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Categories of Asthma Prevalence in California Overall and for Medi-Cal Beneficiaries, 2015

Categories of Asthma Prevalence in California Overall and for Medi-Cal Beneficiaries, 2015

Source publication
Technical Report
Full-text available
Non-partisan analysis of the medical effectiveness, cost and utilization, and public health impacts of proposed health insurance coverage of California Assembly Bill 391 Medi-Cal: Asthma Preventive Services.

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... a person's asthma status and symptom severity may change over time, asthma prevalence is commonly presented as a series of cascading measures ( Figure 1). A person has lifetime asthma if they have ever received a diagnosis of asthma from a health care provider, whereas a person with current asthma has received a diagnosis and reports still having asthma or asthma symptoms in the past year. ...
Context 2
... to the 2015 California Health Interview Survey (CHIS) -the most recent year for which data were available -an estimated 5.7 million Californians (15.2%) have a lifetime asthma diagnosis, and over half (3.3 million) had current asthma symptoms, accounting for a statewide current asthma prevalence of 8.7% (CHIS, 2015). In comparison (Figure 1), an estimated 2 million Medi-Cal enrollees (17.1%) had a lifetime asthma diagnosis in 2015, and 11.1% (almost two thirds of those with a prior diagnosis) reported having current asthma. The prevalence of asthma in California increased between 1980 and 2000, but has not changed significantly since 2001 (Milet, 2017). ...
Context 3
... described in Figure 1, 12% (417,000) of the estimated 3.3 million current asthmatics in California reported an asthma-related emergency room or urgent care visit in 2015. Comparatively, among the almost 1.3 million Medi-Cal enrollees with current asthma, 20.6% (267,000) reported an emergency room or urgent care visit for asthma. ...
Context 4
... among the almost 1.3 million Medi-Cal enrollees with current asthma, 20.6% (267,000) reported an emergency room or urgent care visit for asthma. Although Medi-Cal enrollees represent only about a third of the population with current asthma in California (Figure 1), they account for almost 65% of the burden of poorly controlled asthma. ...

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