Figure - available from: Nanomaterials
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Characterizations of Ag/MXene composite. Transmission electron microscope images of (a) Ag and (b) MXene. (c) Scanning electron microscope image of the cross section of Ag/MXene composite. (d) Absorbance curves of MXene and Ag/MXene composites in the 2 μm band. (e) Physical mechanism of interaction between Ag and MXene.

Characterizations of Ag/MXene composite. Transmission electron microscope images of (a) Ag and (b) MXene. (c) Scanning electron microscope image of the cross section of Ag/MXene composite. (d) Absorbance curves of MXene and Ag/MXene composites in the 2 μm band. (e) Physical mechanism of interaction between Ag and MXene.

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Q-switched fiber lasers have become reliable light sources for generating high-energy pulses, which can be passively modulated by saturable absorbers with excellent nonlinear optical properties. The composite combining Ag and MXene exhibits a broadband nonlinear response and high modulation depth, making it a promising candidate for saturable absor...