Classification and genetic features of CRISPR-targeted TR sequences. (A) Length distribution of TR sequences. We used the HK97 capsid and portal proteins as tailed-phage signature genes. The dotted line at 20 kb represents an arbitrary cut-off between small and large sequences. Sequences longer than 100 kb are shown in the inset. (B) Results of the classification of TR sequences. Sequences encoding a detectable capsid gene were classified to a viral taxon according to capsid type, as follows. Caudovirales: HK97 fold capsid; Inoviridae: Inoviridae MCP; and Microviridae: Microviridae MCP. The capsid-less TR sequences with ParA, ParB, ParM, and/ or MoBM were classified as Plasmid-like. The remaining sequences were labeled as "Unclassified." (C) Distribution of singleton coverage and coding ratio. Selected kvalues were higher in large TR sequences, to avoid doubletons by chance.

Classification and genetic features of CRISPR-targeted TR sequences. (A) Length distribution of TR sequences. We used the HK97 capsid and portal proteins as tailed-phage signature genes. The dotted line at 20 kb represents an arbitrary cut-off between small and large sequences. Sequences longer than 100 kb are shown in the inset. (B) Results of the classification of TR sequences. Sequences encoding a detectable capsid gene were classified to a viral taxon according to capsid type, as follows. Caudovirales: HK97 fold capsid; Inoviridae: Inoviridae MCP; and Microviridae: Microviridae MCP. The capsid-less TR sequences with ParA, ParB, ParM, and/ or MoBM were classified as Plasmid-like. The remaining sequences were labeled as "Unclassified." (C) Distribution of singleton coverage and coding ratio. Selected kvalues were higher in large TR sequences, to avoid doubletons by chance.

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Viruses are the most numerous biological entity, existing in all environments and infecting all cellular organisms. Compared with cellular life, the evolution and origin of viruses are poorly understood; viruses are enormously diverse, and most lack sequence similarity to cellular genes. To uncover viral sequences without relying on either referenc...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... evaluation of TR sequence length revealed a multimodal distribution with a distinct trough at 20 kb ( Fig 1A). For reference, we termed the 8837 TR sequences that were shorter than 20 kb as "small" and the 2554 TR sequences that were longer than 20 kb as "large." ...
Context 2
... the large TR sequences, 2047 (80.1%) encoded HK97 fold capsid proteins, a definitive gene of Duplodnaviria [29]. Phage portal proteins were encoded by 2163 large TR sequences (84.7%), indicating that most large TR sequences are from Caudovirales, also known as tailed phages (Fig 1B). Among the small TR sequences, 766 (8.7%) encoded Microviridae major capsid proteins (MCPs) [30], and 56 (0.6%) encoded Inoviridae major coat proteins. ...
Context 3
... the small TR sequences, 766 (8.7%) encoded Microviridae major capsid proteins (MCPs) [30], and 56 (0.6%) encoded Inoviridae major coat proteins. We propose that this portion of small TR sequences are likely viruses with a non-tailed morphology (Fig 1B) [31,32]. Finally, 107 (1.2%) small TR sequences encoded HK97 fold capsid proteins. ...
Context 4
... scrutinize other genomic features, such as repeats and noncoding regions, the k-mer singleton coverage and coding ratio for each classified and unclassified TR sequence were investigated ( Fig 1C). Singleton coverage is the number of k-mer singletons from a given contig divided by its length; the value approaches 1 if the sequence does not contain repeats. ...
Context 5
... analysis intended to discover a viral genome that could not be discovered using the conventional homology-based method. Although most of the discovered genomes with detectable capsid genes were previously recognized viral lineages, substantial portions of particularly small TR sequences remained unclassified (Fig 1B). The coding ratio of these unclassified sequences exhibited a broad distribution, and some were exceptionally low; thus, we speculated that these sequences might have unknown genetic features that differ from the conventional protein-coding genes. ...

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... We collected viral sequences, including bacteriophages, from the NCBI viral RefSeq (released September 2020) [17,18] and the Millard labs PHAge REference Database (INPHARED; July 2019) [19]. We also utilized gut viral sequences from the human Gut Virome Database (GVD) [20] and an in-house data set of CRISPR targeted viral sequences constructed from human gut metagenomic data [21]. All pre-processed reads were aligned to these viral reference genomes using the BWA. ...
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... In some cases, these characteristics may also suggest the likely host range [82][83][84]. Additional indications of the potential host range for these viruses can also be derived from their co-occurrence with specific groups of potential host organisms, as well as matches to CRISPR spacers in the case of viruses infecting bacteria and archaea [85][86][87][88]. As a follow-up to metagenomics, the properties of individual proteins or whole viruses can be experimentally determined through reverse genetics and characterization in vitro and in vivo, when possible (e.g., [89]). ...
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... Dataset from the previous study (Sugimoto et al., 2021) ...
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... Another method is using frequencies of nucleic acids or kmer-based machine-learning methods with known viral sequences, such as VirFinder [201]. The clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR) system and prokaryotic adaptive immunological memory are also employed as nonreference-based approaches [202,203]. Bacteria can memorize the partial genomes of previously infected phages, and there are almost identical sequences between bacterial CRISPR spacers and phage protospacers [204,205]. Therefore, we can identify viral sequences utilizing bacterial CRISPR spacer sequences. ...
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Two decades of metagenomic analyses have revealed that in many environments, small (∼5 kb), single-stranded DNA phages of the family Microviridae dominate the virome. Although the emblematic microvirus phiX174 is ubiquitous in the laboratory, most other microviruses, particularly those of the gokushovirus and amoyvirus lineages, have proven to be much more elusive. This puzzling lack of representative isolates has hindered insights into microviral biology. Furthermore, the idiosyncratic size and nature of their genomes have resulted in considerable misjudgments of their actual abundance in nature. Fortunately, recent successes in microvirus isolation and improved metagenomic methodologies can now provide us with more accurate appraisals of their abundance, their hosts, and their interactions. The emerging picture is that phiX174 and its relatives are rather rare and atypical microviruses, and that a tremendous diversity of other microviruses is ready for exploration.