (49.3%), and resistant skin (56.3%). The results of the research showed that there was no statistically significant correlation between the two variables, i.e. skin type and the presence of Fordyce’s granules. This conclusion is supported by the increased P values of 0.941 for those with oily skin and 0.785 for individuals with dry skin. Conclusion No relation between skin type and Fordyce’s granules in the current study.