
... Works have been done on a secure telemedicine framework [44]. Semi-formal and formal methods like UML, Petri nets, Z are used to design holistic healthcare [4], resource planning [21], smart hospital [17], drug discovery [30] systems. These models did not account for both rural and urban healthcare, especially in managing pandemics like Covid19. ...
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Event-B is a formal method for describing and verifying systems at the system level. It enables a refining technique to design the system incrementally. Using Event-B notations to define system requirements can be quite abstract for complex requirements. The primary Event-B components uphold several relationships with context, machines, and events. The RODIN is the standard tool support to verify Event-B models. Using RODIN can sometimes be difficult when building the models and maintaining all the relationships. Leveraging the system’s graphical depiction would be preferable. In this paper, we provide a web-based graphical assistance tool. Graphic representations are offered for the components of Event-B. The refinement relationships between the components are automatically generated by the tool’s first module, G2E. It upholds the stated sequence of events. The component relationships of the Event-B model can be graphically defined in a single window, and the Event-B files are generated automatically. An executable Python class is produced by the second module (E2P) for further verification. The suggested module encourages early verification of crucial criteria while allowing for design flexibility through autonomous code generation. A district healthcare model is designed for Covid19 management using the proposed frameworks and verified.
... For the latter, few authors have been interested for this purpose. For instance, in Ref. [26], the Z formalism is used at the early stage of a telehealth application development to verify some safety properties. The authors then show the benefits of a formal design against a traditional one during the development process of this application. ...
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Formal methods are proven techniques that provide a rigorous mathematical basis to software development. In particular, they allow the quality of development to be effectively improved by making accurate and explicit modelling, so that anomalies like ambiguities and incompleteness are identified in the early phases of the software development process. Semi‐formal UML models and formal Timed Automata models are used to design a telerehabilitation system through a practical approach based on abstraction and refinement. The formal verification of expected properties of the system is performed by the uppaal tool. The motivation of this work is threefold: (i) showing the usefulness of formal methods to satisfy the validation needs of a medical telerehabilitation system; (ii) demonstrating our approach of system analysis through refinements to guide the development of a complex system; and (iii) highlighting, from a real‐life experience, the usefulness of models to involve the stakeholders all along the design of a system, from requirements to detailed specifications.
... Azeem et al. [48] utilizan especificación formal Z para mejorar la calidad y confianza del sistema: muestran trabajos relacionados y aplican una propuesta en un estudio de caso en salud. Esto lo confirman Li et al. [49], quienes aplican Object-Z para describir sistemas complejos y demuestran su utilidad en un caso de estudio de un sistema de suministro de gasolina. ...
... Algunos lenguajes formales, tales como Z, B y VDM, se centran en especificar el comportamiento de los sistemas secuenciales, y en ellos los estados se describen en estructuras matemáticas como conjuntos, relaciones y funciones [36]; mientras que métodos como CSP, CCS, Statecharts, lógica temporal y autómatas se centran en la especificación de los comportamientos del sistema en términos de secuencias, árboles u órdenes parciales de eventos [9]. El uso de lenguajes formales como Z y B puede mejorar la confianza del usuario en el sistema y los impactos se esta última en su uso [48]. ...
... Con el uso de este lenguaje se descubren errores en la especificación y en las fases de pruebas y mantenimiento. Esto es conveniente porque, con la ingeniería tradicional, corregir errores en etapas posteriores incrementa los costos [48]; además, Z es una manera de descomponer una especificación en pequeñas partes, llamadas esquemas. Por su parte, B es uno de los métodos formales más conocidos. ...
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Requirements Engineering is considered the most important phase of the life cycle of software products because it specifies the needs of the customers, and it is also the basis for the execution of the other phases of software engineering. The models currently used to perform the requirements elicitation have been proposed and widely documented, but they are focused only on the techniques to collect information, disregarding the activity of properly documenting this information. Moreover, to structure the requirements specification, natural language continues to be used as a means of communication and understanding with the customer. Due to the ambiguities caused by this language, its interpretation becomes difficult, and this leads to reprocesses in the later stages of the software life cycle. According to the above, it is necessary for software development organizations to consider formalizing the process of requirements elicitation if they wish to make their development process more efficient. A literature review is carried out in this paper to determine the process and evolution of the formal methods from the requirements engineering perspective.
... Some formal languages, such as Z, B and VDM, is focus in specified the behaved of sequential systems, where the states are described in mathematical structures, such as sets, relations and functions [25]; while methods like CSP, CCS, Statecharts, Temporal Logic, and Automatons, is focus in the specification of the system behave in terms of sequences, trees or partial orders of events [37]. The use of formal languages like Z and B can improve the trust of the user in the system and its impacts on the use itself [38]. Tamrakar and Sharma [39] affirm that Z, B and VDM are languages of formal specification use to specify the necessities of the users in a mathematical language, which product can be tested and verified automatically. ...
... Through the use of this language, not just is found more errors in the specification but also in the test and maintenance stages. This is convenient because, with traditional engineering, the cost of correct errors in posterior stages in higher than in the first ones [38]; besides, Z is a way to decompose a specification in small parts call schemes. By its part, B is one formal method more known. ...
... Specification errors can be reduced drastically through the use of formal methods and, in consequence, the software engineer can create a specification more complete, coherent and unequivocal with conventional methods [20,38]. For they part, Bollin and Rauner [35] manifest that a good formal specification is syntactically and semantically correct, that allows a mapping without losses among all the specification concepts and the mental model of the specified system; also add that must be complete, coherent and proper and have into account that facility comprehension is an essential requirement to decide about its semantic correction. ...
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Since the middle of the last century was initiated the research in formal methods and was presented proposals and methodologies to apply them in software development. The idea was overcome the diagnosed software crisis through the materialization of the life cycle of this product development. In this article is presented the results of a revision of the literature, about progress and develop the requirement formalization. The conclusion is that both are slow: there is not enough interest in the industry, the academy does not train in formal methods, and there is no sponsorship for this research field, professionals fear mathematics and traditional methodologies of software engineering are still the most used in development teams. Due to the quality efficiency, software security and reliability, it is necessary to reactivate the research and experimentation with all the formal methods, because the hope is that mathematics will be the toll with which the crisis promulgated in the 60s is overcome. Keywords: Formal methods, requirement engineering, software quality, formal language.
... Restricted permissions inherit General permissions). Azeem et al. [27] present a specification of an e-Health system in Z. The system deals with the scheduling of GPs and patients. ...
My Health Record system is the Australian Government's digital health record system that holds My Health Record. My Health Record is a secure online health record containing consumers' health information. The system aims to provide health care professionals with access to key health information, e.g. listing medicines, allergies and key diagnoses; radiology and pathology test results. The system (previously named Personally Controlled Electronic Health Record) enables consumers to decide how to share information with any of their health care providers who are registered and connected to the system. The My Health Record system operates under the Australian legislative framework My Health Records Act 2012. The Act establishes, inter alia, a privacy framework specifying which entities can collect, use and disclose certain information in the system and the penalties that can be imposed on improper collection, use and disclosure of this information. This paper presents the formal specification (from the legislation) and verification of the My Health Record regarding how consumers can control who access the information, and how the system adheres to such access. We rely on the correct-by-construction Event-B method to prove control and access properties of the system.
... On that point are various formal languages like VDM, B-Methods, Larch and Z notation are used for formal specification. Z notation is a good example based on formal specification language which uses the set theory for determining the behavior of sequential systems [11]. The literature indicates that the most well-known issue for UML is lack of obvious semantics, various interpretation of the diagram and inconsistency among diagrams. ...
... However, in their study have been used UML class diagram. Researchers presented in [8,11,12] formal specifications by using UML use case diagram and Z schemas to improve software correctness, reliability, and efficiency. As it used to reduce time and cost at an initial stage. ...
... However, in [8] have been used Z/EVEs tool to verify Z schemas. While, in both of the studies [11,12] no tool used to verify Z schemas. The comparative study of related works focused on a number of formal specification approaches to improve the systems development as reviewed in Table 1. ...
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Unified Modeling Language (UML) is the effective standard for modeling object-oriented software systems. However, the ambiguity of semantics and the absence of consistency among UML diagrams lead to lack of precisely defining the requirements of a system. On the other hand, formal methods are techniques and tools use the mathematical notations, and they involve the precise syntax and semantics of the unambiguous software requirements specification. It applied in early stages of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC). Therefore, an integrated between UML specification and formal specification is required to reduce the requirements' ambiguity and error, and to improve the quality and security of software systems. This paper proposes an approach involves the combining UML use-case diagram and activity diagrams with Z language for formalization of Library Management System (LMS). The focus of this paper is on consistency between the UML diagrams to Z Schema, and then verified by using the Z / EVEs tool.
... E-health systems are a recent classification of health-care systems supported by electronic processes and communication. Papers [123][124][125][126][127][128] model the system, while it is verified in [123,125,127,129,130] and validated in [123,131]. Furthermore, the certification criteria followed by EMR applications in category of patients' privacy protection are studied in papers [132,133]. ...
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The use of formal methods is often recommended to guarantee the provision of necessary services and to assess the correctness of critical properties, such as functional safety, cybersecurity, and reliability, in medical and health care devices. In the past, several formal and rigorous methods have been proposed and consequently applied for trustworthy development of medical software and systems. In this paper, we perform a systematic literature review on the available state of the art in this domain. We collect the relevant literature on the use of formal methods for modeling, design, development, verification, and validation of software-intensive medical systems. We apply standard systematic literature review techniques and run several queries in well-known repositories to obtain information that can be useful for people who are either already working in this field or planning to start. Our study covers both quantitative and qualitative aspects of the subject.
... In [17], authors adopt a first-order theorem proving method (Event-B) to model wireless body sensor network (WBSN) and verify security requirements of privacy at different level of abstraction for WBSN. In [18], the proposed system presents some cases of specifications for an e-Health system using Z to remove those errors which remain during the early phase of requirements collection. The developed system in [19] presents testing and verification of healthcare system by simulation based methods, formal methods and semi-formal methods which identify several open issues and challenges in healthcare environment. ...
... The information which is stored and kept in the system must also be accurate. We are following the model of e-Health system proposed by Waqar et al. in their paper [1]. They have specified the requirements of e-Health system using Z specification language. ...
... On the other hand, Z specification language is near to mathematics as compare to VDM-SL. (ii) we have noted, there were many errors in the specification of e-Health system proposed by waqar et al. [1] written in Z specification language. The requirements were not specified correctly in their paper. ...
... There are many benefits of an e-Health system. The manipulation of digital data like sorting, retrieval, electronic storage, electronic digital transmission and many other manipulations can be achieved by e-Health system [1]. Quality of service is very important consideration in implementation of e-Health services [5]. ...
Conference Paper
The Field of Formal Methods (FM) is a growing field that uses mathematical notations for making accurate and unambiguous specifications, so that in the early phases of software development discrepancies and errors are identified. By using the popular kind of formal methods i.e. VDM, the quality of design, system specification and verification of software can be improved effectively. In this paper, formal specification of an e-Health system is described by using VDM-SL. VDM-SL is a popular formal method used for the specification of software and hardware systems. Formal methods are not only applicable for creating and verifying specifications of mission critical systems, but also for the business and commercial systems, we can use formal methods. This paper is a motivation to use formal methods for creating specifications, validating and verifying specifications of software systems. In this way, development time, testing and maintenance cost in building software is greatly reduced.