Figure - uploaded by Nawfel Mellas
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CT-scan-guided TCB slide of a pancreatic mass in a 56 year-old man: cytomorphological features at higher magnification view: small, round tumor cells with scanty cytoplasm, which showed extensive nuclear molding. The nuclei of the tumor cells were round to oval and had salt and pepper type chromatin pattern.

CT-scan-guided TCB slide of a pancreatic mass in a 56 year-old man: cytomorphological features at higher magnification view: small, round tumor cells with scanty cytoplasm, which showed extensive nuclear molding. The nuclei of the tumor cells were round to oval and had salt and pepper type chromatin pattern.

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Unlike primary pancreatic carcinoma, metastatic lesions of the pancreas are uncommon and account for approximately 2% of pancreatic malignancies. Small-cell lung carcinoma (SCLC) represents a group of highly malignant tumors giving rise to early and widespread metastasis at the time of diagnosis. However, the pancreas is a relatively infrequent sit...

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... slides were highly cellular and contained small, round tumor cells with scanty cytoplasm, which showed extensive nuclear molding. The nuclei of the tumor cells were round to oval and had salt-and- pepper-type chromatin ( Figure 5). There was an occasional microacinar formation. ...


... Pancreatic metastasis from lung is very rare, and in our case, the patient's previous clinical history provided important information leading to definite diagnosis. In addition, an immunohistochemical stain can be applied in difficult cases to distinguish the tumor origin when the clinical history is not available [4]. Albeit rare, pathologists and clinicians should be aware of the possible metastatic lesion in pancreas and a thorough clinical and pathological history review can avoid misdiagnosis. ...
Lung non-small cell carcinoma is one of the most common cancers in the world. Pancreas metastasis from lung cancer is very rare. Endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine needle aspiration biopsy (EUS-FNAB) is a useful method to improve the diagnosis of pancreatic tumors and to guide the treatment plan. However, the limited amount of specimen obtained from EUS-FNAB may be a pitfall. Here we present a case of pancreatic metastasis from lung non-small cell carcinoma initially mimicking primary pancreatic adenocarcinoma.
... The most common subtype of metastatic lung cancer to the pancreas is SCLC, followed by large cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and adenocarcinoma [5,6]. The incidence of metastasis to pancreas was reported to be 24-40% in patients with SCLC as revealed by postmortem studies [3,4]. ...
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Although involvement of pancreas is a common finding in small cell lung cancer (SCLC), metastasis-induced acute pancreatitis (MIAP) is very rare. A 50-year-old female with SCLC who had limited disease and achieved full response after treatment presented with acute pancreatitis during her follow-up. The radiologic studies revealed a small area causing obliteration of the pancreatic duct without mass in the pancreatic neck, and endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration (EUS-FNA) confirmed the metastasis of SCLC. The patient was treated successfully with systemic chemotherapy and radiotherapy delivered to pancreatic field. In SCLC, cases of MIAP can be encountered with conventional computed tomography with no mass image, and positron emission tomography and EUS-FNA can be useful for diagnosis of such cases. Aggressive systemic and local treatment can prolong survival, especially in patients with good performance status.