Circadian rhythm sleep disorders. The gray bars represent behavior of a represen- tative circadian rhythm on successive days after changes in the light–dark (L/D) cycle; the black bars represent darkness (redrawn from [147]). 

Circadian rhythm sleep disorders. The gray bars represent behavior of a represen- tative circadian rhythm on successive days after changes in the light–dark (L/D) cycle; the black bars represent darkness (redrawn from [147]). 

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... comprise time zone change syndrome ("jet lag"), shift-work sleep disorder, irregular sleep-wake pattern, DSPS, advanced sleep-phase syndrome (ASPS), and non-24-h sleep-wake disorders (Fig. 2). Not all these subgroups require the same action to compensate the altered sleep rhythm. Jet lag and shift-work syndromes need acceleration or prevention of the re-entrainment of the sleep-wake rhythm by phase shifting, whereas DSPS and ASPS are perma- nent situations involving an altered phase relationship between sleep-wake and L/D ...
Context 2
... endogenous circadian period length that is the internal cycle in the absence external timing information, is increased (Fig. 2) [124]. The sleep- wake cycle depends on a number of endogenous physiological parameters such as cBT, melatonin, cortisol, and other hormonal and metabolic profiles. Therefore, a change in the timing of the intrinsic body clock can result in the development of a delayed sleep-wake rhythm as is seen in DSPS [124]. Be- sides longer ...

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